Average in file - python

I have this code
def PromNotas():
archivo = open ("archivo.csv","r")
archivo2 = open ("archivo2.csv","w")
for reg in archivo:
reg = reg.strip("\n")
datos = reg.split(",")
prom = (datos[1] + datos[2])/2
reg2 = datos[0] + "," + datos[1] + "," + datos[2] + "," + str(prom)
if prom >= 7:
reg2 = reg2 + "," + "Aprobado\n"
reg2 = reg2 + "," + "Desprobado\n"
The csv file looks like this:
All the code works but the line of prom = (datos[1] + datos[2])/2 it says that the list index is out of range. Does anyone know something.

Given the script and the input csv file the program runs correctly for me.
The only thing that I changed is casting the numbers to integers prom = (int(datos[1]) + int(datos[2]))/2
Make sure that you are using the correct input file and check that there aren't any empty lines or lines with less than 2 arguments on them.(2 commas)

Catch the error and print datos and reg in the except suite. Are they what you expected? Are there any blank lines in your file? Do all lines in the file have three columns.?
datos = reg.split(",")
prom = (datos[1] + datos[2])/2
except IndexError as e:
print('datos:{} | reg:{}'.format(datos, reg))
reg2 = datos[0] + "," + datos[1] + "," + datos[2] + "," + str(prom)
Or, if you don't mind a lot of stuff printing, just print reg and datos just before the assignment to prom. Then the last print before the exception should give you a clue to what is wrong.
datos = reg.split(",")
print('datos:{} | reg:{}'.format(datos, reg))
prom = (datos[1] + datos[2])/2
When you split reg it must produce a list with less than three items so the file either has blank lines or lines with less than two columns.


File not being created/written in

This is my code:
org = "na"
OutputFile = open("F&FHOutput.txt", "a")
#Part 1
with open("input.txt") as file:
for line in file:
string,letter = line.strip().split(",")
print(string + "," + letter + "," + string.replace(letter, ""))
OutputFile.write(string + "," + letter + "," + string.replace(letter, ""))
#Part 2
def remove_strings_recursive(lines):
if not lines:
return ""
word,letter = lines[0].rstrip().split(',')
org = word
word = word.replace(letter, '')
print(org + "," + letter + "," + word)
OutputFile.write(org + "," + letter + "," + word)
return word + '\n' + remove_strings_recursive(lines[1:])
with open('input.txt', 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
result = remove_strings_recursive(lines)
I am trying to have it take the same things that are being printed and put them into a new file that the program creates if the file doesn't exist. Every time I run the code, everything works fine but the output file is nowhere to be found. Could someone please help? (Sorry about the messy code)
Your file name has a special character (&), which can cause problems. Try changing the file name to a more standard one.

Adding the values of two strings using Python and XML path

It generates an output with wallTime and setupwalltime into a dat file, which has the following format:
24000 4 0
81000 17 0
192000 59 0
648000 250 0
1536000 807 0
3000000 2144 0
6591000 5699 0
I would like to know how to add the two values i.e.(wallTime and setupwalltime) together. Can someone give me a hint? I tried converting to float, but it doesn’t seem to work.
import libxml2
import os.path
from numpy import *
from cfs_utils import *
solver=["BiCGSTABL_iluk", "BiCGSTABL_saamg", "BiCGSTABL_ssor" , "CG_iluk", "CG_saamg", "CG_ssor" ]# ,"cholmod", "ilu" ]
file_list=["eval_BiCGSTABL_iluk_default", "eval_BiCGSTABL_saamg_default" , "eval_BiCGSTABL_ssor_default" , "eval_CG_iluk_default","eval_CG_saamg_default", "eval_CG_ssor_default" ] # "simp_cholmod_solver_3D_evaluate", "simp_ilu_solver_3D_evaluate" ]
for cnt_np in np:
for sol in solver:
#open write_file= "Graphs/" + "Np"+ cnt_np + "/CG_iluk.dat"
write_file = open("Graphs/"+ "Np"+ str(cnt_np) + "/" + sol + ".dat", "w")
print("Reading " + "Graphs/"+ "Np"+ str(cnt_np) + "/" + sol + ".dat"+ "\n")
#loop through different unknowns
for cnt_n in n:
#open file "cfs_calculations_" + cnt_n +"np"+ cnt_np+ "/" + file_list(i) + "_default.info.xml"
read_file = "cfs_calculations_" +str(cnt_n) +"np"+ str(cnt_np) + "/" + file_list[i] + ".info.xml"
print("File list" + file_list[i] + "vlaue of i " + str(i) + "\n")
print("Reading " + " cfs_calculations_" +str(cnt_n) +"np"+ str(cnt_np) + "/" + file_list[i] + ".info.xml" )
#read wall and cpu time and write
if os.path.exists(read_file):
doc = libxml2.parseFile(read_file)
xml = doc.xpathNewContext()
walltime = xpath(xml, "//cfsInfo/sequenceStep/OLAS/mechanic/solver/summary/solve/timer/#wall")
setupwalltime = xpath(xml, "//cfsInfo/sequenceStep/OLAS/mechanic/solver/summary/setup/timer/#wall")
# cputime = xpath(xml, "//cfsInfo/sequenceStep/OLAS/mechanic/solver/summary/solve/timer/#cpu")
# setupcputime = xpath(xml, "//cfsInfo/sequenceStep/OLAS/mechanic/solver/summary/solve/timer/#cpu")
unknowns = 3*cnt_n*cnt_n*cnt_n
write_file.write(str(unknowns) + "\t" + walltime + "\t" + setupwalltime + "\n")
print("Writing_point" + str(unknowns) + "%f" ,float(setupwalltime ) )
In java you can add strings and floats. What I understand is that you need to add the values and then display them. That would work (stringing the sum)
write_file.write(str(unknowns) + "\f" + str(float(walltime) + float(setupwalltime)) + "\n")
You are trying to add a str to a float. That doesn't work. If you want to use string concatenation, first coerce all of the values to str. Try this:
write_file.write(str(unknowns) + "\t" + str(float(walltime) + float(setupwalltime)) + "\n")
Or, perhaps more readably:
totalwalltime = float(walltime) + float(setupwalltime)
write_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format(unknowns, totalwalltime))

Python's csv reader keep reading the same file

i'm having a problem with the python's csv reader. The problem is that i want to open and read different csv files, but he keeps on reading always the same one.
from csv import reader
alphabet = ["a", "b", "c"]
for letter in alphabet:
csv_file = open('/home/desktop/csv/' + letter + '.csv', 'r')
csv_data = reader(csv_file)
The problem is that he seems to open the other files, but he keep on reading always the first file.
Is there a way to "clean" the reader or make him read another file? I even tried to close the csv file, but it didn't work.
The full code is this
from csv import reader
orario_csv_file = '/home/andrea/Scrivania/orario.csv'
orario_csv = open(orario_csv_file)
orario_data = reader(orario_csv)
orario = []
giorni = ["Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Gio", "Ven"]
for row in orario_data:
for corso in corsi:
nome_corso_file = '/home/andrea/Scrivania/xml/' + corso + '.xml'
nome_corso_xml = open(nome_corso_file, 'wt')
nome_corso_xml.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write('<orario>' + "\n")
nome_csv = corso + '_csv'
nome_csv = '/home/andrea/Scrivania/csv/' + corso + '.csv'
nome_corso_csv = open(nome_csv, 'rt')
corso_data = reader(nome_corso_csv)
nome_corso_xml.write(' <corso name="' + corso + '">' + "\n")
for a in range(0, 3):
nome_corso_xml.write(' <anno num="' + str(a+1) + '">' + "\n")
for j in range(1, 6):
nome_corso_xml.write(' <giorno name="' + orario[2][j] + '">' + "\n")
for i in range(3, 12):
lez = orario[i + a*12][j]
if lez == "":
nome_corso_xml.write(' <lezione>' + "-" + '</lezione>' + "\n")
for riga in corso_data:
if riga[0] == lez:
if riga[2] == "":
nome_corso_xml.write(' <lezione name="' + lez + '">' + riga[1] + '</lezione>' + "\n")
for g in range(0, len(riga)):
if riga[g].lower() == orario[2][j].lower():
nome_corso_xml.write(' <lezione name="' + lez + '">' + riga[g+1] + '</lezione>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write(' </giorno>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write(' </anno>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write(' </corso>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write('</orario>' + "\n")
He open the "EDILIZIA.csv" and compile the "EDILIZIA.xml", then he should open the "EDILE-ARCHIT.csv" and compile its xml, but when he read, he keeps on reading from "EDILIZIA.csv"
Here's the .csv files that you need.
If you try to make it read first EDILIZIA.csv and then EDILE-ARCHIT.csv he'll keep on using always the EDILIZIA.csv to compile the xml, but he should firt open EDILIZIA.csv, compile the EDILIZIA.xml, then read the EDILE-ARCHIT.csv and compile the EDILE-ARCHIT.xml.
If you take a look at the final xmls, you'll see that the EDILE-ARCHIT.xml will only display the common subjects of EDILIZIA.csv and EDILE-ARCHIT.csv
It took a long time to figure out what you are doing here. To tell the truth your code is a mess - there are many unused variables and lines that make no sense at all. Anyway, your code reads the appropriate csv file each time, thus the error is not where you thought it was.
If I am right, orario.csv contains the timetable of each course (stored in corsi list) for three semesters or years, and the corso.csv files contain the room where subjects are held. So you want to merge the information into an XML file.
You only forgot one thing: to proceed in orario.csv. Your code wants to merge the very first three anno with the current corso. To fix it, you have to make two changes.
First in this for loop header:
for corso in corsi:
Modify to:
for num, corso in enumerate(corsi):
And when you assign lez:
lez = orario[i + a*12][j]
Modify to:
lez = orario[i + a*12*(num+1)][j]
Now it should work.
This code produces exactly the same result, but it uses Python's XML module to build the output file:
from csv import reader
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom as DOM
with open('orario.csv', 'r') as orario_csv:
orario = reader(orario_csv)
orario_data = [ row for row in orario ]
for num, corso in enumerate(corsi):
with open(corso + '.csv', 'r') as corso_csv:
corso_raw = reader(corso_csv)
corso_data = [ row for row in corso_raw ]
root_elem = ET.Element('orario')
corso_elem = ET.SubElement(root_elem, 'corso')
corso_elem.set('name', corso)
for anno in range(0, 3):
anno_elem = ET.SubElement(corso_elem, 'anno')
anno_elem.set('num', str(anno + 1))
for giorno in range(1, 6):
giorno_elem = ET.SubElement(anno_elem, 'giorno')
giorno_elem.set('name', orario_data[2][giorno])
for lezione in range(3, 12):
lez = orario_data[lezione + anno * 12 * (num + 1)][giorno]
if lez == '':
lezione_elem = ET.SubElement(giorno_elem, 'lezione')
lezione_elem.text = '-'
for riga in corso_data:
if riga[0] == lez:
if riga[2] == '':
lezione_elem = ET.SubElement(giorno_elem, 'lezione')
lezione_elem.set('name', lez)
lezione_elem.text = riga[1]
for g in range(0, len(riga)):
if riga[g].lower() == orario_data[2][giorno].lower():
lezione_elem = ET.SubElement(giorno_elem, 'lezione')
lezione_elem.set('name', lez)
lezione_elem.text = riga[g + 1]
with open(corso + '_new.xml', 'w') as corso_xml:
xml_data = DOM.parseString(ET.tostring(root_elem, method = 'xml')).toprettyxml(indent = ' ')
I think I may have spotted the cause of your problem.
The second item in your corsi list ends with a full stop. This means that you will be looking for the file "EDILE-ARCHIT..csv", which is almost does not exist. When you try and open the file, the open() call will throw an exception, and your program will terminate.
Try removing the trailing full stop, and running it again.

Add a column in the middle of a row from a .csv file with python

Hello I have a python script which changes a timestamp column in a .csv file from dot notation to "date time TSQL" notation:
One row looks like this before executing the code:
after executing the code it looks like this:
send,2007-10-04 10:11:11.669,Server,Data,Client,TYPE=STP,Length=329,Cnt=11
I want to append the same time in the new format after the first time column, that it looks like this:
send,2007-10-04 10:11:11.669,2007-10-04 10:11:11.669,Server,Data,Client,TYPE=STP,Length=329,Cnt=11
Here is the Script:
import csv
cr = csv.reader(open("ActualTrace_01 - short2Times.csv", "rb"))
output = csv.writer(open("GermanygoalInputFormatActualTrace_01 - short.csv", "wb"))
for row in cr:
dateTimeContentsSend = row[1].split(".")
finishSend = dateTimeContentsSend[0] + "-" + dateTimeContentsSend[1] + "-" + dateTimeContentsSend[2] + " " + dateTimeContentsSend[3] + ":"
finishSend+= dateTimeContentsSend[4] + ":" + dateTimeContentsSend[5] + "." + dateTimeContentsSend[6]
row[1] = finishSend
All Threads here were not useful and if you just say row[1] = finishSend + "," + finishSend
it makes it in row[1] with quotes like this
send,"2007-10-04 10:11:11.669,2007-10-04 10:11:11.684",Server,Data,Client,TYPE=STP,Length=329,Cnt=11
Are you after (just after row[1] = finishSend)?
row.insert(2, row[1])

Python syntaxerror: unexpected character after line continuation character

I'm just starting python so am most likely just doing something stupid. I'm reading data off of a table and need to put them into columns in a txt file. I cannot convince my code to create a new line.
Here is my code-
file = open("test_m.rdb")
table = open('table.txt', 'w+')
trash = file.readline()
trash = file.readline()
data = file.readline()
i = data.split()
flux = i[2]
observed = i[4]
table.write(flux + " " + observed,)
while 1:
line = file.readline()
i = line.split()
flux = i[2]
observed = i[4]
except IndexError:
table.write(\nflux + " " + observed)
And the error reads-
File "PlotRdbFile.py", line 24
table.write(\nflux + " " + observed)
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
Thank you in advance for finding my mistake.
table.write(\nflux + " " + observed)
should be
table.write("\n" + flux + " " + observed)
or alternatively
table.write("\n{} {}".format(flux, observed))
More information about format() if you are curious.
