Django converts the date time (I use to store in database) to local time in templates fine. What I need help on is when it is written to a cell in openpyxl.
Right now, I simply assign the attribute of the query to the cell.
query = SomeModel.objects.latest()
date_recorded = query.date_recorded
In templates, date_recorded is already converted to local time. No problem there.
ws.cell(row=rows, column=cols).value = date_recorded
The above code results to UTC. Please help me convert it to local time. Thank you.
I am using pytz python package.
import pytz
# UTC to IST
time_zone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata') # set timezone here
date_recorded = time_zone.localize(query.date_recorded)
I am adding timestamp in my payload and storing it in the database for every record.
Suppose say a part of my payload is {"content":[{"timestamp":"2017-12-12 08:05:30"}]
This is how I process it.
content['timestamp'] = parser.parse(content['timestamp'],dayfirst=True)
My model has timestamp field as :
timestamp = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
When I check in my database it stores timestamp field as :
2017-12-12 13:35:30
Which should be stored as it is as per my requirement. 2017-12-12 08:05:30
i.e it stores the timestamp field + my local timezone(+5:30) hours.
I want it to store the timestamp field as it is.
I tried other posts where they suggest using del os.environ['TZ'].
Any idea what I may have done which causes this or what could I do to avoid this.
Any help is appreciated.
So according to this Question the problem is when django converts datetime to postgres timestamptz in the database.
Postgres prevent timestamp with timezone conversion
So I need to have timestamp field in PostgreSQL
In order to do that , I need to use the answer posted in this question.
Can we have django DatetimeField without timezone?
Where I need to specify USE_TZ = False in the settings.
This makes sure while migrating PostgreSQL considers datetimefield to be converted to timestamp and not timestamptz .
You can set a timezone in
Here is the list of valid timezones:
You can use
TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Calcutta'
for UTC+05:30
Reference from Selcuk Answer
I am trying to display set time of Postgres database time to datetime field into Odoo.
I am creating field is that to set the time.
last_modify_article = fields.Datetime("Last Modify Date")
But my DateTime :~ 2017-08-28T08:43:56+0200 is perfectly stored in Postgres database but in Odoo saw in different.
So, my question is that how can I manage the database date-time in the field.
Here is the Postgres Time
Here is Odoo field to set datetime in UTC
Actually the database stores the Datetime field according to the system timezone. In Odoo, views which will be automatically converted according to the user's timezone if it is set.
On your images, I can see the time difference id +5:30 ie, Asia/Kolakata timezone. So your custom operations on Datetime field need the proper conversion of Timezone according to the user.
Odoo views and ORM methods are treated the tz with moment.js and the pytz conversions. This is actually a good feature to manage different timezones in Odoo.
You can use astimezone on Datetime objects:
def astimezone(self, tz): # known case of datetime.datetime.astimezone
""" tz -> convert to local time in new timezone tz """
return datetime(1, 1, 1)
fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self, datetime.strptime(value, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT))
Odoo is designed to have the date and time stored as UTC in the database and convert it to the user's timezone on the front-end.
What time zone is set for your user? You can click your name in the top right, then Preferences. Time zone should be shown on the popup form.
You can use pytz library to convert datetime based on user's timezone. See the code sample.
import pytz
import datetime
def current_user_datetime(self):
currenttimezone = pytz.timezone(self.env.context.get('tz'))
user_datetime =
self.timefield = user_datetime
I have noticed that when I return records from my SQL database using the following: the_records = records.objects.filter(datetime__contains="2015-01-15"), I get back the wrong records because the timezone is affecting the function call somehow - I know this because if I temporarily disable the timezone, the right records are returned. Can anyone offer assistance on what I should do to fix this problem (I still need to use the timezone).
Regards, Mark
I'm assuming that datetime is a Django DateTime field, and you're trying to get the results that have a value that matches the date '2015-01-15', ignoring the actual time.
In that case, you probably want to do a date query, like: Records.objects.filter(, 1, 15))
If you need to query your db with a timezone specific date, you can just create a datetime object that is aware of it's timezone.
# Get your timezone
from django.utils import timezone
my_timezone = timezone.get_current_timezone()
# Get create your timezone aware datetime object
from datetime import datetime
query_date = datetime(2015,01,15).replace(tzinfo=my_timezone)
# now you can run your query with a timezone specific datetime object
the_records = records.objects.filter(datetime=query_date)
This should solve your issue and get you the accurate results you need.
Please let me know if you still have any questions.
This link has more info related to django timezones if you are interested in learning more.
I'm trying to figure out what's going on with a timezone conversion that's happening in Django.
My view code is as below, it filters on a date range and groups on the day of creation:
def stats_ad(request):
start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(request.GET.get('start'), '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(request.GET.get('end'), '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
fads = Ad.objects.filter(created__range=[start_date, end_date]).extra(select={'created_date': 'created::date'}).values('created_date').annotate(total=Count('id')).order_by("created_date")
The SQL query that is produced by django when I set the get variable of start to "01/05/2013 00:00:00" and the request end variable to "11/05/2013 23:59:00":
SELECT (created::date) AS "created_date", COUNT("ads_ad"."id") AS "total" FROM "ads_ad" WHERE "ads_ad"."created" BETWEEN E'2013-05-01 00:00:00+10:00' and E'2013-05-11 23:59:59+10:00' GROUP BY created::date, (created::date) ORDER BY "created_date" ASC
If I manually run that on my Postgresql database, it's all good, finds the following:
created_date total
2013-05-10 22
2013-05-11 1
However If I do the following:
for a in fads:
recent_ads.append({"dates": a['created_date'].strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), 'ads': a['total']})
It gives me the following output:
[{"dates": "09/05/2013", "ads": 1}, {"dates": "10/05/2013", "ads": 22}]
I'm at a loss at why it's changed the dates?
Anyone got any ideas?
Just a through on this. As of Django 1.4, Django now supports timezone aware dates and times. Perhaps it's possible that a conversion between your local timezone and the timezone that the data is stored in (possibly GMT) is taking place at some point. Perhaps that difference crosses the international date line, in which case the dates may show up differently.
Django has an interesting section describing the new timezone support feature.
That's what came to mind, anyway, when you described your problem. Hope this helps.
Python datetime from the standard python library is a mess.
Probably you are creating naive datetime instances (instances that lack timezone information).
# naive
now =
# TZ aware
from django.utils.timezone import utc
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)
In recent Django, datetime storage is always offset-aware, so you better convert naive datetimes - otherwise an automatic (and sometimes wrong) conversion will take place.
Take a look at the docs about Django Time Zones.
In OpenERP, when I try to print the current date and time, it always print the 'UTC' time. But I want to get time in the user timezone . Each user have different timezone.For example 'CST6CDT', 'US/Pacific' or 'Asia/Calcutta'. So I need to get time in user timezone so that I can show the correct datetime in the report. I have tried to change the timezone using localize() and replace() function in datatime module. But I didn't get the correct output.
Got it.
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# Current time in UTC
now_utc ='UTC'))
print now_utc.strftime(fmt)
# Convert to US/Pacific time zone
now_pacific = now_utc.astimezone(timezone('US/Pacific'))
print now_pacific.strftime(fmt)
# Convert to Europe/Berlin time zone
now_berlin = now_pacific.astimezone(timezone('Europe/Berlin'))
print now_berlin.strftime(fmt)
As of OpenERP 6.1 the timezone of all Python operations happening on the server-side (and in modules) is forced to be UTC. This was a design decision explained in various places [1]. The rendering of datetime values in the user's timezone is meant to be done on the client-side exclusively.
There are very few cases where it makes sense to use the user's timezone instead of UTC on the server-side, but indeed printing datetime values inside reports is one of them, because the client-side will have no chance to convert the contents of the resulting report.
That's why the report engine provides a utility method for doing so: the formatLang() method that is provided in the context of reports (RML-based ones at least) will format the date according to the timezone of the user if you call it with a datetime value and with date_time=True (it uses the tz context variable passed in RPC calls and based on the user's timezone preferences)
You can find example of how this is used in the official addons, for example in the delivery module (l.171).
Have a look at the implementation of formatLang() if you want to know how it actually does the conversion.
[1]: See the OpenERP 6.1 release notes, this other question, as well as comment #4 on bug 918257 or bug 925361.
DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
import pytz
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
# get user's timezone
user_pool = self.pool.get('res.users')
user = user_pool.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid)
tz = pytz.timezone(user.context_tz) or pytz.utc
# get localized dates
localized_datetime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(utc_datetime,DATETIME_FORMAT)).astimezone(tz)
DateInUTC = <~ Time variable to convert
To convert to user's timezone:
LocalizedDate = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, DateInUTC, context=context)
To remove the offset:
LocalizedDate = LocalizedDate.replace(tzinfo=None)