I am new in python and trying to make a program for converting a given string into a secret code. The string entered by user in the text box is taken as input and converted in secret code (using the encryption module). How do I display the result in the window (I tried using the label but it shows an error.)
from tkinter import *
import encryption as En # Loading Custom libraries
import decryption as De
out_text = None # Out text is the output text of message or the encryption
root = None
font_L1 = ('Verdana', 18, 'bold') # The font of the header label
button1_font = ("Ms sans serif", 8, 'bold')
button2_font = ("Ms sans serif", 8, 'bold')
font_inst = ("Aerial", 8)
my_text = None
input_text = None
text_box = None
resut_l = None
result_2 = None
def b1_action(): # Encryption button
input_text = text_box.get()
if input_text == "":
print("Text field empty")
En.enc_text(input_text) # Message is returned as 'code'
def b2_action():
input_text = text_box.get()
if input_text == "":
print("Text field Empty")
def enc_button(): # Button for rendering encryption
b1 = Button(root, text = "ENCRYPT", font = button1_font, command = b1_action)
b1.configure(bg = 'palegreen3', width = '10', height = '3')
b1.place(x = '120', y = '130')
def dec_button(): # Button for decryption
b2 = Button(root, text = "DECRYPT", font = button2_font, command = b2_action)
b2.configure(bg = 'palegreen3', width = '10', height = '3')
b2.place(x = '340', y = '130')
def main(): #This is the core of GUI
global root
global text_box
root = Tk()
root.configure(bg = "MediumPurple1")
win_text = Label(root, text = 'Enter text below and Choose an action:', bg = 'MediumPurple1', font = font_L1)
win_text.place(x = '10', y = '50')
text_box = Entry(root, text = 'Enter the Text', width = 60, bg = 'light blue')
text_box.place(x = '100', y = '100')
inst_text = Label(root, text = instructions, bg = "MediumPurple1", font = font_inst)
inst_text.pack(side = BOTTOM)
root.title('Secret Message.')
And here is the encryption module
def enc_text(line):
msg = str(line).replace(' ', '_').lower()
msg_list = list(msg)
all_char = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabc_!?#")
for i in range(0, len(msg)):
pos_replaced = all_char.index(str(msg_list[i])) #will give the positon of the word to be replaced in the main list of alphabets
msg_list.insert(i, all_char[pos_replaced + 3]) #will replace the elements one by one
msg_list.pop(i + 1)
i += 1
code = ''.join(msg_list).replace('#', ' ')
You can also suggest some improvisations.
Part of the problem is that Entry widgets don't have a text= configuration option, so it's completely ignored in the line:
text_box = Entry(root, text='Enter the Text', width=60, bg='light blue')
The best way to handle the character contents of an Entry is by using its textvariable= option and setting the value of it to be an instance of a tkinter.StringVar, then the getting and setting the value of that object will automatically update the Entry widget on the screen.
Below is your code with changes made to it to do this. Note I commented and changed a few unrelated things to be able to run the code, but tried to indicate the most important ones. Also note I added a return code statement at the very end of the enc_text() function in your custom encryption module.
from tkinter import *
import encryption as En # Loading Custom libraries
#import decryption as De # DON'T HAVE THIS.
out_text = None # Out text is the output text of message or the encryption
root = None
font_L1 = ('Verdana', 18, 'bold') # The font of the header label
button1_font = ("Ms sans serif", 8, 'bold')
button2_font = ("Ms sans serif", 8, 'bold')
font_inst = ("Aerial", 8)
my_text = None
input_text = None
text_var = None # ADDED.
text_box = None
resut_l = None
result_2 = None
# CHANGED TO USE NEW "text_var" variable.
def b1_action(): # Encryption button
input_text = text_var.get()
if input_text == "":
print("Text field empty")
def b2_action():
input_text = text_box.get()
if input_text == "":
print("Text field Empty")
def enc_button(): # Button for rendering encryption
b1 = Button(root, text="ENCRYPT", font=button1_font, command=b1_action)
b1.configure(bg='palegreen3', width='10', height='3')
b1.place(x='120', y='130')
def dec_button(): # Button for decryption
b2 = Button(root, text="DECRYPT", font=button2_font, command=b2_action)
b2.configure(bg='palegreen3', width='10', height='3')
b2.place(x='340', y='130')
def main(): #This is the core of GUI
global root
global text_box
global text_var # ADDED
root = Tk()
win_text = Label(root, text='Enter text below and Choose an action:',
bg='MediumPurple1', font=font_L1)
win_text.place(x='10', y='50')
text_var = StringVar() # ADDED
text_var.set('Enter the Text') # ADDED
# CHANGED text='Enter the Text' to textvariable=text_var
text_box = Entry(root, textvariable=text_var, width=60, bg='light blue')
text_box.place(x='100', y='100')
inst_text = Label(root, text="instructions", bg="MediumPurple1",
root.title('Secret Message.')
I am a beginner. Can I ask you some help?
How can I clear an entry in Python tkinter. I can't clear it.
I tried Parameters such as END and 'END' But I can't clear the entry when I Press a button
Can you answer as soon as possible thanks. I am working in a project now
This is my code:
from tkinter import *
class TkinScreen:
def main_screen_opening(self):
self.screen = Tk()
self.screen.geometry ('500x500')
self.screen.title ('Rwooggle Account')
my_heading1 = Label (text = 'Rwooggle.com', bg = 'blue', fg = 'yellow', font = ('Courier', 34, 'italic'), width = '500').pack()
my_heading = Label (text = 'Login', bg = 'blue', fg = 'black', font = ('Courier', 24, 'bold'), width = '500').pack()
def variables(self):
self.username_var = StringVar()
self.password_var = StringVar()
self.age_var = IntVar()
self.city_var = StringVar()
def labels_entries(self):
self.username_text = Label (text = 'Username*', font = ('Courier', 18)).pack()
self.username_entry = Entry (textvariable = self.username_var, width = '30').pack()
Label (text = "", width = '30').pack()
self.password_text = Label (text = 'Password*', font = ('Courier', 18)).pack()
self.password_entry = Entry (textvariable = self.password_var, width = '30').pack()
Label (text = "", width = '30').pack()
self.age_text = Label (text = 'Age', font = ('Courier', 18)).pack()
self.age_entry = Entry (textvariable = self.age_var, width = '30').pack()
Label (text = "", width = '30').pack()
self.city_text = Label (text = 'Country', font = ('Courier', 18)).pack()
self.city_entry = Entry (textvariable = self.city_var, width = '30').pack()
Label (text = "", width = '30').pack()
def button(self):
log_in_but = Button (text = 'Log In', font = ('Courier', 20), command = self.button_command).pack()
def button_command(self):
print ('User Sucessfully Logged In')
self.user_info = self.username_var.get()
self.pass_info = self.password_var.get()
self.pass_print = '*' * (len(self.pass_info))
self.age_info = self.age_var.get()
self.city_info = self.city_var.get().capitalize()
txt_info = f"""\
Username : {self.user_info}
Password : {self.pass_print}
Age : {self.age_info}
Country : {self.city_info}
print (txt_info)
self.username_entry.delete(0, 'end')
self.password_entry.delete(0, 'end')
self.age_entry.delete(0, 'end')
self.city_entry.delete(0, 'end')
def function(self):
tkint = TkinScreen ()
This is the error
User Sucessfully Logged In
Username : FFNNFD
Password : ******
Age : 12
Country : Eggreg
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Roger Geronimo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1883, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "C:\Users\Roger Geronimo\Documents\Programming\SublimeText3\baf.py", line 53, in button_command
self.username_entry.delete(0, 'end')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'delete'
I also tried the END Parameter
Thank you in advance
Just change
self.username_entry = Entry (textvariable = self.username_var, width = '30').pack()
self.username_entry = Entry (textvariable = self.username_var, width = '30')
I recommend to do this to all the entry boxes and then proceed as you normally do and it will solve the error :D
This is because self.username_entry = Entry (....).pack() returns None, ie, when you use self.username_entry.delete(0,'end') you are saying Entry (....).pack().delete(0,'end') which does not exist in the first place and since self.username_entry = Entry (....).pack() is None they give error, you received.
Extra tip:
I recommend using a master argument on your widgets, like, Entry(root) or when you work with more windows, itll cause havoc.
Instead of saying print ('User Sucessfully Logged In') you can use something like a messagebox with tkinter. Here is how
If you have any doubts, or errors, do let me know
Whatever entry you want to clear , use entry.set('') in a function which will be called when button is clicked
I'm wondering if I got my if else statement wrong or if its a tkinter issue. I want it so that if a 0 is left in any or all boxes, it gives an error message. But after the error message is closed, it opens a random blank window. This is my code. The specific area is the if else statement within the function valueget()
import tkinter as tk
def mainwindow():
mainwindow = tk.Tk()
mainwindow.title('Enter values')
tk.Label(mainwindow, text = 'Enter a', font = ('verdana'), bg='#aaf0d1').grid(row=0)
tk.Label(mainwindow, text = 'Enter b', font = ('verdana'), bg='#aaf0d1').grid(row=1)
tk.Label(mainwindow, text = 'Enter c', font = ('verdana'), bg='#aaf0d1').grid(row=2)
getA = tk.IntVar()
aBox = tk.Entry(mainwindow, textvariable = getA, width=3, bg='#aaf0d1')
aBox.grid(row=0, column=1)
getB = tk.IntVar()
bBox = tk.Entry(mainwindow, textvariable = getB, width=3, bg='#aaf0d1')
bBox.grid(row=1, column=1)
getC = tk.IntVar()
cBox = tk.Entry(mainwindow, textvariable = getC, width=3, bg='#aaf0d1')
cBox.grid(row=2, column=1)
button = tk.Button(mainwindow, text='Obtain roots', command = lambda: valueget(), font = ('verdana'), highlightbackground='#aaf0d1')
def valueget():
readA = getA.get()
readB = getB.get()
readC = getC.get()
intA = int(readA)
intB = int(readB)
intC = int(readC)
negroot = (readB**2)-(4*readA*readC)
quadformulaplus = (-readB + (pow(negroot,0.5)))/(2*readA) #quad forumla
quadformulaminus = (-readB - (pow(negroot,0.5)))/(2*readA) #quad forumla
messagewindow = tk.Tk()
messagewindow.title('Roots of the equation')
if readA == 0 or readB==0 or readC==0 or (readA==0 and readB==0 and readC==0):
errorwindow = tk.messagebox.showerror(message='none').pack()
label = tk.Label(messagewindow, text = f'The roots are {quadformulaplus:.1f} and {quadformulaminus:.1f}', bg='#aaf0d1', font = ('verdana'))
closebutton = tk.Button(messagewindow, text='Close', command = lambda: messagewindow.destroy(), font = ('verdana'), highlightbackground='#aaf0d1')
# print(f'the roots are {quadformulaplus:.1f} and {quadformulaminus:.1f}')
def startup():
startpage = tk.Tk()
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file = r"/Users/isa/Desktop/DiffEqns/cover.png") #image load
coverbutton = tk.Button(startpage, image = photo, command = lambda: [startpage.destroy(), mainwindow()])
Here's a basic idea of what I would do:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
def mainwindow(root):
# Creates a toplevel window
mainwindow = tk.Toplevel()
mainwindow.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", root.destroy) # This overrides the "X" being clicked to also destroy the root window.
root.withdraw() # "Hides" the root window, leaving it (and mainloop) running in the background.
mainwindow.title('Enter values')
# Since all three of the labels/entries are the same
# we can save space by generating them in a loop
entry_items = ('Enter a', 'Enter b', 'Enter c')
values = []
for x, item in enumerate(entry_items): # Using enumerate and x to assign rows
tk.Label(mainwindow, text = item,
font = ('verdana'), bg='#aaf0d1').grid(row=x) # Row assigned to x.
values.append(tk.StringVar()) # Appended StringVar to list.
textvariable = values[-1], # Uses the last value appended to the values list.
bg='#aaf0d1').grid(row=x, column=1) # Row assigned to x.
text='Obtain roots',
command = lambda vals = values: valueget(vals), # Here the button command is assigned with the values list
font = ('verdana'), bg='#aaf0d1',
highlightbackground='#aaf0d1').grid(row=3) # we know there are 3 items before this.
mainwindow.lift() # This is a method of bringing a window to the front
def valueget(vals):
# This line gets the values from the StringVars, converts them to ints,
# and returns them to their respective variables.
readA, readB, readC = [int(val.get()) for val in vals]
except ValueError:
messagebox.showerror(title="Number Error", message='Values must be numbers')
# Here the variables are checked to see if they are 0
# Since each one is being checked if it is 0, there is no need to check if they are all 0.
for val in (readA, readB, readC):
if val == 0:
# If they are 0, shows an error message
messagebox.showerror(title="Zero Error", message='Values must not be zero')
# Creates a toplevel to display the results
messagewindow = tk.Toplevel()
messagewindow.title('Roots of the equation')
negroot = (readB**2)-(4*readA*readC)
quadformulaplus = (-readB + (pow(negroot,0.5)))/(2*readA) #quad forumla
quadformulaminus = (-readB - (pow(negroot,0.5)))/(2*readA) #quad forumla
text = f'The roots are {quadformulaplus:.1f} and {quadformulaminus:.1f}',
font = ('verdana')).pack(padx = 5, pady = 2)
command = messagewindow.destroy, # There is no need for a lambda for this.
font = ('verdana'),
bg = '#aaf0d1',
highlightbackground='#aaf0d1').pack(padx = 5, pady = 2)
# print(f'the roots are {quadformulaplus:.1f} and {quadformulaminus:.1f}')
messagewindow.lift() # This is a method of bringing a window to the front
def startup():
startpage = tk.Tk()
#photo = tk.PhotoImage(file = r"/Users/isa/Desktop/DiffEqns/cover.png") #image load
coverbutton = tk.Button(startpage,
#image = photo,
command = lambda root = startpage: mainwindow(root)).pack() # Passes the startpage to the mainwindow function.
startpage.mainloop() # The only mainloop you need.
I would recommend to improve the readability of the if-else statement for a start.
coefficients = [readA, readB, readC]
if sum(coefficients): # If they all are all zeros this will be False
if min(coefficients): # If any one is zero, this will be False
label = tk.Label(messagewindow, text = f'The roots are {quadformulaplus:.1f} and {quadformulaminus:.1f}', bg='#aaf0d1', font = ('verdana'))
closebutton = tk.Button(messagewindow, text='Close', command = lambda: messagewindow.destroy(), font = ('verdana'), highlightbackground='#aaf0d1')
errorwindow = tk.messagebox.showerror(message='none').pack()
errorwindow = tk.messagebox.showerror(message='none').pack()
iam trying to make a phonebook using python and tkinter . I need to add new numbers to my phonebook
by adding elements to the dictionary but i can't access the numbers again after the programme is closed .
from tkinter import*
#defining the submit button
def submit():
global my_dict
new = entry2.get()
new2 = entry3.get()
#definig the add button
def add():
top = Toplevel(root)
top.title("Add new member")
label6 =Label(top,text="Welcome",bg="black",fg="orange")
global entry2
entry2 = Entry(top,width=23)
label7 = Label(top,text="Name",bg="black",fg="orange")
global entry3
entry3 = Entry(top,width = 23)
label8 = Label(top,text="phone number",bg ="black",fg="orange")
button3 = Button(top,text="Submit",command = submit)
button5 = Button(top,text = "close",command = top.quit)
#defining the chek button
def check():
person = entry.get()
if person in my_dict:
phone = my_dict.get(person)
print("Found: " + person + " : " + phone)
# Erase the old result by placing a blank label
label0 = Label(root, width=200, bg ="black", fg = "black").place(x=10,y=167)
label5 = Label(root, text = person + " : " + phone, bg ="black", fg = "orange").place(x=10,y=167)
#creating the main window
root = Tk()
global my_dict
my_dict = {"john":'7598769587'}
root.title("vole phone book")
label = Label(root,text="phone book",bg="black",fg="orange",width=13).place(x=133,y=23)
label2 = Label(root,text="Enter here.",bg = "black",fg="orange").place(x=2,y=89)
entry = Entry(root,width = 27)
button =Button(root,text="Check",bg="yellow",fg="red",command=check).place(x=190,y=129)
button2=Button(root,text="Add",width=23,command = add).place(x=120,y=300)
this is my code,what to do?
Variables in Python are not saved to disk, they only exist in memory (RAM) unless you explicitly save it there yourself.
You can either save to a file directly or, use a database instead.
See Here for using Pickle to do what you want.
I am trying to set up validation on text entry boxes. Three of the boxes need to only accept integers and one text as a postcode. I am not sure whether to do this in a function previously defined or when the entry boxes are created. Also how would i make the values from the text entry boxes be accessable in the function QuoteCreation. All my code is below.
from tkinter import *
class quote():
def __init__(self, master):
self.master.title("Quote Screen")
self.master.configure(background = "white")
self.Borras = PhotoImage(file = "Borras.Logo.2.gif") #sets up image
self.Borras.image = self.Borras
self.BorrasLabel = Label(self.master, image = self.Borras, bg = "white")#puts image onto label
self.Title = Label(self.master, text = "New Quote", font = ("calibri", 20), bg = "White")
self.Title.place(x=650, y = 10)
self.SubmitButton = PhotoImage(file = "Submit.Button.gif") #sets up image
self.SubmitButton.image = self.SubmitButton
self.SubmitButtonLabel = Button(self.master, image = self.SubmitButton, bg = "white", command= self.QuoteCreation)#puts image onto a button
self.SubmitButtonLabel.place(x=900, y=290)
PostCodeVar = StringVar()
PostCodeEntry = Entry(master,width=50, font=20, textvariable=PostCodeVar)
PostCodeEntry.place(x = 20, y = 150)
PostCodeVar.set("Please enter the Post Code")
PostCodeValue = PostCodeVar.get()
HeightVar = StringVar()
HeightEntry = Entry(master, width=50, font=20, textvariable=HeightVar)
HeightEntry.place(x = 20, y = 220)
HeightVar.set("Please enter the Height")
HeightValue = HeightVar.get()
LengthVar = StringVar()
LengthEntry = Entry(master, width=50, font=20, textvariable=LengthVar)
LengthEntry.place(x = 20, y = 290)
LengthVar.set("Please enter the Length")
LengthValue = LengthVar.get()
PitchVar = StringVar()
PitchEntry = Entry(master, width=50, font=20, textvariable=PitchVar)
PitchEntry.place(x = 20, y = 360)
PitchVar.set("Please enter the Pitch")
PitchValue = PitchVar.get()
RiseVar = StringVar()
RiseEntry = Entry(master, width=50, font=20, textvariable=RiseVar)
RiseEntry.place(x = 20, y = 430)
RiseVar.set("Please enter the Rise")
RiseValue = RiseVar.get()
self.SubmitButton = PhotoImage(file = "Submit.Button.gif")
self.SubmitButton.image = self.SubmitButton
self.SubmitButtonLabel = Button(self.master, image = self.SubmitButton, bg = "white", command= self.QuoteCreation)#puts image onto a button
self.SubmitButtonLabel.place(x=900, y=290)
def on_button(self):
def QuoteCreation(self):
print(' ')
def quitWindow(self):
def backToWelcome(self):
You would set up separate functions to deal with the validation, when the submit button is pressed.
So, as an example, your submit button may look a bit like this:
submitButton = Button(master, text="Submit", command=validation)
The validation, in your case would then want to carry out these checks:
def validation():
postcode = PostCodeVar.get()
length = LengthVar.get()
pitch = PitchVar.get()
rise = RiseVar.get()
if postcodeCheck(postcode) == True and length.isdigit() == True and pitch.isdigit() == True and rise.isdigit() == True:
#carry out chosen process
In your case, you can try setting the postcode, length, pitch and height variables before calling the function, and setting them as global. The postcode should be created, and if it is okay, the function should then:
return True
...so it matches the outcome of the if statement.
I hope this is what you were looking for, and can adapt the example to your specific problem!
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
ia_answers= "trolol"
input_frame = LabelFrame(window, text="User :", borderwidth=4)
input_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, side=BOTTOM)
input_user = StringVar()
input_field = Entry(input_frame, text=input_user)
input_field.pack(fill=BOTH, side=BOTTOM)
ia_frame = LabelFrame(window, text="Discussion",borderwidth = 15, height = 100, width = 100)
ia_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP)
user_says = StringVar()
user_text = Label(ia_frame, textvariable=user_says, anchor = NE, justify = RIGHT, bg="white")
user_text.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP)
ia_says = StringVar()
ia_text = Label(ia_frame, textvariable=ia_says, anchor = W, justify = LEFT, bg="white")
ia_text.pack(fill=BOTH, side=BOTTOM)
def Enter_pressed(event):
"""Took the current string in the Entry field."""
input_get = input_field.get()
user_says.set(input_get + "\n\n")
input_field.bind("<Return>", Enter_pressed)
Hi, i am trying to build a discussion Bot.
When I execute the code, the question in the input field and the answer get displayed correctly.
The problem is after entering the next sentence, the previous question/answer gets removed. Here is an example:
Hello Bot
Hello User
(then the text disappears)
How are you
Fine thank you
What i want :
Hello Bot
Hello User
(then the text stays in the frame)
How are you
Fine thank you
The issue occurs in line -
user_says.set(input_get + "\n\n")
You are replace users_says.set() and ia_says.set() resets the complete Labels , with the new value. Instead you should get the old value and append the new value to it and set it back, Example -
user_says.set(user_says.get() + input_get + "\n")
ia_says.set(ia_says.get() + ia_answers + "\n")
Or you can also create a new label for each new event and add it to the LabelFrame . Example -
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
ia_answers= "trolol\n"
input_frame = LabelFrame(window, text="User :", borderwidth=4)
input_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, side=BOTTOM)
input_user = StringVar()
input_field = Entry(input_frame, text=input_user)
input_field.pack(fill=BOTH, side=BOTTOM)
ia_frame = LabelFrame(window, text="Discussion",borderwidth = 15, height = 100, width = 100)
ia_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP)
user_says = StringVar()
user_text = Label(ia_frame, textvariable=user_says, anchor = NE, justify = RIGHT,
ia_says = StringVar()
ia_text = Label(ia_frame, textvariable=ia_says, anchor = NW, justify = LEFT, bg="white")
user_texts = []
ia_texts = []
user_says_list = []
ia_says_list = []
def Enter_pressed(event):
"""Took the current string in the Entry field."""
input_get = input_field.get()
user_says1 = StringVar()
user_says1.set(input_get + "\n")
user_text1 = Label(ia_frame, textvariable=user_says1, anchor = NE, justify = RIGHT,
ia_says1 = StringVar()
ia_text1 = Label(ia_frame, textvariable=ia_says1, anchor = NW, justify = LEFT,
input_field.bind("<Return>", Enter_pressed)