Calculate TF-IDF using sklearn for n-grams in python - python

I have a vocabulary list that include n-grams as follows.
myvocabulary = ['tim tam', 'jam', 'fresh milk', 'chocolates', 'biscuit pudding']
I want to use these words to calculate TF-IDF values.
I also have a dictionary of corpus as follows (key = recipe number, value = recipe).
corpus = {1: "making chocolates biscuit pudding easy first get your favourite biscuit chocolates", 2: "tim tam drink new recipe that yummy and tasty more thicker than typical milkshake that uses normal chocolates", 3: "making chocolates drink different way using fresh milk egg"}
I am currently using the following code.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(vocabulary = myvocabulary, stop_words = 'english')
tfs = tfidf.fit_transform(corpus.values())
Now I am printing tokens or n-grams of the recipe 1 in corpus along with the tF-IDF value as follows.
feature_names = tfidf.get_feature_names()
doc = 0
feature_index = tfs[doc,:].nonzero()[1]
tfidf_scores = zip(feature_index, [tfs[doc, x] for x in feature_index])
for w, s in [(feature_names[i], s) for (i, s) in tfidf_scores]:
print(w, s)
The results I get is chocolates 1.0. However, my code does not detect n-grams (bigrams) such as biscuit pudding when calculating TF-IDF values. Please let me know where I make the code wrong.
I want to get the TD-IDF matrix for myvocabulary terms by using the recipe documents in the corpus. In other words, the rows of the matrix represents myvocabulary and the columns of the matrix represents the recipe documents of my corpus. Please help me.

Try increasing the ngram_range in TfidfVectorizer:
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(vocabulary = myvocabulary, stop_words = 'english', ngram_range=(1,2))
Edit: The output of TfidfVectorizer is the TF-IDF matrix in sparse format (or actually the transpose of it in the format you seek). You can print out its contents e.g. like this:
feature_names = tfidf.get_feature_names()
corpus_index = [n for n in corpus]
rows, cols = tfs.nonzero()
for row, col in zip(rows, cols):
print((feature_names[col], corpus_index[row]), tfs[row, col])
which should yield
('biscuit pudding', 1) 0.646128915046
('chocolates', 1) 0.763228291628
('chocolates', 2) 0.508542320378
('tim tam', 2) 0.861036995944
('chocolates', 3) 0.508542320378
('fresh milk', 3) 0.861036995944
If the matrix is not large, it might be easier to examine it in dense form. Pandas makes this very convenient:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(tfs.T.todense(), index=feature_names, columns=corpus_index)
This results in
1 2 3
tim tam 0.000000 0.861037 0.000000
jam 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
fresh milk 0.000000 0.000000 0.861037
chocolates 0.763228 0.508542 0.508542
biscuit pudding 0.646129 0.000000 0.000000

#user8566323 try using
df = pd.DataFrame(tfs.todense(), index=feature_names, columns=corpus_index)
instead of
df = pd.DataFrame(tfs.T.todense(), index=feature_names, columns=corpus_index)
i.e. without making a transpose (T) of matrix


How can I find the bigrams per row?

I want to derive bigrams and used the following code to do so:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
def create_vectorizer():
return CountVectorizer(lowercase=False, stop_words=['a', 'an','the','The'], ngram_range=(1, 3))
reviews_english["Review Gast"] = reviews_english["Review Gast"].astype(str).str.lower()
res = [(x, i.split()[j + 1]) for i in reviews_english["Review Gast"]
for j, x in enumerate(i.split()) if j < len(i.split()) - 1]
I got the following results:
However, I would like to get the bigrams per row rather than for the whole list.
How can I do this?
You can use CountVectorizer to fit_transform per row. However since it requires a corpus/list of text you will have to convert your string in the row to a list of single string.
df = pd.DataFrame({
'text': ["a cat on the table",
"a dog under the table",
"an apple over the tree"]
cv = CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', ngram_range=(2, 2))
bigrams = []
for txt in df["text"].astype(str).str.lower():
df['bigrams'] = bigrams
print (df)
text bigrams
0 a cat on the table [cat on, on the, the table]
1 a dog under the table [dog under, the table, under the]
2 an apple over the tree [an apple, apple over, over the, the tree]

Properly calculate cosine similarities for low memory on large datasets?

I am following this tutorial here to just learn a bit about content recommenders:
but i ran into a Memory Error when running the "content based" part of the tutorial. Upon some reading I found that this has to do with just how large the dataset being used it. I couldn't really find an exact way for this specific case on how to run this with low memory, so instead i modified this a little bit to split the original dataframe up into 6 pieces, run this cosine similarity calculation for each split dataframe, merge together the results, then run this one last time to get a final result. here is my code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
# Function that takes in movie title as input and outputs most similar movies
def get_recommendations(title, indices, cosine_sim, final=False):
# Get the index of the movie that matches the title
idx = indices[title]
# Get the pairwsie similarity scores of all movies with that movie
sim_scores = list(enumerate(cosine_sim[idx]))
# Sort the movies based on the similarity scores
sim_scores = sorted(sim_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Get the scores of the 10 most similar movies
sim_scores = sim_scores[1:11]
# Get the movie indices
movie_indices = [i[0] for i in sim_scores]
# Return the top 10 most similar movies
if not final:
return metadata.iloc[movie_indices, :]
return metadata['title'].iloc[movie_indices]
# Load Movies Metadata
metadata = pd.read_csv('dataset/movies_metadata.csv', low_memory=False)
#Define a TF-IDF Vectorizer Object. Remove all english stop words such as 'the', 'a'
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
#Replace NaN with an empty string
metadata['overview'] = metadata['overview'].fillna('')
split_db = np.array_split(metadata, 6)
source_db = None
search_db = None
db_remove_idx = None
new_db_list = list()
for x, db in enumerate(split_db):
search = db.loc[db['title'] == 'The Dark Knight Rises']
if not search.empty:
source_db = db
search_db = search
db_remove_idx = x
for x, db in enumerate(split_db):
new_db_list.append(db.append(search_db, ignore_index=True))
refined_db = None
for db in new_db_list:
small_db = db.reset_index()
#Construct the required TF-IDF matrix by fitting and transforming the data
tfidf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform(small_db['overview'])
# Compute the cosine similarity matrix
cosine_sim = linear_kernel(tfidf_matrix, tfidf_matrix)
#cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix, tfidf_matrix)
#Construct a reverse map of indices and movie titles
indices = pd.Series(small_db.index, index=small_db['title']).drop_duplicates()
result = (get_recommendations('The Dark Knight Rises', indices, cosine_sim))
if type(refined_db) != pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
refined_db = result.append(search_db, ignore_index=True)
refined_db = refined_db.append(result, ignore_index=True)
final_db = refined_db.reset_index()
#Construct the required TF-IDF matrix by fitting and transforming the data
tfidf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform(final_db['overview'])
# Compute the cosine similarity matrix
cosine_sim = linear_kernel(tfidf_matrix, tfidf_matrix)
#Construct a reverse map of indices and movie titles
indices = pd.Series(final_db.index, index=final_db['title']).drop_duplicates()
final_result = (get_recommendations('The Dark Knight Rises', indices, cosine_sim, final=True))
i thought this would work, but the results are not even close to what is given in the tutorial:
11 Dracula: Dead and Loving It
13 Nixon
12 Balto
15 Casino
20 Get Shorty
18 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
14 Cutthroat Island
16 Sense and Sensibility
19 Money Train
17 Four Rooms
Name: title, dtype: object
could anyone explain what i am doing wrong here? i figured since the dataset was too large by splitting it up, running this "cosine similarity" process as first a refinement, then using the resulting data and running the process again would give a similar result, but then why is the result i am getting so different than what is expected?
And this is the data i am using this against:

Run nltk sent_tokenize through Pandas dataframe

I have a dataframe that consists of two columns: ID and TEXT. Pretend data is below:
265 The farmer plants grain. The fisher catches tuna.
456 The sky is blue.
434 The sun is bright.
921 I own a phone. I own a book.
I know all nltk functions do not work on dataframes. How could sent_tokenize be applied to the above dataframe?
When I try:
The output is unchanged from the original dataframe. My desired output is:
The farmer plants grain.
The fisher catches tuna.
The sky is blue.
The sun is bright.
I own a phone.
I own a book.
In addition, I would like to tie back this new (desired) dataframe to the original ID numbers like this (following further text cleansing):
265 'farmer', 'plants', 'grain'
265 'fisher', 'catches', 'tuna'
456 'sky', 'blue'
434 'sun', 'bright'
921 'I', 'own', 'phone'
921 'I', 'own', 'book'
This question is related to another of my questions here. Please let me know if I can provide anything to help clarify my question!
edit: as a result of warranted prodding by #alexis here is a better response
Sentence Tokenization
This should get you a DataFrame with one row for each ID & sentence:
sentences = []
for row in df.itertuples():
for sentence in row[2].split('.'):
if sentence != '':
sentences.append((row[1], sentence))
new_df = pandas.DataFrame(sentences, columns=['ID', 'SENTENCE'])
Whose output looks like this:
split('.') will quickly break strings up into sentences if sentences are in fact separated by periods and periods are not being used for other things (e.g. denoting abbreviations), and will remove periods in the process. This will fail if there are multiple use cases for periods and/or not all sentence endings are denoted by periods. A slower but much more robust approach would be to use, as you had asked, sent_tokenize to split rows up by sentence:
sentences = []
for row in df.itertuples():
for sentence in sent_tokenize(row[2]):
sentences.append((row[1], sentence))
new_df = pandas.DataFrame(sentences, columns=['ID', 'SENTENCE'])
This produces the following output:
If you want to quickly remove periods from these lines you could do something like:
new_df['SENTENCE_noperiods'] = new_df.SENTENCE.apply(lambda x: x.strip('.'))
Which would yield:
You can also take the apply -> map approach (df is your original table):
df = df.join(df.TEXT.apply(sent_tokenize).rename('SENTENCES'))
sentences = df.SENTENCES.apply(pandas.Series)
sentences.columns = ['sentence {}'.format(n + 1) for n in sentences.columns]
This yields:
As our indices have not changed, we can join this back into our original table:
df = df.join(sentences)
Word Tokenization
Continuing with df from above, we can extract the tokens in a given sentence as follows:
df['sent_1_words'] = df['sentence 1'].apply(word_tokenize)
This is a little complicated. I apply sentence tokenization first then go through each sentences and remove words from remove_words list and remove punctuation for each word inside.
import pandas as pd
from nltk import sent_tokenize
from string import punctuation
remove_words = ['the', 'an', 'a']
def remove_punctuation(chars):
return ''.join([c for c in chars if c not in punctuation])
# example dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame([[265, "The farmer plants grain. The fisher catches tuna."],
[456, "The sky is blue."],
[434, "The sun is bright."],
[921, "I own a phone. I own a book."]], columns=['sent_id', 'text'])
df.loc[:, 'text_split'] =
sentences = []
for _, r in df.iterrows():
for s in r.text_split:
filtered_words = [remove_punctuation(w) for w in s.split() if w.lower() not in remove_words]
# or using nltk.word_tokenize
# filtered_words = [w for w in word_tokenize(s) if w.lower() not in remove_words and w not in punctuation]
sentences.append({'sent_id': r.sent_id,
'text': s.strip('.'),
'words': filtered_words})
df_words = pd.DataFrame(sentences)
|sent_id| text| words|
| 265|The farmer plants...|[farmer, plants, ...|
| 265|The fisher catche...|[fisher, catches,...|
| 456| The sky is blue| [sky, is, blue]|
| 434| The sun is bright| [sun, is, bright]|
| 921| I own a phone| [I, own, phone]|
| 921| I own a book| [I, own, book]|

Generate features from "comments" column in dataframe

I have a dataset with a column that has comments. This comments are words separated by commas.
df_pat['reason'] =
chest pain
chest pain, dyspnea
chest pain, hypertrophic obstructive cariomyop...
chest pain
chest pain
cad, rca stents
non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, chest pain, dyspnea
I would like to generate separated columns in the dataframe so that a column represent each word from all the set of words, and then have 1 or 0 to the rows where I initially had that word in the comment.
For example:
df_pat['chest_pain'] =
df_pat['dyspnea'] =
And so on...
Thank you!
sklearn.feature_extraction.text has something for you! It looks like you may be trying to predict something. If so - and if you're planning to use sci-kit learn at some point, then you can bypass making a dataframe with len(set(words)) number of columns and just use CountVectorizer. This method will return a matrix with dimensions (rows, columns) = (number of rows in dataframe, number of unique words in entire 'reason' column).
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
df = pd.DataFrame({'reason': ['chest pain', 'chest pain, dyspnea', 'chest pain, hypertrophic obstructive cariomyop', 'chest pain', 'chest pain', 'cad, rca stents', 'non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, chest pain, dyspnea']})
# turns body of text into a matrix of features
# split string on commas instead of spaces
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(tokenizer = lambda x: x.split(","))
# X is now a n_documents by n_distinct_words-dimensioned matrix of features
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(df['reason'])
pandas plays really nicely with sklearn.
Or, a strict pandas solution that should probably be vectorized, but if you don't have that much data, should work:
# split on the comma instead of spaces to get "chest pain" instead of "chest" and "pain"
reasons = [reason for case in df['reason'] for reason in case.split(",")]
for reason in reasons:
for idx in df.index:
if reason in df.loc[idx, 'reason']:
df.loc[idx, reason] = 1
df.loc[idx, reason] = 0

Python/Pandas aggregation combined with NLTK

I want to do some text processing on a dataset containing Twitter messages. So far I'm able to load the data (.CSV) in a Pandas dataframe and index that by a (custom) column 'timestamp'.
df = pandas.read_csv(f)
df.index = pandas.to_datetime(df.pop('timestamp'))
Looks a bit like this:
user_name user_handle
2015-02-02 23:58:42 Netherlands Startups NLTechStartups
2015-02-02 23:58:42 shareNL share_NL
2015-02-02 23:58:42 BreakngAmsterdamNews iAmsterdamNews
[49570 rows x 8 columns]
I can create a new object (Series) containing just the text like so:
texts = pandas.Series(df['text'])
Which creates this:
2015-06-02 14:50:54 Business Update Meer cruiseschepen dan ooit in...
2015-06-02 14:50:53 RT #ProvincieNH: Provincie maakt Markermeerdij...
2015-06-02 14:50:53 Amsterdam - Nieuwe flitspaal Wibautstraat: In ...
2015-06-02 14:50:53 Amsterdam - Nieuwe flitspaal Wibautstraat http...
2015-06-02 14:50:53 Lugar secreto em Amsterdam: Begijnhof // Hidde...
Name: text, Length: 49570
1. Is this new object of the same sort of type (dataframe) as my initial df variable, just with different columns/rows?
Now together with the nltk tookit I'm able to tokenize the strings using this:
for w in words:
This iterates the array instead of mapping the 'text' column to a multiple-column 'words' array. 2. How would I do this and moreover how do I then count the occurrences of each word?
I know there is a unique() method which I could use to create a distinct list of words. But then again I'd need an extra column which is a count over the array which I'm unable to produce in the first place. :) 3. Or would the next step towards 'counting' occurrences of those words be grouping?
EDIT. 3: I seem to need "CountVectorizer", thanks EdChum
documents = df['text'].values
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=0, stop_words=[])
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(documents)
My main goal is to count the occurences of each word and selecting the top X results. I feel I'm on the right track, but I can't get the final steps just right..
Building on EdChums comments here is a way to get the (I assume global) word counts from CountVectorizer:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
vect= CountVectorizer()
df= pd.DataFrame({'text':['cat on the cat','angel eyes has','blue red angel','one two blue','blue whales eat','hot tin roof','angel eyes has','have a cat']\
,'class': ['a','a','a','a','c','c','b','e']})
X = vect.fit_transform(df['text'].values)
y = df['class'].values
covert the sparse matrix returned by CountVectoriser to a dense matrix, and pass it and the feature names to the dataframe constructor. Then transpose the frame and sum along axis=1 to get the total per word:
word_counts =pd.DataFrame(X.todense(),columns = vect.get_feature_names()).T.sum(axis=1)
If all you are interested in is the frequency distribution of the words consider using Freq Dist from NLTK:
import nltk
import itertools
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
texts = ['cat on the cat','angel eyes has','blue red angel','one two blue','blue whales eat','hot tin roof','angel eyes has','have a cat']
texts = [nltk.word_tokenize(text) for text in texts]
# collapse into a single list
tokens = list(itertools.chain(*texts))
FD =FreqDist(tokens)
