New to python and coding in general.. Not sure why the code is throwing this error:
File "c:\Users...\Python Projects\Trials\Trial 4\", line 18, in findclickpositions
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'needle_img_path'
Line 18 being:
self.needle_img_path = str("./Trees/" + str(Tree) + ".png")
Here's the full code:
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import os
from random import randint
from windowcapture import Windowcapture
from time import time
class find_object:
def __init__(self):
self.whatami = []
self.needle_img_path = str("")
def findclickpositions(self, img, Tree='tree', threshold=0.95, debug_mode=None):
os.makedirs('Trees', exist_ok=True)
self.needle_img_path = str("./Trees/" + str(Tree) + ".png")
self.treeimage = cv.imread(self.needle_img_path, cv.IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_2)
if not self.treeimage:
raise Exception('Image file of requested tree not found')
self.needle_img = cv.imread(self.needle_img_path, cv.IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_2)
self.method = cv.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
self.result = cv.matchTemplate(self.img, self.needle_img, self.method)
#cv.imshow('Result', result)
self.min_val, self.max_val, self.min_loc, self.max_loc = cv.minMaxLoc(self.result) #gets the best match position
#print('Best match top left postion: %s' % str(max_loc))
#print('Best match confidence: %s' % str(max_val))
self.locations = np.where(self.result >=self.threshold)
self.locations = list(zip(*self.locations[::-1]))
self.needle_w = self.needle_img.shape[1]
self.needle_h = self.needle_img.shape[0]
self.rectangles = []
for self.loc in self.locations:
self.rect = [int(loc[0]), int(self.loc[1]), self.needle_w, self.needle_h]
self.rectangles, self.weights = cv.groupRectangles(self.rectangles, 1, 0.5)
if len(self.rectangles):
#print('Matches found')
line_colour = (0, 0, 255)
line_type = cv.LINE_4
self.marker_colour = (255, 0, 255)
self.marker_type = cv.MARKER_CROSS
for (x, y, w, h) in rectangles:
self.top_left = (x, y)
self.bottom_right = (x + w, y + h) #finding bottom right corner to draw the rectangle
cv.rectangle(self.screenshot_img, self.top_left, self.bottom_right, self.line_colour, 1, self.line_type)
self.centre_x = x + int(w/2)
self.centre_y = y + int(h/2)
self.points = []
self.points.append((centre_x, centre_y))
cv.drawMarker(self.screenshot_img, (self.centre_x, self.centre_y), self.marker_colour, self.marker_type)
#cv.imshow('Results', self.screenshot_img)
print('No good match found')
return self.screenshot_img
I am running it from the main and passing the method an image for 'img' and 'tree' for 'tree'. I dont even know where numpy comes into this part of the code where saying there's an error. I've tried initialising it as a string (as you can see in this code) but it made no difference. Even when I comment it out on this line I get the exact same thing on the next line; when I type in the address the problem appears on 'self.treeimage'.
I have been using pytorch and is new to tensorflow.
In pytorch we create loader class to which return single tuple of dataset and then pass the instance of the class to and define the batch-size and worker.
How do we do the same process in tensorflow?
class Dataset_Tuple_Loader(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self,img_root, csv_label_address, transforms,img_source ='local'):
add = img_root
add,csv_label_address,status = DataDownload(img_root,csv_label_address)
self.imgs_address_list = glob.glob(add + '/*')
labels_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_label_address)
labels_csv.set_index('image_name', inplace=True)
self.labels_csv = labels_csv
self.transforms = transforms
def __len__(self):
return len(self.imgs_address_list)
def get_filename(self,filename):
base = os.path.basename(filename)
return (os.path.splitext(base)[0])
def __getitem__(self,index):
img_add = self.imgs_address_list[index]
img =
img = self.transforms(np.asarray(img))
filename = self.get_filename(img_add)
label = int(self.labels_csv.loc[filename][0])
return img,label
params = {'batch_size': 2,
'shuffle': True,
'num_workers': 1}
csv = 'label_address'
image_root = 'img_add'
just_set = Dataset('local',image_root,csv)
generator = data.DataLoader(just_set,**params)
for tup in generator:
img = tup[0]
lb = tup[1]
print(img.shape,' ',lb)
I create space detection code by using gray, gausian blur but now I dont know where to put these code to save my opencv video.
I already tried to put the code in random line but it only comes out of the file at the output, I cant play it and the video also just 5.6KB. I even tried to record a video for a very long time.
My code runs fine without save feature but I want to add save video feature:
fourcc = open_cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX')
out = open_cv.VideoWriter('output.avi',fourcc, 20.0, (640,480))
these is my code that i want to be add save video coding from above :
import cv2 as open_cv
import numpy as np
import logging
from drawing_utils import draw_contours
class MotionDetector:
def __init__(self, video, coordinates, start_frame): = 0
self.coordinates_data = coordinates
self.start_frame = start_frame
self.contours = []
self.bounds = []
self.mask = []
def detect_motion(self):
capture = open_cv.VideoCapture(
capture.set(open_cv.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, self.start_frame)
coordinates_data = self.coordinates_data
logging.debug("coordinates data: %s", coordinates_data)
for p in coordinates_data:
coordinates = self._coordinates(p)
logging.debug("coordinates: %s", coordinates)
rect = open_cv.boundingRect(coordinates)
logging.debug("rect: %s", rect)
new_coordinates = coordinates.copy()
new_coordinates[:, 0] = coordinates[:, 0] - rect[0]
new_coordinates[:, 1] = coordinates[:, 1] - rect[1]
logging.debug("new_coordinates: %s", new_coordinates)
mask = open_cv.drawContours(
np.zeros((rect[3], rect[2]), dtype=np.uint8),
mask = mask == 255
logging.debug("mask: %s", self.mask)
statuses = [False] * len(coordinates_data)
times = [None] * len(coordinates_data)
while capture.isOpened():
result, frame =
if frame is None:
if not result:
raise CaptureReadError("Error reading video capture on frame %s" % str(frame))
blurred = open_cv.GaussianBlur(frame.copy(), (5, 5), 3)
grayed = open_cv.cvtColor(blurred, open_cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
new_frame = frame.copy()
logging.debug("new_frame: %s", new_frame)
position_in_seconds = capture.get(open_cv.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC) / 1000.0
for index, c in enumerate(coordinates_data):
status = self.__apply(grayed, index, c)
if times[index] is not None and self.same_status(statuses, index, status):
times[index] = None
if times[index] is not None and self.status_changed(statuses, index, status):
if position_in_seconds - times[index] >= MotionDetector.DETECT_DELAY:
statuses[index] = status
times[index] = None
if times[index] is None and self.status_changed(statuses, index, status):
times[index] = position_in_seconds
for index, p in enumerate(coordinates_data):
coordinates = self._coordinates(p)
color = COLOR_GREEN if statuses[index] else COLOR_BLUE
draw_contours(new_frame, coordinates, str(p["id"] + 1), COLOR_WHITE, color)
open_cv.imshow(str(, new_frame)
k = open_cv.waitKey(1)
if k == ord("q"):
def __apply(self, grayed, index, p):
coordinates = self._coordinates(p)
logging.debug("points: %s", coordinates)
rect = self.bounds[index]
logging.debug("rect: %s", rect)
roi_gray = grayed[rect[1]:(rect[1] + rect[3]), rect[0]:(rect[0] + rect[2])]
laplacian = open_cv.Laplacian(roi_gray, open_cv.CV_64F)
logging.debug("laplacian: %s", laplacian)
coordinates[:, 0] = coordinates[:, 0] - rect[0]
coordinates[:, 1] = coordinates[:, 1] - rect[1]
status = np.mean(np.abs(laplacian * self.mask[index])) < MotionDetector.LAPLACIAN
logging.debug("status: %s", status)
return status
def _coordinates(p):
return np.array(p["coordinates"])
def same_status(coordinates_status, index, status):
return status == coordinates_status[index]
def status_changed(coordinates_status, index, status):
return status != coordinates_status[index]
class CaptureReadError(Exception):
Create the file for the video to go in. You can think of this file like a book, but a book with no pages. This code is used to create the file:
fourcc = open_cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX')
out = open_cv.VideoWriter('output.avi',fourcc, 20.0, (640,480))
Not all codecs work on all systems. I use Ubuntu, and this is the code I use to create a video file:
out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi',cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G'), 30,(w,h))
If you try to play this video, nothing will happen. There are no frames in the video, so there is nothing to play (like a book with no pages). After you process each frame, the frame needs to be written to the video (like putting a page in a book):
You should do this around .imshow():
open_cv.imshow(str(, new_frame)
k = open_cv.waitKey(1)
if k == ord("q"):
I have a problem with TF dataset generator. I do not why, but when I get picture from dataset by running it through session, it returns Tensors where colors are inverted. I tried to changed BGR to RGB, but this is not the problem.
It is partially solved by inverting the image array (img = 1 - img ), but I would like not this problem to occur in first place. Does somebody know what could be the cause?
import os
import glob
import random
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import Tensor
class PairGenerator(object):
person1 = 'img'
person2 = 'person2'
label = 'same_person'
#def __init__(self, lfw_path='./tf_dataset/resources' + os.path.sep + 'lfw'):
def __init__(self, lfw_path='/home/tom/Devel/ai-dev/tensorflow-triplet-loss/data/augmentor'):
self.all_people = self.generate_all_people_dict(lfw_path)
def generate_all_people_dict(self, lfw_path):
# generates a dictionary between a person and all the photos of that person
all_people = {}
for person_folder in os.listdir(lfw_path):
person_photos = glob.glob(lfw_path + os.path.sep + person_folder + os.path.sep + '*.jpg')
all_people[person_folder] = person_photos
return all_people
def get_next_pair(self):
all_people_names = list(self.all_people.keys())
while True:
# draw a person at random
person1 = random.choice(all_people_names)
# flip a coin to decide whether we fetch a photo of the same person vs different person
same_person = random.random() > 0.5
if same_person:
person2 = person1
# repeatedly pick random names until we find a different name
person2 = person1
while person2 == person1:
person2 = random.choice(all_people_names)
person1_photo = random.choice(self.all_people[person1])
yield ({self.person1: person1_photo,
self.label: same_person})
class Inputs(object):
def __init__(self, img: Tensor, label: Tensor):
self.img = img
self.label = label
def feed_input(self, input_img, input_label=None):
# feed the input images that are necessary to make a prediction
feed_dict = {self.img: input_img}
# optionally also include the label:
# if we're just making a prediction without calculating loss, that won't be necessary
if input_label is not None:
feed_dict[self.label] = input_label
return feed_dict
class Dataset(object):
img_resized = 'img_resized'
label = 'same_person'
def __init__(self, generator=PairGenerator()):
self.next_element = self.build_iterator(generator)
def build_iterator(self, pair_gen: PairGenerator):
batch_size = 10
prefetch_batch_buffer = 5
dataset =,
output_types={PairGenerator.person1: tf.string,
PairGenerator.label: tf.bool})
dataset =
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(prefetch_batch_buffer)
iter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
element = iter.get_next()
return Inputs(element[self.img_resized],
def _read_image_and_resize(self, pair_element):
target_size = [224, 224]
# read images from disk
img_file = tf.read_file(pair_element[PairGenerator.person1])
img = tf.image.decode_image(img_file, channels=3)
# let tensorflow know that the loaded images have unknown dimensions, and 3 color channels (rgb)
img.set_shape([None, None, 3])
# resize to model input size
img_resized = tf.image.resize_images(img, target_size)
#img_resized = tf.image.flip_up_down(img_resized)
#img_resized = tf.image.rot90(img_resized)
pair_element[self.img_resized] = img_resized
pair_element[self.label] = tf.cast(pair_element[PairGenerator.label], tf.float32)
return pair_element
generator = PairGenerator()
iter = generator.get_next_pair()
for i in range(10):
ds = Dataset(generator)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
imgplot = plt.imshow(out)
imgplot = plt.imshow(1 - out)
Ok so the solution was
imgplot = plt.imshow(out/255)
I've a color list file I read it into a python list and I'd like to create one (or several) image(s) composed by squares with background color read from file and as foreground html string of the color (written with white). I.e. I read #ff0000 from input file then I create a 100x100 square with red background and a white string "#ff0000" as foreground...and so on for each color in input file.
This is my script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from gimpfu import *
def readColors(ifc):
"""Read colors from input file and return a python list with all them"""
a = []
fd = open(ifc,"r")
for i in fd:
if not i.startswith("//"):#skip comment lines
return a
def rgb2html(col):
"""Converts a color: from (255,255,255) to #ffffff"""
r,g,b = col
return "#%x%x%x" % (r,g,b)
def html2rgb(col):
"""Converts a color: from #ffffff to (255,255,255)"""
return r,g,b
def nextColor():
"""Gets next html color from color list"""
col = nextColor.array[nextColor.counter]
nextColor.counter +=1
return col
def isNextColor():
"""Is there another color or list is over?"""
return nextColor.counter<isNextColor.colorslenght
def isPageEnded(y,YSIZE):
"""Is there enough room to draw another square?"""
return (y+100)>=YSIZE
def newPage(XSIZE,YSIZE):
"""Returns a new image"""
return gimp.Image(XSIZE,YSIZE,RGB)
def createImage(color,text):
"""Draws a square filled with color and white color text. It works!"""
gimp.set_foreground((255,255,255))#text color
gimp.set_background(color) #background color
image = gimp.Image(100,100,RGB)
back = gimp.Layer(image,"font",100,100,RGB_IMAGE,100,NORMAL_MODE)
lay = back.copy() = "font"
lay = pdb.gimp_text_fontname(image,None,2,100/4,text,2,True,18,PIXELS,"Sans")
image.merge_down(lay, NORMAL_MODE)
return image
def drawRect(image,x,y):
"""Here I'd like to copy the result of createImage at current x,y position of current image. It doesn't work!"""
text = nextColor()
color = html2rgb(text)
img = createImage(color,text)
drawable = pdb.gimp_image_active_drawable(image)
pdb.gimp_image_select_rectangle(image, 2, x, y, 100, 100)
if pdb.gimp_edit_named_copy_visible(img, "buffer"):
floating_sel = pdb.gimp_edit_named_paste(drawable, "buffer", TRUE)
gimp.Display(image)#to debug
def savePage(image,directory,filename):
"""Saves composed image to filename"""
drawable = pdb.gimp_image_active_drawable(image)
pdb.file_png_save(image, drawable, directory+"\\"+filename, filename, 0,9,1,0,0,1,1)
def draw(ifile,savedir,prefix):
"""Main method. it manage page's room, slicing it in several 100x100 squares"""
YSIZE = 1000
XSIZE = 1000
x = y = pc = 0
colorArray = readColors(ifile)
nextColor.counter = 0
nextColor.array = colorArray
isNextColor.colorslenght = len(colorArray)
image = newPage(XSIZE,YSIZE)
x += 100 # move to next column
if x+100>=XSIZE:#move to next row
x = 0
y += 100
if isPageEnded(y,YSIZE):
gimp.Display(image)#to debug
pc += 1
image = newPage(XSIZE,YSIZE)
x = 0
y = 0
savePage(image,savedir,prefix+str(pc)+".png")#save last page
ifc = '<path to color list file>\\colors.txt'
ofc = '<path to output directory>\\palette'
prefix = 'table' #prefix for each file(i.e.: table0.png, table1.png...)
draw(ifc,ofc,prefix) #main method call
My current problem is with drawRect method. I can't copy image returned by createImage method at coords x,y of bigger image in drawRect method. In drawRect method I tried to used gimp's "copy into selection": select an area, and paste in it stuff copied from another image. But I have a trouble with layers and I can't get image copied at right position.
Just for completeness this are few lines from ifc file:
Thanks in advance for any help.
Maybe it could be useful for someone else (it must be saved as "" and copied to GIMP 2/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins folder):
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gimpfu import *
def readColors(ifile):
"""Read colors from input file and return a python list with all them"""
a = []
fd = open(ifile,"r")
for i in fd:
if not i.startswith('//'):
return a
def rgb2html(col):
"""Converts a color: from (255,255,255) to #ffffff"""
r,g,b = col
return "#%x%x%x" % (r,g,b)
def html2rgb(col):
"""Converts a color: from #ffffff to (255,255,255)"""
return r,g,b
def nextColor():
"""Gets next html color from color list"""
col = html2rgb(nextColor.array[nextColor.counter])
nextColor.counter +=1
return col
def isNextColor():
"""Is there another color or list is over?"""
return nextColor.counter<isNextColor.colorslenght
def isPageEnded(y,sizey):
"""Is there enough room to draw another square?"""
return (y+100)>=sizey
def newPage(sizex,sizey):
"""Returns a new image"""
image = pdb.gimp_image_new(sizex, sizey, RGB)
layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new(image, sizex, sizey, RGB, "layer", 0, 0)
pdb.gimp_image_add_layer(image, layer, 0)
drw = pdb.gimp_image_active_drawable(image)
pdb.gimp_drawable_fill(drw, BACKGROUND_FILL)
pdb.gimp_context_set_brush('Circle (01)')
return image
def savePage(image,filename):
"""Saves composed image to filename"""
layers = image.layers
last_layer = len(layers)-1
layer = pdb.gimp_image_merge_visible_layers(image, 1)
enable = pdb.gimp_image_undo_enable(image)
pdb.file_png_save(image, image.active_layer, filename, filename, 0,9,1,0,0,1,1)
except Exception as e:
raise e
def drawRect(x,y,color,image):
"""draw a single square"""
text = rgb2html(color)
pdb.gimp_image_select_rectangle(image, 2, x, y, 100, 100)
pdb.gimp_edit_fill(image.active_layer, 1)
text_layer = pdb.gimp_text_fontname(image, None, x, y+(100/2), text, 2, 1, 18, 0, "Sans")
pdb.gimp_image_merge_down(image, text_layer, 0)
except Exception as e:
raise e
def draw(ifile,odir,prefix,sizex,sizey):
"""Main method. it manage page's room, slicing it in several 100x100 squares"""
colorArray = readColors(ifile)
nextColor.counter = 0
nextColor.array = colorArray
isNextColor.colorslenght = len(colorArray)
pc = x = y = 0
image = newPage(sizex,sizey)
x += 100#cambia colonna
if x+100>=sizex:#cambia riga
x = 0
y += 100
if isPageEnded(y,sizey):#salva pagina
pc += 1
image = newPage(sizex,sizey)
x = y = 0
except Exception as e:
raise e
N_("Create a color map from a text color file"),
"Create a color map from a text color file",
"#Copyright Alberto 2014",
N_("Draw Colors..."),
(PF_FILE, "ifile", N_("Color input file:"), 'default\\input\\colorfile\\path\\colorlist.txt'),
(PF_DIRNAME, "odir", N_("Path for png export:"), 'default\\output\\path'),
(PF_STRING, "prefix", N_("Filename prefix for export:"), "table"),
(PF_INT8, "sizex", N_("Image's x size:"), 1024),
(PF_INT8, "sizey", N_("Image's y size:"), 1024)
draw, #main method call
domain=("gimp20-python", gimp.locale_directory)
Output example: