How to display html from the controller in the view using Web2Py? - python

I'm utilizing web2py and I'd like to display html code that is returned from a python function in the controller.
I have the following controller (
def index():
return {"html_code":"<img src=''>"}
This is my view (index.html):
When I visit the site (, I see the following (instead of the image)
<img src=''>
How can I render the variable called html_code as html instead of as plain text?

By default, any content written to the view via {{=...}} is escaped. To suppress the escaping, you can use the XML() helper:
Alternatively, you can construct the HTML via the server-side HTML helpers rather than generating raw HTML:
def index():
return {"html_code": IMG(_src='')}
And then you can leave the view as you have it:
The above assumes that you are generating the HTML via your own code. If the HTML in question comes from an untrusted source (e.g., user input), writing it to the view without escaping presents a security risk. In that case, you can have the XML() helper doing some sanitizing (i.e., it will limit the allowed HTML tags and attributes to a safe whitelist) (see here for more details):
{{=XML(html_code, sanitize=True)}}

try use XML() helper
def index():
return {"html_code":XML("<img src=''>")}


How to avoid auto escaping HTML tags with Jinja2

I have flask, jinja2 and python.
So, I'm trying to display text that is stored as markdown.
I do this
class Article(db.Entity):
def html(self):
return markdown(self.text) # from markdown import markdown
Next in my view I do this
html_text = article_.html()
return render_template('article.html', article=article_, comments=comments, user=user, text=html_text)
And in article.html I just have this line
So, with data stored in db as *im busy* I have <p><em>im busy</em></p> in my browser.
I tried to use .replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') but it changes nothing.
Do you know safe filter?
Passing HTML to template using Flask/Jinja2

How to return JSON data from Flask without ajax

Suppose I want to render a page (not just JSON) using Flask with some specific data that I fetch from the database. For example
display_data.html includes:
<script src='display_data.js'></script>
<h1>Data display page!</h1>
<div id="chartContainer"></div>
$(function() {
draw_chart($("#chartContainer"), json_data);
//draw_chart is defined elsewhere and json_data is what I want to pass in
def get_display_data_page(data_id):
data = get_data_by_id(data_id)
return render_template('display_data.html', data = data)
I think that if I want to just "render template", I'd have to include elsewhere in display_data.html the following:
<script>window.json_data = {{ data | tojson | safe}}</script>
This pattern smells bad: I'm leaving an object on the global namespace (so that my JS file can access it), displaying the data as plain text, and rendering a string in that is parsed into JSON so the JS can use it. Looks bad but this does work.
Two other options:
Return the data with AJAX. Given the title of this post I'm specifically trying to avoid ajax. The reason for this is mainly that I'm building a mobile site and want to reduce the number of pings back to the server. I'm also thinking (perhaps more metaphysically) about encapsulating the page: once you have it, you have all of it.
Render my JS file via Flask and Jinja. This seems like a bummer because I'd have to then write a route down and render the JS based on the same logic that I have in the get_display_data_page: looking up the data by its id, etc. Code duplication and dynamic JS sound like big no-no's to me.
Is there a known pattern to doing this well?
There's no need to leave data in the global scope if you don't want to. In your template you can do something like this:
function registerTask(f, args) {
$(function() {, args);
{% for name, args in js_tasks %}
registerTask({{name}}, {{ args | tojson | safe }});
{% endfor %}
Then, in your JS file, redefine draw_chart to just take the data (or have a wrapper around it that you use as your task registry name):
function draw_chart_task(data) {
draw_chart($('#chartContainer'), data);
Finally, in your controller, simply provide the data and the task name as a tuple:
return render_template('display_data.html', js_tasks=[('draw_chart_task', data)])
This ensures that your JavaScript is not just plucking its dependencies out of the global scope, and you are not making extra network calls.
The data is visible in the raw text output of the page, but it is visible if you make an AJAX call too, you just have to look in a different panel of your browser's developer's tools to see it.

Django Javascript Output

I am trying to render html output that is generated by a python google maps library that involves JS code in it. I am passing the part that shows google map with the html_map variable, and as follows:
html = t.render(Context({'html_map':html_map}))
return HttpResponse(html)
However, instead of showing the map, the page shows js code(i.e., directly prints it). The image below shows this:
How can I solve this?
html = t.render(Context({'html_map':html_map}))
return HttpResponse(html)
use in template:
{{ htm_map|safe }}

How do I display a website with html-forms locally using python and collect the user input?

I am a behavorial scientist and usually collect data by letting participants do some tasks on a computer and record their responses (I write the programs using the pyglet wrapper PsychoPy). That is, the program runs locally and the data is stored locally.
Now I would like to know if there is a way to use Python to display a (local) website with html-forms to the user and collect the input (locally). The reason for this idea is that currently whenever I want to display checkboxes, radiobuttons, or input fields I use wxPython. This works quite well, but programming and layouting in wxPython is kind of cumbersome and I would prefer html with forms.
A requirement would be that it would need to rum without any borders, adress field, menu bar, ... The reason is that I need it in kind of fullscreen mode (I currently open a non-fullscreen pygflet window in the size of the screen to hide the desktop) so that participants can do nothing but work on the forms.
So I am looking for a way to (a) display html websites including html form above a pyglet window with no menu bar or whatsoever, (b) collect the input when clicking on the Ok button (i.e., the form is send), (c) control what is presented prior and after viewing this website, and (d) everything of this should happen locally!
My idea would be that the data is collected when participants hit the "Send away" button in the following example pic and the next page is displayed.
Update: I use windows (XP or 7).
This is a solution using Qt Webkit for rendering HTML. The default navigation request handler is wrapped by a function that checks for submitted form requests. The form uses the "get" method, so the data is included in the url of the request and can be retrieved that way. The original request is declined and you can change the content of the displayed web page as you wish.
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtWebKit
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
view = QtWebKit.QWebView()
# intercept form submits
class MyWebPage(QtWebKit.QWebPage):
def acceptNavigationRequest(self, frame, req, nav_type):
if nav_type == QtWebKit.QWebPage.NavigationTypeFormSubmitted:
text = "<br/>\n".join(["%s: %s" % pair for pair in req.url().queryItems()])
return False
return super(MyWebPage, self).acceptNavigationRequest(frame, req, nav_type)
# setup the html form
html = """
<form action="" method="get">
Like it?
<input type="radio" name="like" value="yes"/> Yes
<input type="radio" name="like" value="no" /> No
<br/><input type="text" name="text" value="Hello" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send"/>
# run the application
As AdamKG mentioned, using a webframework would be a good choice. Since Django and similar might be an overkill here, using a micro webframework like 'flask' or 'bottle' would be a great choice.
This link demonstrates via step by step instruction how to make a simple form via a To-DO application. It assumes zero previous knowledge.
You can run it only locally also.
your want a simple solution, so just write a http server and run your simple page.
using python.BaseHTTPServer, coding a 15 line web server:
import BaseHTTPServer
class WebRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
if self.path == '/foo':
def do_something(self):
print 'hello world'
server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',80), WebRequestHandler)
easy enough,but i suggest using some web frameworks. They are easy too.
for example, here is what u want in 50 line codes:
make a dir with 2 files:
`-- templates
`-- index.html
$def with (form, ret)
<title> another site </title>
<h1> hello, this is a page </h1>
<form action="" method="post">
</html> logic file:
import web
### Url mappings
urls = (
'/', 'Index', )
### Templates
render = web.template.render('templates')
class Index:
form = web.form.Form(
web.form.Textbox('fav_name', web.form.notnull, description="Favorite Name:"),
web.form.Textbox('cur_name', web.form.notnull, description="Current Name:"),
web.form.Button('Send Away'),
def GET(self):
""" Show page """
form = self.form()
return render.index(form, "")
def POST(self):
""" handle button clicked """
form = self.form()
if not form.validates():
return render.index(form, "INPUT ERROR")
# save data by ur method, or do some task
#pyglet.save_data(form.d.fav_name, form.d.cur_name)
form = self.form()
return render.index(form, "YOUR DATA SAVED")
app = web.application(urls, globals())
if __name__ == '__main__':
run this server in your windows:
python 9999
open browser:
by the way, if ur data is only strings, u can save them in by sqlite.
My suggestion would be:
Use some python server as, for example SimpleHTTPServer. It is needed because the submit button on forms sends the information to a server. There you should manage the received info some way;
Have your browser configured with one of those Kiosk extensions, which disallow even the use of Alt+F4. An example would be Open Kiosk extension for Firefox
Optionally, if you have affinity with scripts in general, you could create a script which, when executed, would at the same time run the python server AND open your html file in the browser. That would ease a lot your setup work for every subject in your group.
EDIT: I've read you need the pyglet over the browser window. That could be included in the script of step 3, using "always on top" option and absolute positioning of the pyglet (I can tell this would probably be simpler on Linux, which could be run from persistent LiveUSB - just a thought!)
EDIT (regarding the posted comment):
I think the most reliable option for output would be to disk (file or database) instead or RAM (running python object), then you read the info from file afterwards. Then, in case of a surprise (system hang, power failure), the already-entered data would be there.
The only (and most important) part I don't know HOW to do is to handle the content of the form's "submit" on the server-side. Probably some server-side script file (php, python) shoud be created and left on the server root, so the server would receive an http request containing the info, and send the info to the script, which then handles the processing and file/database storage activities.
This might be of your interest:
"The POST request method is used when the client needs to send data to the server as part of the request, such as when uploading a file or submitting a completed form." (from wikipedia on "POST(HTTP)" ENTRY)
In another link, some thoughts on using SimpleHTTPServer itself for handling POST requests:
Hope this helps.
The reason for this idea is that currently whenever I want to display
checkboxes, radiobuttons, or input fields I use wxPython. This works
quite well, but programming and layouting in wxPython is kind of
cumbersome and I would prefer html with forms.
You can combine the ease of HTML and still create native Windows applications using Flex with a Python backend.
If you are averse to Flex, a bit more - involved - but still native windows application generator is Camelot
Instead of typing it out again - I would suggest the django + flex + pyamf article on Adobe that explains it all with screenshots as well. You can replace django with flask or bottle as they are more lightweight, however the PyAMF library provides native support for django which is why it was used in the example.
PyAMF provides Action Message Format (a binary protocol to exchange object with the flash runtime) support for Python.

Generating HTML documents in python

In python, what is the most elegant way to generate HTML documents. I currently manually append all of the tags to a giant string, and write that to a file. Is there a more elegant way of doing this?
You can use yattag to do this in an elegant way. FYI I'm the author of the library.
from yattag import Doc
doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext()
with tag('html'):
with tag('body'):
with tag('p', id = 'main'):
text('some text')
with tag('a', href='/my-url'):
text('some link')
result = doc.getvalue()
It reads like html, with the added benefit that you don't have to close tags.
I would suggest using one of the many template languages available for python, for example the one built into Django (you don't have to use the rest of Django to use its templating engine) - a google query should give you plenty of other alternative template implementations.
I find that learning a template library helps in so many ways - whenever you need to generate an e-mail, HTML page, text file or similar, you just write a template, load it with your template library, then let the template code create the finished product.
Here's some simple code to get you started:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from django.template import Template, Context
from django.conf import settings
settings.configure() # We have to do this to use django templates standalone - see
# Our template. Could just as easily be stored in a separate file
template = """
<title>Template {{ title }}</title>
Body with {{ mystring }}.
t = Template(template)
c = Context({"title": "title from code",
"mystring":"string from code"})
print t.render(c)
It's even simpler if you have templates on disk - check out the render_to_string function for django 1.7 that can load templates from disk from a predefined list of search paths, fill with data from a dictory and render to a string - all in one function call. (removed from django 1.8 on, see Engine.from_string for comparable action)
If you're building HTML documents than I highly suggest using a template system (like jinja2) as others have suggested. If you're in need of some low level generation of html bits (perhaps as an input to one of your templates), then the xml.etree package is a standard python package and might fit the bill nicely.
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
html = ET.Element('html')
body = ET.Element('body')
div = ET.Element('div', attrib={'class': 'foo'})
span = ET.Element('span', attrib={'class': 'bar'})
span.text = "Hello World"
if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0):
# python 2
ET.ElementTree(html).write(sys.stdout, encoding='utf-8',
# python 3
ET.ElementTree(html).write(sys.stdout, encoding='unicode',
Prints the following:
<html><body><div class="foo"><span class="bar">Hello World</span></div></body></html>
There is also a nice, modern alternative: airium:
from airium import Airium
a = Airium()
a('<!DOCTYPE html>')
with a.html(lang="pl"):
with a.head():
a.title(_t="Airium example")
with a.body():
with a.h3(id="id23409231", klass='main_header'):
a("Hello World.")
html = str(a) # casting to string extracts the value
Prints such a string:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pl">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Airium example</title>
<h3 id="id23409231" class="main_header">
Hello World.
The greatest advantage of airium is - it has also a reverse translator, that builds python code out of html string. If you wonder how to implement a given html snippet - the translator gives you the answer right away.
Its repository contains tests with example pages translated automatically with airium in: tests/documents. A good starting point (any existing tutorial) - is this one: tests/documents/
I would recommend using xml.dom to do this.
Read this manual page, it has methods for building up XML (and therefore XHTML). It makes all XML tasks far easier, including adding child nodes, document types, adding attributes, creating texts nodes. This should be able to assist you in the vast majority of things you will do to create HTML.
It is also very useful for analysing and processing existing xml documents.
Here is a tutorial that should help you with applying the syntax:
I am using the code snippet known as throw_out_your_templates for some of my own projects:
Unfortunately, there is no pypi package for it and it's not part of any distribution as this is only meant as a proof-of-concept. I was also not able to find somebody who took the code and started maintaining it as an actual project. Nevertheless, I think it is worth a try even if it means that you have to ship your own copy of with your code.
Similar to the suggestion to use yattag by John Smith Optional, this module does not require you to learn any templating language and also makes sure that you never forget to close tags or quote special characters. Everything stays written in Python. Here is an example of how to use it:
head[title['An example'], meta(charset='UTF-8')],
body(onload='func_with_esc_args(1, "bar")')[
div['Escaped chars: ', '< ', u'>', '&'],
'var lt_not_escaped = (1 < 2);',
'\nvar escaped_cdata_close = "]]>";',
'\nvar unescaped_ampersand = "&";'
not escaped "< & >"
escaped: "-->"
div['some encoded bytes and the equivalent unicode:',
'你好', unicode('你好', 'utf-8')],
safe_unicode('<b>My surrounding b tags are not escaped</b>'),
I am attempting to make an easier solution called
In Which you can do stuff like this:
from PyperText.html import Script
from PyperText.htmlButton import Button
#from PyperText.html{WIDGET} import WIDGET; ex from PyperText.htmlEntry import Entry; variations shared in file
myButton.setText("This is a button")
I wrote a simple wrapper for the lxml module (should work fine with xml as well) that makes tags for HTML/XML -esq documents.
Really, I liked the format of the answer by John Smith but I didn't want to install yet another module to accomplishing something that seemed so simple.
Example first, then the wrapper.
from Tag import Tag
with Tag('html') as html:
with Tag('body'):
with Tag('div'):
with Tag('span', attrib={'id': 'foo'}) as span:
span.text = 'Hello, world!'
with Tag('span', attrib={'id': 'bar'}) as span:
span.text = 'This was an example!'
<html><body><div><span id="foo">Hello, world!</span><span id="bar">This was an example!</span></div></body></html>
Output after some manual formatting:
<span id="foo">Hello, world!</span>
<span id="bar">This was an example!</span>
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from lxml import etree
class Tag:
tag: str
attrib: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
parent: object = None
_text: str = None
def text(self):
return self._text
def text(self, value):
self._text = value
self.element.text = value
def __post_init__(self):
def write(self, filename):
def _make_element(self):
self.element = etree.Element(self.tag, attrib=self.attrib)
def _append_to_parent(self):
if self.parent is not None:
def __enter__(self):
if PARENT_TAG is not None:
self.parent = PARENT_TAG
return self
def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback):
if PARENT_TAG is self:
PARENT_TAG = self.parent
