I'm making a model to predict a the irradiance value on a solar field. The thing is that my model, despite being very simple (added code below), performs very well. The problem is that for any reason, it predicts a different scale, giving almos always lower values but in the same trend. I have appended the plot which compares both outputs and real data, in train and test set. Also linked the dataset.
Some details: The model has a total of 24 columns which correspond to 24 pyranometers which are the ones that gives information about the sun. The model has just been trained with the first one for simplicity, therefore with more data we can achieve better performance. Also, I'm processing my data to have a 15 steps back in time and a predict window of 20 steps forward.
input = Input((LAG,1)) # LAG is the number of steps I take backward
hidden = LSTM(32, return_sequences=True)(input)
output = Dense(1, activation='linear')(hidden)
model = Model(input, output)
Model output vs real in train set
Model output vs real in test set
I'm new to ANN, but I've managed to train a convolutional model successfully (using some legacy tensorflow v1 code) up to ~90% accuracy or so on my data. But when I evaluate (test) it on any given batch, the result is somewhat random, even though it's 90% correct. I've tried to re-evaluate the data N times and averaging (using N's between 1 and 25), but still each evaluation differs from the others between 3% to 10% of the data points.
Is there any way to make the evaluation predictable, so that the evaluation of an input batch X always yield the exact same result Y every time I run it (once training is done)?
I'm not sure if it's relevant, but my layers are batch normalized like so:
inp = tf.identity(inp)
channels = inp.get_shape()[-1]
offset = tf.compat.v1.get_variable(
'offset', [channels],
scale = tf.compat.v1.get_variable(
'scale', [channels],
initializer=tf.compat.v1.random_normal_initializer(1.0, 0.02))
mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(x=inp, axes=[0, 1], keepdims=False)
variance_epsilon = 1e-5
normalized = tf.nn.batch_normalization(
inp, mean, variance, offset, scale, variance_epsilon=variance_epsilon)
The scale part is initialized with random data, but I assume that gets loaded when I do tf.compat.v1.train.Saver().restore(session, checkpoint_fname)?
I am assuming you are testing the model on your training batches?
You can't equate the accuracy of a portion of your total training dataset to the accuracy of the whole.
Think of it like a regression problem. If you only take a part of the dataset, there is no guarantee that it would average out close to the full dataset.
If you want consistent accuracy, evaluate on the full dataset.
I'm trying to build a NN with Keras and Tensorflow to predict the final chart position of a song, given a set of 5 features.
After playing around with it for a few days I realised that although my MAE was getting lower, this was because the model had just learned to predict the mean value of my training set for all input, and this was the optimal solution. (This is illustrated in the scatter plot below)
This is a random sample of 50 data points from my testing set vs what the network thinks they should be
At first I realised this was probably because my network was too complicated. I had one input layer with shape (5,) and a single node in the output layer, but then 3 hidden layers with over 32 nodes each.
I then stripped back the excess layers and moved to just a single hidden layer with a couple nodes, as shown here:
self.model = keras.Sequential([
Training this with a gradient descent optimiser still results in exactly the same prediction being made the whole time.
Then it occurred to me that perhaps the actual problem I'm trying to solve isn't hard enough for the network, that maybe it's linearly separable. Since this would respond better to not having a hidden layer at all, essentially just doing regular linear regression, I tried that. I changed my model to:
inp = keras.Input(shape=(num_features,))
out = keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='relu')(inp)
self.model = keras.Model(inp,out)
This also changed nothing. My MAE, the predicted value are all the same.
I've tried so many different things, different permutations of optimisation functions, learning rates, network configurations, and nothing can help. I'm pretty sure the data is good, but I've included a sample of it just in case.
A sample of my dataset, finalpos is the value I'm trying to predict. Dataset contains ~40,000 records, split 80/20 - training/testing
def __init__(self, validation_split, num_features, should_log):
self.should_log = should_log
self.validation_split = validation_split
inp = keras.Input(shape=(num_features,))
out = keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='relu')(inp)
self.model = keras.Model(inp,out)
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01)
def train(self, data, labels, plot=False):
early_stop = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=20)
history = self.model.fit(data,
callbacks = [PrintDot(), early_stop])
if plot: self.plot_history(history)
All code relevant to constructing and training the networ
def normalise_dataset(df, mini, maxi):
return (df - mini)/(maxi-mini)
Normalisation of the input data. Both my testing and training data are normalised to the max and min of the testing set
Graph of my loss vs validation curves with the one hidden layer network with an adamoptimiser, learning rate 0.01
Same graph but with linear regression and a gradient descent optimiser.
So I am pretty sure that your normalization is the issue: You are not normalizing by feature (as is the de-fact industry standard), but across all data.
That means, if you have two different features that have very different orders of magnitude/ranges (in your case, compare timeinchart with artistscore.
Instead, you might want to normalize using something like scikit-learn's StandardScaler. Not only does this normalize per column (so you can pass all features at once), but it also does unit variance (which is some assumption about your data, but can potentially help, too).
To transform your data, use something along these lines
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import numpy as np
raw_data = np.array([[1,40], [2, 80]])
scaler = StandardScaler()
processed_data = scaler.fit_transform(raw_data)
# fit() calculates mean etc, transform() puts it to the new range.
print(processed_data) # returns [[-1, -1], [1,1]]
Note that you have two possibilities to normalize/standardize your training data:
Either scale them together with your training data, and then split afterwards,
or you instead only fit the training data, and then use the same scaler to transform your test data.
Never fit_transform your test set separate from training data!
Since you have potentially different mean/min/max values, you can end up with totally wrong predictions! In a sense, the StandardScaler is your definition of your "data source distribution", which is inherently still the same for your test set, even though they might be a subset not exactly following the same properties (due to small sample size etc.)
Additionally, you might want to use a more advanced optimizer, like Adam, or specify some momentum property (0.9 is a good choice in practic, as a rule of thumb) for your SGD.
Turns out the error was a really stupid and easy to miss bug.
When I was importing my dataset, I shuffle it, however when I performed the shuffling, I was accidentally applying the shuffling only to the labels set, not the whole dataset as a whole.
As a result, each label was being assigned to a completely random feature set, of course the model didn't know what to do with this.
Thanks to #dennlinger for suggesting for me to look in the place where I eventually found this bug.
The Task:
So me and a friend have been tasked to make a NeuralNet for a old Kaggle competition which is a regression problem as you have to predict the sales of the shop for upto x amount of months which is Here.
The Dataset:
We've decided to use Keras and Pandas to preprocess the train dataset, The train dataset has the following fields
(The text inside parenthesis are NOT in the dataset but only to show you the range and data type)
Store(1-1115) DayOfWeek(1-7) Date(YYYY-MM-DD) Sales(int) Customers(int) Open(0 OR 1) Promo(0 OR 1) StateHoliday(0,a,b,c) SchoolHoliday(0 OR 1)
How We Process/Make The Datasets:
So we decided to delete 'Sales' from the trainning dataset and to use it as Y, the target which is where I come to the first question. Should we normalise the Y/Sales target data?
Now We process the rest of the trainning data as follows.
We remove the date as we thought it would not provide much use
especially if we put the data in order.
We have changed State Holiday to a (0 or 1) binary value to state weather it is/isn't a State Holiday. We have also changed it to 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0 to represent all the State Holidays, we did this in a different iteration of the dataset (the different iteration part is important later)
We then normalised Customers to between 0-1 just like the sales
We also removed School Holiday as we thought it didnt hold a strong enough value to the sales target
We also removed Open as if the shop was shut it got no Sales and just didnt make sense to keep
We also got rid of Day Of Week in One iteration of the dataset and kept it in another
Now my friend is much more of a mathematician than I am, I'm more of a Computer Scientist. So using another dataset which was also in the competition called Store.csv and it looks like the following: Store.csv
Store(1-1115) StoreType(a-d) Assortment(a-c) CompetitionDistance(int Meters) CompetitionOpenSinceMonth(int M) CompetitionOpenSinceYear(int YYYY) Promo2(0 OR 1) Promo2SinceWeek(int) Promo2SinceYear(YYYY) PromoInterval(Str months seperated by csv)
Now my friend wrote a distance function to make N clusters for our trainning dataset, the function is as follows(We settled on 5 clusters):
I put the most similiar together based on customer distance store type
assortment and promo
We then have 5 datasets which are split by our distance function.
We now 5 datasets and we remove the following:
Sales - save this as Y/Target
So now our final dataset looks like the following:
DayOfWeek(1-7) Customers(normalised) Promo(0 OR 1) StateHoliday(0 OR 1)
The Problem
So far when we train our the Neural Network the accuracy and validation accurcy of our network just converges to a number and does not budge, no matter what epoch or learning rates or momentum we set. We have tried differnt clusters that still converge to different numbers. We made one big dataset with all the clusters and the numebrs still converge.
We made a big datasete with no cluster seperation and the accuracy and validation accuracy just reaches a fixed number after 2/3/4 epochs and never changes.
the network we made looks like the following:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(8, input_dim=4, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(3, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='relu'))
# model.add(Dense(1, activation='linear'))
model.compile(loss="MSE", optimizer="nadam", metrics=['accuracy'])
model.fit(x=xt.as_matrix(), y=yt.as_matrix(), validation_data=(xv.as_matrix(), yv.as_matrix()), epochs=5000)
We'v even tried adding removing a few features and the same problem still happens.
Why is the numbers converging no matter it we change the dataset?
Could this be a network shape/activation function/loss/optimizer
Is the problem with the dataset?
Is the clustering idea a good idea to pre process the data?
How would you process this data to get good results?
What type of layers/neurons would be appropriate?
Should we normalize the data?
I'm getting acquainted with LSTMs and I need clarity on something. I'm modeling a time series using t-300:t-1 to predict t:t+60. My first approach was to set up an LSTM like this:
# fake dataset to put words into code:
X = [[1,2...299,300],[2,3,...300,301],...]
y = [[301,302...359,360],[302,303...360,361],...]
# LSTM requires (num_samples, timesteps, num_features)
X = X.reshape(X.shape[0],1,X.shape[1])
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(n_neurons[0], batch_input_shape=(n_batch, X.shape[1], X.shape[2]), stateful=True))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')
model.fit(X, y, epochs=1, batch_size=1, verbose=1, shuffle=False)
With my real dataset, the results have been suboptimal, and on CPU it was able to train 1 epoch of around 400,000 samples in 20 minutes. The network converged quickly after a single epoch, and for any set of points I fed it, the same results would come out.
My latest change has been to reshape X in the following way:
X = X.reshape(X.shape[0],X.shape[1],1)
Training seems to be going slower (I have not tried on the full dataset), but it is noticably slower. It takes about 5 minutes to train over a single epoch of 2,800 samples. I toyed around with a smaller subset of my real data and a smaller number of epochs and it seems to be promising. I am not getting the same output for different inputs.
Can anyone help me understand what is happening here?
In Keras, timesteps in (num_samples, timesteps, num_features) determine how many steps BPTT will propagate the error back.
This, in turn, takes more time to do hence the slow down that you are observing.
X.reshape(X.shape[0], X.shape[1], 1) is the right thing to do in your case, since what you have is a single feature, with 300 timesteps.