Duplicating Pandas Dataframe rows based on string split, without iteration - python

I have a dataframe with a multiindex, where one of thecolumns represents multiple values, separated by a "|", like this:
left right
x a|b 2
y b|c|d -1
I want to duplicate the rows based on the "right" column, to get something like this:
left right
x a 2
x b 2
y b -1
y c -1
y d -1
The solution I have to this feels wrong and runs slow, because it's based on iteration:
df2 = df.iloc[:0]
for index, row in df.iterrows():
stgs = index[1].split("|")
for s in stgs:
row.name = (index[0], s)
df2 = df2.append(row)
Is there a more vectored way to do this?

Pandas Series have a dedicated method split to perform this operation
split works only on Series so isolate the Column you want
SO = df['right']
Now 3 steps at once: spilt return A Series of array. apply(pd.Series, 1) convert array in columns. stack stacks you columns into a unique column
S1 = SO.str.split(',').apply(pd.Series, 1).stack()
The only issue is that you have now a multi-index. So just drop the level you don`t need
Full example
SO = pd.Series(data=["a,b", "b,c,d"])
S1 = SO.str.split(',').apply(pd.Series, 1).stack()
0 0 a
1 b
1 0 b
1 c
2 d
S1.index = S1.index.droplevel(-1)
0 a
0 b
1 b
1 c
1 d

Building upon the answer #xNoK, I am adding here the additional step needed to include the result back in the original DataFrame.
We have this data:
arrays = [['x', 'y'], ['a|b', 'b|c|d']]
midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=['left', 'right'])
df = pd.DataFrame(index=midx, data=[2, -1], columns=['value'])
left right
x a|b 2
y b|c|d -1
First, let's generate the values for right index as #xNoK suggested. First take the Index level we want to work on by index.levels[1] and convert it it to series so that we can perform the str.split() function, and finally stack() it to get the result we want.
new_multi_idx_val = df.index.levels[1].to_series().str.split('|').apply(pd.Series).stack()
a|b 0 a
1 b
b|c|d 0 b
1 c
2 d
dtype: object
Now we want to put this value in the original DataFrame df. To do that, let's change its shape so that result we generated in the previous step could be copied.
In order to do that, we can repeat the rows (including the indexes) by a number of | present in right level of multi-index. df.index.levels[1].to_series().str.split('|').apply(lambda x: len(x)) gives the number of times a row (including index) should be repeated. We apply this to the function index.repeat() and fetch values at those indexes to create a new DataFrame df_repeted.
df_repeted = df.loc[df.index.repeat(df.index.levels[1].to_series().str.split('|').apply(lambda x: len(x)))]
left right
x a|b 2
a|b 2
y b|c|d -1
b|c|d -1
b|c|d -1
Now df_repeted DataFrame is in a shape where we could change the index to get the answer we want.
Replace the index of df_repeted with desired values as following:
df_repeted.index = [df_repeted.index.droplevel(1), new_multi_idx_val]
df_repeted.index.rename(names=['left', 'right'], inplace=True)
left right
x a 2
b 2
y b -1
c -1
d -1


Set specific rows values to column in pandas dataframe using list comprehension

I would like to change values in a column for specific rows. The rows are defined in a vector containing the row indexes. I thought this could be done with list comprehension (similar to apply function in R). I tried this:
[(dataframe.loc[(dataframe['id']== x), 'column_to_be_changed'] = 1) (x) for x in indexes]
The error message is "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" with pointer to " = 1 "
This part works:
x = n (e.g. 5)
dataframe.loc[(dataframe['id']== x), 'column_to_be_changed'] = 1)
Since a list comprehension gives a list back and not pandas dataframe, I am missing something, I guess. Help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I think you are just looking for mask or where. See the below example:
df=pd.DataFrame({'id': [1,2,3,4], 'some_column': ['a','b','c','d']})
# id some_column
# 0 1 a
# 1 2 b
# 2 3 c
# 3 4 d
li = [1,2] #indexes 1 and 2, so b and c
mask = df.index.isin(li)
df['some_column'].mask(mask, 'z', inplace=True) # 'z' is the value that will be set if the index is in 'li'
# id some_column
# 0 1 a
# 1 2 z
# 2 3 z
# 3 4 d

Indexing a dataframe from a dataframe of row indexes

I have two python dataframes with equal shape, for example:
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(3,2), index=np.arange(3), columns=['a','b'] )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, high=3, size=(3,2)), index=np.arange(3), columns=['a','b'] )
print df1
a b
0 0.336811 -2.132993
1 -1.492770 0.278024
2 -2.355762 -0.894376
print df2
a b
0 1 2
1 0 2
2 2 1
I would like to use the values in df2 as row indexes to select the values in df1 and create a new dataframe of equal shape.
Expected result:
print df3
a b
0 -1.492770 -0.894376
1 0.336811 -0.894376
2 -2.355762 0.278024
I have tried using .loc and it works well for a single column:
df3 = df1.loc[df2['a'], 'a']
print df3
0 -1.492770
1 0.336811
2 -2.355762
But I was not able to use .loc or .iloc on all columns at the same time.
I would like to avoid loops to optimize performance since I am working on a large dataframe.
Any ideas?
Using numpy selection
pd.DataFrame([df1[col].values[df2[col]] for col in df1.columns], index=['a','b']).T
a b
0 -1.492770 -0.894376
1 0.336811 -0.894376
2 -2.355762 0.278024
If you want to avoid for loops, you have to play with raveling and unraveling. In a nutshell, you flatten all your data frame in a single vector, sum len(df1) at each block to jump indexes to the beginning of the next column, and then reshape back to the original size. All operations in this context are vectorized, so should be fast.
For example,
df1.T.values.ravel()[df2.T.values.ravel() + np.repeat(np.arange(0, len(df1)+1, len(df1)), len(df1))].reshape(df1.T.shape).T
array([[-1.49277 , -0.894376],
[ 0.336811, -0.894376],
[-2.355762, 0.278024]])

How to remove blanks/NA's from dataframe and shift the values up

I have a huge dataframe which has values and blanks/NA's in it. I want to remove the blanks from the dataframe and move the next values up in the column. Consider below sample dataframe.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,4))
df.iloc[1,2] = np.NaN
df.iloc[0,1] = np.NaN
df.iloc[2,1] = np.NaN
df.iloc[2,0] = np.NaN
0 1 2 3
0 1.857476 NaN -0.462941 -0.600606
1 0.000267 -0.540645 NaN 0.492480
2 NaN NaN -0.803889 0.527973
3 0.566922 0.036393 -1.584926 2.278294
4 -0.243182 -0.221294 1.403478 1.574097
I want my output to be as below
0 1 2 3
0 1.857476 -0.540645 -0.462941 -0.600606
1 0.000267 0.036393 -0.803889 0.492480
2 0.566922 -0.221294 -1.584926 0.527973
3 -0.243182 1.403478 2.278294
4 1.574097
I want the NaN to be removed and the next value to move up. df.shift was not helpful. I tried with multiple loops and if statements and achieved the desired result but is there any better way to get it done.
You can use apply with dropna:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,4))
df.iloc[1,2] = np.NaN
df.iloc[0,1] = np.NaN
df.iloc[2,1] = np.NaN
df.iloc[2,0] = np.NaN
print (df)
0 1 2 3
0 -1.749765 NaN 1.153036 -0.252436
1 0.981321 0.514219 NaN -1.070043
2 NaN NaN -0.458027 0.435163
3 -0.583595 0.816847 0.672721 -0.104411
4 -0.531280 1.029733 -0.438136 -1.118318
df1 = df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.dropna().values))
print (df1)
0 1 2 3
0 -1.749765 0.514219 1.153036 -0.252436
1 0.981321 0.816847 -0.458027 -1.070043
2 -0.583595 1.029733 0.672721 0.435163
3 -0.531280 NaN -0.438136 -0.104411
4 NaN NaN NaN -1.118318
And then if need replace to empty space, what create mixed values - strings with numeric - some functions can be broken:
df1 = df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.dropna().values)).fillna('')
print (df1)
0 1 2 3
0 -1.74977 0.514219 1.15304 -0.252436
1 0.981321 0.816847 -0.458027 -1.070043
2 -0.583595 1.02973 0.672721 0.435163
3 -0.53128 -0.438136 -0.104411
4 -1.118318
A numpy approach
The idea is to sort the columns by np.isnan so that np.nans are put last. I use kind='mergesort' to preserve the order within non np.nan. Finally, I slice the array and reassign it. I follow this up with a fillna
v = df.values
i = np.arange(v.shape[1])
a = np.isnan(v).argsort(0, kind='mergesort')
v[:] = v[a, i]
0 1 2 3
0 1.85748 -0.540645 -0.462941 -0.600606
1 0.000267 0.036393 -0.803889 0.492480
2 0.566922 -0.221294 -1.58493 0.527973
3 -0.243182 1.40348 2.278294
4 1.574097
If you didn't want to alter the dataframe in place
v = df.values
i = np.arange(v.shape[1])
a = np.isnan(v).argsort(0, kind='mergesort')
pd.DataFrame(v[a, i], df.index, df.columns).fillna('')
The point of this is to leverage numpys quickness
naive time test
Adding on to solution by piRSquared:
This shifts all the values to the left instead of up.
If not all values are numbers, use pd.isnull
v = df.values
a = [[n]*v.shape[1] for n in range(v.shape[0])]
b = pd.isnull(v).argsort(axis=1, kind = 'mergesort')
# a is a matrix used to reference the row index,
# b is a matrix used to reference the column index
# taking an entry from a and the respective entry from b (Same index),
# we have a position that references an entry in v
v[a, b]
A bit of explanation:
a is a list of length v.shape[0], and it looks something like this:
[[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 3, 3],
[4, 4, 4, 4],
what happens here is that, v is m x n, and I have made both a and b m x n, and so what we are doing is, pairing up every entry i,j in a and b to get the element at row with value of element at i,j in a and column with value of element at i,j, in b. So if we have a and b both look like the matrix above, then v[a,b] returns a matrix where the first row contains n copies of v[0][0], second row contains n copies of v[1][1] and so on.
In solution piRSquared, his i is a list not a matrix. So the list is used for v.shape[0] times, aka once for every row. Similarly, we could have done:
a = [[n] for n in range(v.shape[0])]
# which looks like
# [[0],[1],[2],[3]...]
# since we are trying to indicate the row indices of the matrix v as opposed to
# [0, 1, 2, 3, ...] which refers to column indices
Let me know if anything is unclear,
Thanks :)
As a pandas beginner I wasn't immediately able to follow the reasoning behind #jezrael's
df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.dropna().values))
but I figured out that it works by resetting the index of the column. df.apply (by default) works column-by-column, treating each column as a series. Using df.dropna() removes NaNs but doesn't change the index of the remaining numbers, so when this column is added back to the dataframe the numbers go back to their original positions as their indices are still the same, and the empty spaces are filled with NaN, recreating the original dataframe and achieving nothing.
By resetting the index of the column, in this case by changing the series to an array (using .values) and back to a series (using pd.Series), only the empty spaces after all the numbers (i.e. at the bottom of the column) are filled with NaN. The same can be accomplished by
df.apply(lambda x: x.dropna().reset_index(drop = True))
(drop = True) for reset_index keeps the old index from becoming a new column.
I would have posted this as a comment on #jezrael's answer but my rep isn't high enough!

How is index modified by dataframe.sort_values()

I have a dataframe that i want to sort on one of my columns (that is a date)
However I have a loop i am running on the index (while i<df.shape[0]), I need the loop to go on my dataframe once it is sorted by date.
Is the current index modified accordingly to the sorting or should I use df.reset_index() ?
Maybe I'm not understanding the question, but a simple check shows that sort_values does modify the index:
df = pd.DataFrame({'x':['a','c','b'], 'y':[1,3,2]})
df = df.sort_values(by = 'x')
x y
0 a 1
2 b 2
1 c 3
And a subsequent:
df = df.reset_index(drop = True)
x y
0 a 1
1 b 2
2 c 3

Drop rows if value in a specific column is not an integer in pandas dataframe

If I have a dataframe and want to drop any rows where the value in one column is not an integer how would I do this?
The alternative is to drop rows if value is not within a range 0-2 but since I am not sure how to do either of them I was hoping someonelse might.
Here is what I tried but it didn't work not sure why:
df = df[(df['entrytype'] != 0) | (df['entrytype'] !=1) | (df['entrytype'] != 2)].all(1)
There are 2 approaches I propose:
In [212]:
df = pd.DataFrame({'entrytype':[0,1,np.NaN, 'asdas',2]})
0 0
1 1
2 NaN
3 asdas
4 2
If the range of values is as restricted as you say then using isin will be the fastest method:
In [216]:
0 0
1 1
4 2
Otherwise we could cast to a str and then call .isdigit()
In [215]:
df[df['entrytype'].apply(lambda x: str(x).isdigit())]
0 0
1 1
4 2
str("-1").isdigit() is False
str("-1").lstrip("-").isdigit() works but is not nice.
for your question the reverse set
df.loc[ ~(df['Feature'].str.match('^[+-]?\d+$')) ]
We have multiple ways to do the same, but I found this method easy and efficient.
Quick Examples
#Using drop() to delete rows based on column value
df.drop(df[df['Fee'] >= 24000].index, inplace = True)
# Remove rows
df2 = df[df.Fee >= 24000]
# If you have space in column name
# Specify column name with in single quotes
df2 = df[df['column name']]
# Using loc
df2 = df.loc[df["Fee"] >= 24000 ]
# Delect rows based on multiple column value
df2 = df[ (df['Fee'] >= 22000) & (df['Discount'] == 2300)]
# Drop rows with None/NaN
df2 = df[df.Discount.notnull()]
