A biopython script to split a large fasta file into multiple ones - python

I am working on a large fasta file I want to spliting into multiple ones according to the gene id. I am trying to use the above script from biopython tutorials:
def batch_iterator(iterator, batch_size):
"""Returns lists of length batch_size.
This can be used on any iterator, for example to batch up
SeqRecord objects from Bio.SeqIO.parse(...), or to batch
Alignment objects from Bio.AlignIO.parse(...), or simply
lines from a file handle.
This is a generator function, and it returns lists of the
entries from the supplied iterator. Each list will have
batch_size entries, although the final list may be shorter.
entry = True # Make sure we loop once
while entry:
batch = []
while len(batch) < batch_size:
entry = iterator.next()
except StopIteration:
entry = None
if entry is None:
# End of file
if batch:
yield batch
record_iter=SeqIO.parse(open('/path/sorted_sequences.fa'), 'fasta')
for i, batch in enumerate (batch_iterator(record_iter, 93)):
filename='gene_%i.fasta' % (i + 1)
with open('/path/files/' + filename, 'w') as ouput_handle:
count=SeqIO.write(batch, ouput_handle, 'fasta')
print ('Wrote %i records to %s' % (count, filename))
It does split the files with 93 sequence in them but it gives 2 files per group of 93. I cannot see the error but I guess there is one.
There is another way I could split the large fasta file in a different way?

After reading the code in the example, the iterator does not seem to separate files per gene id but just make a divition of the sequences in groups of batch_size, so in your case 93 sequences per file.

In case there is anyone interested in this script in the future. The script works perfectly the way it is. The problems was that the file I was trying to divide had more sequences than it should. So I deleted the bad file, and produce a new one that split nicely with the above script.


How can I split csv files in python?

Because of the memory error, i have to split my csv files. I did research it. I found it from one of the stack overflow user who is Aziz Alto. This is his code.
csvfile = open('#', 'r').readlines()
filename = 1
for i in range(len(csvfile)):
if i % 10000000 == 0:
open(str(filename) + '.csv', 'w+').writelines(csvfile[i:i+10000000])
filename += 1
It works well but for second file, the code did not add header which is very important for me. My question is that How can I add header for second file?
import pandas as pd
rows = pd.read_csv("csvfile.csv", chunksize=5000000)
for i, chuck in enumerate(rows):
chuck.to_csv('out{}.csv'.format(i)) # i is for chunk number of each iteration
chucksize you specify how many rows you want- in excel you can have upto 1,048,576 rows.
This will save it as 5000000 and with header.
hope this Helps!!
On the 2nd till last file you have to always add the 1st line of your original file (the one containing the header):
# this loads the first file fully into memory
with open('#', 'r') as f:
csvfile = f.readlines()
linesPerFile = 1000000
filename = 1
# this is better then your former loop, it loops in 1000000 lines a peice,
# instead of incrementing 1000000 times and only write on the millionth one
for i in range(0,len(csvfile),linesPerFile):
with open(str(filename) + '.csv', 'w+') as f:
if filename > 1: # this is the second or later file, we need to write the
f.write(csvfile[0]) # header again if 2nd.... file
filename += 1
Fast csv file splitting
If you have a very big file and you have to try different partitions (say to find the best way to split it) the above solutions are too slow to try.
Another way to solve this (and a very fast one) is to create an index file by record number. It takes about six minutes to create an index file of a csv file of 6867839 rows and 9 Gb, and an additional 2 minutes for joblib to store it on disk.
This method is particularly impressive if you are dealing with huge files, like 3 Gb or more.
Here's the code for creating the index file:
# Usage:
# creaidx.py filename.csv
# indexes a csv file by record number. This can be used to
# access any record directly or to split a file without the
# need of reading it all. The index file is joblib-stored as
# filename.index
# filename.csv is the file to create index for
import os,sys,joblib
def checkopen(s,m='r',bz=None):
if os.access(s,os.F_OK):
if bz==None:
return open(s,m) # returns open file
return open(s,m,bz) # returns open file with buffer size
return None
def get_blk():
global ix,off,blk,buff
while True: # dealing with special cases
if ix==0:
if buff[0]==b'\r':
if off==BLKSIZE-2:
if off==BLKSIZE-1:
while (off>=0 and off<BLKSIZE-2):
# g.write('{},{},{}\n'.format(ix,blk,off+n))
off= buff.find(b'\r',off+2)
def crea_idx():
global buff,blk
while len(buff)==BLKSIZE:
if len(sys.argv)==1:
sys.exit("Need to provide a csv filename!")
if checkopen(idxfile)==None:
with open(idxfile,'w') as g:
if os.path.getctime(idxfile)<os.path.getctime(s):
with open(idxfile,'w') as g:
Let's use a toy example:
The index file will be:
[[0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 24],
[2, 0, 40],
[3, 0, 55],
[4, 0, 72],
[5, 0, -1]]
Note the -1 at the last index element to indicate end of index file in case of a sequential access. You can use a tool like this to access any individual row of the csv file:
def get_rec(n=1,binary=False):
n=1 if n<0 else n+1
s=b'' if binary else ''
if len(idx)==0:return ''
if idx[n-1][2]==-1:return ''
while x==-1:
s=s+buff if binary else s+buff.decode()
return s+buff[:x]+b'\r\n' if binary else s+buff[:x].decode()
The first field of the index record is obviously unnecessary. It is kept there for debugging purposes. As a side note, if you substitute this field by any field in the csv record and you sort the index file by that field, then you have the csv file sorted by that field if you use the index field to access the csv file.
Now, once you have you index file created you just call the following program with the filename (the one which index was created already) and a number between 1 and 100 which will be the percentage the file will be split at as command line parameters:
start_time = time.time()
WSIZE=1048576 # pow(2,20) 1Mb for faster reading/writing
import sys
import joblib
from common import Drv,checkopen
if len(sys.argv)<3:
sys.exit('Argument missing!')
if sys.argv[2].isnumeric():
sys.exit('Bad percentage: '+sys.argv[2])
if checkopen(idxfile):
print('Loading index...')
print('Done loading index.')
sys.exit(idxfile+' does not exist.')
with open(sout,'wb') as g:
for x in range(num):
with open(sout,'wb') as g:
while len(buff)==WSIZE:
end_time = time.time()
The file are created using blocks of 1048576 bytes. You can play with that figure to make file creation faster or to tailor it to machines with less memory resources.
The file is split only on two partitions, each of them having the header of the original file. It is not too difficult to change the code to make it
split files into more than two partitions.
Finally to put things in perspective, to split a csv file of 6867839 rows and 9 Gb by 50%, it took me roughly 6 minutes to create the index file and another 2 minutes for joblib to store it on disk. It took 3 additional minutes to split the file.

Python read and write a file faster

Here is my code for reading a huge file (more than 15 GiB) called interactions.csv and do some checks about each row and based on the check, split the interactions file into two separate files: test.csv and trains.csv.
It takes more than two days on my machine to stop. Is there any way I can make this code faster maybe using some kind of parallelism ?
target_items: a list containing some item IDs
The current program:
with open(interactions) as interactionFile, open("train.csv", "wb") as train, open("test.csv", "wb") as test:
for row in interactionFile:
# process each row
l = row.split('\t')
if l[1] in target_items:

Fast extraction of chunks of lines from large CSV file

I have a large CSV file full of stock-related data formatted as such:
Ticker Symbol, Date, [some variables...]
So each line starts of with the symbol (like "AMZN"), then has the date, then has 12 variables related to price or volume on the selected date. There are about 10,000 different securities represented in this file and I have a line for each day that the stock has been publicly traded for each of them. The file is ordered first alphabetically by ticker symbol and second chronologically by date. The entire file is about 3.3 GB.
The sort of task I want to solve would be to be able to extract the most recent n lines of data for a given ticker symbol with respect to the current date. I have code that does this, but based on my observations it seems to take, on average, around 8-10 seconds per retrieval (all tests have been extracting 100 lines).
I have functions I'd like to run that require me to grab such chunks for hundreds or thousands of symbols, and I would really like to reduce the time. My code is inefficient, but I am not sure how to make it run faster.
First, I have a function called getData:
def getData(symbol, filename):
out = ["Symbol","Date","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume","Dividend",
l = len(symbol)
beforeMatch = True
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
match = checkMatch(symbol, l, line)
if beforeMatch and match:
beforeMatch = False
elif not beforeMatch and match:
elif not beforeMatch and not match:
return out
(This code has a couple of helper functions, checkMatch and formatLineData, which I will show below.) Then, there is another function called getDataColumn that gets the column I want with the correct number of days represented:
def getDataColumn(symbol, col=12, numDays=100, changeRateTransform=False):
dataset = getData(symbol)
if not changeRateTransform:
column = [day[col] for day in dataset[-numDays:]]
n = len(dataset)
column = [(dataset[i][col] - dataset[i-1][col])/dataset[i-1][col] for i in range(n - numDays, n)]
return column
(changeRateTransform converts raw numbers into daily change rate numbers if True.) The helper functions:
def checkMatch(symbol, symbolLength, line):
out = False
if line[:symbolLength+1] == symbol + ",":
out = True
return out
def formatLineData(lineData):
out = [lineData[0]]
out.append(datetime.strptime(lineData[1], '%Y-%m-%d').date())
out += [float(d) for d in lineData[2:6]]
out += [int(float(d)) for d in lineData[6:9]]
out += [float(d) for d in lineData[9:13]]
return out
Does anyone have any insight on what parts of my code run slow and how I can make this perform better? I can't do the sort of analysis I want to do without speeding this up.
In response to the comments, I made some changes to the code in order to utilize the existing methods in the csv module:
def getData(symbol, database):
out = ["Symbol","Date","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume","Dividend",
l = len(symbol)
beforeMatch = True
with open(database, 'r') as f:
databaseReader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=",")
for row in databaseReader:
match = (row[0] == symbol)
if beforeMatch and match:
beforeMatch = False
elif not beforeMatch and match:
elif not beforeMatch and not match:
return out
def getDataColumn(dataset, col=12, numDays=100, changeRateTransform=False):
if not changeRateTransform:
out = [day[col] for day in dataset[-numDays:]]
n = len(dataset)
out = [(dataset[i][col] - dataset[i-1][col])/dataset[i-1][col] for i in range(n - numDays, n)]
return out
Performance was worse using the csv.reader class. I tested on two stocks, AMZN (near top of file) and ZNGA (near bottom of file). With the original method, the run times were 0.99 seconds and 18.37 seconds, respectively. With the new method leveraging the csv module, the run times were 3.04 seconds and 64.94 seconds, respectively. Both return the correct results.
My thought is that the time is being taken up more from finding the stock than from the parsing. If I try these methods on the first stock in the file, A, the methods both run in about 0.12 seconds.
When you're going to do lots of analysis on the same dataset, the pragmatic approach would be to read it all into a database. It is made for fast querying; CSV isn't. Use the sqlite command line tools, for example, which can directly import from CSV. Then add a single index on (Symbol, Date) and lookups will be practically instantaneous.
If for some reason that is not feasible, for example because new files can come in at any moment and you cannot afford the preparation time before starting your analysis of them, you'll have to make the best of dealing with CSV directly, which is what the rest of my answer will focus on. Remember that it's a balancing act, though. Either you pay a lot upfront, or a bit extra for every lookup. Eventually, for some amount of lookups it would have been cheaper to pay upfront.
Optimization is about maximizing the amount of work not done. Using generators and the built-in csv module aren't going to help much with that in this case. You'd still be reading the whole file and parsing all of it, at least for line breaks. With that amount of data, it's a no-go.
Parsing requires reading, so you'll have to find a way around it first. Best practices of leaving all intricacies of the CSV format to the specialized module bear no meaning when they can't give you the performance you want. Some cheating must be done, but as little as possible. In this case, I suppose it is safe to assume that the start of a new line can be identified as b'\n"AMZN",' (sticking with your example). Yes, binary here, because remember: no parsing yet. You could scan the file as binary from the beginning until you find the first line. From there read the amount of lines you need, decode and parse them the proper way, etc. No need for optimization there, because a 100 lines are nothing to worry about compared to the hundreds of thousands of irrelevant lines you're not doing that work for.
Dropping all that parsing buys you a lot, but the reading needs to be optimized as well. Don't load the whole file into memory first and skip as many layers of Python as you can. Using mmap lets the OS decide what to load into memory transparently and lets you work with the data directly.
Still you're potentially reading the whole file, if the symbol is near the end. It's a linear search, which means the time it takes is linearly proportional to the number of lines in the file. You can do better though. Because the file is sorted, you could improve the function to instead perform a kind of binary search. The number of steps that will take (where a step is reading a line) is close to the binary logarithm of the number of lines. In other words: the number of times you can divide your file into two (almost) equally sized parts. When there are one million lines, that's a difference of five orders of magnitude!
Here's what I came up with, based on Python's own bisect_left with some measures to account for the fact that your "values" span more than one index:
import csv
from itertools import islice
import mmap
def iter_symbol_lines(f, symbol):
# How to recognize the start of a line of interest
ident = b'"' + symbol.encode() + b'",'
# The memory-mapped file
mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
# Skip the header
# The inclusive lower bound of the byte range we're still interested in
lo = mm.tell()
# The exclusive upper bound of the byte range we're still interested in
hi = mm.size()
# As long as the range isn't empty
while lo < hi:
# Find the position of the beginning of a line near the middle of the range
mid = mm.rfind(b'\n', 0, (lo+hi)//2) + 1
# Go to that position
# Is it a line that comes before lines we're interested in?
if mm.readline() < ident:
# If so, ignore everything up to right after this line
lo = mm.tell()
# Otherwise, ignore everything from right before this line
hi = mid
# We found where the first line of interest would be expected; go there
while True:
line = mm.readline()
if not line.startswith(ident):
yield line.decode()
with open(filename) as f:
r = csv.reader(islice(iter_symbol_lines(f, 'AMZN'), 10))
for line in r:
No guarantees about this code; I didn't pay much attention to edge cases, and I couldn't test with (any of) your file(s), so consider it a proof of concept. It is plenty fast, however – think tens of milliseconds on an SSD!
So I have an alternative solution which I ran and tested on my own as well with a sample data set that I got on Quandl that appears to have all the same headers and similar data. (Assuming that I havent misunderstood the end result that your trying to achieve).
I have this command line tool that one of our engineers built for us for parsing massive csvs - since I deal with absurd amount of data on a day to day basis - it is open sourced and you can get it here: https://github.com/DataFoxCo/gocsv
I also already wrote the short bash script for it in case you don't want to pipeline the commands but it does also support pipelining.
The command to run the following short script follows a super simple convention:
bash tickers.sh wikiprices.csv 'AMZN' '2016-12-\d+|2016-11-\d+'
cat "$1" \
| gocsv filter --columns 'ticker' --regex "$2" \
| gocsv filter --columns 'date' --regex "$dates" > "$2"'-out.csv'
both arguments for ticker and for dates are regexes
You can add as many variations as your want into that one regex, separating them by |.
So if you wanted AMZN and MSFT then you would simply modify it to this: AMZN|MSFT
I did something very similar with the dates - but i only limited my sample run to any dates from this month or last month.
End Result
Starting data:
myusername$ gocsv dims wikiprices.csv
Rows: 23946
Columns: 14
myusername$ bash tickers.sh wikiprices.csv 'AMZN|MSFT' '2016-12-\d+'
myusername$ gocsv dims AMZN|MSFT-out.csv
Rows: 24
Columns: 14
Here is a sample where I limited to only those 2 tickers and then to december only:
Voila - in a matter of seconds you have a second file saved with out the data you care about.
The gocsv program has great documentation by the way - and a ton of other functions e.g. running a vlookup basically at any scale (which is what inspired the creator to make the tool)
in addition to using csv.reader I think using itertools.groupby would speed up looking for the wanted sections, so the actual iteration could look something like this:
import csv
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter #for the keyfunc for groupby
def getData(wanted_symbol, filename):
with open(filename) as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
#so each line in reader is basically line[:-1].split(",") from the plain file
for symb, lines in groupby(reader, itemgetter(0)):
#so here symb is the symbol at the start of each line of lines
#and lines is the lines that all have that symbol in common
if symb != wanted_symbol:
continue #skip this whole section if it has a different symbol
for line in lines:
#here we have each line as a list of fields
#for only the lines that have `wanted_symbol` as the first element
so in the space of <DO STUFF HERE> you could have the out.append(formatLineData(line)) to do what your current code does but the code for that function has a lot of unnecessary slicing and += operators which I think are pretty expensive for lists (might be wrong), another way you could apply the conversions is to have a list of all the conversions:
def conv_date(date_str):
return datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
#the conversions applied to each element (taken from original formatLineData)
castings = [str, conv_date, #0, 1
float, float, float, float, #2:6
int, int, int, #6:9
float, float, float, float, #9:13
int] #13
then use zip to apply these to each field in a line in a list comprehension:
[conv(val) for conv, val in zip(castings, line)]
so you would replace <DO STUFF HERE> with out.append with that comprehension.
I'd also wonder if switching the order of groupby and reader would be better since you don't need to parse most of the file as csv, just the parts you are actually iterating over so you could use a keyfunc that seperates just the first field of the string
def getData(wanted_symbol, filename):
out = [] #why are you starting this with strings in it?
def checkMatch(line): #define the function to only take the line
#this would be the keyfunc for groupby in this example
return line.split(",",1)[0] #only split once, return the first element
with open(filename) as file:
for symb, lines in groupby(file,checkMatch):
#so here symb is the symbol at the start of each line of lines
if symb != wanted_symbol:
continue #skip this whole section if it has a different symbol
for line in csv.reader(lines):
out.append( [typ(val) for typ,val in zip(castings,line)] )
return out

File to File Comparison of Primary Key to Select Specific Records

I am currently trying to put together a python script to compare two text files (tab-separated values). The smaller file consists of one field per record of key values (e.g. much like a database primary key), whereas the larger file is comprised of a first-field key, up to thousands of fields per record, with tens of thousands of records.
I am trying to select (from the larger file) only the records which match their corresponding key in the smaller file, and output these to a new text file. The keys occur in the first field of each record.
I have hit a wall. Admittedly, I have been trying for loops, and thus far have had minimal success. I got it to display the key values of each file--a small victory!
I may be a glutton for punishment, as I am bent on using python (2.7) to solve this, rather than import it into something SQL based; I will never learn otherwise!
UPDATE: I have the following code thus far. Is the use of forward-slash correct for the write statement?
# Defining some counters, and setting them to zero.
counter_one = 0
counter_two = 0
counter_three = 0
counter_four = 0
# Defining a couple arrays for sorting purposes.
array_one = []
array_two = []
# This module opens the list of records to be selected.
with open("c:\lines_to_parse.txt") as f0:
LTPlines = f0.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(LTPlines):
returned_line = line.split()
for line in array_one:
counter_one = counter_one + 1
# This module opens the file to be trimmed as an array.
with open('c:\target_data.txt') as f1:
targetlines = f1.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(targetlines):
for line in array_two:
counter_two = counter_two + 1
# The last module performs a logical check
# of the data and writes to a tertiary file.
with open("c:/research/results", 'w') as f2:
while counter_three <= 3: #****Arbitrarily set, to test if the program will work.
if array_one[counter_three][0] == array_two[counter_four][0]:
counter_three = (counter_three + 1)
counter_four = (counter_four + 1)
counter_four = (counter_four + 1)
You could create a dictionary with the keys in the small file. The key in the small file as th ekey and the value True (is not important). Keep this dict in memory.
Then open the file where you will write to (output file) and the larger file. Check for each line in the larger file if the key exist in the dictionary and if it does write to the output file.
I am not sure if is clear enough. Or if that was your problem.

Quickly find differences between two large text files

I have two 3GB text files, each file has around 80 million lines. And they share 99.9% identical lines (file A has 60,000 unique lines, file B has 80,000 unique lines).
How can I quickly find those unique lines in two files? Is there any ready-to-use command line tools for this? I'm using Python but I guess it's less possible to find a efficient Pythonic method to load the files and compare.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
If order matters, try the comm utility. If order doesn't matter, sort file1 file2 | uniq -u.
I think this is the fastest method (whether it's in Python or another language shouldn't matter too much IMO).
1.I only store each line's hash to save space (and time if paging might occur)
2.Because of the above, I only print out line numbers; if you need actual lines, you'd just need to read the files in again
3.I assume that the hash function results in no conflicts. This is nearly, but not perfectly, certain.
4.I import hashlib because the built-in hash() function is too short to avoid conflicts.
import sys
import hashlib
file = []
lines = []
for i in range(2):
# open the files named in the command line
file.append(open(sys.argv[1+i], 'r'))
# stores the hash value and the line number for each line in file i
# assuming you like counting lines starting with 1
counter = 1
while 1:
# assuming default encoding is sufficient to handle the input file
line = file[i].readline().encode()
if not line: break
hashcode = hashlib.sha512(line).hexdigest()
lines[i][hashcode] = sys.argv[1+i]+': '+str(counter)
counter += 1
unique0 = lines[0].keys() - lines[1].keys()
unique1 = lines[1].keys() - lines[0].keys()
result = [lines[0][x] for x in unique0] + [lines[1][x] for x in unique1]
With 60,000 or 80,000 unique lines you could just create a dictionary for each unique line, mapping it to a number. mydict["hello world"] => 1, etc. If your average line is around 40-80 characters this will be in the neighborhood of 10 MB of memory.
Then read each file, converting it to an array of numbers via the dictionary. Those will fit easily in memory (2 files of 8 bytes * 3GB / 60k lines is less than 1 MB of memory). Then diff the lists. You could invert the dictionary and use it to print out the text of the lines that differ.
In response to your comment, here's a sample script that assigns numbers to unique lines as it reads from a file.
class Reader:
def __init__(self, file):
self.count = 0
self.dict = {}
self.file = file
def readline(self):
line = self.file.readline()
if not line:
return None
if self.dict.has_key(line):
return self.dict[line]
self.count = self.count + 1
self.dict[line] = self.count
return self.count
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Type Ctrl-D to quit."
import sys
r = Reader(sys.stdin)
result = 'ignore'
while result:
result = r.readline()
print result
If I understand correctly, you want the lines of these files without duplicates. This does the job:
uniqA = set(open('fileA', 'r'))
Python has difflib which claims to be quite competitive with other diff utilities see:
