Suppose I have a string that has the same sub-string repeated multiple times and I want to replace each occurrence with a different element from a list.
For example, consider this scenario:
pattern = "_____" # repeated pattern
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0,1,2] # elements to insert
The goal is to obtain a string of the form:
s = "a(_001_), b(_002_), c(_003_)"
The number of occurrences is known, and the list r has the same length as the number of occurrences (3 in the previous example) and contains increasing integers starting from 0.
I've came up with this solution:
import re
pattern = "_____"
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
l = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(pattern, s)]
i = 0
for el in l:
s = s[:el] + f"_{str(i).zfill(5 - 2)}_" + s[el + 5:]
i += 1
Output: a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_)
This solves my problem, but it seems to me a bit cumbersome, especially the for-loop. Is there a better way, maybe more "pythonic" (intended as concise, possibly elegant, whatever it means) to solve the task?
You can simply use re.sub() method to replace each occurrence of the pattern with a different element from the list.
import re
pattern = re.compile("_____")
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0,1,2]
for val in r:
s = re.sub(pattern, f"_{val:03d}_", s, count=1)
You can also choose to go with this approach without re using the values in the r list with their indexes respectively:
r = [0,1,2]
s = ", ".join(f"{'abc'[i]}(_{val:03d}_)" for i, val in enumerate(r))
a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_)
Use re.sub with a replacement callable and an iterator:
import re
p = re.compile("_____")
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0, 1, 2]
it = iter(r)
print(re.sub(p, lambda _: f"_{next(it):03d}_", s))
Long version
Generally speaking, it is a good idea to re.compile your pattern once ahead of time. If you are going to use that pattern repeatedly later, this makes the regex calls much more efficient. There is basically no downside to compiling the pattern, so I would just make it a habit.
As for avoiding the for-loop altogether, the re.sub function allows us to pass a callable as the repl argument, which takes a re.Match object as its only argument and returns a string. Wouldn't it be nice, if we could have such a replacement function that takes the next element from our replacements list every time it is called?
Well, since you have an iterable of replacement elements, we can leverage the iterator protocol to avoid explicit looping over the elements. All we need to do is give our replacement function access to an iterator over those elements, so that it can grab a new one via the next function every time it is called.
The string format specification that Jamiu used in his answer is great if you know exactly that the sub-string to be replaced will always be exactly five underscores (_____) and that your replacement numbers will always be < 999.
So in its simplest form, a function doing what you described, could look like this:
import re
from import Iterable
def multi_replace(
pattern: re.Pattern[str],
replacements: Iterable[int],
string: str,
) -> str:
iterator = iter(replacements)
def repl(_match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
return f"_{next(iterator):03d}_"
return re.sub(pattern, repl, string)
Trying it out with your example data:
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = re.compile("_____")
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0, 1, 2]
print(multi_replace(p, r, s))
Output: a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_)
In this simple application, we aren't doing anything with the Match object in our replacement function.
If you want to make it a bit more flexible, there are a few avenues possible. Let's say the sub-strings to replace might (perhaps unexpectedly) be a different number of underscores. Let's further assume that the numbers might get bigger than 999.
First of all, the pattern would need to change a bit. And if we still want to center the replacement in an arbitrary number of underscores, we'll actually need to access the match object in our replacement function to check the number of underscores.
The format specifiers are still useful because the allow centering the inserted object with the ^ align code.
import re
from import Iterable
def dynamic_replace(
pattern: re.Pattern[str],
replacements: Iterable[int],
string: str,
) -> str:
iterator = iter(replacements)
def repl(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
replacement = f"{next(iterator):03d}"
length = len(
return f"{replacement:_^{length}}"
return re.sub(pattern, repl, string)
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = re.compile("(_+)")
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____), d(_______), e(___)"
r = [0, 1, 2, 30, 4000]
print(dynamic_replace(p, r, s))
Output: a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_), d(__030__), e(4000)
Here we are building the replacement string based on the length of the match group (i.e. the number of underscores) to ensure it the number is always centered.
I think you get the idea. As always, separation of concerns is a good idea. You can put the replacement logic in its own function and refer to that, whenever you need to adjust it.
i dun see regex best suit the situation.
pattern = "_____" # repeated pattern
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0,1,2] # elements to insert
fstring = s.replace(pattern, "_{}_")
str_out = fstring.format(*r)
str_out_pad = fstring.format(*[str(entry).zfill(3) for entry in r])
a(_0_), b(_1_), c(_2_)
a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_)
I have a long string that is a phylogenetic tree and I want to do a very specific filtering.
Basically every x#y is a species#gene_id information. What I am trying to do is trimming this down so that I will only have x instead of x#y.
(Esy, Aar,(Spa,Cpl))...
I tried splitting the string first but the problem is string has different 'split points' for what I want to achieve i.e. some parts x#y is ending with a , and others with a ). I searched for a solution and saw regular expression operations, but I am new to Python and I couldn't be sure if that is what I should be focusing on. I also thought about strip() but it seems like I need to specify the characters to be stripped for this.
Main problem is there is no 'pattern' for me to tell Python to follow. Only thing is that all species ids are 3 letters and they are before an # character.
Is there a method that can do what I want? I will be really glad if you can help me out with my problem. Thanks in advance.
Give this a try:
import re:
pat = re.compile(r'(\w{3})#')
txt = "(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;"
['Esy', 'Aar', 'Spa', 'Cpl', 'Bst', 'Aly', 'Ath', 'Chi', 'Cru', 'Hco', 'Hlo', 'Hla', 'Hse', 'Esa', 'Aal']
If you need the structure intact, we can try to remove the unnecessary parts instead:
pat = re.compile(r'(#|:)[^/),]*')
pat.sub('',t).replace(',', ', ')
'(Esy, Aar, ((Spa, Cpl), (((Bst, ((Aly, Ath), (Chi, Cru))), (((Hco, Hlo), Hla), Hse)), (Esa, Aal))))'
Regex demo
How about this kind of function:
def parse_string(string):
new_string = ''
skip = False
for char in string:
if char == '#':
skip = True
if char == ',':
skip = False
if not skip or char in ['(', ')']:
new_string += char
return new_string
Calling it on your string:
string = '(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;'
> '(Esy,Aar,((Spa,Cpl),(((Bst,((Aly,Ath),(Chi,Cru))),(((Hco,Hlo),Hla),Hse)),(Esa,Aal))))'
you can use regex:
import re
s = "(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;"
p = "...?(?=#)|\(|\)"
result = re.findall(p, s)
and you have your result as a list, so you can make it string or do anything with it
for explaining what is happening :
p is regular expression pattern
so in this pattern:
. means matching any word
...?(?=#) means match any word until I get to a word ? wich ? is #, so this whole pattern means that you get any three words before #
| is or statement, I used it here to find another pattern
and the rest of them is to find ) and (
Try this regex if you need the brackets in the output:
import re
regex = r"#[A-Za-z0-9_\.:]+|[0-9:\.;e-]+"
phylogenetic_tree = "(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;"
Because you are trying to parse a phylogenetic tree, I highly suggest to let BioPython do the heavy lifting for you.
You can easily parse and display a phylogenetic with Bio.Phylo. Then it is just iterating over all tree elements and splitting the names at the 'at'-sign.
Because Phylo expects the input to be in a file, we create an in-memory file-like object with io.StringIO. Getting the complete tree is then as easy as, 'newick')
In order to check if the parsed tree looks sane, I print it once with print(tree).
Now we want to change all node names that contain a '#'. With tree.find_elements we get access to all nodes. Some nodes don't have a name and some might not contain a '#'. So to be extra careful, we first check if and '#' in Only then do we split each node's name at the '#' and take just the first part (index 0) of it: ='#')[0]
In order to recreate the initial string representation, we use Phylo.write:
out = io.StringIO()
Phylo.write(tree, out, "newick")
Again, write wants to get a file argument - if we just want to get a string, we can use a StringIO object again.
Full code:
import io
from Bio import Phylo
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = '(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;'
tree =, 'newick')
print(' before '.center(20, '='))
for n in tree.find_elements():
if and '#' in ='#')[0]
print(' result '.center(20, '='))
out = io.StringIO()
Phylo.write(tree, out, "newick")
====== before ======
Tree(rooted=False, weight=1.0)
Clade(branch_length=0.0726396855636, name='Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0')
Clade(branch_length=0.137507902808, name='Aar#AA_maker7399_1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0318934795022, name='Spa#Tp2g18720')
Clade(branch_length=0.0273465005242, name='Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c')
Clade(branch_length=0.0332592496158, name='Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0328569260951, name='Aly#AL8G21130_t1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0391706378372, name='Ath#AT5G48370_1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0954469923893, name='Chi#CARHR183840_1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0570981548016, name='Cru#Carubv10026342m')
Clade(branch_length=0.00823215335663, name='Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100')
Clade(branch_length=0.0085462978729, name='Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0225079453622, name='Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1')
Clade(branch_length=0.048590776459, name='Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0378509854703, name='Esa#Thhalv10004228m')
Clade(branch_length=0.0712272454125, name='Aal#Aa_G102140_t1')
==== result =====
The default format of Phylo uses less digits than in your original tree. In order to keep the numbers unchanged, just override the branch length format string with a '%s':
Phylo.write(tree, out, "newick", format_branch_length="%s")
Parsing code can be hard to follow. Tatsu lets you write readable parsing code by combining grammars and python:
text = "(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;"
import sys
import tatsu
grammar = """
start = things ';'
things = thing [ ',' things ]
thing = x '#' y ':' number
| '(' things ')' ':' number
x = /\w+/
y = /\w+/
number = /[+-]?\d+\.?\d*(e?[+-]?\d*)/
class Semantics:
def x(self, ast):
# the method name matches the rule name
print('X =', ast)
parser = tatsu.compile(grammar, semantics=Semantics())
I have this string:
-1007.88670550662*p**(-1.0) + 67293.8347365694*p**(-0.416543501823503)
but actually I have a lot of string like this:
a*p**(-1.0) + b*p**(c)
where a,b and c are double. And I would like to extract a,b and c of this string. How can I do this using Python?
import re
s = '-1007.88670550662*p**(-1.0) + 67293.8347365694*p**(-0.416543501823503)'
pattern = r'-?\d+\.\d*'
a,_,b,c = re.findall(pattern,s)
print(a, b, c)
('-1007.88670550662', '67293.8347365694', '-0.416543501823503')
s is your test strings and what not, pattern is the regex pattern, we are looking for floats, and once we find them using findall() we assign them back to a,b,c
Note this method works only if your string is in format of what you've given. else you can play with the pattern to match what you want.
Edit like most people stated in the comments if you need to include a + in front of your positive numbers you can use this pattern r'[-+]?\d+\.\d*'
Using the reqular expression
We can do
import re
pat = r'(-?\d+\.?\d*)\*p\*\*\(-1\.0\)\s*\+\s*(-?\d+\.?\d*)\*p\*\*\((-?\d+\.?\d*)\)'
regex = re.compile(pat)
print(regex.findall('-1007.88670550662*p**(-1.0) + 67293.8347365694*p**(-0.416543501823503)'))
will print [('-1007.88670550662', '67293.8347365694', '-0.416543501823503')]
If your formats are consistent, and you don't want to deep dive into regex (check out regex101 for this, btw) you could just split your way through it.
Here's a start:
>>> s= "-1007.88670550662*p**(-1.0) + 67293.8347365694*p**(-0.416543501823503)"
>>> a, buf, c = s.split("*p**")
>>> b = buf.split()[-1]
>>> a,b,c
('-1007.88670550662', '67293.8347365694', '(-0.416543501823503)')
>>> [float(x.strip("()")) for x in (a,b,c)]
[-1007.88670550662, 67293.8347365694, -0.416543501823503]
The re module can certainly be made to work for this, although as some of the comments on the other answers have pointed out, the corner cases can be interesting -- decimal points, plus and minus signs, etc. It could be even more interesting; e.g. can one of your numbers be imaginary?
Anyway, if your string is always a valid Python expression, you can use Python's built-in tools to process it. Here is a good generic explanation about the ast module's NodeVisitor class. To use it for your example is quite simple:
import ast
x = "-1007.88670550662*p**(-1.0) + 67293.8347365694*p**(-0.416543501823503)"
def getnums(s):
result = []
class GetNums(ast.NodeVisitor):
def visit_Num(self, node):
def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
if (isinstance(node.op, ast.USub) and
isinstance(node.operand, ast.Num)):
ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
return result
This will return a list with all the numbers in your expression:
[-1007.88670550662, -1.0, 67293.8347365694, -0.416543501823503]
The visit_UnaryOp method is only required for Python 3.x.
You can use something like:
import re
a,_,b,c = re.findall(r"[\d\-.]+", subject)
While I prefer MooingRawr's answer as it is simple, I would extend it a bit to cover more situations.
A floating point number can be converted to string with surprising variety of formats:
Exponential format (eg. 2.0e+07)
Without leading digit (eg. .5, which is equal to 0.5)
Without trailing digit (eg. 5., which is equal to 5)
Positive numbers with plus sign (eg. +5, which is equal to 5)
Numbers without decimal part (integers) (eg. 0 or 5)
import re
test_values = [
'-1007.88670550662*p**(-1.0) + 67293.8347365694*p**(-0.416543501823503)',
'-2.000e+07*p**(-1.0) + 1.23e+07*p**(-5e+07)',
'+2.*p**(-1.0) + -1.*p**(5)',
'0*p**(-1.0) + .123*p**(7.89)'
pattern = r'([-+]?\.?\d+\.?\d*(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?)'
for value in test_values:
print("Test with '%s':" % value)
matches = re.findall(pattern, value)
del matches[1]
print(matches, end='\n\n')
Test with '-1007.88670550662*p**(-1.0) + 67293.8347365694*p**(-0.416543501823503)':
['-1007.88670550662', '67293.8347365694', '-0.416543501823503']
Test with '-2.000e+07*p**(-1.0) + 1.23e+07*p**(-5e+07)':
['-2.000e+07', '1.23e+07', '-5e+07']
Test with '+2.*p**(-1.0) + -1.*p**(5)':
['+2.', '-1.', '5']
Test with '0*p**(-1.0) + .123*p**(7.89)':
['0', '.123', '7.89']
So I'm kind of new to Python. Right now I'm making a chemical equation balancer and I've got stuck because what I want to do right now is that if you receive a compound in parenthesis, with a subindex outside (like this: (NaCl)2), I want to expand it to this form: Na2Cl2 (and also get rid of the parenthesis). Right now I've managed just to get rid of the parenthesis with this code:
import string
import re
linealEquation = ""
def linealEq(equation):
#missing code
allow = string.letters + string.digits + '+' + '-' + '>'
linealEquation = re.sub('[^%s]' % allow, '', equation)
print linealEquation
linealEq("(CrNa)2 -> Cr+Na")
But how can I trace the string and multiply the indexes out of the parenthesis?
I know how to iterate over a string, but I cannot think of how to specifically multiply the sub index.
Thanks for the help.
Probably not the shortest solution and won't work in all cases, but works for your example:
left, right = equation.split('->')
exp = left.strip()[-1]
inside = left[1:-3]
c2 = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', inside)
l = [s + exp for s in c2]
res =''.join(l)
N.B. you can add print statements to better understand each step...
Suppose I have a string like this:
I would like to get a dictionary corresponding to the above, where the value for key3 is the string
and eventually the corresponding sub-dictionary.
I know how to split the string at the semicolons, but how can I tell the parser to ignore the semicolon between parentheses?
This includes potentially nested parentheses.
Currently I am using an ad-hoc routine that looks for pairs of matching parentheses, "clears" its content, gets split positions and applies them to the original string, but this does not appear very elegant, there must be some prepackaged pythonic way to do this.
If anyone is interested, here is the code I am currently using:
def pparams(parameters, sep=';', defs='=', brc='()'):
unpackages parameter string to struct
for example, pippo(a=21;b=35;c=pluto(h=zzz;y=mmm);d=2d3f) becomes:
a: '21'
b: '35'
c.fn: 'pluto'
d: '2d3f'
fn_: 'pippo'
if len(ob)>0:
if ob[0]<dp[0]:
#opening function
if len(dp)>0:
for v in temp:
if len(strfind(pval,brc[0]))>0:
return out
def smart_tokenize( instr, sep=';', brc='()' ):
tokenize string ignoring separators contained within brc
while len(ob)>0:
for i in range(1,len(sepp)):
return out
def findclsbrc(instr, brc_pos, brc='()'):
given a string containing an opening bracket, finds the
corresponding closing bracket
s1=[1 if v in o else 0 for v in p]
s2=[-1 if v in c else 0 for v in p]
s=[s1v+s2v for s1v,s2v in zip(s1,s2)]
s=[sum(s[:i+1]) for i in range(len(s))] #cumsum
return p[s.index(0)]+brc_pos
def strfind(instr, substr):
returns starting position of each occurrence of substr within instr
while i<=len(instr):
return out
If you want to build a real parser, use one of the Python parsing libraries, like PLY or PyParsing. If you figure such a full-fledged library is overkill for the task at hand, go for some hack like the one you already have. I'm pretty sure there is no clean few-line solution without an external library.
Expanding on Sven Marnach's answer, here's an example of a pyparsing grammar that should work for you:
from pyparsing import (ZeroOrMore, Word, printables, Forward,
Group, Suppress, Dict)
collection = Forward()
simple_value = Word(printables, excludeChars='()=;')
key = simple_value
inner_collection = Suppress('(') + collection + Suppress(')')
value = simple_value ^ inner_collection
key_and_value = Group(key + Suppress('=') + value)
collection << Dict(key_and_value + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(';') + key_and_value))
coll = collection.parseString(
print coll['key1'] # value1
print coll['key2'] # value2
print coll['key3']['key3.1'] # value3.1
You could use a regex to capture the groups:
>>> import re
>>> s = "key1=value1;key2=value2;key3=(key3.1=value3.1;key3.2=value3.2)"
>>> r = re.compile('(\w+)=(\w+|\([^)]+\));?')
>>> dict(r.findall(s))
This regex says:
(\w)+ # Find and capture a group with 1 or more word characters (letters, digits, underscores)
= # Followed by the literal character '='
(\w+ # Followed by a group with 1 or more word characters
|\([^)]+\) # or a group that starts with an open paren (parens escaped with '\(' or \')'), followed by anything up until a closed paren, which terminates the alternate grouping
);? # optionally this grouping might be followed by a semicolon.
Gotta say, kind of a strange grammar. You should consider using a more standard format. If you need guidance choosing one maybe ask another question. Good luck!