Affinity Propagation method selection - python

I am using sklearn affinity propagation algorithm as below.
affprop = sklearn.cluster.AffinityPropagation(affinity="precomputed", damping=0.5)
I also have a similarity matrix created for the data I am using. Now I want to use my similarity matrix to use in the affinity propagation model.
In sklearn they have different methods for this such as fit, fit_predict, predict. So, I'm not sure what to use.
Is it correct if I use, similarity matrix)
Please suggest me what suits me most?


Determining the most contributing features for non -linear SVM regression in sklearn or any python library

I trained a model with RBF kernel-based support vector machine regression. I want to know the features that are very important or major contributing features for the RBF kernel-based support vector machine. I know there is a method to know the most contributing features for linear support vector regression based on weight vectors which are the size of the vectors. However, for the RBF kernel-based support vector machine, since the features are transformed into a new space, I have no clue how to extract the most contributing features. I am using scikit-learn in python. Is there a way to extract the most contributing features in RBF kernel-based support vector regression or non-linear support vector regression?
from sklearn import svm
svm = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100., kernel = 'linear')
In this case:
Determining the most contributing features for SVM classifier in sklearn
does work very well. However, if the kernel is changed in to
from sklearn import svm
svm = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100., kernel = 'rbf')
The above answer doesn't work.
Let me sort the comments as an answer:
As you can read here:
Weights asigned to the features (coefficients in the primal
problem). This is only available in the case of linear kernel.
but also it doesn't make sense. In linear SVM the resulting separating plane is in the same space as your input features. Therefore its coefficients can be viewed as weights of the input's "dimensions".
In other kernels, the separating plane exists in another space - a result of kernel transformation of the original space. Its coefficients are not directly related to the input space. In fact, for the rbf kernel the transformed space is infinite-dimensional.
As menionted in the comments, things you can do:
Play with the features (leave some out), and see how the accuracy will change, this will give you an idea which features are important.
If you use other classifier as random forest, you will get the feature importances, for the other algorithm. But this will not answer your question which is important for your svm. So this does not necessarily answer your question.
In relation with the inspection of non linear SVM models (e.g. using RBF kernel), here I share an answer posted in another thread which might be useful for this purpose.
The method is based on "sklearn.inspection.permutation_importance".
And here, a compressive discussion about the significance of "permutation_importance" applied on SVM models.

Weighted distance in sklearn KNN

I'm making a genetic algorithm to find weights in order to apply them to the euclidean distance in the sklearn KNN, trying to improve the classification rate and removing some characteristics in the dataset (I made this with changing the weight to 0).
I'm using Python and the sklearn's KNN.
This is how I'm using it:
def w_dist(x, y, **kwargs):
return sum(kwargs["weights"]*((x-y)*(x-y)))
KNN = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1,metric=w_dist,metric_params={"weights": w}),Y_train)
for (a,b)in zip(Y_train,Y_vecinos):
if a==b:
It's working really well, but it's very slow. I have been profiling my code and the slowest part is the evaluation of the distance.
I want to ask if there is some different way to tell KNN to use weights in the distance (I must use the euclidean distance, but I remove the square root).
There is indeed another way, and it's inbuilt into scikit-learn (so should be quicker). You can use the wminkowski metric with weights. Below is an example with random weights for the features in your training set.
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(metric='wminkowski', p=2,
metric_params={'w': np.random.random(X_train.shape[1])})

KNN when using a precomputed affinity matrix in Scikit's spectral clustering?

I have a similarity matrix that I have calculated between a large number of objects, and each object can have a non-zero similarity with any other object. I generated this matrix for another task, and would now like to cluster it for a new analysis.
It seems like scikit's spectral clustering method could be a good fit, because I can pass in a precomputed affinity matrix. I also know that spectral clustering typically uses some number of nearest neighbors when building the affinity matrix, and my similarity matrix does not have that same constraint.
If I pass in a matrix that allows any number of edges between nodes in the affinity matrix, will scikit limit each node to having only a certain number of nearest neighbors? If not, I guess I will have to make that change to my pre-computed affinity matrix.
You don't have to compute the affinity yourself to do some spectral clustering, sklearn does that for you.
When you call sc = SpectralClustering(),, the affinity parameter allows you to chose the kernel used to compute the affinity matrix. rbf seems to be the kernel by default and doesn't use a particular number of nearest neighbours. However, if you decide to chose another kernel, you might want to specify that number with the n_neighboursparameter.
You can then use sc.fit_predict(your_matrix) to compute the clusters.
Spectral clustering does not require a sparsified matrix.
But if I'm not mistaken it's faster to find the dmallest non-zero Eigenvectors of a sparse matrix rather than of a dense matrix. Worst case may remain O(n^3) though - spectral clustering is one of the slowest methods you can find.

Supervised Dimensionality Reduction for Text Data in scikit-learn

I'm trying to use scikit-learn to do some machine learning on natural language data. I've got my corpus transformed into bag-of-words vectors (which take the form of a sparse CSR matrix) and I'm wondering if there's a supervised dimensionality reduction algorithm in sklearn capable of taking high-dimensional, supervised data and projecting it into a lower dimensional space which preserves the variance between these classes.
The high-level problem description is that I have a collection of documents, each of which can have multiple labels on it, and I want to predict which of those labels will get slapped on a new document based on the content of the document.
At it's core, this is a supervised, multi-label, multi-class problem using a sparse representation of BoW vectors. Is there a dimensionality reduction technique in sklearn that can handle that sort of data? Are there other sorts of techniques people have used in working with supervised, BoW data in scikit-learn?
I am a bit confused by your question. In my experience, dimensionality reduction is never really supervised... but it seems that what you want is some sort of informed feature selection, which is impossible to do before the classification is done. In other words, you cannot know which features are more informative before your classifier is trained and validated.
However, reducing the size and complexity of your data is always good, and you have various ways to do it with text data. The applicability and performance depends on the type of vectors you have (frequency counts, tfidf) and you will always have to determine the number of dimensions (components) you want in your output. The implementations in scikit-learn are mostly in the decomposition module.
The most popular method in Natural Language Processing is Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which is at the core of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA, also LSI). Staying with scikit-learn, you can simply apply TruncatedSVD() on your data. A similar method is Non-negative matrix factorization, implemented in scikit-learn as NMF().
An increasingly popular approach uses transformation by random projections, Random Indexing. You can do this in scikit-learn with the functions in random_projection.
As someone pointed out in another answer, Latent Dirichlet Allocation is also an alternative, although it is much slower and computationally more demanding than the methods above. Besides, it is at the time of writing unavailable in scikit-learn.
If all you want is to simplify your data in order to feed it to a classifier, I would suggest SVD with n_components between 100 and 500, or random projection with n_components between 500 and 2000 (common values from the literature).
If you are interested in using the reduced dimensions as some sort of classification/clustering already (people call this topic extraction, although you are really not extracting topics, rather latent dimensions), then LDA might be better option. Beware, it is slow and it only takes pure frequency counts (no tfidf). And the number of components is a parameter that you have to determine in advance (no estimation possible).
Returning to your problem, I would make a sckit-learn pipeline with a vectorizer, dimensionality reduction options and classifier and would carry out a massive parameter search. In this way, you will see what gives you best results with the label set you have.
You can use latent dirichlet allocation (here's the wiki) to discover the topics in your documents. For the assignment of a label to a document, you can use the conditional probability distribution for a document label (given the distribution over the topics in your document). If you have labels for your documents already, then you just need to learn the CPD, which is trivial. Unfortunately, scikit-learn does not have an LDA implementation, but gensim does.
PS: Here's another paper that may help. If you're not very well versed in statistical inference/learning or machine learning, I suggest that your start here (note: it's still assumes a high level of mathematical maturity).
Several existing scikit modules do something similar to what you asked for.
Linear Discriminant Analysis is probably closest to what you asked for. It find a projection of the data that maximizes the distance between the class centroids relative to the projected variances.
Cross decomposition includes methods like Partial Least Squares which fit linear regression models for multidimentional targets via a projection through a lower dimentonial intermediate space. It is a lot like a single hidden layer neural net without the sigmoids.
These are linear regression methods, but you could apply a 0-1 encoding to you target signal
and use these models anyway.
You could use an L1 regularized classifier like LogisticRegression or SGDClassifier to do feature selection. RandomizedLogisticRegression combines this with bootstrapping get a more stable feature set.
Try ISOMAP. There's a super simple built-in function for it in scikits.learn. Even if it doesn't have some of the preservation properties you're looking for, it's worth a try.
Use a multi-layer neural net for classification. If you want to see what the representation of the input is in the reduced dimension, look at the activations of the hidden layer. The role of the hidden layer is by definition optimised to distinguish between the classes, since that's what's directly optimised when the weights are set.
You should remember to use a softmax activation on the output layer, and something non-linear on the hidden layer (tanh or sigmoid).

k-fold Cross Validation for determining k in k-means?

In a document clustering process, as a data pre-processing step, I first applied singular vector decomposition to obtain U, S and Vt and then by choosing a suitable number of eigen values I truncated Vt, which now gives me a good document-document correlation from what I read here. Now I am performing clustering on the columns of the matrix Vt to cluster similar documents together and for this I chose k-means and the initial results looked acceptable to me (with k = 10 clusters) but I wanted to dig a bit deeper on choosing the k value itself. To determine the number of clusters k in k-means, I was suggested to look at cross-validation.
Before implementing it I wanted to figure out if there is a built-in way to achieve it using numpy or scipy. Currently, the way I am performing kmeans is to simply use the function from scipy.
import numpy, scipy
# Preprocess the data and compute svd
U, S, Vt = svd(A) # A is the TFIDF representation of the original term-document matrix
# Obtain the document-document correlations from Vt
# This 50 is the threshold obtained after examining a scree plot of S
docvectors = numpy.transpose(self.Vt[0:50, 0:])
# Prepare the data to run k-means
whitened = whiten(docvectors)
res, idx = kmeans2(whitened, 10, iter=20)
Assuming my methodology is correct so far (please correct me if I am missing some step), at this stage, what is the standard way of using the output to perform cross-validation? Any reference/implementations/suggestions on how this would be applied to k-means would be greatly appreciated.
To run k-fold cross validation, you'd need some measure of quality to optimize for. This could be either a classification measure such as accuracy or F1, or a specialized one such as the V-measure.
Even the clustering quality measures that I know of need a labeled dataset ("ground truth") to work; the difference with classification is that you only need part of your data to be labeled for the evaluation, while the k-means algorithm can make use all the data to determine the centroids and thus the clusters.
V-measure and several other scores are implemented in scikit-learn, as well as generic cross validation code and a "grid search" module that optimizes according to a specified measure of evaluation using k-fold CV. Disclaimer: I'm involved in scikit-learn development, though I didn't write any of the code mentioned.
Indeed to do traditional cross validation with F1-score or V-Measure as scoring function you would need some labeled data as ground truth. But in this case you could just count the number of classes in the ground truth dataset and use it as your optimal value for K, hence no-need for cross-validation.
Alternatively you could use a cluster stability measure as unsupervised performance evaluation and do some kind of cross validation procedure for that. However this is not yet implemented in scikit-learn even though it's still on my personal todo list.
You can find additional info on this approach in the following answer on In particular you should read Clustering Stability: An Overview by Ulrike von Luxburg.
Here they use withinss to find an optimal number of clusters. "withinss" is an attribute of the kmeans object returned. That could be used to find a minimum "error"
wss <- (nrow(mydata)-1)*sum(apply(mydata,2,var))
for (i in 2:15) wss[i] <- sum(kmeans(mydata,
plot(1:15, wss, type="b", xlab="Number of Clusters",
ylab="Within groups sum of squares")
This formula isn't exactly it. But I'm working on one myself. The model would still change every time, but it would at least be the best model out of a bunch of iterations.
