I have tried to use this code:
preDF = pd.DataFrame
for ticker in tickers:
df_forpre = read_ticker(ticker, '2017-01-22')
df_forpre['ticker'] = ticker
preDF = pd.concat([preDF,df_forpre], axis=0)
But I receive:
cannot concatenate a non-NDFrame object
How I can get data from all collection and send it to dataframe with name collection
The mistake was in concat, it should be:
preDF = pd.concat([df_forpre], axis=0)
Instead of:
preDF = pd.concat([preDF,df_forpre], axis=0)
I have created a function that manipulates a couple of datasets and outputs a merged DataFrame. I have passed an array of variables in a loop, which outputs a merged DataFrame for each one - now I want all the results appended in a single DataFrame:
def backtest(ticker, data):
fin = si.get_data(ticker)
fin.index.rename('date', inplace=True)
fin = fin.reset_index(level=0)
fin = fin.drop(columns=['high', 'low', 'volume'])
fin['intraday_ch_usd'] = fin['close'] - fin['open']
fin['intraday_pct_ch'] = fin['intraday_ch_usd'] / fin['open'] * 100
fin['3d_pr'] = fin['close'].shift(-3)
fin['3d_del'] = fin['3d_pr'] - fin['open']
fin['3d_pct_ch'] = fin['3d_del'] / fin['open'] * 100
data = data[data['awardee_parent_ticker_symbol'].notna()]
data = data.rename(columns={'date_of_news_dispatch': 'date', 'awardee_parent_ticker_symbol': 'ticker'})
data["date"] = pd.to_datetime(data["date"])
data = data.merge(fin, on=['date','ticker'])
data = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
for ticker in tickers:
backtest(ticker, data)
I can't figure out how to append results in a single DataFrame..
Long story short, you should not dynamically append rows to a DataFrame. To achieve the result you want, you can append everything in a list and then call pd.concat to create a DataFrame from it. Something like
for ticker in tickers:
backtest(ticker, data)
output = pd.concat(output)
df4 = []
for i in (my_data.points.values.tolist()[0]):
df3 = pd.json_normalize(j)
df5 = pd.DataFrame(df4)
When I run this code I get this error: Must pass 2-d input. shape=(16001, 1, 3)
pd.json_normalize will change the json data to table format, but what you need to have is an array of dictionaries to be able to convert to a dataframe.
For example
In your case
df4 = []
for i in (my_data.points.values.tolist()[0]):
# df3 = pd.json_normalize(j) since the structure is not mentioned,
# I'm assuming "i" as a dictionary which has the relevant row
df5 = pd.DataFrame(df4)
Using sample data:
Product = [Galaxy_8, Galaxy_Note_9, Galaxy_Note_10, Galaxy_11]
I would like to create 4 data frames, each of the data frames contains respective sales information.
The problem is I would like to use index method to create data frames, for instance,
Expected output is:
Galaxy_8 = pd.DataFrame()
Galaxy_Note_9 = Pd.DataFrame()
Galaxy_Note_10 = pd.DataFrame()
Galaxy_11 = pd.DataFrame()
Imagine if the product list counts beyond 200, what is the most efficient way to achieve the desired outcome?
Thank you
If the sample list is like,
Product = ['Galaxy_8', 'Galaxy_Note_9', 'Galaxy_Note_10','Galaxy_11']
Then you can try like:
for var in Product:
globals()[var] = pd.DataFrame()
I have a shapefile that I would like to convert into dataframe in Python 3.7. I have tried the following codes:
import pandas as pd
import shapefile
sf_path = r'data/shapefile'
sf = shapefile.Reader(sf_path, encoding = 'Shift-JIS')
fields = [x[0] for x in sf.fields][1:]
records = sf.records()
shps = [s.points for s in sf.shapes()]
sf_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = fields, data = records)
But I got this error message saying
TypeError: Expected list, got _Record
So how should I convert the list to _Record or is there a way around it? I have tried GeoPandas too, but had some trouble installing it. Thanks!
def read_shapefile(sf_shape):
Read a shapefile into a Pandas dataframe with a 'coords'
column holding the geometry information. This uses the pyshp
fields = [x[0] for x in sf_shape.fields][1:]
records = [y[:] for y in sf_shape.records()]
#records = sf_shape.records()
shps = [s.points for s in sf_shape.shapes()]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields, data=records)
df = df.assign(coords=shps)
return df
I had the same problem and this is because the .shp file has a kind of key field in each record and when converting to dataframe, a list is expected and only that field is found, test changing:
records = [y[:] for y in sf.records()]
I hope this works!
I'm looking to pull the historical data for ~200 securities in a given index. I import the list of securities from a csv file then iterate over them to pull their respective data from the quandl api. That dataframe for each security has 12 columns, so I create a new column with the name of the security and the Adjusted Close value, so I can later identify the series.
I'm receiving an error when I try to join all the new columns into an empty dataframe. I receive an attribute error:
Print output data
AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'join'
Below is the code I have used to arrive here thus far.
Import the modules necessary for analysis
import quandl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Set file pathes and API keys
ticker_path = ''
auth_key = ''
Pull a list of tickers in the IGM ETF
def ticker_list():
df = pd.read_csv('{}IGM Tickers.csv'.format(ticker_path))
# print(df['Ticker'])
return df['Ticker']
Pull the historical prices for the securities within Ticker List
def grab_constituent_data():
tickers = ticker_list()
main_df = pd.DataFrame()
for abbv in tickers:
query = 'EOD/{}'.format(str(abbv))
df = quandl.get(query, authtoken=auth_key)
print('Competed the query for {}'.format(query))
df['{} Adj_Close'.format(str(abbv))] = df['Adj_Close'].copy()
df = df['{} Adj_Close'.format(str(abbv))]
print('Completed the column adjustment for {}'.format(str(abbv)))
if main_df.empty:
main_df = df
main_df = main_df.join(df)
It seems that in your line
df = df['{} Adj_Close'.format(str(abbv))]
you're getting a Serie and not a Dataframe. If you want to convert your serie to a dataframe, you can use the function to_frame() like:
df = df['{} Adj_Close'.format(str(abbv))].to_frame()
I didn't check if your code might be more simple, but this should fix your issue.
To change a series into pandas dataframe you can use the following
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
After running above code, the series will become dataframe, then you can proceed with join tasks you have mentioned earlier