In ruby, how to do a DES encryption with PKCS5 padding - python

I am trying to convert some Python code into Ruby. Here is a snippet of the Python code:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import pyDes
import base64
des3Key = '1234567887654321'
iv = des3Key[0:8]
data = r'abc'
k = pyDes.triple_des(des3Key,pyDes.CBC,iv,pad=None,padmode=pyDes.PAD_PKCS5)
d = k.encrypt(data)
print base64.b64encode(d)
My Ruby code:
require 'digest'
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'
data = 'abc'
key = '1234567887654321'
iv = key[0..7]
# cipher ='DES-EDE3')
cipher ='DES-EDE3-CBC') # or any other algorithm?
cipher.pkcs5_keyivgen(key, iv)
output = cipher.update(data)
output <<
p Base64.encode64(output).gsub(/\n/, "")
# y7TPhjBQO78=
The ruby result not equal python's .Which algorithm should I choose?

There are two issues here. First, don’t use pkcs5_keyivgen, this is an old and deprecated function for deriving a key and iv from a password. You need to set these directly on the Cipher object:
cipher.key = key
cipher.iv = iv
Second, in your Python code the key is 16 bytes, which means you are using two key (or keying option 2) triple DES. The Python code automatically determines which to use depending on the length of the key used. In the Ruby OpenSSL bindings you need to explicitly specify which to use. des-ede3-cbc is three key (or keying option 1). You need to use des-ede-cbc as the cipher name:
cipher ='des-ede-cbc')


JWTs: Reproducing the signing example from RFC7515

For my own understanding of how verifying the signature of a JWT works I tried reimplementing the example given in appendix A.2 of RFC7515, the RFC that defines the JSON web signature (or JWS).
I'm using python 3.9 and the pycryptodome library. I've managed to reproduce the octet sequence they derive for the JWS Signing Input value and I'm pretty sure I've also successfully converted their RSA key description to the valid Crypto.PublicKey.RSA object. However, my value for the signature does not match what they have and I have no idea where I am making a mistake. If anyone could help me here, I would really appreciate it!
My code is as follows
import base64
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import pkcs1_15
header = '{"alg":"RS256"}'
body = '{"iss":"joe","exp":1300819380,"":true}'
enc_header = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(header.encode("utf-8"))
enc_body = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(body.encode("utf-8"))
enc = enc_header + b"." + enc_body
enc = enc[:-2] # Drop b"=="
print("JWS Signing Input value:", [int(x) for x in enc]) # Matches the IETF example
# The following were extracted from their RSA key by applying for each value:
# value -> int.from_bytes(bytes=base64.urlsafe_b64decode(value + b"=" * (-len(value) % 4)), byteorder='big')
n = 20446702916744654562596343388758805860065209639960173505037453331270270518732245089773723012043203236097095623402044690115755377345254696448759605707788965848889501746836211206270643833663949992536246985362693736387185145424787922241585721992924045675229348655595626434390043002821512765630397723028023792577935108185822753692574221566930937805031155820097146819964920270008811327036286786392793593121762425048860211859763441770446703722015857250621107855398693133264081150697423188751482418465308470313958250757758547155699749157985955379381294962058862159085915015369381046959790476428631998204940879604226680285601
e = 65537
d = 2358310989939619510179986262349936882924652023566213765118606431955566700506538911356936879137503597382515919515633242482643314423192704128296593672966061810149316320617894021822784026407461403384065351821972350784300967610143459484324068427674639688405917977442472804943075439192026107319532117557545079086537982987982522396626690057355718157403493216553255260857777965627529169195827622139772389760130571754834678679842181142252489617665030109445573978012707793010592737640499220015083392425914877847840457278246402760955883376999951199827706285383471150643561410605789710883438795588594095047409018233862167884701
p = 157377055902447438395586165028960291914931973278777532798470200156035267537359239071829408411909323208574959800537247728959718236884809685233284537349207654661530801859889389455120932077199406250387226339056140578989122526711937239401762061949364440402067108084155200696015505170135950332209194782224750221639
q = 129921752567406358990993347540064445018230073402482260994179328573323861908379211274626956543471664997237185298964648133324343327052852264060322088122401124781249085873464824282666514908127141915943024862618996371026577302203267804867959037802770797169483022132210859867700312376409633383772189122488119155159
ietf_key = RSA.construct(
rsa_components=(n, e, d, p, q)
signer =
h =
signature = signer.sign(h), signature)
print([int(x) for x in signature]) # Does not match the IETF example
You get the result from RFC 7515, A.2.1. Encoding if you use for body:
body = '{"iss":"joe",\r\n "exp":1300819380,\r\n "":true}'
The difference to the value you used is a 0x0d0a20 byte sequence (\r\n<space>) after each comma. This is described in A.1.1. Encoding.

How to turn python AES function into C# code

I have a part of python code that I want to use in my C# project, but I can't find a right way to achieve it.
python code:
def getCiphertext(plaintext, key = key_, cfb_iv = iv_, size = 128):
message = plaintext.encode('utf-8')
cfb_cipher_encrypt =, AES.MODE_CFB, cfb_iv, segment_size = size)
mid = cfb_cipher_encrypt.encrypt(message)
return hexlify(mid).decode()
I have tried the C# code below, but the result is different:
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public static string AesEncrypt(string str, string key, string IVString)
Encoding encoder = Encoding.UTF8;
byte[] toEncryptArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
RijndaelManaged rm = new RijndaelManaged
Key = encoder.GetBytes(key),
Mode = CipherMode.CFB,
BlockSize = 128,
Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7,
IV = encoder.GetBytes(IVString),
ICryptoTransform cTransform = rm.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] resultArray = cTransform.TransformFinalBlock(toEncryptArray, 0, toEncryptArray.Length);
return ToBCDStringLower(resultArray);//result
public static string ToBCDStringLower(byte[] buffer)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
return sb.ToString();
Thanks guys all!
.NET's CFB implementation:
CFB in .NET is problematic. In .NET Framework it is supported, in .NET Core only from .NET 5.0.
In addition, .NET Framework and .NET Core allow different segment sizes, but both support 8-bit and 128-bit, which corresponds to the most common variants, namely CFB8 and CFB128 (or full block CFB). The segment size is an additional parameter in CFB which corresponds to the bits encrypted per encryption step, see CFB.
Another peculiarity is that in .NET the plaintext size must be an integer multiple of the segment size. This is remarkable (actually already a bug), since CFB is a stream cipher mode that does not require padding.
Therefore, for CFB, with the exception of CFB8, padding is generally required. In the case of CFB128 to the full block, allowing the default padding PKCS7 to be applied.
Thus, to obtain the ciphertext that corresponds to the unpadded plaintext, the ciphertext must be truncated to the plaintext size.
Comparison of Python and C# code:
In the posted Python code, the segment size in the argument list defaults to 128 bits (the PyCryptodome default is 8 bits). In the C# code, the segment size (here denoted as FeedbackSize) is not specified, so the default value of 128 bits is used.
Thus, unless a segment size other than 128 bits is explicitly specified in the Python code, both codes apply the same segment size.
Also, in the C# code, padding (PKCS7) is done as required by the C# implementation. Therefore, when the ciphertext of the C# code is truncated to the plaintext size, it matches the ciphertext of the Python code.
The following example uses the code you posted unchanged:
string plaintext = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
string key = "01234567890123456789012345678901";
string cfb_iv = "0123456789012345";
string ciphertext = AesEncrypt(plaintext, key, cfb_iv);
string ciphertextTrunc = ciphertext.Substring(0, plaintext.Length * 2); // *2 since AesEncryptOP returns the ciphertext hex encoded
As you can verify, the shortened ciphertext corresponds to the output of the Python code.
Note that as explained in the 1st section, padding is required for CFB128. Changing the padding to PaddingMode.None will result in a CryptographicException: The input data is not a complete block. However, with CFB8 this would be possible.
An alternative to the .NET built-in implementation is BouncyCastle, which implements CFB as stream cipher mode so that no padding is needed. The following code:
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Modes;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto;
public static string Encrypt(string str, string keyString, string IVString)
byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
byte[] IV = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(IVString);
byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(keyString);
AesEngine engine = new AesEngine();
CfbBlockCipher blockCipher = new CfbBlockCipher(engine, 128);
BufferedBlockCipher cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher);
KeyParameter keyParam = new KeyParameter(key);
ParametersWithIV keyParamWithIv = new ParametersWithIV(keyParam, IV);
cipher.Init(true, keyParamWithIv);
byte[] outputBytes = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(inputBytes.Length)];
int length = cipher.ProcessBytes(inputBytes, outputBytes, 0);
cipher.DoFinal(outputBytes, length);
string encryptedInput = ToBCDStringLower(outputBytes);
return encryptedInput;
directly (i.e. without truncation) returns the result of the Python code.

Perfroming AES CBC 128 Cannot get the same result same the ONline tools

I using getting the encrypted message from a third party sever.
I am using the tools in enter link description here
to test and its correct
The Encrypted Text =
Key = "1234567812345678"
And the result
After AES Decrypted Output (Base64):
And after Decode Plain Text
THe result is :
One of the thing is that IV must be NULL to get the correct answer.
And so if i implement in Python AES CBC using pycryptodome library in the following like:
class AES_CBC:
def add_to_16(self, value):
while len(value) % 16 != 0:
value += '\0'
return str.encode(value) # 返回bytes
def decrypt_oralce(self, key, text):
# 初始化加密器
# 偏移量 16个0
iv = "0000000000000000"
aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, self.add_to_16(iv))
base64_decrypted = base64.decodebytes(text.encode(encoding='utf-8'))
decrypted_text = str(aes.decrypt(base64_decrypted), encoding='utf-8') # 执行解密密并转码返回str
unpad = lambda s : s[0:-ord(s[-1])]
#PADDING = '\0'
#print decrypted_text.rstrip(PADDING) #zeropadding只见诶去掉结尾\0
# print(unpad(decrypted_text))
return unpad(decrypted_text)
if __name__ == '__main__':
aes = AES_CBC()
key = "1234567812345678"
enc_msg = "WiI9g5qo+ztSlqHMbpiezHZ2dBkQ2gprGJZyWtwcMTWPoxzLsMmujE9xDeFK4XYMfBdZGh2naMwP3LfbPy/06mazrSs66WRM1oxhz56L2UzTKyCWCl+ld7RlN7aPwfEw2j9VN50YCkMLfQRfIAXTspKQb6o5QQw8ey0cINdtWSHClz/uXiCFqiYJfItxY1rAZkE1Qj0b0izGQFJ9/44Zfw0dJtzCXYgXTPZftPeGTdoX/HnZJpUvfqmLIAdgAyoXi5BxL5bgSs30yaB4bRxJJj7DKpVbAgZmx0ecjmiGDh7t78A16pZ2kz+OIUkuc/hxvUaVehsH1pVdqycpUJfbgy+to0AY/+BBd38GGvv8YdTCa99bSHRGaZuUglLKN/2J0pZmfrIARIdgrV2yDK+IN4hTVKf1jprtfvhvkG+eRyDfoLL9rg8+ZEtdYUdZgDdF3ftmHKTzgxI6leMWX7WFRTHjxVYFVk0yWA9xXk6s/WcG6IFeGYPVF94IcLeC2eAjaMasusF+C6qyFWi6nuyFK2Gr1utvG6kg84Hu0KKYg42MHXIR1AtQW3MWaqosb54y0GutQtnD47l84/PdJvUhuE/a7uyfCjjtyh2sRRLX3WDosyRZsqjLea9EIX6oNmQMZd1WRxM86Ggt6bVOc9KY5Z7HLpLyb0lLF4sdyzfBNJB7u7vqkBzsEss1Yq+sXD0N"
dec_text = aes.decrypt_oralce(key, enc_msg)
i got a different result using same IV 16'0'
the result from the web is
while the result of my code is :
can anyone help me which part i get wrong?
Currently the code is not using a "null-IV", which means an array filled with bytes set to zero. Instead it is using an array filled with '0' characters, which have value 0x30 in hexadecimals or 48 in decimals; distinctly not zero.
To create a null-IV please have a look here on how to indicate byte values within byte arrays in Python. The same trick is used within the add_to_16 loop, where the \0 escape is used to indicate a zero byte.
Note that padding a key or IV is very bad practice. Those need to consist of randomized bytes. Beware that working crypto code is not the same thing as secure crypto code, which should probably be your goal.

How to use base32 in combination with hotp (one time passwords) in python?

for a university exercise I want to develop a simple hotp server-client system in python. In this case the client sends a password and a one time password to the server. The server knows the secret, calculates the current hotp and compares the values it receives. So far, so good. With plaintext this works perfectly fine and the calculated values are the same I get when I use the iOS App "OTP Auth". But there is also the possibility to calculate the OTP in combination with base32. So I added a few lines to encode the plaintext to base32 but now the output in not correct.
Let's assume we're using the secret "1234" so the plaintext output would be "110366". That's working. But if I'm encoding the secret to base32 the output should be "807244" but my program calculates "896513". Anybody know why this is happening?
I've already tried to use different secrets and checked it on different apps. Always the same result.
import hmac
import hashlib
import array
import base64
counter = 0
digits = 6 #Anzahl der Zeichen
def hotp(secret, c):
global digits
counter = extendCounter(c)
hmac_sha1 =, counter, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
return truncate(hmac_sha1)[-digits:]
def truncate(hmac_sha1):
offset = int(hmac_sha1[-1], 16)
binary = int(hmac_sha1[(offset * 2):((offset * 2) + 8)], 16) & 0x7fffffff
return str(binary)
def extendCounter(long_num):
byte_array = array.array('B')
for i in reversed(range(0, 8)):
byte_array.insert(0, long_num & 0xff)
long_num >>= 8
return byte_array
def main():
secret = "1234"
bSecret = secret.encode("UTF-8")
bSecret = base64.b32encode(bSecret)
otp = hotp(bSecret, counter)
one_time_password = otp
I expect 807244 as the output but the output is 896513
First, it's important to point out that the result of secret.encode('UTF-8') has exactly the same type as the result of base64.b32encode(bSecret) (and for that matter base64.b64encode(bSecret)) -- they all return bytes objects. Also worth noting is that the implementation of hmac in Python has no mention of base64/base32 encoding. So the short answer is that your expected result of 807244 is only valid if the shared secret is a base64/UTF-8 encoded blob.
This quick snippet shows that really you can give any bytes you like to hotp and it will come up with some result (because hotp is called multiple times in the example, counter is changed)
# ... everything from your example above ...
secret = "1234"
secret_bytes = secret.encode("UTF-8")
>>> b'1234'
b32_secret = base64.b32encode(bSecret)
>>> b'GEZDGNA='
b64_secret = base64.b64encode(bSecret)
>>> b'MTIzNA=='
hotp(secret_bytes, counter) # just a UTF-8 blob works
>>> '110366'
hotp(b32_secret, counter) # base32/UTF-8 also works
>>> '896513'
hotp(b64_secret, counter) # base64/UTF-8 works as well
>>> '806744'
If you have more detail of why you expected 807244 for a base32/UTF8 blob, I'll be happy to amend this answer.
Found the mistake:
Instead of translating the secret to base32, the secret must be a Base32 decoded value. Also instead of encoding this value, it must be decoded ("base64.b32decode(bytes(saved_secret, 'utf-8'))")
So the correct main looks like this:
def main():
secret = "V6X27L5P" #Base32 value
secret = base64.b32decode(bytes(secret, 'utf-8'))
one_time_password = hotp(secret, counter)

I have a RSA public key exponent and modulus. How can I encrypt a string using Python?

Given a public key exponent and modulus like the following, how can I encrypt a string and send it to a server as text?
publicKey: 10001,
modulus: 'd0eeaf178015d0418170055351711be1e4ed1dbab956603ac04a6e7a0dca1179cf33f90294782e9db4dc24a2b1d1f2717c357f32373fb3d9fd7dce91c40b6602'
I am trying to replicate the functionality provided by the javascript rsa library in python. In javascript, it looks something like this:
setMaxDigits(67); //sets a max digits for bigInt
var key = new RSAKeyPair('10001', '10001', 'd0eeaf178015d0418170055351711be1e4ed1dbab956603ac04a6e7a0dca1179cf33f90294782e9db4dc24a2b1d1f2717c357f32373fb3d9fd7dce91c40b6602');
var encrypted = encryptedString(key, 'message');
console.log(encrypted); //prints '88d58fec172269e5186592dd20446c594dbeb82c01edad41f841666500c9a530e24a282c6527ec66f4c826719f12478c6535bdc2baef86e4ff26906a26398413'
I imagine there is a way to do this with the PyCrypto library but I couldn't find any examples that use the exponent and modulus.
Edit 1:
Using the solution below, it appears to be working. Since I'm using python 2.7 I modified it to look like this:
from Crypto.PublicKey.RSA import construct
from binascii import unhexlify
from codecs import encode
e = long(10001)
n = int(encode('d0eeaf17801.....5d041817005535171', 'hex'), 16)
key = construct((n, e))
a = key.encrypt('hello', None)
xd5R\xc2*\xcb\xd9\x1d\x88$\x98\xb0\x07\xfaG+>G#\xf7cG\xd8\xa6\xf3y_ 4\x17\x0b\x0
Now I want to convert this encrypted text to a string to send via a post request. But this doesn't seem to work:
With PyCrypto, you can use the Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct() function. You'll need to convert the modulus to an int. Here's an example (assuming big-endian):
from Crypto.PublicKey.RSA import construct
e = int('10001', 16)
n = int('d0eeaf...0b6602', 16) #snipped for brevity
pubkey = construct((n, e))
Then you can do the usual things (like encrypt) with the key:
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP
cipher =
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(b'abcde')
Edit: Note that your public exponent, 10001, is mostly likely hexadecimal. This would correspond to the common public exponent 65537. I've updated the above to reflect that.
I tried an alternative way using Crypto.Cipher.PKCS1_OAEP motivated by: and it just worked.
PS: There seems to be something wrong with modulus given, as modulus n must be the product of two large primes, thus should not be an even number. A tiny modification of n has been applied to make the example code runnable.
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP
import binascii
e = int('10001', 16)
n = int('d0eeaf178015d0418170055351711be1e4ed1dbab956603ac04a6e7a0dca1179cf33f90294782e9db4dc24a2b1d1f2717c357f32373fb3d9fd7dce91c40b6601', 16)
# Construct a `RSAobj` with only ( n, e ), thus with only PublicKey
rsaKey = RSA.construct( ( n, e ) )
pubKey = rsaKey.publickey()
print(f"Public key: (n={hex(pubKey.n)}, e={hex(pubKey.e)})")
# Export if needed
pubKeyPEM = rsaKey.exportKey()
# Encrypt message using RSA-OAEP scheme
msg = b'Hello, world.'
encryptor =
encrypted = encryptor.encrypt(msg)
print("Encrypted:", binascii.hexlify(encrypted))
