I am trying to build a simple VAR(p) model using pymc3, but I'm getting some cryptic errors about incompatible dimensions. I suspect the issue is that I'm not properly generating random matrices. Here is an attempt at VAR(1), any help would be welcome:
# generate some data
y_full = numpy.zeros((2,100))
t = numpy.linspace(0,2*numpy.pi,100)
y_full[0,:] = numpy.cos(5*t)+numpy.random.randn(100)*0.02
y_full[1,:] = numpy.sin(6*t)+numpy.random.randn(100)*0.01
y_obs = y_full[:,1:]
y_lag = y_full[:,:-1]
with pymc3.Model() as model:
beta= pymc3.MvNormal('beta',mu=numpy.ones((4)),cov=numpy.ones((4,4)),shape=(4))
mu = pymc3.Deterministic('mu',beta.reshape((2,2)).dot(y_lag))
y = pymc3.MvNormal('y',mu=mu,cov=numpy.eye(2),observed=y_obs)
The last line should be
y = pm.MvNormal('y',mu=mu.T, cov=np.eye(2),observed=y_obs.T)
MvNormal interprets the last dimension as the mvnormal vectors. This is because the behaviour of numpy indexing implies that y_obs is a vector of length 2 containing vectors of length 100 (y_lag[i].shape == (100,))
I'm having trouble getting my shapes to work for a Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model. My data observations has shape (number of samples, number of dimensions). Each Gaussian's mean should be drawn from an isotropic prior, and each Gaussian's covariance should be the identity matrix. I thought I set this up correctly, but I'm getting the following error:
Input dimension mis-match. (input[0].shape[1] = 13, input[1].shape[1] = 2)
My code is:
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
import theano.tensor as tt
num_obs, obs_dim = observations.shape
max_num_clusters = 13
def stick_breaking(beta):
portion_remaining = tt.concatenate([[1], tt.extra_ops.cumprod(1 - beta)[:-1]])
return beta * portion_remaining
with pm.Model() as model:
w = pm.Deterministic("w", stick_breaking(beta))
cluster_means = pm.MvNormal(f'cluster_means',
cov=pm.floatX(gaussian_mean_prior_cov_scaling * np.eye(obs_dim)),
shape=(max_num_clusters, obs_dim))
comp_dists = pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=cluster_means,
cov=gaussian_cov_scaling * np.eye(obs_dim),
shape=(max_num_clusters, obs_dim))
obs = pm.Mixture(
Can someone clarify how to get the shapes to work?
I've been trying to fit the GEV distribution to some annual maximum river discharge using Scipy's stats.genextreme function, but I've found some weird behavior of the fit. Depending on how small your data is (i.e., 1e-5 vs. 1e-1), the shape parameter that is returned can be dramatically different. For example:
import scipy as scipy
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import genextreme as gev
from scipy.stats import gumbel_r as gumbel
#Set up arrays of values to fit curve to
sample=np.random.rand(1,30) #Random set of decimal values
smallVals = sample*1e-5 #Scale to smaller values
#If the above is not creating different values, this instance of random numbers has:
bugArr = np.array([[0.25322987, 0.81952358, 0.94497455, 0.36295543, 0.72272746, 0.49482558,0.65674877, 0.40876558, 0.64952248, 0.23171052, 0.24645658, 0.35359126,0.27578928, 0.24820775, 0.69789187, 0.98876361, 0.22104156,0.40019593,0.0756707, 0.12342556, 0.3601186, 0.54137089,0.43477705, 0.44622486,0.75483338, 0.69766687, 0.1508741, 0.75428996, 0.93706003, 0.1191987]])
bugArr_small = bugArr*1e-5
#This array of random numbers gives the same shape parameter regardless
fineArr = np.array([[0.7449611, 0.82376693, 0.32601009, 0.18544293, 0.56779629, 0.30495415,
0.04670362, 0.88106521, 0.34013959, 0.84598841, 0.24454428, 0.57981437,
0.57129427, 0.8857514, 0.96254429, 0.64174078, 0.33048637, 0.17124045,
0.11512589, 0.31884749, 0.48975204, 0.87988863, 0.86898236, 0.83513966,
0.05858769, 0.25889509, 0.13591874, 0.89106616, 0.66471263, 0.69786708]])
fineArr_small = fineArr*1e-5
#GEV fit for both arrays - shouldn't dramatically change distribution
gev_fit = gev.fit(sample)
gevSmall_fit = gev.fit(smallVals)
gevBug = gev.fit(bugArr)
gevSmallBug = gev.fit(bugArr_small)
gevFine = gev.fit(fineArr)
gevSmallFine = gev.fit(fineArr_small)
I get the following output for the GEV parameters estimated for the bugArr/bugArr_small and fineArr/fineArr_small:
Known bug array
Random values: (0.12118250540401079, 0.36692231766996053, 0.23142400358716353)
Random values scaled: (-0.8446554391074808, 3.0751769299431084e-06, 2.620390405092363e-06)
Known fine array
Random values: (0.6745399522587823, 0.47616297212022757, 0.34117425062278584)
Random values scaled: (0.6745399522587823, 4.761629721202293e-06, 3.411742506227867e-06)
Why would the shape parameter change so dramatically when the only difference in the data is a change in scaling? I would've expected the behavior to be consistent with the FineArr results (no change in shape parameter, and appropriate scaling of location and scale parameters). I've repeated the test in Matlab, but the results there are in line with what I expected (i.e., no change in shape parameter).
I think I know why this might be happening. It is possible to pass initial shape parameter estimates when fitting, see the documentation for scipy.stats.rv_continuous.fit where it states "Starting value(s) for any shape-characterizing arguments (those not provided will be determined by a call to _fitstart(data)). No default value." Here is some extremely ugly, functional, code using my pyeq3 statistical distribution fitter which internally attempts to use different estimates, fit them, and return the parameters for best nnlf of the different fits. This example code does not show the behavior you observe, and gives the same shape parameters regardless of scaling. You would need to install pyeq3 with "pip3 install pyeq3" to run this code. The pyeq3 code is designed for text input from a web interface on zunzun.com, so hold you nose - here is the example code:
import numpy as np
#Set up arrays of values to fit curve to
sample=np.random.rand(1,30) #Random set of decimal values
smallVals = sample*1e-5 #Scale to smaller values
#If the above is not creating different values, this instance of random numbers has:
bugArr = np.array([0.25322987, 0.81952358, 0.94497455, 0.36295543, 0.72272746, 0.49482558,0.65674877, 0.40876558, 0.64952248, 0.23171052, 0.24645658, 0.35359126,0.27578928, 0.24820775, 0.69789187, 0.98876361, 0.22104156,0.40019593,0.0756707, 0.12342556, 0.3601186, 0.54137089,0.43477705, 0.44622486,0.75483338, 0.69766687, 0.1508741, 0.75428996, 0.93706003, 0.1191987])
bugArr_small = bugArr*1e-5
#This array of random numbers gives the same shape parameter regardless
fineArr = np.array([0.7449611, 0.82376693, 0.32601009, 0.18544293, 0.56779629, 0.30495415,
0.04670362, 0.88106521, 0.34013959, 0.84598841, 0.24454428, 0.57981437,
0.57129427, 0.8857514, 0.96254429, 0.64174078, 0.33048637, 0.17124045,
0.11512589, 0.31884749, 0.48975204, 0.87988863, 0.86898236, 0.83513966,
0.05858769, 0.25889509, 0.13591874, 0.89106616, 0.66471263, 0.69786708])
fineArr_small = fineArr*1e-5
bugArr_str = ''
for i in range(len(bugArr)):
bugArr_str += str(bugArr[i]) + '\n'
bugArr_small_str = ''
for i in range(len(bugArr_small)):
bugArr_small_str += str(bugArr_small[i]) + '\n'
fineArr_str = ''
for i in range(len(fineArr)):
fineArr_str += str(fineArr[i]) + '\n'
fineArr_small_str = ''
for i in range(len(fineArr_small)):
fineArr_small_str += str(fineArr_small[i]) + '\n'
import pyeq3
simpleObject_bugArr = pyeq3.IModel.IModel()
simpleObject_bugArr._dimensionality = 1
pyeq3.dataConvertorService().ConvertAndSortColumnarASCII(bugArr_str, simpleObject_bugArr, False)
solver = pyeq3.solverService()
result_bugArr = solver.SolveStatisticalDistribution('genextreme', simpleObject_bugArr.dataCache.allDataCacheDictionary['IndependentData'][0], 'nnlf')
simpleObject_bugArr_small = pyeq3.IModel.IModel()
simpleObject_bugArr_small._dimensionality = 1
pyeq3.dataConvertorService().ConvertAndSortColumnarASCII(bugArr_small_str, simpleObject_bugArr_small, False)
solver = pyeq3.solverService()
result_bugArr_small = solver.SolveStatisticalDistribution('genextreme', simpleObject_bugArr_small.dataCache.allDataCacheDictionary['IndependentData'][0], 'nnlf')
simpleObject_fineArr = pyeq3.IModel.IModel()
simpleObject_fineArr._dimensionality = 1
pyeq3.dataConvertorService().ConvertAndSortColumnarASCII(fineArr_str, simpleObject_fineArr, False)
solver = pyeq3.solverService()
result_fineArr = solver.SolveStatisticalDistribution('genextreme', simpleObject_fineArr.dataCache.allDataCacheDictionary['IndependentData'][0], 'nnlf')
simpleObject_fineArr_small = pyeq3.IModel.IModel()
simpleObject_fineArr_small._dimensionality = 1
pyeq3.dataConvertorService().ConvertAndSortColumnarASCII(fineArr_small_str, simpleObject_fineArr_small, False)
solver = pyeq3.solverService()
result_fineArr_small = solver.SolveStatisticalDistribution('genextreme', simpleObject_fineArr_small.dataCache.allDataCacheDictionary['IndependentData'][0], 'nnlf')
I'm fairly new to pymc3, and I'm trying to understand how to work random variables into models in different ways. I would like to fit the following (contrived) model, but I cannot find any support for it in the documention.
I tried the following, but numpy does not allow such indexing:
seq = numpy.arange(10,y_train.size)
basic_model = pymc3.Model()
with basic_model:
alpha = pymc3.Normal('alpha',mu=0,sd=1)
beta = pymc3.Normal('beta',mu=0,sd=1)
gamma = pymc3.DiscreteUniform('gamma',lower=1,upper=10)
mu = pymc3.Deterministic('mu',alpha+beta*y_train[seq-gamma])
y = pymc3.Normal('y',mu=mu,sd=sigma,observed=y_train[11:])
map_estimate = pymc3.find_MAP(model=basic_model)
step = pymc3.Metropolis()
trace = pymc3.sample(10000,step,start=map_estimate,progressbar=True)
You need to convert the numpy array to a theano const first:
I am trying to do a Mean operation given the actual lengths of sequences. (Masking Zero vectors)
My inputs sequence_outpus are of (batch_size, max_len, dimensions)
I have a tensor that stores the actual lengths of each sequence in the batch. I used the function from https://danijar.com/variable-sequence-lengths-in-tensorflow/
def length(sequence):
used = tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(sequence), reduction_indices=2))
length = tf.reduce_sum(used, reduction_indices=1)
length = tf.cast(length, tf.int64)
return length
I do this:
lengths = length(sequence_outputs)
lengths = tf.cast(length, tf.float32)
lengths = tf.expand_dims(lengths,1)
sentence_outputs = tf.reduce_sum(sentence_outputs,1) / lengths
The graph compiles but I am getting NaN loss values. Furthermore my lengths become negative values when debugging with eval().
This seems to be a simple problem but I've been stuck with this for sometime and would appreciate some help!
I see no issue. Your code is slightly over-complicated. The following code
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# creating data
B = 15
data = np.zeros([B, MAX_LEN], dtype=np.float32)
for b in range(B):
current_len = np.random.randint(2, MAX_LEN)
current_vector = np.concatenate([np.random.randn(current_len), np.zeros(MAX_LEN - current_len)], axis=-1)
print("{}\t\t{}".format(current_vector, current_vector.shape))
data[b, ...] = current_vector
data_op = tf.convert_to_tensor(data)
def tf_length(x):
assert len(x.get_shape().as_list()) == 2
length = tf.count_nonzero(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return length
x = tf.reduce_sum(data_op, axis=1) / tf_length(data_op)
# test gradients
grads = tf.gradients(tf.reduce_mean(x), [data_op])
with tf.Session() as sess:
print sess.run(grads)
runs perfectly fine here without any NaNs. Are you sure, you are really using this code? If I need to guess, I would bet you forget the tf.abs somewhere in your sequence length computation.
Be aware: your length function, as well as tf_length in this post, assume non-zero values in the sequence! The calculating the sequence-length should be the task of the data-producer and fed into the computation graph. Everything else, I consider as a hacky solution.
My goal is to create a Python3 program to operate differential operations on a vector V of size N. I did so, test it for basic operation and it works (differentiation, gradient...).
I tried to write with that basis more complex equations (Navier-Stokes, Orr-Sommerfeld,...) and I tried to validate my work by calculating the eigenvalues of these equations.
As these eigenvalues were completely unexpected, I simplify my problem and I am currently trying to calculate the eigenvalues only for the differentiation matrix (see below). But the results seem wrong...
Thanks in advance for your help, because I do not find any solution to my problem...
Definition of DM:
I use Chebyshev spectral method to operate the differentiation of vectors.
I use the following Chebyshev package (translated from Matlab to Python):
That package allow me to create a differentiation matrix DM, obtained with:
nodes, DM = chebyshev.chebdiff(N, maximal_order)
To obtain the 1st, 2nd, 3th... order differentiation, I write for example:
dVdx1 = np.dot(DM[0,:,:], V)
d2Vdx2 = np.dot(DM[1,:,:], V)
d3Vdx3 = np.dot(DM[2,:,:], V)
I tested that and it works.
I've build different operators based on that differentiation process.
I've tried to validate them by finding their eigenvalues. It didn't go well so I am just trying right now with DM only.
I do not manage to find the right eigenvalues of DM.
I've tried with different functions:
sympy.solve( (DM-x*np.eye).det(), x) [for snall size only]
Why I use scipy.sparse.LinearOperator:
I do not want to directly use the matrix DM, so I wrapped into a function which operates the differentiation (see code below) like that:
dVdx1 = derivative(V)
The reason why I do that comes from the global project itself.
This is useful for more complicated equations.
Creating such a function prevents me from using directly the matrix DM to find its eigenvalues (because DM stay inside the function).
For that reason, I use a scipy.sparse.LinearOperator to wrap my method derivative() and use it as an input of scipy.sparse.eig().
Code and results:
Here is the code to compute these eigenvalues:
import numpy as np
import scipy
import sympy
from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
import chebyshev
N = 20 # should be 4, 20, 50, 100, 300
max_order = 4
option = 1
#option 1: building the differentiation matrix DM for a given order
if option == 1:
if 0:
# usage of package chebyshev, but I add a file with the matrix inside
nodes, DM = chebyshev.chebdiff(N, max_order)
order = 1
DM = DM[order-1,:,:]
#outfile = TemporaryFile()
np.save('DM20', DM)
if 1:
# loading the matrix from the file
# uncomment depending on N
#DM = np.load('DM4.npy')
DM = np.load('DM20.npy')
#DM = np.load('DM50.npy')
#DM = np.load('DM100.npy')
#DM = np.load('DM300.npy')
#option 2: building a random matrix
elif option == 2:
j = np.complex(0,1)
Real = np.random.random((N, N)) - 0.5
Im = np.random.random((N,N)) - 0.5
# If I want DM symmetric:
#Real = np.dot(Real, Real.T)
#Im = np.dot(Im, Im.T)
DM = Real + j*Im
# If I want DM singular:
#DM[0,:] = DM[1,:]
# Test DM symmetric
print('Is DM symmetric ? \n', (DM.transpose() == DM).all() )
# Test DM Hermitian
print('Is DM hermitian ? \n', (DM.transpose().real == DM.real).all() and
(DM.transpose().imag == -DM.imag).all() )
# building a linear operator which wrap matrix DM
def derivative(v):
return np.dot(DM, v)
linop_DM = LinearOperator( (N, N), matvec = derivative)
# building a linear operator directly from a matrix DM with asLinearOperator
aslinop_DM = aslinearoperator(DM)
# comparison of LinearOperator and direct Dot Product
V = np.random.random((N))
diff_lo = linop_DM.matvec(V)
diff_mat = np.dot(DM, V)
# diff_lo and diff_mat are equals
#number of eigenvalues to find
k = 1
if 1:
vals_sparse, vecs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(linop_DM, k, which='SR',
maxiter = 10000,
tol = 1E-3)
vals_sparse = np.sort(vals_sparse)
print('\nEigenvalues (scipy.sparse.linalg Linear Operator) : \n', vals_sparse)
if 1:
vals_sparse2, vecs2 = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(DM, k, which='SR',
maxiter = 10000,
tol = 1E-3)
vals_sparse2 = np.sort(vals_sparse2)
print('\nEigenvalues (scipy.sparse.linalg with matrix DM) : \n', vals_sparse2)
if 1:
vals_sparse3, vecs3 = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(aslinop_DM, k, which='SR',
maxiter = 10000,
tol = 1E-3)
vals_sparse3 = np.sort(vals_sparse3)
print('\nEigenvalues (scipy.sparse.linalg AS linear Operator) : \n', vals_sparse3)
if 0:
vals_np = np.linalg.eigvals(DM)
vals_np = np.sort(vals_np)
print('\nEigenvalues (numpy.linalg) : \n', vals_np)
if 1:
vals_sp = scipy.linalg.eig(DM)
vals_sp = np.sort(vals_sp[0])
print('\nEigenvalues (scipy.linalg.eig) : \n', vals_sp)
if 0:
x = sympy.Symbol('x')
D = sympy.Matrix(DM)
print('\ndet D (sympy):', D.det() )
E = D - x*np.eye(DM.shape[0])
eig_sympy = sympy.solve(E.det(), x)
print('\nEigenvalues (sympy) : \n', eig_sympy)
Here are my results (for N=20):
Is DM symmetric ?
Is DM hermitian ?
Eigenvalues (scipy.sparse.linalg Linear Operator) :
Eigenvalues (scipy.sparse.linalg with matrix DM) :
Eigenvalues (scipy.sparse.linalg AS linear Operator) :
Eigenvalues (scipy.linalg.eig) :
[-2.92933791+0.j -2.72062839-1.01741142j -2.72062839+1.01741142j
-2.15314244-1.84770128j -2.15314244+1.84770128j -1.36473659-2.38021351j
-1.36473659+2.38021351j -0.49536645-2.59716913j -0.49536645+2.59716913j
0.38136094-2.53335888j 0.38136094+2.53335888j 0.55256471-1.68108134j
0.55256471+1.68108134j 1.26425751-2.25101241j 1.26425751+2.25101241j
2.03390489-1.74122287j 2.03390489+1.74122287j 2.57770573-0.95982011j
2.57770573+0.95982011j 2.77749810+0.j ]
The values returned by scipy.sparse should be included in the ones found by scipy/numpy, which is not the case. (idem for sympy)
I've tried with different random matrices instead of DM (see option 2) (symmetric, non-symmetric, real, imaginary, etc...), which had small size N (4,5,6..) and also bigger ones (100,...).
That worked
By changing parameters like 'which' (LM, SM, LR...), 'tol' (10E-3, 10E-6..), 'maxiter', 'sigma' (0) in scipy.sparse... scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs always worked for random matrices but never for my matrix DM. In best cases, found eigenvalues are close to the ones found by scipy, but never match.
I really do not know what is so particular in my matrix.
I also dont know why using scipy.sparse.linagl.eig with a matrix, a LinearOperator or a AsLinearOperator gives different results.
For N = 4 :
[[ 3.16666667 -4. 1.33333333 -0.5 ]
[ 1. -0.33333333 -1. 0.33333333]
[-0.33333333 1. 0.33333333 -1. ]
[ 0.5 -1.33333333 4. -3.16666667]]
Every idea is welcome.
May a moderator could tag my question with :
scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs / weideman / eigenvalues / scipy.eig /scipy.sparse.lingalg.linearOperator
I spoke with a few colleague and solve partly my problem.
My conclusion is that my matrix is simply very ill conditioned...
In my project, I can simplify my matrix by imposing boundary condition as follow:
DM[0,:] = 0
DM[:,0] = 0
DM[N-1,:] = 0
DM[:,N-1] = 0
which produces a matrix similar to that for N=4:
[[ 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 -0.33333333 -1. 0]
[ 0 1. 0.33333333 0]
[ 0 0 0 0]]
By using such condition, I obtain eigenvalues for scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs which are equal to the one in scipy.linalg.eig.
I also tried using Matlab, and it return the same values.
To continue my work, I actually needed to use the generalized eigenvalue problem in the standard form
λ B x= DM x
It seems that it does not work in my case because of my matrix B (which represents a Laplacian operator matrix).
If you have a similar problem, I advise you to visit that question:
(I think that) the matrix B needs to be positive definite to use scipy.sparse.
A solution would be to change B, to use scipy.linalg.eig or to use Matlab.
I will confirm that later.
I wrote a solution to the stack exchange question I post above which explains how I solve my problem.
I appears that scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs has indeed a bug if matrix B is not positive definite, and will return bad eigenvalues.