Pandas - Interleave / Zip two DataFrames by row - python

Suppose I have two dataframes:
>> df1
0 1 2
0 a b c
1 d e f
>> df2
0 1 2
0 A B C
1 D E F
How can I interleave the rows? i.e. get this:
>> interleaved_df
0 1 2
0 a b c
1 A B C
2 d e f
3 D E F
(Note my real DFs have identical columns, but not the same number of rows).
What I've tried
inspired by this question (very similar, but asks on columns):
import pandas as pd
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['a','b','c'], ['d','e','f']])
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['A','B','C'], ['D','E','F']])
concat_df = pd.concat([df1,df2])
new_index = chain.from_iterable(zip_longest(df1.index, df2.index))
# new_index now holds the interleaved row indices
interleaved_df = concat_df.reindex(new_index)
ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis
The last call fails because df1 and df2 have some identical index values (which is also the case with my real DFs).
Any ideas?

You can sort the index after concatenating and then reset the index i.e
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['a','b','c'], ['d','e','f']])
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['A','B','C'], ['D','E','F']])
concat_df = pd.concat([df1,df2]).sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
Output :
0 1 2
0 a b c
1 A B C
2 d e f
3 D E F
EDIT (OmerB) : Incase of keeping the order regardless of the index value then.
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['a','b','c'], ['d','e','f']]).reset_index()
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['A','B','C'], ['D','E','F']]).reset_index()
concat_df = pd.concat([df1,df2]).sort_index().set_index('index')

Use toolz.interleave
In [1024]: from toolz import interleave
In [1025]: pd.DataFrame(interleave([df1.values, df2.values]))
0 1 2
0 a b c
1 A B C
2 d e f
3 D E F

Here's an extension of #Bharath's answer that can be applied to DataFrames with user-defined indexes without losing them, using pd.MultiIndex.
Define Dataframes with the full set of column/ index labels and names:
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['a','b','c'], ['d','e','f']], index=['one', 'two'], columns=['col_a', 'col_b','col_c']) = 'cols' = 'rows'
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['A','B','C'], ['D','E','F']], index=['one', 'two'], columns=['col_a', 'col_b','col_c']) = 'cols' = 'rows'
Add DataFrame ID to MultiIndex:
df1.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[1], df1.index], names=["df_id",])
df2.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[2], df2.index], names=["df_id",])
Then use #Bharath's concat() and sort_index():
data = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0, sort=True)
data.sort_index(axis=0, level=data.index.names[::-1], inplace=True)
cols col_a col_b col_c
df_id rows
1 one a b c
2 one A B C
1 two d e f
2 two D E F

You could also preallocate a new DataFrame, and then fill it using a slice.
def interleave(dfs):
data = np.transpose(np.array([np.empty(dfs[0].shape[0]*len(dfs), dtype=dt) for dt in dfs[0].dtypes]))
out = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=dfs[0].columns)
for ix, df in enumerate(dfs):
out.iloc[ix::len(dfs),:] = df.values
return out
The preallocation code is taken from this question.
While there's a chance it could outperform the index method for certain data types / sizes, it won't behave gracefully if the DataFrames have different sizes.
Note - for ~200000 rows with 20 columns of mixed string, integer and floating types, the index method is around 5x faster.

You can try this way :
In [31]: import pandas as pd
...: from itertools import chain, zip_longest
...: df1 = pd.DataFrame([['a','b','c'], ['d','e','f']])
...: df2 = pd.DataFrame([['A','B','C'], ['D','E','F']])
In [32]: concat_df = pd.concat([df1,df2]).sort_index()
In [33]: interleaved_df = concat_df.reset_index(drop=1)
In [34]: interleaved_df
0 1 2
0 a b c
1 A B C
2 d e f
3 D E F


How to replace data in one pandas df by the data of another one?

Want to replace some rows of some columns in a bigger pandas df by data in a smaller pandas df. The column names are same in both.
Tried using combine_first but it only updates the null values.
For example lets say df1.shape is 100, 25 and df2.shape is 10,5
A B C D E F G ...Z Y Z
1 abc 10.20 0 pd.NaT
1 abc 15.20 1 10
Now after replacing df1 should look like:
A B C D E F G ...Z Y Z
1 abc 15.20 1 10 ...
To replace values in df1 the condition is where df1.A = df2.A and df1.B = df2.B
How can it be achieved in the most pythonic way? Any help will be appreciated.
Don't know I really understood your question does this solves your problem ?
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data={'A':[1],'B':[2],'C':[3],'D':[4]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data={'A':[1],'B':[2],'C':[5],'D':[6]})
0 1 2 5 6
You could play with Multiindex.
First let us create those dataframe that you are working with:
cols = pd.Index(list(ascii_uppercase))
vals = np.arange(100*len(cols)).reshape(100, len(cols))
df = pd.DataFrame(vals, columns=cols)
df1 = pd.DataFrame(vals[:10,:5], columns=cols[:5])
Then transform A and B in indices:
df = df.set_index(["A","B"])
df1 = df1.set_index(["A","B"])*1.5 # multiply just to make the other values different
df.loc[df1.index, df1.columns] = df1
df = df.reset_index()

split multiple columns in pandas dataframe by delimiter

I have survey data which annoying has returned multiple choice questions in the following way. It's in an excel sheet There is about 60 columns with responses from single to multiple that are split by /. This is what I have so far, is there any way to do this quicker without having to do this for each individual column
data = {'q1': ['one', 'two', 'three'],
'q2' : ['one/two/three', 'a/b/c', 'd/e/f'],
'q3' : ['a/b/c', 'd/e/f','g/h/i']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df[['q2a', 'q2b', 'q2c']]= df['q2'].str.split('/', expand = True, n=0)
df[['q3a', 'q3b', 'q3c']]= df['q2'].str.split('/', expand = True, n=0)
clean_df = df.drop(df[['q2', 'q3']], axis=1)
We can use list comprehension with add_prefix, then we use pd.concat to concatenate everything to your final df:
splits = [df[col].str.split(pat='/', expand=True).add_prefix(col) for col in df.columns]
clean_df = pd.concat(splits, axis=1)
q10 q20 q21 q22 q30 q31 q32
0 one one two three a b c
1 two a b c d e f
2 three d e f g h i
If you actually want your column names to be suffixed by a letter, you can do the following with string.ascii_lowercase:
from string import ascii_lowercase
dfs = []
for col in df.columns:
d = df[col].str.split('/', expand=True)
c = d.shape[1]
d.columns = [col + l for l in ascii_lowercase[:c]]
clean_df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
q1a q2a q2b q2c q3a q3b q3c
0 one one two three a b c
1 two a b c d e f
2 three d e f g h i
You can create a dict d that transforms numbers to letters. Then loop through the columns and dynamically change their names:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'q1': ['one', 'two', 'three'],
'q2' : ['one/two/three', 'a/b/c', 'd/e/f'],
'q3' : ['a/b/c', 'd/e/f','g/h/i']})
ltrs = list('abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz')
nmbrs = [i[0] for i in enumerate(ltrs)]
d = dict(zip(nmbrs, ltrs))
cols = df.columns[1:]
for col in cols:
df1 = df[col].str.split('/', expand = True)
df1.columns =
df1 = df1.add_prefix(f'{col}')
df = pd.concat([df,df1], axis=1)
df = df.drop(cols, axis=1)
q1 q2a q2b q2c q3a q3b q3c
0 one one two three a b c
1 two a b c d e f
2 three d e f g h i

Renaming columns on slice of dataframe not performing as expected

I was trying to clean up column names in a dataframe but only a part of the columns.
It doesn't work when trying to replace column names on a slice of the dataframe somehow, why is that?
Lets say we have the following dataframe:
Note, on the bottom is copy-able code to reproduce the data:
Value ColAfjkj ColBhuqwa ColCouiqw
0 1 a e i
1 2 b f j
2 3 c g k
3 4 d h l
I want to clean up the column names (expected output):
Value ColA ColB ColC
0 1 a e i
1 2 b f j
2 3 c g k
3 4 d h l
Approach 1:
I can get the clean column names like this:
df.iloc[:, 1:].columns.str[:4]
Index(['ColA', 'ColB', 'ColC'], dtype='object')
Approach 2:
s = df.iloc[:, 1:].columns
[col[:4] for col in s]
['ColA', 'ColB', 'ColC']
But when I try to overwrite the column names, nothing happens:
df.iloc[:, 1:].columns = df.iloc[:, 1:].columns.str[:4]
Value ColAfjkj ColBhuqwa ColCouiqw
0 1 a e i
1 2 b f j
2 3 c g k
3 4 d h l
Same for the second approach:
s = df.iloc[:, 1:].columns
cols = [col[:4] for col in s]
df.iloc[:, 1:].columns = cols
Value ColAfjkj ColBhuqwa ColCouiqw
0 1 a e i
1 2 b f j
2 3 c g k
3 4 d h l
This does work, but you have to manually concat the name of the first column, which is not ideal:
df.columns = ['Value'] + df.iloc[:, 1:].columns.str[:4].tolist()
Value ColA ColB ColC
0 1 a e i
1 2 b f j
2 3 c g k
3 4 d h l
Is there an easier way to achieve this? Am I missing something?
Dataframe for reproduction:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Value':[1,2,3,4],
'ColAfjkj':['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
'ColBhuqwa':['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'],
'ColCouiqw':['i', 'j', 'k', 'l']})
This is because pandas' index is immutable. If you check the documentation for class pandas.Index, you'll see that it is defined as:
Immutable ndarray implementing an ordered, sliceable set
So in order to modify it you'll have to create a new list of column names, for instance with:
df.columns = [df.columns[0]] + list(df.iloc[:, 1:].columns.str[:4])
Another option is to use rename with a dictionary containing the columns to replace:
df.rename(columns=dict(zip(df.columns[1:], df.columns[1:].str[:4])))
To overwrite columns names you can .rename() method:
So, it will look like:
, inplace=True)
More info regarding rename here in docs:
I had this problem as well and came up with this solution:
First, create a mask of the columns you want to rename
mask = df.iloc[:,1:4].columns
Then, use list comprehension and a conditional to rename just the columns you want
df.columns = [x if x not in mask else str[:4] for x in df.columns]

Why does concat Series to DataFrame with index matching columns not work?

I want to append a Series to a DataFrame where Series's index matches DataFrame's columns using pd.concat, but it gives me surprises:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['a', 'b'])
sr = pd.Series(data=[1,2], index=['a', 'b'], name=1)
pd.concat([df, sr], axis=0)
a b 0
a NaN NaN 1.0
b NaN NaN 2.0
What I expected is of course:
a b
1 1 2
It really surprises me that pd.concat is not index-columns aware. So is it true that if I want to concat a Series as a new row to a DF, then I can only use df.append instead?
Need DataFrame from Series by to_frame and transpose:
a = pd.concat([df, sr.to_frame(1).T])
print (a)
a b
1 1 2
print (sr.to_frame(1).T)
a b
1 1 2
Or use setting with enlargement:
df.loc[1] = sr
print (df)
a b
1 1 2
"df.loc[1] = sr" will drop the column if it isn't in df
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['a','b'])
sr = pd.Series({'a':1,'b':2,'c':3})
df.loc[1] = sr
df will be like:
a b
1 1 2

Apply a function to a specific row using the index value

I have the following table:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#Dataframe with random numbers and with an a,b,c,d,e index
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,5), index = ['a','b','c','d','e'])
#Now i name the columns the same
df.columns = ['a','b','c','d','e']
#Resulting dataframe:
a b c d e
a 2.214229 1.621352 0.083113 0.818191 -0.900224
b -0.612560 -0.028039 -0.392266 0.439679 1.596251
c 1.378928 -0.309353 -0.651817 1.499517 0.515772
d -0.061682 1.141558 -0.811471 0.242874 0.345159
e -0.714760 -0.172082 0.205638 0.220528 1.182013
How can i apply a function to the dataframes index? I want to round the numbers for every column where the index is "c".
#Numbers to round to 2 decimals:
a b c d e
c 1.378928 -0.309353 -0.651817 1.499517 0.515772
What is the best way to do this?
For label based indexing use loc:
In [22]:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,5), index = ['a','b','c','d','e'])
#Now i name the columns the same
df.columns = ['a','b','c','d','e']
a b c d e
a -0.051366 1.856373 -0.224172 -0.005668 0.986908
b -1.121298 -1.018863 2.328420 -0.117501 -0.231463
c 2.241418 -0.838571 -0.551222 0.662890 -1.234716
d 0.275063 0.295788 0.689171 0.227742 0.091928
e 0.269730 0.326156 0.210443 -0.494634 -0.489698
In [23]:
df.loc['c'] = np.round(df.loc['c'],decimals=2)
a b c d e
a -0.051366 1.856373 -0.224172 -0.005668 0.986908
b -1.121298 -1.018863 2.328420 -0.117501 -0.231463
c 2.240000 -0.840000 -0.550000 0.660000 -1.230000
d 0.275063 0.295788 0.689171 0.227742 0.091928
e 0.269730 0.326156 0.210443 -0.494634 -0.489698
To round values of column c:
To round values of row c:
