I am writing code to serve a html file using wsgi.When I write a straight forward function I get no error like :
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
import os
def app(environ, start_response):
path_info = environ["PATH_INFO"]
resource = path_info.split("/")[1] #I get no error here the split works totally fine.
Now when I try to put the code inside a class I get error NoneType has no attribute split.
Perhaps the environ inside __init__ doesn't get initialised , that's why it split returns nothing. Following is the file in which my class Candy resides :
import os
class Candy:
def __init__(self):
#self.environ = environ
#self.start = start_response
self.status = "200 OK"
self.headers = []
def __call__(self , environ , start_response):
self.environ = environ
self.start = start_response
#headers = []
def content_type(path):
if path.endswith(".css"):
return "text/css"
return "text/html"
def app(self):
path_info = self.environ["PATH_INFO"]
resource = path_info.split("/")[1]
#headers = []
self.headers.append(("Content-Type", content_type(resource)))
if not resource:
resource = "login.html"
resp_file = os.path.join("static", resource)
with open(resp_file, "r") as f:
resp_file = f.read()
except Exception:
self.start("404 Not Found", self.headers)
return ["404 Not Found"]
self.start("200 0K", self.headers)
return [resp_file]
Following is the server.py file where I invoke my make_server :
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from candy import Candy
#from app import candy_request
candy_class = Candy()
httpd = make_server('localhost', 8000, candy_class.app)
print "Serving HTTP on port 8000..."
# Respond to requests until process is killed
# Alternative: serve one request, then exit
Any help ? How to get this error sorted and am I right in my assumption?
To explain what you're doing wrong here, let's start with simple concepts - what a WSGI application is.
WSGI application is just a callable that receives a request environment, and a callback function that starts a response (sends status line and headers back to user). Then, this callable must return one or more strings, that constitute the response body.
In the simplest form, that you have working it's just
def app(environ, start_response):
start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
return "hello, world"
make_server('localhost', 8000, app).serve_forever()
Whenever a request comes, app function gets called, it starts the response and returns a string (or it could return an iterable of multiple strings, e.g. ["hello, ", "world"])
Now, if you want it to be a class, it works like this:
class MyApp(object):
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
return "something"
app = MyApp()
make_server("localhost", 8000, app).serve_forever()
In this case, the callable is app, and it's actually __call__ method of Caddy class instance.
When request comes, app.__call__ gets called (__call__ is the magic method that turns your class instance in a callable), and otherwise it works exactly the same as the app function from the first example. Except that you have a class instance (with self), so you can do some pre-configuration in the __init__ method. Without doing anything in __init__ it's useless. E.g., a more realistic example would be this:
class MyApp(object):
def __init__(self):
self.favorite_color = "blue"
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
return "my favorite color is {}".format(self.favorite_color)
Then, there's another thing. Sometimes you want a streaming response, generated over time. Maybe it's big, or maybe it takes a while. That's why WSGI applications can return an iterable, rather than just a string.
def app(environ, start_response):
start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]))
yield "This was a triumph\n"
yield "I'm making a note here\n"
yield "HUGE SUCCESS\n"
make_server("localhost", 8000, app).serve_forever()
This function returns a generator that returns text, piece by piece. Although your browser may not always show it like this, but try running curl http://localhost:8000/.
Now, the same with classes would be:
class MyApp(object):
def __init__(self, environ, start_response):
self.environ = environ
self.start = start_response
def __iter__(self):
self.start("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]))
yield "This was a triumph\n"
yield "I'm making a note here\n"
yield "HUGE SUCCESS\n"
make_server("localhost", 8000, MyApp).serve_forever()
Here, you pass MyApp (the class) as a application callable - which it is. When request comes it gets called, it's like someone had written MyApp(environ, start_response) somewhere, so __init__ starts and creates an instance for this specific request. Then, as the instance is iterated, __iter__ starts to produce a response. After it's done, the instance is discarded.
Basically, that's it. Classes here are only convenience closures that hold data. If you don't need them, don't use classes, use plain functions - flat is better than nested.
Now, about your code.
What your code uses for callable is Candy().app. This doesn't work because it doesn't even made to receive environ and start_response it will be passed. It should probably fail with 500 error, saying something like app() takes 1 positional arguments but 3 were given.
I assume the code in your question is modified after you got that NoneType has no attribute split issue, and you had passed something to the __init__ when creating candy_instance = Candy() when your __init__ still had 2 arguments (3 with self). Not even sure what exactly it was - it should've failed earlier.
Basically, you passed the wrong objects to make_server and your class was a mix of two different ideas.
I suggest to check my examples above (and read PEP-333), decide what you actually need, and structure your Candy class like that.
If you just need to return something on every request, and you don't have a persistent state - you don't need a class at all.
If you need a persistent state (config, or, maybe, a database connection) - use a class instance, with __call__ method, and make that __call__ return the response.
If you need to respond in chunks, use either a generator function, or a class with __iter__ method. Or a class with __call__ that yields (just like a function).
Hope this helps.
The code below runs a simple WSGI app that increments both a local counter and a global counter. The purpose of this test is to make sure the app object is created fresh for each HTTP request, so the expected behavior is for the global counter to increment each request while the local counter should always be ‘1’, because it is only incremented once for each instantiation of the app class.
Actual result? Pretty much what I expected, but the surprise is that the global counter is getting incremented TWICE for each HTTP request after the first one. (The sequence is something like [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, . . .].) I know that the iter() method is only being called once per app object instantiation because the local variable is always ‘1’. So what’s going on?
This may not matter as all I really care about is making sure the WSGI container always creates a new object for each request and uses it only once, but it is really odd. I would like to know why.
I do not like unexplained side effects. Can someone give me some insight?
gctr = 0
class app(object):
html = '''<html><head><title>Simple WSGI App Class Test</title></head>
<body><h2>Simple WSGI App Class Test</h2>
<p>module counter = {}</p>
<p>global counter = {}</p>
ctr = 0
def __init__(self, environ, start_response):
self.environ = environ
self.start = start_response
def __iter__(self):
self.start('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
global gctr
gctr += 1
self.ctr += 1
yield self.html.format(self.ctr, gctr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Using simple_server
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
srv = make_server('localhost', 8080, app)
I expect this is your browser making another request alongside the main one, which is also getting captured by your WSGI app - probably for favicon.ico. Log self.environ['PATH_INFO'] to see the exact request.
I have to test server based on Jetty. This server can work with its own protocol, HTTP, HTTPS and lastly it started to support SPDY. I have some stress tests which are based on httplib /http.client -- each thread start with similar URL (some data in query string are variable), adds execution time to global variable and every few seconds shows some statistics. Code looks like:
t_start = time.time()
connection.request("GET", path)
resp = connection.getresponse()
t_stop = time.time()
QRY_TIMES.append(t_stop - t_start)
Client working with native protocol shares httplib API, so connection may be native, HTTPConnection or HTTPSConnection.
Now I want to add SPDY test using spdylay module. But its interface is opaque and I don't know how to change its opaqueness into something similar to httplib interface. I have made test client based on example but while 2nd argument to spdylay.urlfetch() is class name and not object I do not know how to use it with my tests. I have already add tests to on_close() method of my class which extends spdylay.BaseSPDYStreamHandler, but it is not compatibile with other tests. If it was instance I would use it outside of spdylay.urlfetch() call.
How can I use spydlay in a code that works based on httplib interfaces?
My only idea is to use global dictionary where url is a key and handler object is a value. It is not ideal because:
new queries with the same url will overwrite previous response
it is easy to forget to free handler from global dictionary
But it works!
import sys
import spdylay
class MyStreamHandler(spdylay.BaseSPDYStreamHandler):
def __init__(self, url, fetcher):
super().__init__(url, fetcher)
self.headers = []
self.whole_data = []
def on_header(self, nv):
def on_data(self, data):
def get_response(self, charset='UTF8'):
return (b''.join(self.whole_data)).decode(charset)
def on_close(self, status_code):
CLIENT_RESULTS[self.url] = self
def spdy_simply_get(url):
spdylay.urlfetch(url, MyStreamHandler)
data_handler = CLIENT_RESULTS[url]
result = data_handler.get_response()
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '--test' in sys.argv:
spdy_response = spdy_simply_get('https://localhost:8443/test_spdy/get_ver_xml.hdb')
I hope somebody can do spdy_simply_get(url) better.
I am a beginner in Python. I wonder why it is throwing an error.
I am getting an error saying TypeError: client_session() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
The client_session method returns the SecureCookie object.
I have this code here
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property
from werkzeug.contrib.securecookie import SecureCookie
from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseRequest, AcceptMixin, ETagRequestMixin,
class Request(BaseRequest):
def client_session(self,SECRET_KEY1):
data = self.cookies.get('session_data')
if not data:
print "inside if data"
cookie = SecureCookie({"SECRET_KEY": SECRET_KEY1},secret_key=SECRET_KEY1)
return cookie
print 'self.form[login.name] ', self.form['login.name']
print 'data new' , data
return SecureCookie.unserialize(data, SECRET_KEY1)
#and another
class Application(object):
def __init__(self):
self.SECRET_KEY = os.urandom(20)
def dispatch_request(self, request):
return self.application(request)
def application(self,request):
return request.client_session(self.SECRET_KEY).serialize()
# This is our externally-callable WSGI entry point
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
"""Invoke our WSGI application callable object"""
return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response)
Usually, that means you're calling the client_session as an unbound method, giving it only one argument. You should introspect a bit, and look at what is exactly the request you're using in the application() method, maybe it is not what you're expecting it to be.
To be sure what it is, you can always add a debug printout point:
print "type: ", type(request)
print "methods: ", dir(request)
and I expect you'll see that request is the original Request class that werkzeug gives you...
Here, you're extending the BaseRequest of werkzeug, and in application() you expect that werkzeug knows about your own implementation of the BaseRequest class magically. But if you read the zen of python, you will know that "explicit is better than implicit", so python never does stuff magically, you have to tell your library that you made a change somehow.
So after reading werkzeug's documentation, you can find out that this is actually the case:
The request object is created with the WSGI environment as first argument and will add itself to the WSGI environment as 'werkzeug.request' unless it’s created with populate_request set to False.
This may not be totally clear for people who don't know what werkzeug is, and what is the design logic behind.
But a simple google lookup, showed usage examples of BaseRequest:
https://github.com/mitsuhiko/werkzeug/blob/master/examples/i18nurls/application.py or
expand werkzeug useragent class
I only googled for from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseRequest`
So now, you should be able to guess what's to be changed in your application. As you only gave a few parts of the application, I can't advise you exactly where/what to change.
I'm looking for a way to have all requests going inside a function foo() before going into the routes.
That way I'll be able to read the request.environ before doing the real work.
I'm trying to do this so that I don't repeat code, but cannot find a way to do such a thing in BottlyPy...
My setup is: nginx -> uwsgi -> bottlepy.
That's what plugins are used for.
Here's an example:
import bottle
from bottle import request, response
def foo(callback):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# before view function execution
print(request.environ) # do whatever you want
body = callback(*args, **kwargs) # this line basically means "call the view normally"
# after view function execution
response.headers['X-Foo'] = 'Bar' # you don't need this, just an example
return body # another 'mandatory' line: return what the view returned (you can change it too)
return wrapper
Adding a middleware that only modifies the HTTP headers (like FirePython) is quite simple, but when you call webapp.WSGIApplication(environ, start_response) it returns [''] instead of an iterable with the body:
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
return ['']
response.wsgi_write is actually the responsible of printing the body:
def wsgi_write(self, start_response):
write = start_response('%d %s' % self.__status, self.__wsgi_headers)
This makes it difficult to modify the body by a WSGI middleware. Usually I would just do:
class Upperware:
def __init__(self, app):
self.wrapped_app = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
for data in self.wrapped_app(environ, start_response):
return data.upper()
But this doesn't work, as the return value of wrapped_app is ['']. How can I make the Upperware middleware work in Google AppEngine? What's the design decision that lead to write the response instead of returning it?
If you want to intercept writes to the body of the request, you need to define your own start_response and write functions, like so:
class Upperware(object):
def __init__(self, app):
self.wrapped_app = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
def my_start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
write = start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info)
def my_write(body_data):
# Do your middleware handling of writes here
body_data = body_data.upper()
return my_write
return self.wrapped_app(environ, my_start_response)
As to why webapp was written this way, I'm afraid I can't say. It should be possible to change its behaviour to yield an iterator or list instead, without breaking anything, so feel free to file a bug.