Bilinear interpolation in Python - python

I'm trying to evaluate the quality of image provided by implementing nearest neighbour and bi-linear interpolation to resize an image. Currently the two images look identical. I cannot seem to find out the reason for the bi-linear method not providing the smooth output picture it should. Below is nearest neighbour
def scale_image_NN(image, scaling_factor):
cv2.imshow('Original image', lena)
print 'Running'
size = np.shape(image)
scaled_image = np.zeros((size[0]*scaling_factor, size[1]*scaling_factor,3), dtype=np.uint32)
for i in range (0, scaling_factor*size[0]-3):
for j in range (0, scaling_factor*size[1]-3):
x = int(m.floor(i/scaling_factor))
y = int(m.floor(j/scaling_factor))
for k in range (0, 3):
scaled_image[i+1, j+1, k] = image[x+1, y+1, k]
cv2.imshow('Scaled image - NN', scaled_image)
and subsequently bi-linear interpolation
def scale_image_BL(image, scaling_factor):
cv2.imshow('Original image', lena)
print 'Running'
orig_size = np.shape(image)
h = orig_size[0]
w = orig_size[1]
c = orig_size[2]
r = scaling_factor
padded_image = np.zeros((h*scaling_factor, w*scaling_factor, c), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range (0, h*scaling_factor):
x1 = int(m.floor(i/r))
x2 = int(m.ceil(i/r))
if x1 == 0:
x1 = 1
x = np.remainder(i/r,1)
for j in range (0, w*scaling_factor):
y1 = int(m.floor(j/r))
y2 = int(m.ceil(j/r))
if y1 == 0:
y1 = 1
ctl = image[x1, y1, :]
cbl = image[x2, y1, :]
ctr = image[x1, y2, :]
cbr = image[x2, y2, :]
y = np.remainder(j/r, 1)
tr = (ctr*y) + (ctl*(1-y))
br = (ctr*y) + (cbl*(1-y))
padded_image[i, j, :] = (br*x)+(tr*(1-x))
scaledImage = padded_image.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imshow('Scaled image - BL',scaledImage)

The problem was due Why does Python return 0 for simple division calculation?
During the calculation of the two positions to interpolate between, say x1 or x2 in the bi-linear interpolation, python was returing 0 for simple division such as 1/2, and not 0.5, thus there weren't always two points to interpolate between resulting in the NN-type output.
For scale_image_BL(image, scaling_factor) to work, simply include :
from future import division
at the beginning of the script.


How to draw lines on an image by giving the end point and an angle with respect to the vertical axis in Python

I want to draw a line on an image. I have only to give the angle and the end point of the line. How can I do this with Python?
I think it is easy by identifying the vertical line passing through that given point and ploting the line according to the angle. The line should ends with the given point.
I tried it with this code. But didn't work.
import math
def get_coords(x, y, angle, imwidth, imheight):
#img = cv2.imread('contours_none_image2.jpg', 1)
x1_length = (x-imwidth) / math.cos(angle)
y1_length = (y-imheight) / math.sin(angle)
length = max(abs(x1_length), abs(y1_length))
endx1 = x + length * math.cos(math.radians(angle))
endy1 = y + length * math.sin(math.radians(angle))
x2_length = (x-imwidth) / math.cos(angle+45)
y2_length = (y-imheight) / math.sin(angle+45)
length = max(abs(x2_length), abs(y2_length))
endx2 = x + length * math.cos(math.radians(angle+45))
endy2 = y + length * math.sin(math.radians(angle+45))
cv2.line(img, (int(endx1),int(endy1)), (int(endx2),int(endy2)), (0, 255, 255), 3)
cv2.imshow("contours_none_image2.jpg", img)
#cv2.imshow("contours_none_image2.jpg", result)
return endx1, endy1, endx2, endy2
An interesting way for finding the intersection point between the Y axis and the line is by using three cross products with homogeneous coordinates.
Ways for finding lines intersections are described in Wikipedia.
The cross products solution using homogeneous coordinates is described here.
Start by finding a very "far" origin point (x, y) - outside the image:
length = cv2.norm(np.array([imwidth, imheight])) # Apply maximum possible length: length = sqrt(imwidth**2 + imheight**2)
x0 = x - length * math.cos(math.radians(angle))
y0 = y + length * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) # Reverse sings because y axis in image goes down
Finding intersection with the Y axis:
The Y axis may be described as a line from (0,0) to (0, imheight-1).
We may find the line representation in homogeneous coordinates using cross product:
p0 = np.array([0, 0, 1])
p1 = np.array([0, imheight-1, 1])
l0 = np.cross(p0, p1) # [-107, 0, 0]
In the same way we may find the representation of the line from (x0, y0) to (x, y):
p0 = np.array([x0, y0, 1])
p1 = np.array([x, y, 1])
l1 = np.cross(p0, p1)
Finding the intersection point using cross product between the lines, and "normalizing" the homogeneous coordinate:
p = np.cross(l0, l1)
p = p / p[2]
Code sample:
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = np.zeros((108, 192, 3), np.uint8)
x, y, angle = 150, 20, 80
imheight, imwidth = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
angle = 90 - angle # Usualy the angle is relative to the horizontal axis - use 90 - angle for swaping axes
length = cv2.norm(np.array([imwidth, imheight])) # Apply maximum possible length: length = sqrt(imwidth**2 + imheight**2)
x0 = x - length * math.cos(math.radians(angle))
y0 = y + length * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) # Reverse sings because y axis in image goes down
# Find lines in homogeneous coordinates (using cross product):
# l0 represents a line of Y axis.
p0 = np.array([0, 0, 1])
p1 = np.array([0, imheight-1, 1])
l0 = np.cross(p0, p1) # [-107, 0, 0]
# l1 represents
p0 = np.array([x0, y0, 1])
p1 = np.array([x, y, 1])
l1 = np.cross(p0, p1)
# Lines intersection in homogeneous coordinates (using cross product):
p = np.cross(l0, l1)
p = p / p[2]
x0, y0 = p[0], p[1]
# Convert from homogeneous coordinate to euclidean coordinate (divide by last element).
cv2.line(img, (int(x0),int(y0)), (int(x),int(y)), (0, 255, 255), 3)
cv2.imshow("img", img)
Sample output:
More conventional solution:
We may simply assign x0 = 0, and find length:
x0 = x - length * cos(alpha)
y0 = y + length * sin(alpha)
Assign x0 = 0:
x - length * cos(alpha) = 0
=> x = length * cos(alpha)
=> length = x/cos(alpha)
length = x / math.cos(math.radians(angle)) # We better verify that math.cos(math.radians(angle)) != 0
x0 = 0
y0 = y + length * math.sin(math.radians(angle))
cv2.line(img, (int(x0),int(y0)), (int(x),int(y)), (255, 0, 0), 3)
cv2.imshow("img", img)

How to redistort a single image point with a map? python opencv

I have used this method to create an inverse mapping to redistort an image and it works fine. Heres what it looks like in code:
# invert the mapping
combined_map_inverted = invert_map(combined_map, shape)
# apply mapping to image
frame = cv2.remap(img, combined_map_inverted, None ,cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
Notice that its a combined map, not separated into x and y. How can I take a single (x,y) point in the undistorted image and find the corresponding distorted point? I see this answer but I'm unsure how to apply it to my case.
The combined map is a simple look up table - mapping from (u,v) to x and from (u,v) to y.
Assume (u, v) is the column, row coordinate of the undistorted image.
Than the coordinate in the distorted image is:
x = combined_map_inverted[v, u, 0]
y = combined_map_inverted[v, u, 1]
In more compact form:
x, y = combined_map_inverted[v, u].tolist()
In case we want to get the value in the (x, y) coordinate, we may use bi-linear interpolation as described in my following answer (or use other kind of interpolation).
I tried testing it using the code from your previous post:
import cv2
import glob
import numpy as np
import math
import os
if os.path.isfile('xymap_inverted.npy'):
xymap_inverted = np.load('xymap_inverted.npy')
A = -1010
B = -3.931
C = 5.258
D = 978.3
M = -193.8
N = 1740
def get_tan_func_value(x):
return A * math.tan((((x-N)/M)+B)/C) + D
def get_inverse_tan_func_value(x):
return M * (C*math.atan((x-D)/A) - B) + N
# answer from linked post
#def invert_map(F, shape):
# I = np.zeros_like(F)
# I[:,:,1], I[:,:,0] = np.indices(shape)
# P = np.copy(I)
# for i in range(10):
# P += I - cv2.remap(F, P, None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# return P
def invert_map(F):
(h, w) = F.shape[:2] # (h, w, 2), "xymap"
I = np.zeros_like(F)
I[:,:,1], I[:,:,0] = np.indices((h,w)) # identity map
P = np.copy(I)
for i in range(10):
correction = I - cv2.remap(F, P, None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
P += correction * 0.5
return P
# import image
#images = glob.glob('*.jpg')
img = cv2.imread('image1.jpg') #img = cv2.imread(images[0])
h, w = img.shape[:2]
map_x_tan = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
map_x_inverse_tan = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
map_y = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
# x tan function map
for i in range(map_x_tan.shape[0]):
map_x_tan[i,:] = [get_tan_func_value(x) for x in range(map_x_tan.shape[1])]
# x inverse tan function map
for i in range(map_x_inverse_tan.shape[0]):
map_x_inverse_tan[i,:] = [get_inverse_tan_func_value(x) for x in range(map_x_inverse_tan.shape[1])]
# default y map
for j in range(map_y.shape[1]):
map_y[:,j] = [y for y in range(map_y.shape[0])]
# convert x tan map to 2 channel (x,y) map
(xymap_tan, _) = cv2.convertMaps(map1=map_x_tan, map2=map_y, dstmap1type=cv2.CV_32FC2)
# invert the 2 channel x tan map
xymap_inverted = invert_map(xymap_tan)'xymap_inverted.npy', xymap_inverted)
combined_map_inverted = xymap_inverted
u = 150
v = 120
x, y = combined_map_inverted[v, u].tolist()
The output is:
x = 278.2418212890625
y = 120.0
Bi-lienar interpolation example:
x0 = int(x)
y0 = int(y)
x1 = int(x0 + 1)
y1 = int(y0 + 1)
dx = x - x0
dy = y - y0
new_pixel = np.round(img[y0,x0]*(1-dx)*(1-dy) + img[y1,x0]*(1-dx)*dy + img[y0,x1]*dx*(1-dy) + img[y1,x1]*dx*dy)
Testing by remapping an entire image, and comparing with cv2.remap:
def bilinear_interp(img, x, y):
x0 = int(x)
y0 = int(y)
x1 = int(x0 + 1)
y1 = int(y0 + 1)
dx = x - x0
dy = y - y0
new_pixel = np.round(img[y0,x0]*(1-dx)*(1-dy) + img[y1,x0]*(1-dx)*dy + img[y0,x1]*dx*(1-dy) + img[y1,x1]*dx*dy)
return new_pixel.astype(np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('image1.jpg')
ref_img = cv2.remap(img, xymap_inverted, None, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
cv2.imwrite('ref_img.jpg', ref_img)
new_img = np.zeros_like(img)
for v in range(img.shape[0]):
for u in range(img.shape[1]):
x, y = combined_map_inverted[v, u].tolist()
if (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x < img.shape[1]-1) and (y < img.shape[0]-1):
new_img[v, u] = bilinear_interp(img, x, y)
cv2.imwrite('new_img.jpg', new_img)
abs_diff = cv2.absdiff(ref_img, new_img)
cv2.imshow('abs_diff', abs_diff) # Display the absolute difference for testing
ref_img and new_img are almost the same.

fast <image,time> linear interpolation

I'm trying to achieve linear interpolation, where the data points are N images of shape: HxWx3 (stored in buf (NxHxWx3)), and the points to interpolate are specified in another (2D) grid (interp_values).
Non-vectorizable approach:
In principle I have made interp_values a HxW grid with values 0..N-1 indicating for each i,j element from which image (in buf) to read it from, including fractional values meaning interpolation.
E.g.: a value of 3.6 means blend 40% (1-0.6) of image 3 with 60% (0.6) of image 4. However with this approach it is quite impossible to vectorize the code, and performance was poor.
One vectorization approach:
So I changed interp_values to be a NxHxWx3 grid with values 0..1. Each column :,i,j,c would specify blend coefficients for the N images, where only 1 or 2 elements are non-zero, e.g. for 3.6 we have: [0, 0, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 0, 0, ...]. I can convert interp_values from HxW to NxHxWx3 with:
def expand_interp_values(interp_values):
r = np.zeros((N,) + interp_values.shape + (3,))
for i in range(interp_values.shape[0]):
for j in range(interp_values.shape[1]):
v = interp_values[i, j]
a, b, x = math.floor(v), math.ceil(v), math.fmod(v, 1)
if int(a) == int(b):
r[a, i, j, :] = 3 * [1]
r[a, i, j, :] = 3 * [1 - x]
r[b, i, j, :] = 3 * [x]
return r
This representation is more sparse (many zeros) but now interpolation can be computed as element-wise multiplication between buf and interp_values (the multiplication part of the linear interpolation) followed by a sum(..., axis=0) (i.e. the addition part of the linear interpolation):
def linear_interp(data, interp_values):
return np.sum(data * interp_values, axis=0)
With this approach, there is some performance improvement, however it seems with this approach the CPU will be most of the times busy computing x1*0, x2*0, ... or 0 + 0 + 0...
Can this be improved any better?
Additionally, the creation of the expanded interp_values grid is not vectorized, so perhaps performance would be bad if that grid has to be updated continuously.
Complete python+opencv code:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
vid.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640)
vid.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480)
# store last N images into a NxHxWx3 grid (circular buffer):
N = 25
buf = None
interp_values = None
def linear_interp(data, interp_values):
return np.sum(data * interp_values / 256, axis=0)
def expand_interp_values(interp_values):
r = np.zeros((N,) + interp_values.shape + (3,))
for i in range(interp_values.shape[0]):
for j in range(interp_values.shape[1]):
v = interp_values[i, j]
a, b, x = math.floor(v), math.ceil(v), math.fmod(v, 1)
if int(a) == int(b):
r[a, i, j, :] = 3 * [1]
r[a, i, j, :] = 3 * [1 - x]
r[b, i, j, :] = 3 * [x]
return r
while True:
ret, frame =
H, W, Ch = frame.shape
frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(W//DOWNSAMPLING, H//DOWNSAMPLING), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# circular buffer:
if buf is None:
buf = np.zeros((N,) + frame.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
# there should be a simpler way to a FIFO-grid...
for i in reversed(range(1, N)):
buf[i] = buf[i - 1]
buf[0] = frame
if interp_values is None:
# create a lookup pattern here:
interp_values = np.zeros(frame.shape[:2])
for i in range(frame.shape[0]):
for j in range(frame.shape[1]):
y = i / (frame.shape[0] - 1) * 2 - 1
x = j / (frame.shape[1] - 1) * 2 - 1
#interp_values[i, j] = (N - 1) * min(1, math.hypot(x, y))
interp_values[i, j] = (N - 1) * (y + 1) / 2
interp_values = expand_interp_values(interp_values)
im = linear_interp(buf, interp_values)
im = cv2.resize(im, dsize=(W, H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
cv2.imshow('image', im)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

What is the best way to iterate over numpy 2d array by NxN frame for filtering image?

There is simple blur filter that counts light and dark surrounding pixels. Here's the code. But my implementation is rather slow (about 3 seconds for 780x1200 array). Sure It can be much faster
import time
import numpy as np
from import imread
def _filter_step(in_img, out_img, n, pos=(0,0)):
y = (pos[0] - n//2, pos[0]+n//2+1) # frame borders
x = (pos[1] - n//2, pos[1]+n//2+1)
frame = in_img[y[0]:y[1], x[0]:x[1]] # get frame
whites = np.count_nonzero(frame) # count light pixels
k = whites/(n*n) # calculate proportion
out_img[pos[0], pos[1]] = int(k * 255) # write new pixel
def make_filter(img, n):
if not n % 2:
raise ValueError("n must be odd")
img = img > 180 # binarize
out_img = np.empty_like(img) # output array
for i in range(img.shape[0]):
for j in range(img.shape[1]):
_filter_step(img, out_img, n, (i, j))
return out_img
if __name__ == "__main__":
image = imread("img780x1200.jpg", as_gray=True)
n = 11
time_start = time.time()
image1 = make_filter(image, n)
print(time.time() - time_start) # ~3 sec
I tried to parallel calculations:
import multiprocessing as mp
import ctypes as ct
def iter_image(x1, y1, x2, y2, img, out_img, n, mode=0):
out_img = np.frombuffer(out_img, dtype=ct.c_int).reshape(img.shape)
for y in range(img.shape[0])[::(-1)**mode]:
for x in range(img.shape[1])[::(-1)**mode]:
if mode:
y2.value, x2.value = y, x
y1.value, x1.value = y, x
if y1.value < y2.value or x1.value < x2.value:
_filter_step(img, out_img, n, ((y1.value,x1.value), (y2.value,x2.value))[mode])
return ((y1, x1), (y2, x2))[mode]
return ((y1, x1), (y2, x2))[mode]
def mp_make_filter(img, n):
if not n % 2:
raise ValueError("n must be odd")
img = img > 180
x1 = mp.Value('i', 0, lock=False)
y1 = mp.Value('i', 0, lock=False)
x2 = mp.Value('i', 0, lock=False)
y2 = mp.Value('i', 0, lock=False)
out_img = mp.Array('i', np.empty(img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], dtype=ct.c_int), lock=False)
p1 = mp.Process(target=iter_image, args=(x1, y1, x2, y2, img, out_img, n, 0))
p2 = mp.Process(target=iter_image, args=(x1, y1, x2, y2, img, out_img, n, 1))
return np.frombuffer(out_img, dtype=ct.c_int).reshape(img.shape)
This code iterates array in 2 threads while they do not "meet" each other. But it makes performance even slower (about 5 seconds)
How can I speed up the code?
First there is a small bug in your windowing code. You need to clip at zero, because negative indices wrap around.
y = (max(pos[0] - n//2, 0), pos[0]+n//2+1) # frame borders
x = (max(pos[1] - n//2, 0), pos[1]+n//2+1)
Also, you probably want to move the out_img = np.empty_like(img) line to before you make img a boolean array.
Here is a faster method using cumsum:
y, x = image.shape
padded = np.zeros((y+k, x+k), 'i1')
padded[k//2+1:-k//2+1, k//2+1:-k//2+1] = image > 180
dint = padded.cumsum(1).cumsum(0)
result = dint[k:, k:] + dint[:-k, :-k] - dint[k:, :-k] - dint[:-k, k:]
result = (result * 255 / (k*k)).astype('u1')

Blur image using Python-errors

I need to blur an image by taking a kernel K and averaging the values in the 2D array and setting the center value to the average of K. Here is the code I have written to do so...
def Clamp(pix):
pix = abs(pix)
if pix > 255:
pix = 255
return pix
def Convolve2D(image1, K, image2):
img = graphics.Image(graphics.Point(0, 0), image1)
h = img.getHeight()
w = img.getWidth()
A = [[0]*h for y in range(w)]
B = [[0]*w for x in range(h)]
#iterate over all rows (ignore 1-pixel borders)
for v in range(1, h-3):
graphics.update() # this updates the output for each row
# for every row, iterate over all columns (again ignore 1-pixel borders)
for u in range(1, w-3):
#A[u][v] = 0
#B[u][v] = 0
# for every pixel, iterate over region of overlap between
# input image and 3x3 kernel centered at current pixel
for i in range (0, 3):
for j in range (0, 3):
A[u][v] = A[u][v] + B[v+i][u+j] * K[i][j]
r, g, b = img.getPixel(u, v)
if (r * A[u][v] >= 255):
r = r * A[u][v]
if (g * A[u][v] >= 255):
g = g * A[u][v]
if (b * A[u][v] >= 255):
b = b * A[u][v]
newcolor = graphics.color_rgb(r, g, b)
secondimage.setPixel(u, v , newcolor)
print("Not yet implemented") # to be removed
secondimage.move(secondimage.getWidth()/2, secondimage.getHeight()/2)
win = graphics.GraphWin(secondimage, secondimage.getWidth(), secondimage.getHeight())
def Blur3(image1, image2):
K = [[1/9, 1/9, 1/9], [1/9, 1/9, 1/9], [1/9, 1/9, 1/9]]
return Convolve2D(image1, K, image2)
This is the image I am trying to blur
This is what comes out of my code
is it possibly my if and else statements and the clamp function that is doing this? I just want a blurred image to come out like this
do this :
for v in range(h):
graphics.update() # this updates the output for each row
for u in range(w):
for i in range (0, 3):
for j in range (0, 3):
if v-i>=0 and u-j>=0 and v+i<=256 and u+j<=256 :
img[u][v] = img[u][v] + img[v-i][u-j] * K[i][j]
this should work!
Can you please tell me why you have two images A, B and blur image A using B? I mean :
A[u][v] = A[u][v] + B[v+i][u+j] * K[i][j]
Here I add a code which works for gray scale image,you can expand it for your need!
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
def conv2D(I,kernel):
for imgRow in range(I.shape[0]):
print imgRow
for imgCol in range(I.shape[1]):
for filterRow in range(filterWidth):
for filterCol in range(filterWidth):
if imgRow-filterRow>=0 and imgCol-filterCol>=0 and imgRow+filterRow<=256 and imgCol+filterCol<=256 :
return bluredImg
You've initialized A and B to empty lists with a size of 0. You need to initialize them instead to be the size of the image, in both dimensions.
A = [[0]*w for y in range(h)]
Edit: Your second problem is that you're defining the kernel with 1/9 which is an integer division yielding 0.
