AWS Lambda function to connect to RDS error - python

I am unable to connect to RDS using an Lambda Function via the test example they provide
This is the code:
import sys
import logging
import rds_config
import pymysql
#rds settings
rds_host = "connection_link"
name = rds_config.db_username
password = rds_config.db_password
db_name = rds_config.db_name
logger = logging.getLogger()
conn = pymysql.connect(rds_host, user=name, passwd=password, db=db_name, connect_timeout=5)
logger.error("ERROR: Unexpected error: Could not connect to MySql instance.")
sys.exit()"SUCCESS: Connection to RDS mysql instance succeeded")
def handler(event, context):
This function fetches content from mysql RDS instance
item_count = 0
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("create table Employee3 ( EmpID int NOT NULL, Name varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (EmpID))")
cur.execute('insert into Employee3 (EmpID, Name) values(1, "Joe")')
cur.execute('insert into Employee3 (EmpID, Name) values(2, "Bob")')
cur.execute('insert into Employee3 (EmpID, Name) values(3, "Mary")')
cur.execute("select * from Employee3")
for row in cur:
item_count += 1
return "Added %d items from RDS MySQL table" %(item_count)
This is the structure of my deployment package
I have packaged all the files inside the app folder in a zip file.
This is the error is get
"errorMessage": "RequestId: 96fb4cd2-79c1-11e7-a2dc-f97407196dbb Process exited before completing request"
I have already checkedmy RDS connection on MYSQL Workbench its working fine

Let's assume that your actual Python code is actually indented correctly unlike the code you posted above.
For some reason, your function cannot connect to your database. And instead of returning an error to the user, you basically told it to sys.exit(1) so that's the reason why Lambda says "Process exited before completing the request".
-- Original Answer --
That does not look like an AWS lambda handler.
You're supposed to write a function handler that accepts the lambda event and context as arguments.
Please read more about it from the AWS Lambda documentation.

As #MarkB mentioned in the comments, For connectivity you need to set VPC, Subnets and Security Group in your Lambda Function same as your RDS instance:
and also you need to check Protocol, Port and Source for Inbound and Outbound in security group to make sure it is open for your IP and port range.

I just ran into the same problem, and it turns out it is because I did not specify a name for the database on creation. Easy Create doesn't give you this option, so you will have to go with Standard Create, where one can specify the name under Additional Configuration. This name is what you should specify for db_name in
Alternatively, you can connect with your tool of choice without a database name, perform a CREATE DATABASE xxx; where xxx is the name of the database, and then use can use that database going forward.
This one is also relevant: Why don't I have access to the database from aws lambda but have from a local computer with the same login data?

The problem with your zip file.
Im also using the same lambda function.
Please follow the below steps.
1. your and files are good.
2. Then download the pymysql
3. Extract it.
4. Copy the pymysql to somewhere. (Note: Dont add all contents inside the PyMySQL-0.7.11 folder, we just need pymysql only.)
5. Then create a zip file with, and pymysql folder.


What is the correct path to my database when I deploy heroku?

I have created a table with SQLAlchemy inside a flask application in this application I implemented a python code to query data in an SQLite database.
database = r"C:\\Users\Stuffs\\Flask\\users.db"
def create_connection(db_file):
conn = None
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
except Error as e:
return conn
def insert_value(conn, column, value):
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(" UPDATE users SET %s = %s WHERE id=1;" %(column, value))
def users_insert(column, value):
# create a database connection
conn = create_connection(database)
with conn:
insert_value(conn, column, value)
On the server side I have a python routine that analyzes the occurrence of an event and when it happens the value of one of the database columns is modified.
Python code on serve side.
if len(classe)>=2:
i += 1
users_insert("value_xbr", str(i))
About my database I follow videos on youtube where the programmer creates the database with sqlite3 and sqlalchemy, when deploying heroku he gets the link 'postgres://blabla....bla' and replaces it with the path he had before.
On my local host the project works perfectly. However, when I deployed it to heroku I caught some errors. To deploy on heroku I change the path of the database located on the local host to link to the development database on Heroku.
My problem is just that, what is the correct path to my database when I deploy heroku?
I would also like to know if there is a better way to do this code, i.e. to change the value of a certain column in the database when a specific event occurs that will be evaluated on the server side.

Google Cloud SQL - Can I directly access database with SQLAlchemy - not locally

I'm trying to directly access Google Cloud SQL and create there table. I want to use as little services as possible (keep it simple), therefore I really don't want to use Cloud SDK whatever.
I want to use something similar, that I saw here. I tried to replicate it, but I ended up with error.
AttributeError: module 'socket' has no attribute 'AF_UNIX'
For all this I'm using Python with sqlalchemy & pymysql
I really don't know how to debug it since I'm using it first few hours, but I think that problem could be with URL or environmental variables (app.yamp file, which I created).
I think that I already have installed all dependencies which I need
db_user = os.environ.get("db_user")
db_pass = os.environ.get("db_pass")
db_name = os.environ.get("db_name ")
cloud_sql_connection_name = os.environ.get("cloud_sql_connection_name ")
db = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
# Equivalent URL:
# mysql+pymysql://<db_user>:<db_pass>#/<db_name>?unix_socket=/cloudsql/<cloud_sql_instance_name>
'unix_socket': '/cloudsql/{}'.format(cloud_sql_connection_name)
with db.connect() as conn:
"( vote_id SERIAL NOT NULL, time_cast timestamp NOT NULL, "
"candidate CHAR(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (vote_id) );"
I do not use db_user etc. as real values. These are just examples.
It should pass successfully and create an table in Google SQL
Can I directly access database with SQLAlchemy - not locally
You are specifying a unix socket /cloudsql/{}. This requires that you set up the Cloud SQL Proxy on your local machine.
To access Cloud SQL directly, you will need to specify the Public IP address for Cloud SQL. In your call to the function sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL, specify the host and port parameters and remove the query parameter.

How to query a (Postgres) RDS DB through an AWS Jupyter Notebook?

I'm trying to query an RDS (Postgres) database through Python, more specifically a Jupyter Notebook. Overall, what I've been trying for now is:
import boto3
client = boto3.client('rds-data')
response = client.execute_sql(
The error I've been receiving is:
BadRequestException: An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the ExecuteSql operation: ERROR: invalid cluster id: arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:839600708595:db:zprime
In the end, it was much simpler than I thought, nothing fancy or specific. It was basically a solution I had used before when accessing one of my local DBs. Simply import a specific library for your database type (Postgres, MySQL, etc) and then connect to it in order to execute queries through python.
I don't know if it will be the best solution since making queries through python will probably be much slower than doing them directly, but it's what works for now.
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect(database = 'database_name',
user = 'user',
password = 'password',
host = 'host',
port = 'port')
cur = conn.cursor()
FROM table;

How to connect to a protected Sqlite3 database with Python

I created a SQLite3 database and protected it with a password ("test") thanks to the application DB browser for SQLite.
In order to connect to my database via Python, I need to provide the password but I can't figure out how to do that. I tried the following code:
conn=sqlite3.connect("mydatabase.db", Password="test")
My SQLite3 database has been encrypted with SQLCipher (see image).
If I run the following code:
I get this error:
sqlite3.DatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database
How can I pass the password in order to connect with my db via Python?
Here a brief summary of what I try to achieve. I am developing an application with Python 3 requiring a pre-populated database but this database needs to be protected with a password.
After extensive research, it seems complicated to connect an encrypted SQLite3 database via Python 3. A library calls pysqlcipher exists but only for Python 2.7. My next question will be maybe too broadly and I apology in advance. Is there another portable database that exists allowing me to protect it with a password and still get access to Python?
Another idea that I have in mind in order to troubleshoot my problem is to use the zipfile library. This link mentions that the zipfile module does not support encryption but it’s not clear if encryption refers to the SQLite3 database or to the zip file. The idea would be to zip my unprotected DB into a protected zip file as it seems I can do that (link).
The goal of this edit is to get new ideas on how to solve my problem. Thanks
If your database is encrypted with SqlCipher, you need to install sqlcipher in your SO
Windows: Download
Linux: sudo pacman -S sqlcipher or
sudo apt-get install sqlcipher
After you need the pysqlcipher3 lib: pip install pysqlcipher3
my sample code is:
from pysqlcipher3 import dbapi2 as sqlite3
class Database(object):
def __init__(self, dbname):
self.dbname = dbname
def connDB(self):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbname)
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA key='mypassword'")
def createDB(self):
passwd TEXT);
INSERT INTO users (name, login, passwd)
VALUES ("Admininstrator", "admin", "12345")
def queryDB(self, sql):
if sql[0:6].lower() == 'select':
result = self.cursor.fetchall()
return result
You need the SQLCipher module to read that database. The default SQLite3 module has no support for that. See

"Invalid credentials" error when accessing Redshift from Python

I am trying to write a Python script to access Amazon Redshift to create a table in Redshift and copy data from S3 to the Redshift table.
My code is:
import psycopg2
import os
#import pandas as pd
import requests
redshift_endpoint = os.getenv("END-point")
redshift_user = os.getenv("user")
redshift_pass = os.getenv("PASSWORD")
port = 5439
dbname = 'DBNAME'
conn = psycopg2.connect(
cur = conn.cursor()
aws_key = os.getenv("access_key") # needed to access S3 Sample Data
aws_secret = os.getenv("secret_key")
#aws_iam_role= os.getenv('iam_role') #tried using this too
base_copy_string= """copy %s from 's3://mypath/%s'.csv
credentials 'aws_access_key_id= %s aws_access_secrect_key= %s'
delimiter '%s';""" # the base COPY string that we'll be using
#easily generate each table that we'll need to COPY data from
tables = ["employee"]
data_files = ["test"]
delimiters = [","]
#the generated COPY statements we'll be using to load data;
copy_statements = []
for tab, f, delim in zip(tables, data_files, delimiters):
copy_statements.append(base_copy_string % (tab, f, aws_key, aws_secret, delim)%)
#create Table
cur.execute(""" create table employee(empname varchar(30),empno integer,phoneno integer,email varchar(30))""")
for copy_statement in copy_statements: # execute each COPY statement
for table in tables + ["employee"]:
cur.execute("select count(*) from %s;" % (table,))
conn.commit() # make sure data went through and commit our statements permanently.
When I run this command I getting an Error at cur.execute(copy_statement)
**Error:** error: Invalid credentials. Must be of the format: credentials 'aws_iam_role=...' or 'aws_access_key_id=...;aws_secre
code: 8001
query: 582
location: aws_credentials_parser.cpp:114
process: padbmaster [pid=18692]
Is there a problem in my code? Or is it is an AWS access_key problem?
I even tried using an iam_role but I get an error:
IAM role cannot assume role even in Redshift
I have a managed IAM role permission by attaching S3FullAccess policy.
There are some errors in your script.
1) Change base_copy_string as below:
base_copy_string= """copy %s from 's3://mypath/%s.csv' credentials
'aws_access_key_id=%s;aws_secret_access_key=%s' delimiter '%s';""" #
the base COPY string that we'll be using
There must be a ; added in credentials and also other formatting issues with single-quotes. It is aws_secret_access_key and not aws_access_secrect_key.
check this link for detailed info:
I suggest you use iam-roles instead of credentials.
2) change copy_statements.append as below(remove extra % in the end):
copy_statements.append(base_copy_string % (tab, f, aws_key,
aws_secret, delim))
Correct these and try again.
To start with, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER hardcode access keys and secret keys in your code. So that rules out your first query. Now coming to right way of implementing things. You are right, IAM Role is the right way of doing it. Unfortunately, I can't get the exact error and use case from your description. As far as I understand, you are trying to run this python file from your computer(local machine). Hence, you need to attach permission with your IAM user to have access to RedShift(and all other services your code is touching). Please correct me if my assumption is wrong.
Just in case if you missed
Install AWS CLI
aws configure
Put your credentials and region
Hope this helps.
