Clean url in django app. without ?page=1 pattern - python

I want to have my url pattern like the below pattern:
I define page_kwarg in my view but I still receive: host:8000/en/2
Code form main file:
url(_(r'^archive'), include('events.urls_archive', namespace='archive')),
start edit1
and link form main site to my app:
<a href="{% url 'archive:list' %}" title="{% trans 'Archive' %}">
{% trans 'Archive' %}
end edit1
start edit2
This is the url in my app
urlpatterns = [
url('^/(?P<page>\d+)/$', ArchiveListView.as_view(), name="list"),
url('^/(?P<slug>[-\w]+)/(?P<pk>\d+)$', ArchiveDetailView.as_view(), name="detail"),
end edit2
The code for my view:
class ArchiveListView(ListView):
model = Booking
queryset = Booking.objects.filter(period__type='archive').order_by('-date_start')
paginate_by = 80
page_kwarg = 'page'
Here is my template code:
{% if is_paginated %}
{% if page_obj.has_previous %}
{% endif %}
<span class="arrow header"><h4>Page {{ page_obj.number }} of {{ page_obj.paginator.num_pages }}</h4></span>
{% if page_obj.has_next %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Please provide any help.

page_kwarg sets the key that the page number is passed in as. It doesn't affect how it is used in the page. For some reason, you are outputting that directly as /{{ page_obj.previous_page_number }}, which resolves to just /2. You should output it in the same format as it is passed in:
?page={{ page_obj.previous_page_number}}
If you want your page number to be specified as part of the path arguments, you should use the url tag, like any other URL:
{% url 'archive' page=page_obj.previous_page_number %}


Django template {%url %} link formatting

When I use {% url %} method to create link
{% url application_name:staff:url.linkfield %}
it is producing error in the console i.e.
raise TemplateSyntaxError("Could not parse the remainder: '%s' "
django.template.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: Could not parse the remainder: ':staff:url.linkfield' from 'application_name:staff:url.linkfield'
This is my
url(r"^staff/",include('application_name.staff_url', namespace='staff')),
url(r"^customer/",include('application_name.customer_url', namespace='customer')),
from application_name import views
url(r"^customers/",views.customers, name='customers'),
url(r"^orders/$", views.orders, name='orders'),
url(r"^payments/$", views.payments, name='payments'),
from application_name import views
url(r"^items/",views.items, name='items'),
url(r"^checkout/$", views.checkout, name='checkout'),
url(r"^make_payment/$", views.make_payment, name='make_payment'),
staf url would be staff/orders or staff/payments
customer urls would be customer/items or customer/checkout etc
Please what can i do
{% for url in links %}
{% url.linkfield %}
That is what url.linkfield is for
Update to include view
{'linkfield':"customers", 'name':"Customers",'slug':"staff"},
{'linkfield':"orders", 'name':"Orders",'slug':"staff"},
{'linkfield':"payments", 'name':"payments",'slug':"staff"}]
request.session['links']= links
context_dict = {'links':links}
html template
{% for link in request.session.links %}
<a href="{% url application_name:staff: link.linkfield as the_url %}" class="nav-link">
{% endif %}
so this is your main url:
url(r"^staff/",include('application_name.staff_url', namespace='staff')),
url(r"^customer/",include('application_name.customer_url', namespace='customer')),
you do not need an app_name for the main url.
to rewrite:
{% url application_name:staff:url.linkfield %}
would be
{% url 'staff:customers' %} or
{% url 'staff:orders' %} or
{% url 'staff:payments' %}
or the other urls
{% url 'staff:customers' %} or
{% url 'customer:checkout' %} or
{% url 'customer:make_payment' %}
if links is a result of a queryset, and you use it as context,
and linkfield is a field of that model you used to query, then
{% for url in links %}
{{ url.linkfield }}
Try please this syntax
{% url 'some-url-name' arg arg2 as the_url %}

block.super returns NoReverseMatch

I'm learning Django and I have problems with templates.
I'm trying to add content to extended template.
Structure of my code:
-- category_detail.html
-- list_content.html
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block title %}
{{ category_name }}
{% endblock %}
{% block description %}
{{ category_description }}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="col-md-10 text-center">
Error list
{% endblock %}
Simple subpage with button. Button should redirect to another template, hovewer it gives me NoReverseMatch.
list_content.html (which is category_error_list defined in view)
{% extends 'category/category_detail.html' %}
{% block content %}
{{ block.super }}
<h1 class="page-header"> Some string</h1>
{% endblock %}
What I'm trying to achieve is displaying "Some string" under button. (I know it should be done better with AJAX for example, but I want to learn the basics).
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^category/$', views.categories_list, name='categories'),
url(r'^category/(?P<category_name>\w+)/$', views.category_detail, name='category_detail'),
url(r'^category/(?P<category_name>\w+)/list/$', views.category_error_list, name='category_error_list'),
# ${url}/category/${category}
def category_detail(request, category_name):
cat_detail = Category.objects.get(name=category_name)
return render(request, 'charts/category/category_detail.html',
'category_description': cat_detail.description})
def category_error_list(request, category_name):
category_with_errors = Category.objects.filter(name=category_name)
error_list = Error.objects.get(category=category_with_errors)
return render(request, 'charts/category/list_content.html',
{'errors_list': error_list})
Problems seems to be related with, but I can't find what is wrong.
Template error:
In template
/usr/src/app/analizer/charts/templates/charts/category/list_content.html, error at line 0
Reverse for 'category_error_list' with arguments '('',)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['category/(?P<category_name>\\w+)/list/$']
1 : {% extends 'category/category_detail.html' %}
2 :
3 : {% block content %}
4 : {{ block.super }}
5 : <h1 class="page-header"> Cos tam </h1>
6 : {% endblock %}
7 :
8 :
If I will remove block.super tag it is working, but I'm overriding content on parent template. What I'm doing wrong?
I'm using Django-1.9.4.
I have found the solution - which is nonintuitive for me - but it is working.
View category_error_list was missing category_name variable, so I have fixed it but this:
def category_error_list(request, category_name):
category_with_errors = Category.objects.get(name=category_name)
error_list = Error.objects.get(category=category_with_errors)
return render(request, 'charts/category/list_content.html',
'errors_list': error_list})

TypeError at /careers/test/ jobpost_detail() got an unexpected keyword argument 'slug'

I installed the app careers mezanine and after creating a test position and turn the page to see the error TypeError at / careers / test /
jobpost_detail () got an unexpected keyword argument 'slug'. How do I fix this problem?
from calendar import month_name
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from collections import defaultdict
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django import VERSION
from careers.models import JobPost
from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.generic.models import AssignedKeyword, Keyword
from mezzanine.utils.views import render, paginate
def jobpost_list(request, tag=None, year=None, month=None, template="careers/jobpost_list.html"):
Display a list of job posts that are filtered by year, month.
templates = []
jobposts = JobPost.objects.published()
if tag is not None:
tag = get_object_or_404(Keyword, slug=tag)
jobposts = jobposts.filter(keywords__in=tag.assignments.all())
if year is not None:
jobposts = jobposts.filter(publish_date__year=year)
if month is not None:
jobposts = jobposts.filter(publish_date__month=month)
month = month_name[int(month)]
# We want to iterate keywords and categories for each blog post
# without triggering "num posts x 2" queries.
# For Django 1.3 we create dicts mapping blog post IDs to lists of
# categories and keywords, and assign these to attributes on each
# blog post. The Blog model then uses accessor methods to retrieve
# these attributes when assigned, which will fall back to the real
# related managers for Django 1.4 and higher, which will already
# have their data retrieved via prefetch_related.
jobposts = jobposts.select_related("user")
if VERSION >= (1, 4):
jobposts = jobposts.prefetch_related("keywords__keyword")
if jobposts:
ids = ",".join([str( for p in jobposts])
keywords = defaultdict(list)
jobpost_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="careers", model="jobpost")
assigned = AssignedKeyword.objects.filter(jobpost__in=jobposts, content_type=jobpost_type).select_related("keyword")
for a in assigned:
for i, post in enumerate(jobposts):
setattr(jobposts[i], "_keywords", keywords[])
jobposts = paginate(jobposts, request.GET.get("page", 1),
context = {"jobposts": jobposts, "year": year, "month": month, "tag": tag}
return render(request, templates, context)
def jobpost_detail(request, template="careers/jobpost_detail.html"):
""". Custom templates are checked for using the name
``careers/jobpost_detail_XXX.html`` where ``XXX`` is the job
posts's slug.
jobposts = JobPost.objects.published()
jobpost = get_object_or_404(jobposts)
context = {"jobpost": jobpost, "editable_obj": jobpost}
templates = [u"careers/jobpost_detail_%s.html" %(slug), template]
return render(request, templates, context)
{% extends "careers/jobpost_list.html" %}
{% load mezzanine_tags keyword_tags i18n %}
{% block meta_title %}{{ jobpost.meta_title }}{% endblock %}
{% block meta_keywords %}{% metablock %}
{% keywords_for jobpost as tags %}
{% for tag in tags %}{% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %}{{ tag }}{% endfor %}
{% endmetablock %}{% endblock %}
{% block meta_description %}{% metablock %}
{{ jobpost.description }}
{% endmetablock %}{% endblock %}
{% block title %}
{% editable jobpost.title %}{{ jobpost.title }}{% endeditable %}
{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumb_menu %}
{{ block.super }}
<li class="active">{{ jobpost.title }}</li>
{% endblock %}
{% block main %}
{% trans "Posted" %} {{ jobpost.publish_date|timesince }} {% trans "ago" %}.
{% editable jobpost.content %}
{{ jobpost.content|richtext_filter|safe }}
{% endeditable %}
{% keywords_for jobpost as tags %}
{% if tags %}
{% spaceless %}
<ul class="unstyled tags">
<li>{% trans "Tags" %}:</li>
{% for tag in tags %}
<li>{{ tag }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endif %}
{% set_short_url_for jobpost %}
<a class="btn small primary share-twitter" target="_blank" href="{{ jobpost.short_url|urlencode }}%20{{ jobpost.title|urlencode }}">{% trans "Share on Twitter" %}</a>
<a class="btn small primary share-facebook" target="_blank" href="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}&t={{ jobpost.title|urlencode }}">{% trans "Share on Facebook" %}</a>
{% endblock %}
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
# Job Post patterns.
urlpatterns = patterns("careers.views",
The error tells you exactly what is going on: your "jobpost_detail" URL the captures a slug parameter and passes it on to the view, but that view does not expect a slug, only the request and a template. Also, you are not doing anything in that view to get the actual post identified by a slug: you are always getting the first published post.
I suspect you want to do the following:
def jobpost_detail(request, slug, template="careers/jobpost_detail.html"):
jobposts = JobPost.objects.published()
jobpost = get_object_or_404(jobposts, slug=slug)

In django how to access 2 field values in custom django modeladmin...includes/fieldset.html?

Edited my code: In the custom fieldset of a model admin:
{%load app_extras %}
{% if == 'mobile' %}
<a target="hiddenIframe" href="http://url_to_call.php?exten={{request.user.employee_profile.extension}}&phone={{ field.field.value }}">Click-to-call</a>
{% my_mobile mobile=field.field.value as mob %}
{% endif %}
{% if == 'sms_message' %}{{ mob }}
<a target="hiddenIframe" href="http://url_for_send_sms.php?sms_message={{ field.field.value }}&phone={{ mob }}">Click-to-send-sms</a>
{% endif %}
Here I am trying to access mobile number as well as sms_message fields of the model admin form simultaneously.
I have figured that I need to use custom tags, so I created the templatetags module, with containiging the function to assign the value of mobile and return it as follows:
def my_mobile(*args, **kwargs):
m_mobile = int(kwargs['mobile'])
return {'m_mobile': m_mobile }
In the template fiedset.html above note changes: This returns a Long value as: {'m_mobile': 1234534519L}
When seen on the browser for url for hyperlink shows:
How do I access the mobile number? Is my custom tag correct?
I formatted the output in my tag as:
def my_mobile(*args, **kwargs):
m_mobile = ("%d" %int(kwargs['mobile']))
return {'m_mobile': m_mobile }
In the template fieldset.html changed the code as:
{% if == 'sms_message' %}
<a target="hiddenIframe" href="http://url_for_send_sms.php?sms_message={{ field.field.value }}&phone=={{ mob.m_mobile }}">Click-to-send-sms</a>
{% endif %}
Important: Both the mobile number and the sms_message are in the same line of the fieldset in the django modeladmin (in my case). So above code belongs to the loop {% for line in fieldset %} loop
{% for ln in fieldset %}
{% for fld in ln %}
{% if == 'mobile' %}
{{ f.field.value }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Maybe this is not the best solution ... but it is solution :)

URLs being produced correctly but not directing to correct template

I'm trying to follow the Simple Blog tutorial at Django By Example. I've managed to get as far as producing a site that loads correctly, but while the index view is loading find, and the links to the individual posts show up and appear to be formatted correctly, they point back to the index template so all that happens when you click on them is that it reloads the index view. I'm new to Django and the tutorial is sparse to say the least and not helped by the fact it's written for an old version of Django and I'm using 1.5. I've been staring at it all afternoon and I'm pretty lost.
Here's my
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from blog import views
urlpatterns = patterns('blog.views',
(r"$", 'main'),
#ex: /1/
(r"^(\d+)/$", 'post'),
#ex: /add_comment/1/
(r"^add_comment/(\d+)/$", 'add_comment'),
from blog.models import Post, PostAdmin, Comment, CommentAdmin
class CommentForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Comment
exclude = ["post"]
def main (request):
"""Main Listing."""
posts = Post.objects.all().order_by("-created")
paginator = Paginator(posts, 10)
try: page = int(request.GET.get("page", '1'))
except ValueError: page = 1
posts =
except (InvalidPage, EmptyPage):
posts =
return render_to_response("blog/list.html", dict(posts=posts, user=request.user))
def post (request, pk):
"""single post with comments and comment form"""
post = Post.objects.get(pk=int(pk))
comments = Comment.objects.filter(post=post)
d = dict(post=post, comments=comments, form=CommentForm(), user=request.user)
return render_to_response("blog/post.html", d)
and the list.html that contains the links that aren't going anywhere!
{% extends "blog/bbase.html" %}
{% block content %}
<div class="main">
<!-- Posts -->
{% for post in posts.object_list %}
<div class="title">{{ post.title }}</div>
<div class="time">{{ post.created }}</div>
<div class="body">{{ post.body|linebreaks }}</div>
<div class="commentlink">Comments</div>
{% endfor %}
<!-- Next/Prev page links -->
{% if posts.object_list and posts.paginator.num_pages > 1 %}
<div class="pagination" style="margin-top: 20px; margin-left: -20px; ">
<span class="step-links">
{% if posts.has_previous %}
newer entries <<
{% endif %}
<span class="current">
Page {{ posts.number }} of {{ posts.paginator.num_pages }}
{% if posts.has_next %}
>> older entries
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
The Django URL resolver will return the first URL pattern that matches the incoming request. The regex for your 'main' view r"$" will match ANY incoming request since you are only looking for $ which is an end of string character.
You need to alter your 'main' URL regex to be r'^$'.
Alternatively, if you would like a catch-all view, you could move the 'main' view to the bottom of your URLs
