Rendering vanishing text in pygame - python

I'm making a small game using pygame. When the game starts I want to display "start" and vanish it after a few seconds. How to do that?

First you need a timer variable (there are other questions about timers, so I won't explain them here). I'm just counting the frames in the following example.
To remove the text abruptly you can just keep blitting it until the time is up.
if timer > 0:
screen.blit(txt_surf, (position))
The slowly disappearing text can be achieved by filling the text surface with white and the current alpha value (which is reduced each frame) and by passing the pg.BLEND_RGBA_MULT special flag. That will affect only the alpha channel of the surface.
txt_surf.fill((255, 255, 255, alpha), special_flags=pg.BLEND_RGBA_MULT)
Also, use a copy of the original text surface, otherwise it would subsequently reduce the alpha of the previously modified surface and the text would disappear too quickly.
import pygame as pg
def main():
clock = pg.time.Clock()
screen = pg.display.set_mode((640, 480))
font = pg.font.Font(None, 64)
orig_surf = font.render('Enter your text', True, pg.Color('royalblue'))
txt_surf = orig_surf.copy()
alpha = 255 # The current alpha value of the surface.
timer = 20 # To get a 20 frame delay.
while True:
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
if timer > 0:
timer -= 1
if alpha > 0:
# Reduce alpha each frame, but make sure it doesn't get below 0.
alpha = max(0, alpha-4)
# Create a copy so that the original surface doesn't get modified.
txt_surf = orig_surf.copy()
txt_surf.fill((255, 255, 255, alpha), special_flags=pg.BLEND_RGBA_MULT)
screen.fill((30, 30, 30))
screen.blit(txt_surf, (30, 60))
if __name__ == '__main__':

Please try adding below code:
for i in range(whatevernumberbutnotover1000):


Why are there black lines appearing between the red and green squares whenever they "move" [duplicate]

In Pygame, I have wrote a Minesweeper clone. However, when I blit the final image stating YOU LOSE or YOU WIN, I get this result:
I'm sure you notice the thick black line surrounding the text. Here is the function in which the image is blitted onto the window:
def play():
SIZE = (WIDTH, HEIGHT) = (16, 16)
MINES = 40
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH * PIXELS_PER_CELL,
board = create_board(SIZE, MINES)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and board.is_playing and
not board.is_solved):
board.mouse_handler(event, screen)
message = None
if not board.is_playing:
message = pygame.image.load("images/lose.png").convert_alpha()
elif board.is_solved:
message = pygame.image.load("images/win.png").convert_alpha()
if message:
message = pygame.transform.scale(message, (screen.get_width(),
screen.get_height() //
screen.blit(message, (0, 0))
As I am not sure which part of the code you should be looking at, here is the full code.
Another reason why I think this behaviour is so bizarre, is that when I first created PyMines, the image blitted perfectly like so (as you can see, there is a very slight shadow to the text):
This however, is not a optimized version, as after each cycle, the whole board is redrawn (so it takes a very long time on a 16x16 board as shown in the first image, so I used a 9x9 - but the results are the same). Here is the play() function of the original version:
def play():
SIZE = (WIDTH, HEIGHT) = (9, 9)
MINES = 10
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH * PIXELS_PER_CELL,
board = create_board(SIZE, MINES)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and board.is_playing and
not board.is_solved):
board.mouse_handler(event, screen)
message = None
if not board.is_playing:
message = pygame.image.load("lose.png").convert_alpha()
elif board.is_solved:
message = pygame.image.load("win.png").convert_alpha()
if message:
message = pygame.transform.scale(message, (screen.get_width(),
screen.get_height() //
screen.blit(message, (0, 0))
I would attach a link to the full code, but pastebin is down, so here is the full code for the original game without the strange black line.
EDIT: I have already tried dropping the convert_alpha() and adding convert() or even nothing at all.
Why are all these black lines there, how do I get rid of them and which version (convert/convert_alpha/NOTHING) should I use (and how to decide which one to use).
The text has a black shadow with an alpha channel. In your original version, you render the board, then render the text, and the shadow gets blended with the board.
In the revised version, you render the board, then repeatedly render the text over it. On the first pass, it renders correctly, with the shadow blending with the board. On the second pass, the shadow blends with the shadow you've already rendered, making a slightly darker shadow. On the next pass, the shadow gets slightly darker, and so on.
You can't use alpha blending without keeping tight control over what you're blending over. Each time you render the text, you'll need to render at least the section of the board behind the text, if not the full board.

Is there a way to restrict the title crawl to certain portion of screen?

I am trying do end credits like animation the code above for Title crawl, I am trying to make the following changes to it:- 1) The text should begin at the bottom of screen at certain location, such that no other text from the string should be displayed below that location on the screen. 2) The text should stop at certain location on top of screen such that the line at the top should be deleted as soon as it reaches that location making room for other lines in the string.
I am a python newbie, I am just experimenting with things, the following code doesn't belong to me either.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
pygame.display.set_caption('Title Crawl')
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 800))
screen_r = screen.get_rect()
font = pygame.font.SysFont("franklingothicdemibold", 40)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def main():
crawl = ["Star Wars - The Wilds"," ","It is a dark time for the Galaxy. The evil Dark","Lord, Vitiate is rising to power. Alone, a single", "spec is on a trip, a trip that will ultimately", "rectify the wrongs of the galaxy. The keepers ", "of peace are dying out and the DARK SIDE is", "lurking, a conniving force determined to", "become the omniarch."]
texts = []
# we render the text once, since it's easier to work with surfaces
# also, font rendering is a performance killer
for i, line in enumerate(crawl):
s = font.render(line, 1, (229, 177, 58))
# we also create a Rect for each Surface.
# whenever you use rects with surfaces, it may be a good idea to use sprites instead
# we give each rect the correct starting position
r = s.get_rect(centerx=screen_r.centerx, y=screen_r.bottom + i * 45)
texts.append((r, s))
while True:
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type == QUIT or e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
for r, s in texts:
# now we just move each rect by one pixel each frame
r.move_ip(0, -1)
# and drawing is as simple as this
screen.blit(s, r)
# if all rects have left the screen, we exit
if not screen_r.collidelistall([r for (r, _) in texts]):
# only call this once so the screen does not flicker
# cap framerate at 60 FPS
if __name__ == '__main__':
Use set_clip() to set the clipping region of the display surface.
e.g. Clip 100 rows at the top and the bottom:
# set clipping rectangle
clip_rect = (0, 100, screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()-200)
for r, s in texts:
# now we just move each rect by one pixel each frame
r.move_ip(0, -1)
# and drawing is as simple as this
screen.blit(s, r)
# cancel clipping for further drawing

Pygame click on image (not a rectangle)

This is the part of my code, where the problem is:
button = pygame.image.load("button1.png")
screen.blit(button, (100, 100))
This image looks like this:
I need to increase a value of a variable, when the user clicks on the image.
I tryed some solutions, but most of them was drawing an "invisible" rectangle over the picture, and the variable's value vas increasing, even if someone clicked on the white space near the triangle.
It's quite easy with the mask module.
From the docs:
Useful for fast pixel perfect collision detection. A mask uses 1 bit per-pixel to store which parts collide.
First, create a Mask from the image
mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(button)
Then, when checking for the mouse click event, check if the point in the mask is set.
Here's a simple example:
import pygame
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((480, 320))
button = pygame.image.load('button.png').convert_alpha()
button_pos = (100, 100)
mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(button)
x = 0
while True:
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type == pygame.QUIT:
if e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if mask.get_at((e.pos[0]-button_pos[0], e.pos[1]-button_pos[1])):
x += 1
except IndexError:
screen.blit(button, button_pos)
Example button.png for testing:
There's no easy way to do this in pygame other than manually calculating where the mouse is and figuring out if it's in the triangle or not.
The image you're loading (button1.png) is a square image, and so there's no way for pygame or any other library to know what it's "actual" shape is. You'll either have to do it yourself or be okay with the user being able to click on the white space.
You could use Surface.get_at() to check the color of the pixel where the mouse clicks. If it's the background color (white in your case) you consider it outside, otherwise is inside and you trigger the action.
Here a working example. The insideimage function checks that the click is inside the surface button (the rectangle) and checks the color of the pixel at mouse coordinates. Returns True if the click is inside the surface and the color is not white.
This works if the background color is not used again inside the image.
import sys
import pygame
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT))
button = pygame.image.load("button1.png")
screen.blit(button, (100, 100))
def insideimage(pos, rsurf, refcolor):
"""rsurf: Surface which contains the image
refcolor: background color, if clicked on this color returns False
refrect = rsurf.get_rect().move((100, 100))
pickedcol = screen.get_at(pos)
return refrect.collidepoint(pos) and pickedcol != refcolor
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
valid = insideimage(event.pos, button, (255, 255, 255, 255))
#(255, 255, 255, 255) this is color white with alpha channel opaque

pygame.time.wait() crashes the program

In a pygame code I wannted to do a title that changes colors.
I tried to do a simple title that changes colors, but it not even turned the color to blue (or do it for a second), and the program crash. The code:
title_font = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", TITLE_SIZE)
while True:
title = title_font.render("game", 5, RED)
game_display.blit(title, TITLE_POS)
title = title_font.render("game", 5, BLUE)
game_display.blit(title, TITLE_POS)
title = title_font.render("game", 5, RED)
game_display.blit(title, TITLE_POS)
It also happens with pygame.time.delay(), and I don't know where is the problem...
Don't use pygame.time.wait or delay because these functions make your program sleep for the given time and the window becomes unresponsive. You also need to handle the events (with one of the pygame.event functions) each frame to avoid this.
Here are some timer examples which don't block: Countdown timer in Pygame
To switch the colors, you can just assign the next color to a variable and use it to render the text.
import pygame
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
title_font = pygame.font.SysFont('monospace', 50)
BACKGROUND_COLOR = pygame.Color('gray12')
BLUE = pygame.Color('blue')
RED = pygame.Color('red')
# Assign the current color to the color variable.
color = RED
timer = 2
dt = 0
done = False
while not done:
# Handle the events.
for event in pygame.event.get():
# This allows the user to quit by pressing the X button.
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
timer -= dt # Decrement the timer by the delta time.
if timer <= 0: # When the time is up ...
# Swap the colors.
if color == RED:
color = BLUE
timer = 3
color = RED
timer = 2
title = title_font.render('game', 5, color)
screen.blit(title, (200, 50))
# dt is the passed time since the last clock.tick call.
dt = clock.tick(60) / 1000 # / 1000 to convert milliseconds to seconds.

Blit user text input to screen

I want to blit text that is input by the user to the screen. Each time the user presses Return, the typed text should be blitted to the screen. For text input I use this [text_input module] (
Here is the code I came up with so far:
import pygame_textinput
import pygame
# Set some parameters
duration = 5.0
time = pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
yoffset = 5
# Function that positions user input rects on screen
def renderInput(text, xoffset, yoffset):
font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)
renderText = font.render(text, False, (0, 0, 0))
rectText = renderText.get_rect()
rectText = rectText.move((0 + xoffset), (screen.get_height()/2 + yoffset))
return renderText, rectText
# Fills the screen once at the beginning
screen.fill((225, 225, 225))
while (pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000) < time + duration:
# creat new text input object on every trial
textinput = pygame_textinput.TextInput()
while True:
# Fills the surface after each keypress
screen.fill((225, 225, 225))
# Check events
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# Feed with events every frame
# This evaluates to True once Return is pressed
if textinput.update(events):
userInput = textinput.get_text()
yoffset += 20
# Blit surface onto the screen
screen.blit(textinput.get_surface(), (10, 10))
# Update screen
# Blits user input to screen each time "Return" is pressed
# First get input text and the rectangle of the text
text, textrect = renderInput(userInput, 5, yoffset)
# Then blit it to the screen
screen.blit(text, textrect)
My problem is, that the blitting only works if I do not fill the screen after each keypress within the while-loop that handles the input. If I do that, then the text input, however, is not cleared after each time the user presses Return.
So is there a way to have both, redraw after each keypress and have the text displayed below after each time Return is pressed by the user.
If I understand you correctly, the text in the input field should be cleared and it should be blit in the main area of the screen. I'd assign the text to the user_input variable if the user presses enter and then create a new pygame_textinput.TextInput() instance to clear the input field.
I've tried to simplify your code, because the two while loops are a bit confusing and I'm not sure what their purpose is. There should usually be only one while loop in a game.
import pygame
import pygame_textinput
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)
textinput = pygame_textinput.TextInput()
user_input = ''
done = False
while not done:
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
if textinput.update(events):
user_input = textinput.get_text()
textinput = pygame_textinput.TextInput()
# Draw everything.
screen.fill((225, 225, 225))
screen.blit(textinput.get_surface(), (10, 10))
user_input_surface = font.render(user_input, True, (30, 80, 100))
screen.blit(user_input_surface, (10, 50))
Edit: In this version I append the rendered text surfaces to a list and blit them with an offset.
import pygame
import pygame_textinput
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)
textinput = pygame_textinput.TextInput()
user_inputs = []
done = False
while not done:
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
if textinput.update(events):
font.render(textinput.get_text(), True, (30, 80, 100)))
textinput = pygame_textinput.TextInput()
screen.fill((225, 225, 225))
screen.blit(textinput.get_surface(), (10, 10))
for y, text_surf in enumerate(user_inputs):
screen.blit(text_surf, (10, 50+30*y))
Edit2: To get a table, you can use modulo for the row offset and floor division for the column offset. The problem with this example is that the text surfaces can overlap if they are too wide.
for n, text_surf in enumerate(user_inputs):
# 5 rows. Offset = 30 pixels.
y_pos = 50 + (n%5) * 30
# After 5 rows add a new column. Offset = 100 pixels.
x_pos = 10 + n // 5 * 100
screen.blit(text_surf, (x_pos, y_pos))
I have edited my code containing your suggestions. Thanks a lot, this really seems to solve my problem. Here is the current version including a timer:
import pygame_textinput
import pygame
# Set some parameters
duration = 5.0
time = pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000
xoffset = 5
yoffset = 5
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400))
font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Creates textinput instance and an empty list to store inputs
textinput = pygame_textinput.TextInput()
userInputs = []
# Fills the screen once at the beginning
screen.fill((225, 225, 225))
while (pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000) < time + duration:
# Check events
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# Feed with events every frame
# This evaluates to True once Return is pressed
if textinput.update(events):
userInputs.append(font.render(textinput.get_text(), True, (30, 80, 100)))
textinput = pygame_textinput.TextInput()
# Fill screen
screen.fill((225, 225, 225))
# Blit its surface onto the screen
screen.blit(textinput.get_surface(), (screen.get_rect().centerx, screen.get_rect().height/5))
for y, text_surf in enumerate(userInputs):
screen.blit(text_surf, (10, (screen.get_rect().height/4)+30*y))
# Update screen
I do not want to bother you to much, but now I have one more issue left that I am having trouble solving. Is it possible to render the text inputs in a second column once it exits the bottom border of the screen? So for example, if the user types a lot of words, that do not fit under each other, is it possible to move the next text input to the right and make it start next to the first input (create a second column so to speak). Thanks for your help so far, I really apreciatie it.
