I'm attempting to use a GaussianProcessRegressor as part of scikit-learn 0.18.1
I'm training on 200 data points and using 13 input features for my kernel - one constant multiplied by a radial basis function with twelve elements. The model runs without complaints, but if I run the same script several times I notice that I sometimes get different solutions. It may be worth noting that several of the optimized parameters are running into the bounds I've provided them (I'm currently working out which features matter).
I've tried increasing the parameter n_restarts_optimizer to 50, and while this takes considerably longer to run it doesn't eliminate the element of apparent randomness. It seems possible to change the optimizer itself, though I've had no luck. From a quick scan it seems the most similar syntactically are scipy's fmin_tnc and fmin_slsqp (other optimizers do not include bounds). However, using either of those cause other issues: for example, fmin_tnc does not return the value of the objective function at its minimum.
Are there any suggestions for how to have a more deterministic script? Ideally I'd like it to print the same values regardless of iteration, because as it stands it feels a bit like a lottery (and therefore drawing any conclusions is questionable).
A snippet of the code I'm using:
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor as GPR
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF, ConstantKernel as C
lbound = 1e-2
rbound = 1e1
n_restarts = 50
n_features = 12 # Actually determined elsewhere in the code
kernel = C(1.0, (lbound,rbound)) * RBF(n_features*[10], (lbound,rbound))
gp = GPR(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=n_restarts)
gp.fit(train_input, train_outputs)
test_model, sigma2_pred = gp.predict(test_input, return_std=True)
print gp.kernel_
This uses random values to initialize optimization:
As the LML may have multiple local optima, the optimizer can be
started repeatedly by specifying n_restarts_optimizer.
As far as I understand, there will always be a random factor. Sometimes it will find local minima, which are the bounds you've mentioned.
If your data allows it (invertible X matrix) You can use normal equation if it suits your needs, no random factor there.
You can do (something like a random forest) sampling on top of this, where you run this algorithm several times and choose the best fit or the common value: You will have to weigh consistency versus accuracy.
Hope I understood your question correctly.
In order to tune some machine learning's (or even pipeline's) hyperparameters, sklearn proposes the exhaustive "GridsearchCV" and the randomized "RandomizedSearchCV". The latter samples the provided distributions and test them out, to finally select the best model (and provide the result of each tentative).
But let's say I train 1'000 models using this randomized method. Later, I decide this isn't precise enough, and want to try 1'000 more models. Can I resume the training? Aka, asking to sample more, and try more models without losing current progress. Calling fit() a second time "restarts" and discards previous hyperparameters combinations.
My situation looks like the following:
pipeline_cv = RandomizedSearchCV(pipeline, distribution, n_iter=1000, n_jobs=-1)
pipeline_cv = pipeline_cv.fit(trainX, trainy)
predictions = pipeline_cv.predict(targetX)
Then, later, I'd decide that 1000 iterations are not enough to cover my distributions' space, so I would do something like
pipeline_cv = pipeline_cv.resume(trainX, trainy, n_iter=1000) # doesn't exist?
And then I'd have a model trained across 2'000 hyperparameters combinations.
Is my goal achievable?
There is a Github issue on that back from Sep 2017, but it is still open:
In practice it is useful to search over some parameter space and then continue the search over some related space. We could provide a warm_start parameter to make it easy to accumulate results for further candidates into cv_results_ (without reevaluating parameter combinations that have already tested).
And a similar question in Cross Validated is also effectively unanswered.
So, the answer would seem to be no (plus that the scikit-learn community has not felt the need to include such a possibility).
But let's stop for a moment to think if something like that would be really valuable...
RandomizedSearchCV essentially works by random sampling parameter values from a given distribution; e.g., using the example from the docs:
distributions = dict(C=uniform(loc=0, scale=4),
penalty=['l2', 'l1'])
According to the very basic principles of such random sampling and random number generation (RNG) in general, there is not any guarantee that such a randomly sampled value will not be randomly sampled more than one time, especially if the number of iterations is large. Factor in the fact that RandomizedSearchCV does not do any bookkeeping itself either, hence in principle it can happen that same parameter combinations will be tried more than once in any single run (again, provided that the number of iterations is sufficiently large).
Even in cases of continuous distributions (like the uniform one used above), where the probability of getting exact values already sampled may be very small, there is the routine case of two samples being like 0.678918 and 0.678919, which, however close, they are still different, and count as different trials.
Given the above, I cannot see how "warm starting" a RandomizedSearchCV will be of any practical use. The real value of RandomizedSearchCV lies at the possibility of sampling a usually large area of parameter values - so large that we consider useful to unleash the power of simple random sampling, which, let me repeat, does not itself "remember" past samples returned, and it may very well return samples that are (exactly or approximately) equal to what has been already returned in the past, thus rendering any "warm start" practically irrelevant.
So effectively, simply running two (or more) RandomizedSearchCV processes sequentially (and storing their results) does the job adequately, provided that we do not use the same random seed for different runs (i.e. what is effectively suggested in the Cross Validated thread mentioned above).
I have trouble using WAIC (widely applicable information criterion) in PyMC3. Namely, I have data which I know to be distributed according to multivariate Dirichlet distribution. I try to fit the data by assuming that marginal distributions are in one case the beta distributions, while in the other lognormal distributions. Obviously in the first case I get lower (better) WAIC value, than in the second case.
The problem arises in the third case then I assume that data is distributed according to Dirichlet distribution. The third WAIC is significantly larger (worse) than in the first two cases. I would expect this WAIC to be lower (better) than the one I get in the second (log-normal) case.
Basically I want to show that log-normal fit is bad. This is easily seen by the naked eye, but I would like to have formal result to show.
The minimal code to replicate what I get:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
# generate the data
# fit the first case (assuming beta marginal distributions)
with betaModel:
# fit the second case (assuming log-normal marginal distributions)
with lognormalModel:
# fit the third case (assuming Dirichlet multivariate distribution)
with dirichletModel:
# compare WAIC
The output is:
WAIC_r(WAIC=-12801.95319823564, WAIC_se=105.07502476563575, p_WAIC=5.941977774190434)
WAIC_r(WAIC=-12534.643059697866, WAIC_se=115.43257184238044, p_WAIC=6.68850211472046)
WAIC_r(WAIC=-9156.050975326929, WAIC_se=81.45146980652675, p_WAIC=2.7977039523187996)
I guess the problem might be related to an error:
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (6000,) (2000,)
which I get when I try to run:
Any suggestions how to obtain a reasonable comparison?
After thinking about the problem I would believe that it is somewhat "improper". I tend to think so because WAIC is a relative measure, thus it is likely that only similar statistical models can be reasonably compared. If the models are too dissimilar, then you get what I got.
The error I get from pm.compare seems to be related to how random vectors are treated. In the first two cases each component of a random vector is treated as a separate random variate (3 components per 2000 vectors = 6000 points). In the third case random vector as whole is treated as a random variate (2000 vectors = 2000 points).
Initially I thought that this problem could be resolved by reducing the number of points in the first two cases. But as the first two statistical models (wrongly) assume that components are independent, adding log-probabilities does not change anything. WAIC values remain the same.
Currently I think that a small cheat is possible. Namely to fit data to the Dirichlet distribution, but calculate WAIC as if I would have fitted the beta distribution. This gives an expected result - WAIC for the Dirichlet fit is slightly larger than WAIC for the beta fit, but smaller than WAIC for the log-normal fit.
The code for this "cheat":
from collections import namedtuple
from scipy.special import logsumexp
def cheat_logp(tracePoint,model):
for i in range(components):
return np.array(cb).T
def _log_post_trace(trace, model):
# copy the contents of _log_post_trace function from pymc3/stats.py
# but replace "var.logp_elemwise(pt)" with "cheat_logp(pt,model)"
# <...>
def mywaic(trace, model=None, pointwise=False):
# copy the contents of waic function from pymc3/stats.py
# <...>
Obviously this cheat is not very "nice" and I am still very much interested on how to achieve similar results, but in a proper manner. Of course if it is possible.
I'm trying to use KernelPCA for reducing the dimensionality of a dataset to 2D (both for visualization purposes and for further data analysis).
I experimented computing KernelPCA using a RBF kernel at various values of Gamma, but the result is unstable:
(each frame is a slightly different value of Gamma, where Gamma is varying continuously from 0 to 1)
Looks like it is not deterministic.
Is there a way to stabilize it/make it deterministic?
Code used to generate transformed data:
def pca(X, gamma1):
kpca = KernelPCA(kernel="rbf", fit_inverse_transform=True, gamma=gamma1)
X_kpca = kpca.fit_transform(X)
#X_back = kpca.inverse_transform(X_kpca)
return X_kpca
KernelPCA should be deterministic and evolve continuously with gamma. It is different from RBFSampler that does have built-in randomness in order to provide an efficient (more scalable) approximation of the RBF kernel.
However what can change in KernelPCA is the order of the principal components: in scikit-learn they are returned sorted in order of descending eigenvalue, so if you have 2 eigenvalues close to each other it could be that the order changes with gamma.
My guess (from the gif) is that this is what is happening here: the axes along which you are plotting are not constant so your data seems to jump around.
Could you provide the code you used to produce the gif?
I'm guessing it is a plot of the data points along the 2 first principal components but it would help to see how you produced it.
You could try to further inspect it by looking at the values of kpca.alphas_ (the eigenvectors) for each value of gamma.
Hope this makes sense.
EDIT: As you noted it looks like the points are reflected against the axis, the most plausible explanation is that one of the eigenvector flips sign (note this does not affect the eigenvalue).
I put in a simple gist to reproduce the issue (you'll need a Jupyter notebook to run it). You can see the sign-flipping when you change the value of gamma.
As a complement note that this kind of discrepancy happens only because you fit several times the KernelPCA object several times. Once you settled with a particular gamma value and you've fit kpca once you can call transform several times and get consistent results.
For the classical PCA the docs mention that:
Due to implementation subtleties of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which is used in this implementation, running fit twice on the same matrix can lead to principal components with signs flipped (change in direction). For this reason, it is important to always use the same estimator object to transform data in a consistent fashion.
I don't know about the behavior of a single KernelPCA object that you would fit several times (I did not find anything relevant in the docs).
It does not apply to your case though as you have to fit the object with several gamma values.
So... I can't give you a definitive answer on why KernelPCA is not deterministic. The behavior resembles the differences I've observed between the results of PCA and RandomizedPCA. PCA is deterministic, but RandomizedPCA is not, and sometimes the eigenvectors are flipped in sign relative to the PCA eigenvectors.
That leads me to my vague idea of how you might get more deterministic results....maybe. Use RBFSampler with a fixed seed:
def pca(X, gamma1):
kernvals = RBFSampler(gamma=gamma1, random_state=0).fit_transform(X)
kpca = PCA().fit_transform(X)
X_kpca = kpca.fit_transform(X)
return X_kpca
I'm trying to use PyMC 2.3 to obtain an estimate of the parameter of a compound model.
By "compound" I mean a random variable that follows a distribution whose whose parameter is another random variable. ("nested" or "hierarchical" are somtimes used to refer to this situation, but I think they are less specific and generate more confusion in this context).
Let make a specific example. The "real" data is generated from a compound distribution that is a Poisson with a parameter that is distributed as an Exponential. In plain scipy the data is generated as follows:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import distributions
np.random.seed(3) # for repeatability
nsamples = 1000
tau_true = 50
orig_lambda_sample = distributions.expon(scale=tau_true).rvs(nsamples)
data = distributions.poisson(orig_lambda_sample).rvs(nsamples)
I want to obtain an estimate of the model parameter tau_true.
My approach so far in modelling this problem in PyMC is the following:
tau = pm.Uniform('tau', 0, 100)
count_rates = pm.Exponential('count_rates', beta=1/tau, size=nsamples)
counts = pm.Poisson('counts', mu=count_rates, value=data, observed=True)
Note that I use size=nsamples to have a new stochastic variable for each sample.
Finally I run the MCMC as:
model = pm.Model([count_rates, counts, tau])
mcmc = pm.MCMC(model)
mcmc.sample(40000, 10000)
The model converges (although slowly, > 10^5 iterations) to a distribution centred around 50 (tau_true). However it seems like an overkill to define 1000 stochastic variables to fit a single distribution with a single parameter.
Is there a better way to describe a compound model in PyMC?
PS I also tried with a more informative prior (tau = pm.Normal('tau', mu=51, tau=1/2**2)) but the results are similar and the convergence is still slow.
It looks like what you are trying to model is data that is over-dispersed. In fact, a negative binomial distribution is just a Poisson with a mean that is distributed according to a gamma distribution (the general form of the Exponential). So, one way to get around defining 1000 variables is to use the negative binomial directly. Keep in mind, though, despite there being nominally 1000 variables, the effective number of variables is somewhere between 1 and 1000, depending on how constrained the distribution of means is. You are essentially defining a random effect here.
I have some observational data for which I would like to estimate parameters, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to try out PYMC3.
My data is structured as a series of records. Each record contains a pair of observations that relate to a fixed one hour period. One observation is the total number of events that occur during the given hour. The other observation is the number of successes within that time period. So, for example, a data point might specify that in a given 1 hour period, there were 1000 events in total, and that of those 1000, 100 were successes. In another time period, there may be 1000000 events in total, of which 120000 are successes. The variance of the observations is not constant and depends on the total number of events, and it is partly this effect that I would like to control and model.
My first step in doing this to estimate the underlying success rate. I've prepared the code below which is intended to mimic the situation by providing two sets of 'observed' data by generating it using scipy. However, it does not work properly.
What I expect it to find is:
loss_lambda_factor is roughly 0.1
total_lambda (and total_lambda_mu) is roughly 120.
Instead, the model converges very quickly, but to an unexpected answer.
total_lambda and total_lambda_mu are respectively sharp peaks around 5e5.
loss_lambda_factor is roughly 0.
The traceplot (which I cannot post due to reputation below 10) is fairly uninteresting - quick convergence, and sharp peaks at numbers that do not correspond to the input data. I am curious as to whether there is something fundamentally wrong with the approach I am taking. How should the following code be modified to give the correct / expected result?
from pymc import Model, Uniform, Normal, Poisson, Metropolis, traceplot
from pymc import sample
import scipy.stats
totalRates = scipy.stats.norm(loc=120, scale=20).rvs(size=10000)
totalCounts = scipy.stats.poisson.rvs(mu=totalRates)
successRate = 0.1*totalRates
successCounts = scipy.stats.poisson.rvs(mu=successRate)
with Model() as success_model:
total_lambda_tau= Uniform('total_lambda_tau', lower=0, upper=100000)
total_lambda_mu = Uniform('total_lambda_mu', lower=0, upper=1000000)
total_lambda = Normal('total_lambda', mu=total_lambda_mu, tau=total_lambda_tau)
total = Poisson('total', mu=total_lambda, observed=totalCounts)
loss_lambda_factor = Uniform('loss_lambda_factor', lower=0, upper=1)
success_rate = Poisson('success_rate', mu=total_lambda*loss_lambda_factor, observed=successCounts)
with success_model:
step = Metropolis()
success_samples = sample(20000, step) #, start)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
_ = traceplot(success_samples)
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with your approach, except for the pitfalls of any Bayesian MCMC analysis: (1) non-convergence, (2) the priors, (3) the model.
Non-convergence: I find a traceplot that looks like this:
This is not a good thing, and to see more clearly why, I would change the traceplot code to show only the second-half of the trace, traceplot(success_samples[10000:]):
The Prior: One major challenge for convergence is your prior on total_lambda_tau, which is a exemplar pitfall in Bayesian modeling. Although it might appear quite uninformative to use prior Uniform('total_lambda_tau', lower=0, upper=100000), the effect of this is to say that you are quite certain that total_lambda_tau is large. For example, the probability that it is less than 10 is .0001. Changing the prior to
total_lambda_tau= Uniform('total_lambda_tau', lower=0, upper=100)
total_lambda_mu = Uniform('total_lambda_mu', lower=0, upper=1000)
results in a traceplot that is more promising:
This is still not what I look for in a traceplot, however, and to get something more satisfactory, I suggest using a "sequential scan Metropolis" step (which is what PyMC2 would default to for an analogous model). You can specify this as follows:
step = pm.CompoundStep([pm.Metropolis([total_lambda_mu]),
This produces a traceplot that seems acceptible:
The model: As #KaiLondenberg responded, the approach you have taken with priors on total_lambda_tau and total_lambda_mu is not a standard approach. You describe widely varying event totals (1,000 one hour and 1,000,000 the next) but your model posits it to be normally distributed. In spatial epidemiology, the approach I have seen for analogous data is a model more like this:
import pymc as pm, theano.tensor as T
with Model() as success_model:
loss_lambda_rate = pm.Flat('loss_lambda_rate')
error = Poisson('error', mu=totalCounts*T.exp(loss_lambda_rate),
I'm sure that there are other ways that will seem more familiar in other research communities as well.
Here is a notebook collecting up these comments.
I see several potential problems with the model.
1.) I would think that the success counts (called error ?) should follow a Binomial(n=total,p=loss_lambda_factor) distribution, not a Poisson.
Where does the chain start ? Starting at a MAP or MLE configuration would make sense unless you use pure Gibbs sampling. Otherwise the chain might take a long time for burn-in, which might be what's happening here.
3.) Your choice of a hierarchical prior for total_lambda (i.e. normal with two uniform priors on those parameters) ensures that the chain will take a long time to converge, unless you pick your start wisely (as in Point 2.). You essentially introduce a lot of unneccessary degrees of freedom for the MCMC chain to get lost in. Given that total_lambda has to be nonngative, I would choose a Uniform prior for total_lambda in a suitable range (from 0 to the observed maximum for example).
4.) You use the Metropolis Sampler. 20000 samples might not be enough for that one. Try 60000 and discard the first 20000 as burn-in. The Metropolis Sampler can take a while to tune the step size, so it might well be that it spent the first 20000 samples to mainly reject proposals and tune. Try other samplers, such as NUTS.