Python tkSimpleDialog Fullscreen and Focus Over Fullscreen Parent - python

I am having a problem with getting tkSimpleDialog to take focus over my fullscreen window GUI. I have a GUI that I am trying to use a dialog window to use as an admin password to close the GUI (like a kiosk mode app) using root.quit(). The problems with this are that the dialog does not come in front of the parent windows if the parent windows are fullscreen. Additionally, I would like to make the tkSimpleDialog go fullscreen as well.
Here is the code for how the dialog box is being called/created using the in my program:
def check_admin_password():
# use askstring here to verify password.
pass_attempt = simpledialog.askstring("Verifying access","Please enter Admin password", parent=window, show="*")
if pass_attempt == "password":
root.quit() # used whatever your instance of Tk() is here in place of root.
admin_minimize_button = Button(window, text = "Administrator", command = check_admin_password, width=35, height=12)
admin_minimize_button.grid(row=4, column=0)
I am using the following code for the parent window and I believe there is something with the overrideredirect(True) that is affecting the focus of my dialog window:
qwindow = Toplevel(root) #renames Toplevel "popup" window frame to variable "qwindow"
qwindow.title('Mission Queue') #creates title on popup window
w, h = qwindow.winfo_screenwidth(), qwindow.winfo_screenheight() #aquires dimensions from display size
qwindow.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h)) #sets window size to aquired dimensions
qwindow.overrideredirect(True) #removes top bar and exit button from parent window frame
I have tried editing the file and adding an overrideredirect(True) line however that is not working. If more information is needed, let me know. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Due to my inability to figure out a solution using tkSimpleDialog, I attempted a different approach creating my own "dialog". Unfortunately, I was still unable to get the dialog to have the entry line take focus with the screen window being set to wm_attributes('-fullscreen', 'True') and overrideredirect(True). While it would have been better to have both work; for my purposes, it will work fine to just be fullscreen in my application without overrideredirect(True). For anyone with a similar issue or wanting to see more documentation on my progress, heres the link to my other forum post: (Tkinter Entry Widget with Overrideredirect and Fullscreen).
Thanks for the help!


Stop Tkinter window taking focus when created

I want the tkinter window i'm creating to stop taking the program focus when it is opened but still stay on top and 'lifted' the program is simple however I cant seem to find a solution to make the window open but not take focus as im not even sure thats possible.
from tkinter import *
Window = Tk()
champ_text = Label(Window, text='hello', font="arial, 100",)
Window.wm_attributes('-disabled', False)
Window.wm_attributes("-topmost", True)
Foreground = focus. In my head.
You can however decide where you want the window to open on the screen:
"200x200" is the size of the window that you open.
"+400+400" is the placement on the screen for the window.
Open the window in the foreground on the side of the screen will make it not so much in focus?

Tkinter: disable text widget content auto resize (newline), when user resize window

Advice: i'm working on Windows 8.1, with Python and Tkinter at last version; i wrote from tkinter import * to post less code here, i know that it is a bad practice, use for example import tkinter as tk instead.
I'm coding my first text editor, and i have a problem when i resize the main windows. When i run the program it display on screen a window with dimension 750x500 pixel. So far, all ok, i can write text without problem (note that menu_bar and other features are work-in progress, but we dont care about them). Problem is with Text widget when user tries to resize window with cursor. The content of the text practically adapts to the size of the window (the length of each string is reduced or increased based on the width of the window). But i don't want that this happen. I want that Text widget changes his width automatically in base of window size, but the content mustn't be adapted. I hope that you understand my question, if not, i will try to explain better.
I have searched on online reference if there's a parameter to set this option, but i haven't found anything.
How to solve the problems concerning the Text widget and resizing the window?
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
content_text = Text(root, wrap=WORD, bg="grey25", undo=True, cursor="",
insertbackground="red", foreground="white", font="courier 12")
content_text.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
scroll_bar = Scrollbar(content_text)
content_text.configure(yscrollcommand=scroll_bar.set, selectbackground="dodgerblue")
scroll_bar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can't do what you want. If you have wrapping turned on, text will always wrap at the edge of the window. When you change the width of the window, the text will re-wrap to the new width. There is no configuration option to tell the widget to wrap at any other place.

How to remove title bar in Tkinter program?

I am working on a project using Tkinter library for making a GUI. This GUI will be displayed on a touch screen using raspberry pi 3.
I want to prevent user from exiting or minimising the program.
Is there any way to disable or remove the title bar? Or is there a better way to achieve this?
Since you mentioned a raspberry pi I suppose you are using Linux. In this case you can use root.attributes('-type', 'dock') (assuming your Tk instance is called root). This way, your window will have no decoration (so no close or minimize buttons) and will be always on top. If you don't want it always on top, you can use type 'splash' instead. In any case, you will need to use focus_force to be able to get keyboard focus.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
root.attributes('-type', 'dock')
Otherwise, you can prevent the window from being closed by setting the 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW' protocol and redisplay the window each time it is minimized:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def unmap(event):
if event.widget is root:
root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda: None) # prevent closing
root.bind('<Unmap>', unmap) # redisplay window when it's minimized
root = tk.Tk()
root.wm_attributes('-type', 'splash')
For more details go to this link: Remove titlebar without overrideredirect() using Tkinter?

Tkinter Focus lost after askstring

I am currently implementing a program that uses many tkinter frames and while subframe is being opened I want the superframe to be locked for the user (otherwise things will not work out). After some research I found the grab_set and grab_release method which worked quite fine.
However once the subframe (instanciated by Toplevel) calls the askstring the grab is "losed" and the user can interact with the superlevel window again. An example would be this (very simplified code):
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.simpledialog
root = tk.Tk()
def open_sublevel():
tl = tk.Toplevel(root)
def ask():
print(tk.simpledialog.askstring("askstring", "askstring"))
tk.Button(tl, text="ask", command=ask).pack()
tk.Button(root, text="asdf", command=open_sublevel).pack()
Once the user opens the subframe by clicking "asdf" the frame containing "asdf" will be locked for the duration while the subframe is opened. However once the user selects the "ask"-Button in the subframe this "lock" somehow disappears.
According to the notes in the tkinter library:
A grab directs all events to this and descendant widgets in the application.
I am not able so far to find any documentation that would explain why the grab_set() is falling off after you finish submitting your askstring but I would imaging it is because once the widget is gone the grab_set() falls off. Just like if you were to close out the Toplevel window.
In this case tl.grab_release() does not appear to be needed as grab releases once the window closes.
From what I have tested if you reset the grab_set() after the askstring is done then it will still work properly.
You need to simply add tl.grab_set() just below print(tk.simpledialog.askstring("askstring", "askstring")).
Modified code below:
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.simpledialog
root = tk.Tk()
def open_sublevel():
tl = tk.Toplevel(root)
def ask():
print(tk.simpledialog.askstring("askstring", "askstring"))
tk.Button(tl, text="ask", command=ask).pack()
tk.Button(root, text="asdf", command=open_sublevel).pack()
setting the parent for simpledialog will make simpledialog take focus
x = simpledialog(parent = window_x, title = z etc.)
this will make sure x takes focus and not withdraw

Tkinter window not filling screen in zoomed state on secondary display

I'm building a small python 3 tkinter program on windows (10). From a main window (root) I'm creating a secondary window (wdowViewer). I want it to be full screen (zoomed) on my secondary display. The code below works on my main setup with two identical screens. If I however take my laptop out of the dock and connect it to (any) external display, the new window only fills about 2/3 of the secondary display.
Two things to note:
- The laptop and external monitor have same resolution.
- The window is appropriately zoomed when overrideredirect is set to 0.
mon_primary_width = str(app.root.winfo_screenwidth()) # width of primary screen
self.wdowViewer = Toplevel(app.root) # create new window
self.wdowViewer.geometry('10x10+' + mon_primary_width + '+0') # move it to the secondary screen
self.wdowViewer.wm_state('zoomed') # full screen
self.wdowViewer.overrideredirect(1) # remove tool bar
app.root.update_idletasks() # Apply changes
After two days of experimenting I finally found a fix.
Consider the following example: Making a toplevel zoomed, works fine on any secondary display when using the following code:
from tkinter import *
# Make tkinter window
root = Tk()
sw = str(root.winfo_screenwidth())
Label(root, text="Hello Main Display").pack()
# Make a new toplevel
w = Toplevel(root)
w.geometry("0x0+" + sw + "+0")
Label(w, text='Hello Secondary Display').pack()
However, in my code I'm making a new Toplevel after running the mainloop command. Then, the issue arises. A code example with the issue:
from tkinter import *
# New Tkinter
root = Tk()
sw = str(root.winfo_screenwidth())
# Function for new toplevel
def new_wdow():
w = Toplevel(root)
w.geometry("0x0+" + sw + "+0")
Label(w, text='Hello Secondary Display').pack()
# Make button in main window
Button(root, text="Hello", command=new_wdow).pack()
Problem: The bug is only present if the DPI scaling in Windows is not set to 100%. Hence, there seems to be a bug in how tkinter handles the DPI scaling subsequent to running mainloop. It does not scale the window properly, but Windows is treating it as if it does.
Fix: Tell Windows that the app takes care of DPI scaling all by itself, and to not resize the window. This is achievable using ctypes. Put the following code early in your python script:
import ctypes
Hopefully others will find the solution helpful. Hopefully, someone may explain more of what is going on here!
