timestamp from year and day of year? - python

I have to deduce the timestamp number from a list of items in Python 2.7.
For each item I have the year and the days of the year when it was created, for example:
year = 2015
days = 154
I don't have any data about hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds, so I assume that they are all equal to 0.
Can someone help me to deduce a timestamp?

Giving a year and a day of the year, you can have a date with day, month and year. But to get a timestamp, you still need the hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and a timezone.
In the example below, I'm setting the time fields (hour/minute/seconds/millisecond) to zero and timezone to UTC:
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
year = 2017
day_of_year = 154
# strptime sets the hours/minutes/secs to zero
d = datetime.strptime("%s %s" % (year, day_of_year), "%Y %j").replace(tzinfo = pytz.utc)
The date d will be 2017-06-03 00:00:00+00:00 and the respective timestamp will be 1496448000 - the number of seconds from unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). If you want the timestamp in milliseconds, just multiply this value by 1000.
Although I used UTC, you can change it to use the timezone that suits best for your case.


Converting Julian to calendar date using pandas

I am trying to convert Julian codes to calendar dates in pandas using :
pd.to_datetime(43390, unit = 'D', origin = 'Julian')
This is giving me ValueError: origin Julian cannot be converted to a Timestamp
You need to set origin = 'julian'
pd.to_datetime(43390, unit = 'D', origin = 'julian')
but this number (43390) throws
OutOfBoundsDatetime: 43390 is Out of Bounds for origin='julian'
because the bounds are from 2333836 to 2547339
(Timestamp('1677-09-21 12:00:00') to Timestamp('2262-04-11 12:00:00'))
Method 1 - using Julian for origin didn't work
Method 2 - using excel start date to calculate other dates. All other date values will be referenced from excel default start date.
Finally this worked for me.
pd.to_datetime(43390, unit = 'D', origin=pd.Timestamp("30-12-1899"))
Below code works only for 6 digit julian value. It also handles the calendar date for leap and non-leap years.
A Julian date is considered as "CYYDDD". Where C represents century, YY represents Year and DDD represents total days which are then further defined in Days and Months.
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
jul_date = '120075'
add_days = int(jul_date[3:6])
cal_date = pd.to_datetime(datetime.strptime(str(19+int(jul_date[0:1]))+jul_date[1:3]+'-01-01','%Y-%m-%d'))-timedelta(1)+pd.DateOffset(days= add_days)
output: 2020-03-15
without timedelta(1): 2020-03-16
Here datetime.strptime function is being used to cast date type from string to date.
%Y represents year in 4 digit (1980)
%m & %d represents month and day in digits.
strftime('%Y-%m-%d') is used to remove timestamp from the date.
timedelta(1) :- It's used to minus one day from the date because we've concatenated year with '01-01'. so when total no's of days being split to days and months, one day will not be extra.

I need to subtract a base date from the current date plus 7 days; but not sure how to account for change in year?

PaymentDate = datetime.now().timetuple().tm_yday + 7
NS_Date_Text = driver.find_element(By.ID, "custrecord_ps_inv_date_val").text
basedate = datetime.strptime(NS_Date_Text, '%m/%d/%Y')
basedate1 = datetime.timetuple(basedate).tm_yday
DaysUntilPayment = PaymentDate - basedate1
This code works so far for the year of 2019. But, I am not sure how to account for 2020 or 2018
So, I am converting the current date to the number of day in the year (January 1 would be 1 and December 31 would be 365/366) then adding 7 to that number. This is the Payment Date.
Then, I am finding a date on the webpage(BaseDate) and converting that number to the day of the year.
Then subtracting those two numbers.
I am not sure how well it's going to work if the current date is: January 10, 2020 (10th day) + 7 = day 17. But the base date is 12/28/2019 (362nd day).
The number I will get would be 345 and that's way too far ahead, while I need the number(DaysUntilPayment) to be 20.
I hope I was able to explain this well. Please lmk if you have any questions!
You are making this way more complicated than it needs to be. Python's datetime.date() objects know how to handle deltas themselves; if you subtract two date() objects you get a timedelta() instance, which has a .days attribute.
Next, you can create your own timedelta() object to add 7 days to 'today':
from datetime import date, timedelta
# 7 days from today
payment_date = date.today() + timedelta(days=7)
# find base date on the webpage
ns_date_text = driver.find_element(By.ID, "custrecord_ps_inv_date_val").text
basedate = datetime.strptime(ns_date_text, '%m/%d/%Y').date()
# calculate the difference in days between these two dates
# date - date = timedelta, so take the .days attribute from that result
days_until_payment = (payment_date - basedate).days
Note that I used only the date component of the datetime.strptime() result. You can do all this with datetime objects too, but then you may have to worry about timezones and such, and it's just easier not to have to do that.
These operations take care of details such as handling years, and more importantly, handling leap years:
>>> from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
>>> payment_date = date(2020, 2, 22) + timedelta(days=7)
>>> payment_date # this is February 29th, a leap day!
datetime.date(2020, 2, 29)
>>> basedate = datetime.strptime("12/31/2019", '%m/%d/%Y').date # last day of 2019
>>> payment_date - basedate
>>> (payment_date - basedate).days # February 29th is 60 days later
For further details, see the datetime.date documentation, which has a Supported operations section, with:
date2 = date1 + timedelta
date2 is timedelta.days days removed from date1
timedelta = date1 - date2
This is exact, and cannot overflow. timedelta.seconds and timedelta.microseconds are 0, and date2 + timedelta == date1 after.

Convert two timestamp floats to a readable number of years, months, and days

I have two timestamps which are stored in float format:
tms1 = 1479081600.0
tms2 = 1482105600.0
Upon calculating the difference I get
tms2 - tms1
How do I go about displaying this time difference of 3024000 into a readable format in days, months or years? (The answer is 35 days between 14 Nov 2016 to 19 Dec 2016 using an online unix time difference calculator)
You can use (after importing datetime)
which is
You should use timedelta as this is a time delta - a difference in time, not an absolute time. A full representation can also be obtained by coercing a timedelta to a string:
Gives the output:
35 days, 0:00:00
Note that you don't need an online calculator for anything - datetime comes with batteries included. You could do:
import datetime
date_format = "%d %b %Y"
start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("14 Nov 2016", date_format)
end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("19 Dec 2016", date_format)
print(start_date == datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1479081600))
diff = end_date - start_date
which outputs:
2016-11-14 00:00:00
35 days, 0:00:00
Note that diff here is identical to the original timedelta object, but is dynamically created from datetimes rather than statically constructed. I've also demonstrated the fact that you can build a datetime from a timestamp, should you wish, and I've also taken the liberty of demonstrating strftime and the like to illustrate the power of datetime. I highly recommend the datetime approach over an arithmetic approach as it's a lot more readable and extensible.
This answer is pretty lightweight, which isn't necessarily bad, as often you might not need any more functionality than it provides, but if the timedelta between two days is less than 24 hours, it will round down to 0 days, for example. It also can't handle timezones. If you need either of those, see the legendary Raymond's awesome answer
Just subtracting seconds doesn't help you know whether a day boundary has been crossed, so it is necessary to convert the timestamps to datetime objects before computing the days.
Add since the timezone can affect what the calendar day is for a UTC timestamp, you may need a tzinfo object as well.
Once the calendar dates are known, a little calendar math is needed to compute the difference in years, months, and days:
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
def time_diff(start_timestamp, end_timestamp, tz=None):
""" Return time difference in years, months, and days.
If *tz* is None, the timestamp is converted to the platform’s local date
and time. Otherwise, *tz* should be an instance of a *tzinfo* subclass.
# Determine whether we're going forward or backward in time
ago = ''
if end_timestamp < start_timestamp:
ago = 'ago'
start_timestamp, end_timestamp = end_timestamp, start_timestamp
# Compute the calendar dates from the timestamps
d1 = datetime.fromtimestamp(start_timestamp, tz)
d2 = datetime.fromtimestamp(end_timestamp, tz)
# Advance d1 day-by-day until the day is at or above d2.day
days = 0
while d2.day < d1.day:
days += 1
d1 += timedelta(days=1)
# Now compute the day difference
days += d2.day - d1.day
# Compute the totals months difference and express in years and months
total_months = (d2.year * 12 + d2.month) - (d1.year * 12 + d1.month)
years, months = divmod(total_months, 12)
# format the output
plural = lambda n: '' if n == 1 else 's'
return '%d year%s, %d month%s, and %d day%s %s' % (
years, plural(years), months, plural(months), days, plural(days), ago)
Here is an example of how to use the function:
from datetime import tzinfo
class GMT1(tzinfo):
# Example tzinfo subclass taken from the Python docs
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return timedelta(hours=1)
def dst(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
def tzname(self,dt):
return "Europe/Prague"
print(time_diff(1479081600.0, 1482105600.0, tz=GMT1()))
This outputs:
0 years, 1 month, and 5 days

Calculate Elapsed time in python in specific format

I am trying to write a program to determine the time and date corresponding to a elapsed number of seconds since 00: 00: 00 on 1 January 2016.
But i wanted my result in specific format.
i.e should be the corresponding hour (in military time), minute, second, day of the month, month name, year, and day of the week name (Sunday – Saturday).
for example,output should look like the following
23:59:32 2 January 2018 Tuesday
i tried to code this
import time
start = time.time()
#do something
end = time.time()
temp = end-start
hours = temp//3600
temp = temp - 3600*hours
minutes = temp//60
seconds = temp - 60*minutes
print('%d:%d:%d' %(hours,minutes,seconds))
But i could only get the hours, minutes and seconds part,
Is there any way i can get the month,year,and week name too ?
Also i'm trying to handle leap years too.since a leap year has 366 days with 29 days in February. Leap years are years that are evenly divisible by 4, with the exception of those evenly divisible by 100 but not 400.
To format a datetime you can use strftime().
import datetime
my_time = datetime.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=2, hour=23, minute=59,second=32)
print (my_time.strftime("%X %-d %B %Y %A"))
If you want to change the format use this table for reference
You want to use the Datetime Module. Handling dates and times is trickier than it appears! That's why it's good that Python has datetime handling built-in. Datetime and timedelta objects account for leap years and leap seconds, and they handle operations like addition and subtraction 'intuitively'.
import datetime
def convert_seconds_since_jan_1(seconds):
JAN_1_2001 = datetime.datetime(year = 2001, month = 1, day = 1)
added_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds = seconds)
return (JAN_1_2001+added_time)
Getting the weekday is simply a matter of string formatting. Remember that weekdays are modulo 7!

Getting number of seconds elapsed in `Wall Clock' time

I am writing a module that calculates the half hour trading period in a given day. The trading periods start on the half hour and are consecutively numbered from 1 (starting 00:00) to 48 (starting 23:30). Normally there are 48 trading periods in a day, but on the day that daylight savings starts there are 46 and on the day it ends there are 50.
The code below works on all 'normal' days, but fails to give correct trading period numbers on days when daylight savings starts or ends because datetime.replace() in the code below uses the same UTC time offset for the start of the day. On days when daylight savings changes this assumption is incorrect.
Is it possible for datetime.replace() to set the time at 00:00 for 'wall clock' time, so that the time difference matches what you get if you set a stopwatch at 00:00 then counted the number of half hour intervals it would match correctly for all days? I have not found an automatic way to do this.
An example:
Daylight savings ended in New Zealand on 5th April 2015 at 03:00 (2015-05-04 14:00Z). Therefore the hour 02:00-02:59 (2015-05-04 14:00Z - 2015-05-04 14:59Z) was repeated in 'wall clock' time. Therefore in New Zealand it took 18000 seconds to reach 4am on the 5th April 2015, as daylight savings time ended. On 28th September 2014 it took 10800 seconds, as daylight savings time started.
def half_hour_from_utc(time_utc = None):
# Get the time as NZ civil time.
time_nz = time_utc.astimezone(pytz.timezone('Pacific/Auckland'))
# Get the time tuple for the start of the day. This is done by keeping
# the date the same but setting the hours, minutes, seconds and
# microseconds to zero.
time_start_of_day = time_nz.replace(hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0)
# Get total number of seconds. The half hour period is the number of
# 1800 second periods that have passed + 1
total_secs = int((time_nz - time_start_of_day).total_seconds())
half_hour = 1 + total_secs // 1800
print('%s %s %s %s\n' % (time_nz, time_start_of_day, total_secs, half_hour))
The issue is the .replace() call that may return a non-normalized datetime value i.e., tzinfo may be wrong for the midnight. See How do I get the UTC time of “midnight” for a given timezone?
from datetime import datetime, time as datetime_time, timedelta
import pytz # $ pip install pytz
def half_hour_from_utc(time_utc, tz=pytz.timezone('Pacific/Auckland')):
time_nz = time_utc.astimezone(tz) # no need to call normalize() here
midnight = datetime.combine(time_nz, datetime_time(0, 0)) # naive
time_start_of_day = tz.localize(midnight, is_dst=None) # aware
return 1 + (time_nz - time_start_of_day) // timedelta(minutes=30) # Python 3
To emulate 1 + td // timedelta(minutes=30) on Python 2:
td = time_nz - time_start_of_day
assert td.days == 0
return 1 + td.seconds // 1800
If DST transition may happen at midnight in the given timezone then you could use a minimum for the start of the day:
time_start_of_day = min(tz.localize(midnight, is_dst=False),
tz.localize(midnight, is_dst=True))
Note: it works even if 00:00 time does not exist in the given timezone on a given date: to find the difference only the corresponding utc time matters.
You should use normalize() and localize() when dealing with wall clock arithmetic:
def half_hour_from_utc(time_utc = None):
tz = pytz.timezone('Pacific/Auckland')
time_nz = tz.normalize(time_utc)
time_start_of_day = tz.localize(datetime.datetime(time_nz.year, time_nz.month, time_nz.day))
total_secs = int((time_nz - time_start_of_day).total_seconds())
half_hour = 1 + total_secs // 1800
print('%s %s %s %s\n' % (time_nz, time_start_of_day, total_secs, half_hour))
normalize() = convert datetime with timezone to datetime with another timezone.
localize() = convert datetime without timezone to datetime with timezone.
These methods take into account the necessary logic for computing the correct datetime with timezone.
