Is there a combo box "findText" equivalent for QTreeView? - python

I'm using PyQt5 (Python of course) and I was able to easily find the entry programatically in the combo box. I just passed the string to "findText" method. But I don't see anything in the QTreeView class documentation on how to select one row based on what I know is a file being displayed there. I looked at keyboardSearch() but just now realized that's used when you type letters on the keyboard (duh). I see a setSelection() method that takes a rectangle, but I have no idea how I would know dimensions or coordinates of a rectangle with the selection I want? Especially since I have sorting enabled so the rows can change order.
Any help would be much appreciated!


How can I add a text box to folium (with more or less the same behavior as the LayerControl panel)?

I want to add a text box to a folium map that gives more information about the source data and how the map can be used as a resource. If possible, I want it to look and behave almost identically with the LayerControl function (and a bonus would be if it were collapsible too).
(This is incidentally my attempted work-around for what I initially had wanted: the ability to hover over an icon next to each item in the LayerControl panel to display a popup infobox, but I suspect that this would be far more demanding, since it involves modifying folium.LayerControl).
So far, I have only been able to find solutions that add a marker to the map, but this isn't really doing the same thing as a simple text box. Other solutions involve adding text at a specific location on the map, but I need the textbox to be displayed wherever the user navigates. This is the closest solution I've come across to what I need, but this only adds text above the map, and I'm not sure that modifying the html code wouldn't be reducible to the same solution as adding text at a specific location.

In wxpython, how to set position of objects within a wxScrolledWindow

I am writing a kicad plugin, and I need to create a GUI for this plugin. Because kicad uses wxpython, that is what I am using.
I have already figured out that placing my ui items using the layout sizers just isn't gonna give me the control I need to create the window I want. I know I can set the position of elements, and have been using that to create the ui I need.
The problem however, is that my window gets bigger than what would be reasonable (in some situations). Therefore I want to make it scrollable.
I have been playing around with wxformbuilder, and I found the wxScrolledWindow. That got me this far:
This is roughly what I want, except, when you want to place stuff within the scrolledWindow, you have to place one of the "sizers" in it (as far as I can tell at least), in which you place your buttons. The problem with that is, that, to my knowledge, setting the position of buttons in any of the sizers just has no effect at all.
So, my question is: how do I achieve this effect? and, is this even possible?
As an example of what I am trying to put within the scrolledwindow, this is a rough version of the ui I want to create (and want to be scrollable). (I want to eventually have, probably an icon button above each of the checkbox columns to indicate what they are for).
The final result would need to look something like this (the white squares being small images / buttons, also, in reality being not on the window bar,but in its own not scrolling section):
An example of something I wasn't able to achieve using sizers is, getting those checkboxes so close together, without making them appear off center. Different widgets seem to have different sizes, and checkboxes without border are especially small, so they end up appearing off center, example:
Also, those images above each column of checkboxes, which don't scroll, need to line up with the X coordinates of those scrolling checkboxes, which also seems very non trivial. Though also really hard to get right if I could give everything exact coords, so I might need to give up on that specific idea of making those not scrollable.

Owner-draw listboxes in wxpython

I'm quite new to wxpython and I have a question:
I need to have a listbox-like control which enables me to:
feed it a list of items; each items contains a string representation and an image of varying size.
display this list in two ways:
as a regular list box,
as a vertical list of these image.
I remember that in Delphi you could mark a ListBox as an owner-drawn control, and you had to implement the logic to
- draw the single item
- return your custom items's height.
Is there a way to create an owner-drawn list box in wxpython?
Thanks, Massimiliano
Answering myself: after some research, I've found that wx.VListBox exactly fits my needs.
It exposed two methods to be overridden, OnMeasureItem and OnDrawItem, which allow for the same behavior found on Delphi's List Box. Works nicely both on Windows and Linux, too.
wx.lib.agw.ultimatelistctrl, while extremely flexible, is an overkill for my needs.

Qt: get all children within region of the parent

This is my first question ever so bear with me!
Currently in my program, I have a parent widget which acts as a canvas. The user can add or remove widgets to the parent at run-time. Those widgets are then given an absolute position, that is, they are not positioned by a layout. Once added, a widget can be moved around arbitrarily by the user.
I want the user to be able to select a group of widgets by dragging a box around them. I have already coded the part that displays the rectangle while the user is dragging. Now, I want to be able to retrieve all the widgets within that rectangle (region).
I am aware of the findChild() and findChildren() functions, and they indeed do return the children as they are supposed to. But what I'd really need is a way to limit the search to the boundaries of the region since there will most-likely be quite a lot of widgets within the 'canvas'. (There could be thousands of widgets spread over a very large area due to the nature of what I'm doing!)
Here is my question: What would be my best option? Should I just go ahead and use findChildren() and loop through the list to find the children within the region manually. Or should I loop through all the pixels within the region using findChild(x, y)? Or perhaps there is an even simpler solution that would speed up the process? Something along the lines of findChildren(x, y, width, height)?
Hopefully my question made sense. I tried to explain things as best as I could. Thanks!
If you had used QGraphicsScene instead of rolling your own, you could have used the items(..) methods to very efficiently find your children in a particular area.
It's only possible in QGraphicsScene because it uses a BSP spatial acceleration structure, so if you cannot migrate to QGraphicsScene in a reasonable amount of time - you are going to have write your own. It's not as hard as it sounds, I've written numerous bounding volume hierarchy structures and they're quite straightforward.

How to set and preserve minimal width?

I use some wx.ListCtrl classes in wx.LC_REPORT mode, augmented with ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin.
The problem is: When user double clicks the column divider (to auto resize column), column width is set to match the width of contents. This is done by the wx library and resizes column to just few pixels when the control is empty.
I tried calling
self.SetColumnWidth(colNumber, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER)
while creating the list, but it just sets the initial column width, not the minimum allowed width.
Anyone succeeded with setting column minimal width?
EDIT: Tried catching
with no success. This event isn't generated when user double clicks column divider. Also tried with
this event is generated, usually twice, for double click, but I don't see how can I retrieve information about new size, or how to differentiate double click from drag&drop. Anyone has some other ideas?
Honestly, I've stopped using the native wx.ListCtrl in favor of using ObjectListView. There is a little bit of a learning curve, but there are lots of examples. This would be of interest to your question.
Ok, after some struggle I got working workaround for that. It is ugly from design point of view, but works well enough for me.
That's how it works:
Store the initial width of column.
self.SetColumnWidth(colNum, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER)
self.__columnWidth[colNum] = self.GetColumnWidth(c)
Register handler for update UI event.
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, self.GetId(), self.onUpdateUI)
And write the handler function.
def onUpdateUI(self, evt):
for colNum in xrange(0, self.GetColumnCount()-1):
if self.GetColumnWidth(colNum) < self.__columnWidth[colNum]:
self.SetColumnWidth(colNum, self.__columnWidth[colNum])
The self.GetColumnCount() - 1 is intentional, so the last column is not resized. I know this is not an elegant solution, but it works well enough for me - you can not make columns too small by double clicking on dividers (in fact - you can't do it at all) and double-clicking on the divider after last column resizes the last column to fit list control width.
Still, if anyone knows better solution please post it.
