I am trying to run the following test using pika 0.10.0 from github:
import logging
import sys
import pika
import threading
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
URL = 'amqp://guest:guest#'
class BaseConsumer(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
self._connection = None
self._channel = None
def connect(self):
parameters = pika.URLParameters(URL)
self._connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
def open_channel(self):
self._channel = self._connection.channel()
self._channel.exchange_declare(exchange='exc1', exchange_type='topic', passive=False,
durable=False, auto_delete=False, internal=False, arguments=None)
self._channel.queue_declare(queue='test', passive=False, durable=False,
exclusive=False, auto_delete=False, arguments=None)
'test', 'exc1', routing_key='rk', arguments=None)
def consume(self):
self._channel.basic_consume(self.on_message, 'test')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logging.info("Stop consuming now!")
def on_message(self, channel, method_frame, header_frame, body):
print method_frame.delivery_tag
print body
c1 = BaseConsumer()
The script is connecting to my MQ and is apparently able to consume messages from the MQ. The problem is that I have no way of stoping the thread. Pressing CTRL-C on my keyboard only causes "^C" to appear in the console without interrupting the consume.
Question is, how do I make pika stop consuming when it is running inside of a thread ? I would like to note that I am following the guidelines of creating the connection in the consumer thread.
If after starting the thread with c1.start() I also do an infinite while loop and log something from there then pressing CTRL-C will end the while loop but the consumer thread will still ignore any additional CTRL-C.
Side question: is it possible to stop consuming inside the thread with some outside signalling like a threading.Condition or something ? I don't see how i can interfere with start_consuming.
Question: ... from there then pressing CTRL-C will end the while loop
Add a def stop() to your BaseConsumer,
catch the KeyboardInterrupt and call stop().
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Read pika: asynchronous_consumer_example
I am using the Quart framework, but I also need to use the RabbitMQ Pika connector, but I can't get them to play nice as they both have infinite loops.
from quart import Quart
from .service import Service
app = Quart(__name__)
async def startup():
app.service_task = asyncio.ensure_future(service.start())
if not service.initialise():
Service Class:
class Service:
def __init__(self, new_instance):
self._connection = None
self._channel = None
self._messaging_thread = None
def initialise(self):
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('username', 'password')
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost', credentials=credentials)
self._connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
self._channel = self._connection.channel()
print('creating thread')
self._messaging_thread = Thread(target=self.run_consume())
print('Thread created...')
def run_consume(self):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
The code isn't even getting to the print('Thread created...') and I don't understand. From this question I do understand that RabbitMQ isn't thread-safe, but I don't understand how else to run RabbitMQ.
Pika is not thread safe as you have already spotted but this is not why your program blocks.
Your problem might be here:
print('creating thread')
self._messaging_thread = Thread(target=self.run_consume())
Does it work better if you remove parentheses from run_consume? Now you are actually not creating a thread but executing self.run_consume() on the spot and it does not exit.
self._messaging_thread = Thread(target=self.run_consume)
would be my first attempt.
However, as Pika is not thread safe, you must also move your channel creation & stuff to your thread instead of doing that in the main program. It might work if you are not using it anywhere else but the correct way with Pika is to contain absolutely everything in the thread and not share any Pika structures between threads as you do now here.
My class when is connected to the server should immediately send sign in string, afterwards when the session is over it should send out the sign out string and clean up the sockets. Below is my code.
import trio
class test:
_buffer = 8192
_max_retry = 4
def __init__(self, host='', port=12345, usr='user', pwd='secret'):
self.host = str(host)
self.port = int(port)
self.usr = str(usr)
self.pwd = str(pwd)
self._nl = b'\r\n'
self._attempt = 0
self._queue = trio.Queue(30)
self._connected = trio.Event()
self._end_session = trio.Event()
def connected(self):
return self._connected.is_set()
async def _sender(self, client_stream, nursery):
print('## sender: started!')
q = self._queue
while True:
cmd = await q.get()
print('## sending to the server:\n{!r}\n'.format(cmd))
if self._end_session.is_set():
nursery.cancel_scope.shield = True
with trio.move_on_after(1):
await client_stream.send_all(cmd)
nursery.cancel_scope.shield = False
await client_stream.send_all(cmd)
async def _receiver(self, client_stream, nursery):
print('## receiver: started!')
buff = self._buffer
while True:
data = await client_stream.receive_some(buff)
if not data:
print('## receiver: connection closed')
print('## got data from the server:\n{!r}'.format(data))
async def _watchdog(self, nursery):
await self._end_session.wait()
await self._queue.put(self._logoff)
def _login(self, *a, **kw):
nl = self._nl
usr, pwd = self.usr, self.pwd
return nl.join(x.encode() for x in ['Login', usr,pwd]) + 2*nl
def _logoff(self, *a, **kw):
nl = self._nl
return nl.join(x.encode() for x in ['Logoff']) + 2*nl
async def _connect(self):
host, port = self.host, self.port
print('## connecting to {}:{}'.format(host, port))
client_stream = await trio.open_tcp_stream(host, port)
except OSError as err:
print('##', err)
async with client_stream:
self._attempt = 0
# Sign in as soon as connected
await self._queue.put(self._login)
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
print("## spawning watchdog...")
nursery.start_soon(self._watchdog, nursery)
print("## spawning sender...")
nursery.start_soon(self._sender, client_stream, nursery)
print("## spawning receiver...")
nursery.start_soon(self._receiver, client_stream, nursery)
def connect(self):
while self._attempt <= self._max_retry:
trio.run(trio.sleep, 1)
self._attempt += 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Bye bye...')
tst = test()
My logic doesn't quite work. Well it works if I kill the netcat listener, so then my session looks like the following:
## connecting to
## spawning watchdog...
## spawning sender...
## spawning receiver...
## receiver: started!
## sender: started!
## sending to the server:
## receiver: connection closed
## sending to the server:
Note that Logoff string has been sent out, although it doesn't make sense in here as connection is already broken by that time.
However my goal is to Logoff when user KeyboardInterrupt. In this case my session looks similar to this:
## connecting to
## spawning watchdog...
## spawning sender...
## spawning receiver...
## receiver: started!
## sender: started!
## sending to the server:
Bye bye...
Note that Logoff hasn't been sent off.
Any ideas?
Here your call tree looks something like:
+- _connect*
+- _watchdog*
+- _sender*
+- _receiver*
The *s indicate the 4 trio tasks. The _connect task is sitting at the end of the nursery block, waiting for the child tasks to complete. The _watchdog task is blocked in await self._end_session.wait(), the _sender task is blocked in await q.get(), and the _receiver task is blocked in await client_stream.receive_some(...).
When you hit control-C, then the standard Python semantics are that whatever bit of Python code is running suddenly raises KeyboardInterrupt. In this case, you have 4 different tasks running, so one of those blocked operations gets picked at random [1], and raises a KeyboardInterrupt. This means a few different things might happen:
If _watchdog's wait call raises KeyboardInterrupt, then the _watchdog method immediately exits, so it never even tries to send logout. Then as part of unwinding the stack, trio cancels all the other tasks, and once they've exited then the KeyboardInterrupt keeps propagating up until it reaches your finally block in connect. At this point you try to notify the watchdog task using self._end_session.set(), but it's not running anymore, so it doesn't notice.
If _sender's q.get() call raises KeyboardInterrupt, then the _sender method immediately exits, so even if the _watchdog did ask it to send a logoff message, it won't be there to notice. And in any case, trio then proceeds to cancel the watchdog and receiver tasks anyway, and things proceed as above.
If _receiver's receive_all call raises KeyboardInterrupt... same thing happens.
Minor subtlety: _connect can also receive the KeyboardInterrupt, which does the same thing: cancels all the children, and then waits for them to stop before allowing the KeyboardInterrupt to keep propagating.
If you want to reliably catch control-C and then do something with it, then this business of it being raised at some random point is quite a nuisance. The simplest way to do this is to use Trio's support for catching signals to catch the signal.SIGINT signal, which is the thing that Python normally converts into a KeyboardInterrupt. (The "INT" stands for "interrupt".) Something like:
async def _control_c_watcher(self):
# This API is currently a little cumbersome, sorry, see
# https://github.com/python-trio/trio/issues/354
with trio.catch_signals({signal.SIGINT}) as batched_signal_aiter:
async for _ in batched_signal_aiter:
# We exit the loop, restoring the normal behavior of
# control-C. This way hitting control-C once will try to
# do a polite shutdown, but if that gets stuck the user
# can hit control-C again to raise KeyboardInterrupt and
# force things to exit.
and then start this running alongside your other tasks.
You also have the problem that in your _watchdog method, it puts the logoff request into the queue – thus scheduling a message to be sent later, by the _sender task – and then immediately cancels all the tasks, so that the _sender task probably won't get a chance to see the message and react to it! In general, I find my code works nicer when I use tasks only when necessary. Instead of having a sender task and then putting messages in a queue when you want to send them, why not have the code that wants to send a message call stream.send_all directly? The one thing you have to watch out for is if you have multiple tasks that might send things simultaneously, you might want to use a trio.Lock() to make sure they don't bump into each other by calling send_all at the same time:
async def send_all(self, data):
async with self.send_lock:
await self.send_stream.send_all(data)
async def do_logoff(self):
# First send the message
await self.send_all(b"Logoff\r\n\r\n")
# And then, *after* the message has been sent, cancel the tasks
If you do it this way, you might be able to get rid of the watchdog task and the _end_session event entirely.
A few other notes about your code while I'm here:
Calling trio.run multiple times like this is unusual. The normal style is to call it once at the top of your program, and put all your real code inside it. Once you exit trio.run, all of trio's state is lost, you're definitely not running any concurrent tasks (so there's no way anything could possibly be listening and notice your call to _end_session.set()!). And in general, almost all Trio functions assume that you're already inside a call to trio.run. It turns out that right now you can call trio.Queue() before starting trio without getting an exception, but that's basically just a coincidence.
The use of shielding inside _sender looks odd to me. Shielding is generally an advanced feature that you almost never want to use, and I don't think this is an exception.
Hope that helps! And if you want to talk more about style/design issues like this but are worried they might be too vague for stack overflow ("is this program designed well?"), then feel free to drop by the trio chat channel.
[1] Well, actually trio probably picks the main task for various reasons, but that's not guaranteed and in any case it doesn't make a difference here.
I've played around with threading before in Python, but decided to give the asyncio module a try, especially since you can cancel a running task, which seemed like a nice detail. However, for some reason, I can't wrap my head around it.
Here's what I wanted to implement (sorry if I'm using incorrect terminology):
a downloader thread that downloads the same file every x seconds, checks its hash against the previous download and saves it if it's different.
a webserver thread that runs in the background, allowing control (pause, list, stop) of the downloader thread.
I used aiohttp for the webserver.
This is what I have so far:
class aiotest():
def __init__(self):
self._dl = None # downloader future
self._webapp = None # web server future
def init_server(self):
print('Setting up web interface')
app = web.Application()
app.router.add_route('GET', '/stop', self.stop)
print('added urls')
self._webapp = app
def _downloader(self):
while True:
print('Downloading and verifying file...')
# Dummy sleep - to be replaced by actual code
yield from asyncio.sleep(random.randint(3,10))
# Wait a predefined nr of seconds between downloads
yield from asyncio.sleep(30)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
def _supervisor(self):
print('Starting downloader')
self._dl = asyncio.async(self._downloader())
def start(self):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
def stop(self):
print('Received STOP')
return web.Response(body=b"Stopping... ")
This class is called by:
t = aiotest()
This doesn't work of course, and I feel that this is a horrible piece of code.
What's unclear to me:
I stop the downloader in the stop() method, but how would I go about stopping the webserver (e.g. in a shutdown() method)?
Does the downloader need a new event loop, or can I use the loop returned by asyncio.get_event_loop()?
Do I really need something like the supervisor for what I'm trying to implement? This seems so clunky. And how do I get supervisor to keep running instead of ending after a single execution as it does now?
One last, more general question: is asyncio supposed to replace the threading module (in the future)? Or does each have its own application?
I appreciate all the pointers, remarks and clarifications!
Why current code is not working:
You're running event loop until self._supervisor() is complete. self._supervisor() creates task (it happens immediately) and finishes immediately.
You're trying to run event loop until _supervisor complete, but how and when are you going start server? I think event loop should be running until server stopped. _supervisor or other stuff can be added as task (to same event loop). aiohttp already has function to start server and event loop - web.run_app, but we can do it manually.
Your questions:
Your server will run until you stop it. You can start/stop different
coroutines while your server working.
You need only one event loop for different coroutines.
I think you don't need supervisor.
More general question: asyncio helps you to run different
functions parallel in single thread in single process. That's why
asyncio is so cool and fast. Some of your sync code with threads you
can rewrite using asyncio and it's coroutines. Moreover: asyncio can
interact with threads and processes.
It can be useful in case you still need threads and processes: here's example.
Useful notes:
It's better to use term coroutine instead of thread while we talk about asyncio coroutines that are not threads
If you use Python 3.5, you can use async/await syntax
instead of coroutine/yield from
I rewrote your code to show you idea. How to check it: run program, see console, open http://localhost:8080/stop, see console, open http://localhost:8080/start, see console, type CTRL+C.
import asyncio
import random
from contextlib import suppress
from aiohttp import web
class aiotest():
def __init__(self):
self._webapp = None
self._d_task = None
def init_server(self):
app = web.Application()
app.router.add_route('GET', '/start', self.start)
app.router.add_route('GET', '/stop', self.stop)
app.router.add_route('GET', '/kill_server', self.kill_server)
self._webapp = app
def run_server(self):
# Create server:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
handler = self._webapp.make_handler()
f = loop.create_server(handler, '', 8080)
srv = loop.run_until_complete(f)
# Start downloader at server start:
asyncio.async(self.start(None)) # I'm using controllers here and below to be short,
# but it's better to split controller and start func
# Start server:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Stop downloader when server stopped:
# Cleanup resources:
def kill_server(self, request):
print('Server killing...')
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
return web.Response(body=b"Server killed")
def start(self, request):
if self._d_task is None:
print('Downloader starting...')
self._d_task = asyncio.async(self._downloader())
return web.Response(body=b"Downloader started")
return web.Response(body=b"Downloader already started")
def stop(self, request):
if (self._d_task is not None) and (not self._d_task.cancelled()):
print('Downloader stopping...')
# cancel() just say task it should be cancelled
# to able task handle CancelledError await for it
with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
yield from self._d_task
self._d_task = None
return web.Response(body=b"Downloader stopped")
return web.Response(body=b"Downloader already stopped or stopping")
def _downloader(self):
while True:
print('Downloading and verifying file...')
# Dummy sleep - to be replaced by actual code
yield from asyncio.sleep(random.randint(1, 2))
# Wait a predefined nr of seconds between downloads
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
t = aiotest()
I am trying to convert my code to send rabbitmq messages via Pika instead. I am having a lot of trouble understanding how to send a simple message using an asynchronous connection (such as SelectConnection).
In my old code, which I use the amqp library I simply declare a class like this:
import amqp as amqp
class MQ():
mqConn = None
channel = None
def __init__(self):
def connect(self):
if self.mqConn is None:
self.mqConn = amqp.Connection(host="localhost", userid="dev", password="dev", virtual_host="/", insist=False)
self.channel = self.mqConn.channel()
elif not self.mqConn.connected:
self.mqConn = amqp.Connection(host="localhost", userid="dev", password="dev", virtual_host="/", insist=False)
self.channel = self.mqConn.channel()
def sendMQ(self, message):
lMessage = amqp.Message(message)
self.channel.basic_publish(lMessage, exchange="DevMatrixE", routing_key="dev_matrix_q")
And then elsewhere in my code I call sendMQ("this is my message"), and then the code continues. I do not need to listen for acknowledgements etc.
Could someone please write a simple class utilizing pika and SelectConnection that would also work to just send a message using sendMQ("this is my message")? I've looked at the pika examples but I don't know how to get around the ioloop and KeyboardInterrupt. I guess I'm just not sure how to make my code continue to run without all these try/excepts... Also, not exactly sure how I can pass my message on through all the callbacks...
Any help is appreciated!
The whole thing is call back driven, as it is a async way of doing things. Async consumer is easy to understand, we can get the message by providing a call back function. However the publisher part is a bit difficult to understand, at least, for beginner.
Usually we need a Queue to do the communication, and the publisher get data from it periodically.
The key thing of using SelectConnection is to register your publish message function into the event loop, which can be done by connection.add_timeout. After you are done with the publish, register next round of your publish.
The next question is where to put the the initial registration. The initial registration can be done in the channel open call back.
Below is a code-snip for better understanding. Be aware, it is not production ready. Because it only publish message at max speed of 10 per second. You need to adjust the publish interval and publish more message at one call back.
class MQ(Object):
def __init___(self, queue):
self.queue = queue
def on_channel_open(self, chn):
self.channel = chn
self.connection.add_timeout(0.1, self.schedule_next_message)
def schedule_next_message(self):
msg = self.queue.get(True, 0.01)
self.channel.basic_publish('YOUR EXCHANGE','YOUR ROUTING KEY',msg)
except Queue.Empty:
self.connection.add_timeout(0.1, self.schedule_next_message)
def on_open(self, conn):
self.connection = conn
def run(self):
# create a connection
self.connection = pika.SelectConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(heartbeat=600,host=args.mq_ip),self.on_open)
except Exception:
print("exception in publisher")
Put MQ(queue).run() in a separate thread, and whenever you want to put message to mq, just put it into the queue object.
I updated the code from TerrenceSun to work with the latest version of pika (currently v1.3.0) and also added a thread so everything will work in a self contained class:
(note: had to use call_later as Andrew suggested)
# async_messenger.py : simple asynchronous rabbitmq message producer
# based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30332320/how-to-do-a-simple-pika-selectconnection-to-send-a-message-in-python
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import logging
import json
from optparse import OptionParser
import pika
import queue
import threading
python async_messenger.py --debuglevel=1
cat ./async_messenger.log
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AsyncMessenger:
def __init__(self, debuglevel=0, queue=queue.Queue()):
self.debuglevel = debuglevel
if self.debuglevel > 0:
print('AsyncMessenger: init debuglevel:',debuglevel)
self.credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('guest','guest')
self.parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost',
self.queue = queue
self.exchange = 'YOUR EXCHANGE'
self.routing_key = 'YOUR ROUTING KEY'
self.msgThread = None
# self.start -> (creates thread) -> self.run
def run(self):
print('AsyncMessenger: run')
self.connection = pika.SelectConnection(parameters=self.parameters,
print('AsyncMessenger: run: connection.ioloop.start')
except Exception as e:
print("exception in publisher:",format(e))
# traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
# run -> on_open
def on_open(self, conn):
print('AsyncMessenger: on_open')
self.connection = conn
# run -> on_open -> on_channel_open
def on_channel_open(self, chn):
print('AsyncMessenger: on_channel_open')
self.channel = chn
self.connection.ioloop.call_later(0.1, self.schedule_next_message)
# run -> on_open -> on_channel_open -> schedule_next_message
def schedule_next_message(self):
if (self.debuglevel > 1): print('AsyncMessenger: schedule_next_message')
msg = self.queue.get(True, 0.01)
print('AsyncMessenger: queue msg:',msg)
except queue.Empty:
self.connection.ioloop.call_later(0.1, self.schedule_next_message)
def close(self):
print('AsyncMessenger: close')
# start our own self contained thread in class
def start(self):
print('AsyncMessenger: start')
# function for worker thread
def message_worker():
# Turn-on the worker thread.
self.msgThread = threading.Thread(target=message_worker, daemon=True)
# start the threads
def main():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--debuglevel", action="store", type="int", \
nargs=1, dest="debuglevel", default=0)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
debuglevel = options.debuglevel
log_file = './async_messenger.log'
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, level=logging.INFO, format= \
'%(name)s : %(asctime)s : Line: %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s :: %(message)s', \
datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
q = queue.Queue()
asyncMessenger = AsyncMessenger(debuglevel, q)
# Send task requests to the worker.
for item in range(10):
print('adding queue item:',item)
# put a str so each item has len
# keep checking queue, exit when empty
while (q.qsize() > 0):
# blocking wait for the threads to complete
# Note: thread will wait forever unless we use: connection.ioloop.stop()
print('All work completed')
if __name__ == '__main__':
If all goes well, your output should look like this:
python async_messenger.py --debuglevel=1
AsyncMessenger: init debuglevel: 1
adding queue item: 0
adding queue item: 1
adding queue item: 2
adding queue item: 3
adding queue item: 4
adding queue item: 5
adding queue item: 6
adding queue item: 7
adding queue item: 8
adding queue item: 9
AsyncMessenger: start
AsyncMessenger: run
AsyncMessenger: run: connection.ioloop.start
AsyncMessenger: on_open
AsyncMessenger: on_channel_open
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 0
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 1
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 2
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 3
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 4
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 5
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 6
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 7
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 8
AsyncMessenger: queue msg: 9
AsyncMessenger: close
All work completed
As a first approach I recommend you to start with this pub/sub examples provided at the end of the post. Once you understand this simple example start following the tutorial provided right before the code blocks at the end. The tutorial that has 6 different use cases, with its python examples. With the 5 first steps you will understand the way it works. You should have the clear the concept of exchange (entity that routes the messages to each queue), binding key (key used to connect an exchange and a queue), routing key (key that is sent along with the message from the publisher and that is used by the exchange to route message to one queue or another) and queue (a buffer that can store messages, can have more than 1 (or 1 if wanted) subscriber and that can get messages from more than 1 exchange and based in different binding keys). Besides, there's more than one type of exchange (fanout, topic (this one is probably the one you need)...).
If this all sounds new, please follow the tutorial provided by RabbitMQ:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()
body='Hello World!')
print " [x] Sent 'Hello World!'"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()
print ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C'
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print " [x] Received %r" % (body,)
I'm using Pika to process data from RabbitMQ.
As I seemed to run into different kind of problems I decided to write a small test application to see how I can handle disconnects.
I wrote this test app which does following:
Connect to Broker, retry until successful
When connected create a queue.
Consume this queue and put result into a python Queue.Queue(0)
Get item from Queue.Queue(0) and produce it back into the broker queue.
What I noticed were 2 issues:
When I run my script from one host connecting to rabbitmq on another host (inside a vm) then this scripts exits on random moments without producing an error.
When I run my script on the same host on which RabbitMQ is installed it runs fine and keeps running.
This might be explained because of network issues, packets dropped although I find the connection not really robust.
When the script runs locally on the RabbitMQ server and I kill the RabbitMQ then the script exits with error: "ERROR pika SelectConnection: Socket Error on 3: 104"
So it looks like I can't get the reconnection strategy working as it should be. Could someone have a look at the code so see what I'm doing wrong?
import logging
import threading
import Queue
import pika
from pika.reconnection_strategies import SimpleReconnectionStrategy
from pika.adapters import SelectConnection
import time
from threading import Lock
class Broker(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.to_broker = Queue.Queue(0)
self.from_broker = Queue.Queue(0)
self.parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host='sandbox',heartbeat=True)
self.srs = SimpleReconnectionStrategy()
self.properties = pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2)
self.connection = None
while True:
self.connection = SelectConnection(self.parameters, self.on_connected, reconnection_strategy=self.srs)
except Exception as err:
self.logging.warning('Cant connect. Reason: %s' % err)
def run(self):
while True:
def on_connected(self,connection):
def on_channel_open(self,new_channel):
self.channel = new_channel
self.channel.queue_declare(queue='sandbox', durable=True)
self.channel.basic_consume(self.processData, queue='sandbox')
def processData(self, ch, method, properties, body):
self.logging.info('Received data from broker')
def submitData(self,data):
self.logging.info('Submitting data to broker.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
format=('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s')
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=format)
except Exception as err:
print err
The main problem with your script is that it is interacting with a single channel from both your main thread (where the ioloop is running) and the "Broker" thread (calls submitData in a loop). This is not safe.
Also, SimpleReconnectionStrategy does not seem to do anything useful. It does not cause a reconnect if the connection is interrupted. I believe this is a bug in Pika: https://github.com/pika/pika/issues/120
I attempted to refactor your code to make it work as I think you wanted it to, but ran into another problem. Pika does not appear to have a way to detect delivery failure, which means that data may be lost if the connection drops. This seems like such an obvious requirement! How can there be no way to detect that basic_publish failed? I tried all kinds of stuff including transactions and add_on_return_callback (all of which seemed clunky and overly complicated), but came up with nothing. If there truly is no way then pika only seems to be useful in situations that can tolerate loss of data sent to RabbitMQ, or in programs that only need to consume from RabbitMQ.
This is not reliable, but for reference, here's some code that solves your multi-thread problem:
import logging
import pika
import Queue
import sys
import threading
import time
from functools import partial
from pika.adapters import SelectConnection, BlockingConnection
from pika.exceptions import AMQPConnectionError
from pika.reconnection_strategies import SimpleReconnectionStrategy
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2)
class Broker(object):
def __init__(self, parameters, on_channel_open, name='broker'):
self.parameters = parameters
self.on_channel_open = on_channel_open
self.name = name
def connect(self, forever=False):
name = self.name
while True:
connection = SelectConnection(
self.parameters, self.on_connected)
log.debug('%s connected', name)
except Exception:
if not forever:
log.warning('%s cannot connect', name, exc_info=True)
connection.ioloop.start() # allow connection to close
except Exception:
if not forever:
def on_connected(self, connection):
def setup_submitter(channel, data_queue, properties=DEFAULT_PROPERTIES):
def on_queue_declared(frame):
# PROBLEM pika does not appear to have a way to detect delivery
# failure, which means that data could be lost if the connection
# drops...
def on_delivered(frame):
if frame.method.NAME in ['Confirm.SelectOk', 'Basic.Ack']:
log.info('submission confirmed %r', frame)
# increasing this value seems to cause a higher failure rate
log.warn('submission failed: %r', frame)
def submit_data():
log.info('waiting on data queue')
data = data_queue.get()
log.info('got data to submit')
log.info('submitted data to broker')
queue='sandbox', durable=True, callback=on_queue_declared)
def blocking_submitter(parameters, data_queue,
while True:
connection = BlockingConnection(parameters)
channel = connection.channel()
channel.queue_declare(queue='sandbox', durable=True)
except Exception:
log.error('connection failure', exc_info=True)
while True:
log.info('waiting on data queue')
data = data_queue.get(timeout=1)
except Queue.Empty:
except AMQPConnectionError:
log.info('got data to submit')
except Exception:
log.error('submission failed', exc_info=True)
log.info('submitted data to broker')
def setup_receiver(channel, data_queue):
def process_data(channel, method, properties, body):
log.info('received data from broker')
def on_queue_declared(frame):
channel.basic_consume(process_data, queue='sandbox')
queue='sandbox', durable=True, callback=on_queue_declared)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print 'usage: %s RABBITMQ_HOST' % sys.argv[0]
format=('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s')
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=format)
host = sys.argv[1]
log.info('connecting to host: %s', host)
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=host, heartbeat=True)
data_queue = Queue.Queue(0)
data_queue.put('message') # prime the pump
# run submitter in a thread
setup = partial(setup_submitter, data_queue=data_queue)
broker = Broker(parameters, setup, 'submitter')
thread = threading.Thread(target=
partial(broker.connect, forever=True))
# uncomment these lines to use the blocking variant of the submitter
#thread = threading.Thread(target=
# partial(blocking_submitter, parameters, data_queue))
thread.daemon = True
# run receiver in main thread
setup = partial(setup_receiver, data_queue=data_queue)
broker = Broker(parameters, setup, 'receiver')