repetition of input in tkinter - python

im making a grocery list app with tkinter but im having trouble where as telling the computer to reject a repeated grocery. my code so far looks like this
def getlis():
global ind,lastite,ovelim,curite
for x in range(0,len(shotup)):
if curite==shotup[x]:
mylist.insert(ind,shotup[x]+'\t $%.2f'%(pritup[x]))
if curite==lastite and ovelim>1:
mylist.insert([ind],'error, already inputted')
i want the computer to first acept that the item i entered into groent matches up with one of the items in the tuple shotup then print it into a listbox, then recording it into a variable called lastite, the last thing you put on the list, ovelim is just a variable that helps keep track in a way. when ovelim>1 and lastite==curite i want the program to return whats in the second if statement, but all im getting is just a continued recording into my list, ive tried reorganizing, true false and mor ebut nothing seems to work


I am trying to use pyautogui in a loop to spam my friend's dm's (don't ask why)

I have recently installed pyautogui and it all seems to be working perfectly. I want to spam my friend's dm's and therefore use command, a, c and then v. It all works completely fine if I type: pag.hotkey('command','v') many times to make it make a big message. However, I tried using for loop and also tried while loop but it does not seem to execute anything inside the loop. This means it will select the text I have written to be spammed, copies it but as the paste line is in the for loop it does not execute and therefore does not paste it over and over again. All loops seem to not work when I use pyautogui. I use PyCharm by the way.
pag.typewrite("jelly",0.1) #enters the text
pag.hotkey('command','a') #selects the text
pag.hotkey('command','c') # copies the text
for i in range(10): #should iterate the line indented 10 times
pag.hotkey('command', 'v') #pastes the copied text
pag.keyDown('enter') #presses down on enter
pag.keyUp('enter')#releases enter key
#should have sent the phrase 'jelly' ten times in one big text```
**I forgot to include import pyautogui as pag at the top because I accidentally cut it off when I copied and pasted my code**
Someone please help me find a way to use loops with pyautogui, it is very annoying.
pag.typewrite("jelly",0.1) #enters the text
for i in range(10): #should iterate the line indented 10 times
pag.typewrite("jelly",0.1) #pastes the copied text
pag.keyDown('enter') #presses down on enter
pag.keyUp('enter')#releases enter key
Why not just type the phrase jelly 10 times? I see no difference.

Is there a way to remove items from various lists based on conditional statements?

I am writing a program that will act as a photography idea-generator for New York photographers. The way it works now is quite simple, the code is utilizing the random.choice function to randomly pull items from lists, then the code prints them out in a way that forms a sentence in English as an end result.
My issue is I need to add some logic to this, as some results would not make sense for a photographer to do (at least in my opinion). In this example I am trying to remove 'Bracketed (HDR)' from the technique_list, IF "Portrait" happens to be randomly chosen when python chooses the theme item.
I have a feeling I am mis-using the .remove function within the conditional if statement. Is there a better way to do this? I have attached the pertinent parts of the code for examination.
I have tried technique_list.remove('Bracketed (HDR)') , as well as
del technique_list[0] , both as the response part of the if statement.
import random
print ("You should try taking a...")
#pool of items that the program will randomly choose..
theme_list = ['Cityscape','Peoplescape','Port-Scape', 'Portrait']
technique_list = ['Bracketed (HDR)','Wide Angle', 'Zoom','Long
Exposure','Fast Shutter','Daytime Long Expo','Timelapse']
#what we need here are conditional IF statements, that manipulate items
from various lists
#this bit of code determines the theme of a photo idea
theme_var = random.choice(theme_list)
for theme in theme_var:
if theme == 'Portrait':
technique_list.remove('Bracketed (HDR)')
#this bit of code determines the technique of a photo idea
technique_var = random.choice(technique_list)
print("", technique_var)
print("picture, from")
#this line of code determines the location of a photo idea
location_var = random.choice(location_list)
print("", location_var)
This still remains one of the possible results of the code:
You should try taking a...
Bracketed (HDR)
picture, from
34th Street
and then give it a
Black & White
edit in Lightroom!
[Finished in 0.2
As I said earlier, Portrait and Bracketed (HDR) should never be part of the same result, it doesn't make sense for this situation.
The issue (I think) is because you are iterating over the randomly chosen result not the list itself, you don't need the for loop that is.
theme_var = random.choice(theme_list)
if theme_var == 'Portrait':
technique_list.remove('Bracketed (HDR)')
#this bit of code determines the technique of a photo idea
technique_var = random.choice(technique_list)
print("", technique_var)
print("picture, from")
#rest of the code
Should do it
I'd go with a dictionary of inappropriate techniques, a list comprehension, and top it off with an f-string:
import random
#pool of items that the program will randomly choose..
theme_list = ['Cityscape','Peoplescape','Port-Scape', 'Portrait']
technique_list = ['Bracketed (HDR)','Wide Angle', 'Zoom','Long Exposure','Fast
Shutter','Daytime Long Expo','Timelapse']
location_list = ['34th Street']
# dictionary of inappropriate techniques for given theme
d_inappropes = {'Cityscape': [],
'Port-Scape': [],
'Portrait': ['Bracketed (HDR)'],
'Peoplescape': ['Long Exposure', 'Timelapse', 'Daytime Long Expo']}
#this bit of code determines the theme of a photo idea
theme_var = random.choice(theme_list)
#this bit of code determines the technique of a photo idea
# list comprehension generates a new list with the inappropriate techniques removed,
# without affecting the original list
technique_var = random.choice([ti for ti in technique_list if ti not in d_inappropes[theme_var]])
#this line of code determines the location of a photo idea
location_var = random.choice(location_list)
# use f-stirngs to put the whole output in a single line to keep it managable
print(f"You should try taking a \n {theme_var} {technique_var} picture, \n from
if I may add and give more explanation to the answers
You want to delete "bracked (HDR)" IF potrait is selected. Don't use .remove as it will delete "bracked (HDR)" permanently and prevent other theme to use that technique. you can use dictionary of inappropriate technique as kingfischer suggested for that
random.choice outputted a single value from your list. you should not use for-loop with it as for-loop will iterate over the character/alphabets in the value outputted by random.choice
if I may give a feedback, the indentations in your code snippet are quite jumbled. Some lines that should have indentation, don't have it. I don't know.. maybe it is unintended and the problem is with my browser. if it was so, sorry!

A program to allow the user to create a checklist

This is my coding so far
numofthings=int(input("How many things do you need to pack? "))
numoftasks=int(input("How many tasks do you need to complete to prepare? "))
end=' '
while end.lower()!='end':
item=input("Please enter the things you need to pack and type 'End' when you're done: ")
end=' '
while end.lower()!='end':
task=input("What tasks do you have to complete and type 'End' when you're done ")
How do I get the items they list saved into an array/list?
Also how do I make it so that they can only list the number of items that they said they had to pack?
I only started coding 2 weeks ago so sorry if it's obvious and I've overlooked it
How do I get the items they list saved into an array/list?
You're already doing that just fine: that's what you get with
If you stick a simple reporting statement in your loop, you'll see that happening as you go:
Comment that line before you turn in the program.
I suspect that you need two separate check-lists, though: one each for packing and tasks.
How do I make it so that they can only list the number of items that
they said they had to pack?
Decide how you plan to decide when you have enough. Your current code looks for the trigger value "end". If you know how many times you have to iterate before you enter the loop, then use a for loop:
for i in range(num_of_things):
Does that get you moving?

How would I save the data to a .csv file

I have made a program based on a maths quiz and have saved the data of the files to a .txt file. If I wanted to save the files in a .csv file would i just chnage .txt to .csv? Here is my code :
import time
import math
import random#I am using this to allow me to randomly pick the symbol operation and to randomly generate numbers
print("Title:Arithmetic Quiz")#Tells the user what the program is.
print("*************************************************************")#This is a line to make the presentation clearer to the user.
#The code below shows the user an introduction of what the program is about.
print("This program will ask you to complete the arithmetic quiz.")
print("The program has 10 questions. You will recieve feedback after.")
#The line above prints a line across the page.
while True:#This creates an infinity loop
UserName = input("What is your name?:")#Ask the user for there name.
if not UserName.isalpha():#This is used to check if the user name is anything else apart from alphabetical letters.
print("Error!Please enter your name using letters. ") #warning if wrong if wrong input given
continue#Continues with the code when correct input given.
else:#It breaks out of the while loop and proceeds with the quiz
ClassSelection= input("Please enter what Class you are in?:1, 2 or 3")
while ClassChosen==0:
if ClassSelection=="1":
elif ClassSelection=="2":
elif ClassSelection=="3":
print("You must write 1, 2, or 3.")
ClassSelection=input("Enter the class you are in")
print(UserName," welcome to the Arithmetic Quiz.")#Welcomes the user to the quiz.
print("The quiz will begin in 3 seconds")
for i in range(0,3):# range between
print (3 - i)#counts down by one
time.sleep(1)#Delays for 1 second
RecentStudent= [0,0,0]#This is a list with dummy values. The use of this is to save the last three score of the user.
def MathsQuiz():#I have used a function to make my code more efficient.
score=0#No questions have been answered correctly yet so score is set to zero
for questionNum in range(10):#I have used this to allow me to set my Parameters.
Num1= random.randint (1, 10)#Generates a random number between 1 and 10 for Num1.
Num2= random.randint (1, 10)#Generates a random number between 1 and 10 for Num2
Symbol = ["+","-","*"]#These are my operators used for the arithmetic of Num1 and Num2.
Operation = random.choice(Symbol)#This will randomly choose a operating symbol for a question
RealAnswer= int(eval(str(Num1)+Operation+str(Num2)))#This is used to work out the answer for the question.The evaluate is used to interpret the code as a str and calculate an answer.
#It will store the value of the Answer and call it when it is needed.
print("Please give an answer for:", Num1, Operation, Num2)#This is what makes the question and outputs it to the user by using the random functions.
UserAnswer = int(input("Enter your answer here:"))#This asks the user to enter their anser to the question.
if UserAnswer == RealAnswer:#This checks if the answer from the user is the same as the real answer.
score = score + 1#If the user gets the question right 1 should be added to the score.
print("You are correct! :D")#The program will congratulate the user.
else:#If the users answer is not the same as the real answer then it will print a wrong message.
print("You are incorrect! :( ")#This tells the user that they got the question incorrect and tells the user the real answer.
print("The answer was", RealAnswer)
print("________________________________________________")#This will be used to split the quiz.
print()#This is used to format the quiz.
print("Thank you for completing the quiz!")
print("Your Score is loading")
import time
print(UserName,"In this test you achieved",score,"/10")#This tells the user the score they achieved in the maths test.
print()#This is used to format the code
del RecentStudent[0]
print("Your three most recent scores are:",RecentStudent)
def Resit1():#This function is used to easily call place of the program such as in this case when resitting.
Resit1=input("Do you want to resit the test? Yes or No?:")#Asks the user if they would like to resit
#The variable will let user input whether they want to do the quiz again.
if Resit1== "Yes" or Resit1=="yes":# Checks the input of the user to the resit question
MathsQuiz()#This is used to call the quiz which will restart the quiz and allow them to retake the quiz.
#It tells the user that they are finished
def Resit2():#This function is used to easily call place of the program such as in this case when resitting.
Resit2=input("Do you want to resit the test? Yes or No?:")#Asks the user if they would like to resit
#The variable will let user input whether they want to do the quiz again.
if Resit2== "Yes" or Resit2=="yes":# Checks the input of the user to the resit question
MathsQuiz()#This is used to call the quiz which will restart the quiz and allow them to retake the quiz.
print("Quiz Finished")#It tells the user that they are finished
MathsQuiz()#This will call the first function that has been set in the program.
Resit1()#This will call the Resit1 function when it is needed by the program.
Resit2()#This will call the Resit2 function when it is needed by the program.
if ClassSelection=="1":#used to identify whether the ClassSelection is equal to 1.
Class1 = []#class1 list is created and is empty.
Class1.append("Student: ")#This text is added as the first item of the list.
#The text helps with presentation and makes the data more clear.
Class1.append(UserName)#The name variable is appended as the second item.
Class1.append("Latest 3 Scores: ")#This text is added so user knows the next item is score.
Class1.append(RecentStudent)#The score variable is appended as the last item.
file = open("Class1Scores.txt", 'a')#File opened called classAScores.
#It is a text file because I added ".txt"
#I used the mode 'a' because this allows me to append things to the file.
file.write(str(Class1))#Allows me to write the classA list onto the file.
#Because the mode is append, it enables me to append a whole list to the file.
#the str() makes sure the list is interpreted as code as code can be appended.
#The list in its raw form will not append to the file.
file.write("\n")#Ensures the next pupils data is recorded on the row below.
file.close()#Closes the file so everything is saved.
elif ClassSelection=="2":#used to identify whether the ClassSelection is equal to 1.
Class2=[]#classA list is created and is empty.
Class2.append("Student: ")#This text is added as the first item of the list.
#The text helps with presentation and makes the data more clear.
Class2.append(UserName)#The name variable is appended as the second item.
Class2.append("Latest 3 Scores: ")#This text is added so user knows the next item is score.
Class2.append(RecentStudent)#The score variable is appended as the last item.
file = open("Class2Scores.txt", 'a')#File opened called classAScores.
#It is a text file because I added ".txt"
#I used the mode 'a' because this allows me to append things to the file.
file.write(str(Class2))#Allows me to write the classA list onto the file.
#Because the mode is append, it enables me to append a whole list to the file.
#the str() makes sure the list is interpreted as code as code can be appended.
#The list in its raw form will not append to the file.
file.write("\n")#Ensures the next pupils data is recorded on the row below.
file.close()#Closes the file so everything is saved.if ClassSelection=="1":#used to identify whether the ClassSelection is equal to 1.
elif ClassSelection==3:
Class3 = []#classA list is created and is empty.
Class3.append("Student: ")#This text is added as the first item of the list.
#The text helps with presentation and makes the data more clear.
Class3.append(UserName)#The name variable is appended as the second item.
Class3.append("Latest 3 Scores: ")#This text is added so user knows the next item is score.
Class3.append(RecentStudent)#The score variable is appended as the last item.
file = open("Class3Scores.txt", 'a')#File opened called class3Scores.
#It is a text file because I added ".txt"
#I used the mode 'a' because this allows me to append things to the file.
file.write(str(Class3))#Allows me to write the class3 list onto the file.
#Because the mode is append, it enables me to append a whole list to the file.
#the str() makes sure the list is interpreted as code as code can be appended.
#The list in its raw form will not append to the file.
file.write("\n")#Ensures the next pupils data is recorded on the row below.
file.close()#Closes the file so everything is saved.
This is my code would I need to change the bottom of the code to save the files in a .csv file. I tried doing a different method, but never got anywhere .
I suggest using the csv module. I've adapted your code to use it (there are a lot of ways you could make your life easier with your code, but let's focus on one issue at a time):
import csv
if ClassSelection=="1":#used to identify whether the ClassSelection is equal to 1.
Class1 = []#class1 list is created and is empty.
Class1.append("Student: ")#This text is added as the first item of the list.
#The text helps with presentation and makes the data more clear.
Class1.append(UserName)#The name variable is appended as the second item.
Class1.append("Latest 3 Scores: ")#This text is added so user knows the next item is score.
Class1.append(RecentStudent)#The score variable is appended as the last item.
with open('Class1Scores.csv', 'wb') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
Gentle into to the csv module
Because we're using the with keyword, there is no need to call file.close()
For a more advanced way of doing this, you could use pandas to_csv
Looks like your Class1 is simply a list. Then you can say file.write(",".join(Class1)). But a more robust method is to use the csv module -

python won't handle characters

I'm writing a code that searches a .json with data about all the Magic the Gathering cards according to many possible different criteria.
It works fine except that whenever a card has characters such as "-" in its text, my code will ignore that text entirely. It is as its text field was blank.
At some point in the code, the cards' texts are appended to a list, and maybe that's where the problem lies, because i made a simple .py file to test something different, and i can get the text.
for i in data:
if data[i]["name"].find(" some name* ")!=-1:
print data[i]["text"]
This is working actually. it prints the text of the card flawlessly.
however, when i switch this to
for i in data:
if data[i]["name"].find(" some name* ")!=-1:
print somelist
i will find the same issue again. i will get the text of cards that don't have characters such as "-" on them.
EDIT: This is an example of text that python will ignore:
"+3: Destroy target noncreature permanent.\n−2: Gain control of target creature.\n−9: Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker deals 7 damage to target player. That player discards seven cards, then sacrifices seven permanents."
This â^'9 should be translated to "-".
Another text example that has been ignored every single time is this:
"Target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.\nMorbid — That creature gets -13/-13 until end of turn instead if a creature died this turn."
