I couldn't find the proper answer to my problem on the Web, so I'll ask it here. Let's say we're given two 2D photos of the same place taken from slightly different angles. I've chosen the set of points (edge detection), found correspondences between them (which point is which on other photo). Now I need to somehow find out world coordinates of these points in 3D.
For the last 5 hours I've read a lot about it but I still can't understand what steps should I follow. I've tried to estimate motion of a camera using the function recoverPose applied to an essential matrix and two sets of points on each frame. I can't understand what it gives me when I know rotation and translation matrices (thatrecoverPose returned). What should I do in order to achieve my goal?
I also know the calibration matrix of my camera (I use KITTI dataset). I've read opencv documentation but still don't understand.
It's monocular vision.
I have been reading about this issue for the past couple of weeks now, going over research papers and finding several equations but to no avail. Here is what I understand so far:
Feature matching is done on X, Y plane of equirectangular images (done).
Matches are filtered and converted to unit sphere coordinates (done).
Essential matrix has to be calculated from the pairs of coordinates (how is this done using opencv?) -- also I have read about homography but I didn't find anything on spherical images.
Decompose essential matrix to find R, t (can be done once E is found but I'm stuck there).
Any assistance is highly appreciated.
Finding matches using ORB, and converting them to unit sphere coordinates. This is what I was successful in doing so far.
I want to determine the orientation of the camera for each frame in a video. I'm looking at the cv2.recoverPose() method, but I have found two personal issues with it:
It requires the Essential matrix. The only way to find E with openCV is by passing 5 points to cv2.findEssentialMat() which is a lot of points! I would rather have just 2 points to find the orientation. I believe there are other ways of estimating it but that leads me to my second problem.
These "recovered poses" seem to be estimations and not all that accurate. Maybe I'm wrong. How accurate is it?
One unique thing about my circumstance is that I know the 3d position of both the center of projection of the camera and any reference points that the camera may be looking at. I know what your thinking: if I have the 3d location why can't I determine the orientation? Just assume that its not reasonable to do so. I think that I could use cv2.projectPoints() or some similar method to determine the orientation of the camera, but I'm not exactly sure how.
Anyone have ideas?
I have about 300,000 points defining my 3D surface. I would like to know if I dropped a infinitely stiff sheet onto my 3D surface, what the equation of that plane would be. I know I need to find the 3 points the sheet would rest on as that defines a plane, but I'm not sure how to find my 3 points out of the ~300,000. You can assume this 3D surface is very bumpy and that this sheet will most likely lie on 3 "hills".
Edit: Some more background knowledge. This is point cloud data for a scan of a 3D surface which is nearly flat. What I would like to know is how this object would rest if I flipped it over and put it on a completely flat surface. I realize that this surface may be able to rest on the table in various different ways depending on the density and thickness of the object but you can assume the number of ways is finite and I would like to know all of the different ways just in case.
Edit: After looking at some point cloud libraries I'm thinking of doing something like computing the curvature using a kd tree (using SciPy) and only looking at regions that have a negative curvature and then there should be 3+ regions with negative curvature so some combinatorics + iterations should give the correct 3 points for the plane(s).
I am trying to obtain a radius and diameter distribution from some AFM (Atomic force microscopy) measurements. So far I am trying out Gwyddion, ImageJ and different workflows in Matlab.
At the moment the best results I have found is to use Gwyddion and to take the Phase image, high pass filter it and then try an edge detection with 'Laplacian of Gaussian'. The result is shown in figure 3. However this image is still too noisy and doesnt really capture the edges of all the particles. (some are merged together others do not have a clear perimeter).
In the end I need an image which segments each of the spherical particles which I can use for blob detection/analysis to obtain size/radius information.
Can anyone recommend a different method?
I would definitely try a Granulometry, it was designed for something really similar. There is a good explanation of granulometry here starting page 158.
The granulometry will perform consecutive / increasing openings that will erase the different patterns according to their dimensions. The bigger the pattern, the latter it will be erased. It will give you a curve that represent the pattern dimension distributions in your image, so exactly what you want.
However, it will not give you any information about the position inside the image. If you want to have a rough modeling of the blobs present in your image, you can take a look to the Ultimate Opening.
Maybe you can use Avizo, it's a powerful software for dealing with image issues, especially for three D data (CT)
I would like to implement a Maya plugin (this question is independent from Maya) to create 3D Voronoi patterns, Something like
I just know that I have to start from point sampling (I implemented the adaptive poisson sampling algorithm described in this paper).
I thought that, from those points, I should create the 3D wire of the mesh applying Voronoi but the result was something different from what I expected.
Here are a few example of what I get handling the result i get from scipy.spatial.Voronoi like this (as suggested here):
vor = Voronoi(points)
for vpair in vor.ridge_vertices:
for i in range(len(vpair) - 1):
if all(x >= 0 for x in vpair):
v0 = vor.vertices[vpair[i]]
v1 = vor.vertices[vpair[i+1]]
create_line(v0.tolist(), v1.tolist())
The grey vertices are the sampled points (the original shape was a simple sphere):
Here is a more complex shape (an arm)
I am missing something? Can anyone suggest the proper pipeline and algorithms I have to implement to create such patterns?
I saw your question since you posted it but didn’t have a real answer for you, however as I see you still didn’t get any response I’ll at least write down some ideas from me. Unfortunately it’s still not a full solution for your problem.
For me it seems you’re mixing few separate problems in this question so it would help to break it down to few pieces:
Voronoi diagram:
The diagram is by definition infinite, so when you draw it directly you should expect a similar mess you’ve got on your second image, so this seems fine. I don’t know how the SciPy does that, but the implementation I’ve used flagged some edge ends as ‘infinite’ and provided me the edges direction, so I could clip it at some distance by myself. You’ll need to check the exact data you get from SciPy.
In the 3D world you’ll almost always want to remove such infinite areas to get any meaningful rendering, or at least remove the area that contains your camera.
Points generation:
The Poisson disc is fine as some sample data or for early R&D but it’s also the most boring one :). You’ll need more ways to generate input points.
I tried to imagine the input needed for your ball-like example and I came up with something like this:
Create two spheres of points, with the same center but different radius.
When you create a Voronoi diagram out of it and remove infinite areas you should end up with something like a football ball.
If you created both spheres randomly you’ll get very irregular boundaries of the ‘ball’, but if you scale the points of one sphere, to use for the 2nd one you should get a regular mesh, similar to ball. You can also use similar points, but add some random offset to control the level of surface irregularity.
Get your computed diagram and for each edge create few points along this edge - this will give you small areas building up the edges of bigger areas. Play with random offsets again. Try to ignore edges, that doesn't touch any infinite region to get result similar to your image.
Get the points from both stages and compute the diagram once more.
Mesh generation:
Up to now it didn’t look like your target images. In fact it may be really hard to do it with production quality (for a Maya plugin) but I see some tricks that may help.
What I would try first would be to get all my edges and extrude some circle along them. You may modulate circle size to make it slightly bigger at the ends. Then do Boolean ‘OR’ between all those meshes and some Mesh Smooth at the end.
This way may give you similar results but you’ll need to be careful at mesh intersections, they can get ugly and need some special treatment.