I need to upload an image file to a certain folder. It works fine on localhost but if I push the app to heroku it tells me:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'static/userimg/1-bild-1.jpg'
Which means it cant find the folder?
I need to store the image files there for a few seconds to perform some actions on theme. After that they will be sent to AWS and will be deleted from the folder.
Thats the code where I save the images into the folder:
i = 1
for key, file in request.files.iteritems():
if file:
filename = secure_filename(str(current_user.id) + "-bild-"+ str(i) +".jpg")
file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))
i = i + 1
Later I get the files from the folder like this:
for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'])):
if item.startswith(str(current_user.id)) and item.split(".")[0].endswith("1"):
with open(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], item), "rb") as thefile:
data = base64.b64encode(thefile.read())
upload_image_to_aws_from_image_v3('MYBUCKET', "userimg/", data, new_zimmer, "hauptbild", new_zimmer.stadt, new_zimmer.id)
That is the upload folder in app config:
UPLOAD_FOLDER = "static/userimg/"
Everything works fine on localhost.
I had to add the absolute path to the directory, because the path on the server is different.
You can run heroku run bash for your app through the CLI and check the directories with dir. Use then cd .. to go back or cd *directory name* to go into the directory.
I had to add
MYDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
and replace all
os.path.join(MYDIR + "/" + app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']
Some informations on the topic also here:
Similar question
I am using YouTube-dl with Python and Flask to download youtube videos and return them using the send_file function.
When running locally I have been using to get the file path:
username = getpass.getuser()
directories = os.listdir(rf'C:\\Users\\{username}')
I then download the video with YouTube-dl:
I then search the directory for the file based on the video code:
files = [file for file in directories]
code = link.split('v=')[1]
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.mp4') is True:
code_section = file.split('-')[1].split('.mp4')[0]
if code in code_section:
return send_file(rf'C:\\Users\\{username}\\{file}')
Finally, I return the file:
return send_file(rf'C:\\Users\\{username}\\{file}')
to find the location of the downloaded file, but, on Heroku, this doesn't work - simply the directory doesn't exist. How would I find where the file is downloaded? Is there a function I can call? Or is there a set path it would go to?
Or alternatively, is there a way to set the download location with YouTube-dl?
Since heroku is running Linux and not windows, you could attempt to download your files to your current working directory and then just send it from there.
The main tweak would be setting up some options in your YoutubeDL app:
import os
opts = {
"outtmpl": f"{os.getcwd()}/(title)s.(ext)s"
That will download the file to your current working directory.
Then you can just upload it from your working directory using return send_file(file).
Using python program, I was able to download multiple source files from a FTP server (using ftplib and os libraries) to my local machine.
These source file resides at a particular directory inside the FTP server.
I was able to download the source files only if I have provided the same directory path in my local machine, as of FTP directory path.
I am able to download the files into C:\data\abc\transfer which is same as remote directory /data/abc/transfer. Code is insisting me to provide the same directory.
But I want to download all files into my desired directory C:\data_download\
Below is the code :
import ftplib
import os
from ftplib import FTP
Ftp_Server_host = 'xcfgn#wer.com'
Ftp_username ='qsdfg12'
Ftp_password = 'xxxxx'
Ftp_source_files_path = '/data/abc/transfer/'
ftp = FTP(Ftp_Server_host)
ftp.login(user=Ftp_username, passwd=Ftp_password)
local_path = 'C:\\data_download\\'
print("connected to remote server :" + Ftp_Server_host)
ftp_clnt = ftp_ssh.open_sftp()
print("current directory of source file in remote server :" +ftp_clnt.getcwd())
files_list = ftp.nlst(Ftp_source_files_path)
for file in files_list:
print("local_path :" + local_path)
local_fn = os.path.join(local_path)
print('Downloading files from remote server :' + file)
local_file = open (local_fn, "wb")
ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + file, local_file.write)
print("respective files got downloaded")
You have to provide a full path to open function, not just a directory name.
To assemble a full local path, take a file name from the remote paths returned by ftp.nlst and combine them with the target local directory path.
Like this:
local_fn = os.path.join(local_path, os.path.basename(file))
How to upload csv file to Dropbox with Python
I tried all the examples in this post bellow, neither works
upload file to my dropbox from python script
I am getting error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'User\pb\Automation\test.csv'
My username: pb
Folder name: Automation
file name: test.csv
import pathlib
import dropbox
import re
# the source file
folder = pathlib.Path("User/pb/Automation") # located in folder
filename = "test.csv" # file name
filepath = folder / filename # path object, defining the file
# target location in Dropbox
target = "Automation" # the target folder
targetfile = target + filename # the target path and file name
# Create a dropbox object using an API v2 key
token = ""
d = dropbox.Dropbox(token)
# open the file and upload it
with filepath.open("rb") as f:
# upload gives you metadata about the file
# we want to overwite any previous version of the file
meta = d.files_upload(f.read(), targetfile, mode=dropbox.files.WriteMode("overwrite"))
# create a shared link
link = d.sharing_create_shared_link(targetfile)
# url which can be shared
url = link.url
# link which directly downloads by replacing ?dl=0 with ?dl=1
dl_url = re.sub(r"\?dl\=0", "?dl=1", url)
print (dl_url)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'User\\pb\\Automation\\test.csv'
The error message is indicating that you're supplying a local path of 'User\pb\Automation\test.csv' but nothing was found at that path on your local filesystem.
Based on the path format, it looks like you're on macOS, but you have the wrong path for accessing your home folder. The path should start with "/", and the home folders are located under "Users" (not "User"), so your folder definition should probably be:
folder = pathlib.Path("/Users/pb/Automation")
Or, use pathlib.Path.home() to automatically expand the home folder for you:
pathlib.Path.home() / "Automation"
I am trying to add FTP functionality into my Python 3 script using only ftplib or other libraries that are included with Python. The script needs to delete a directory from an FTP server in order to remove an active web page from our website.
The problem is that I cannot find a way to delete the .htaccess file using ftplib and I can't delete the directory because it is not empty.
Some people have said that this is a hidden file, and have explained how to list hidden files, but I need to delete the file, not list it. My .htaccess file also has full permissions and it can be successfully deleted using most other FTP clients.
Sample code:
files = list(ftp.nlst(myDirectory))
for f in files:
Update: I was able to get everything working correctly, here is the complete code:
ftp.cwd(myDirectory) # move to the dir to be deleted
#upload placeholder .htaccess in case there is none in the dir and then delete it
files01 = "c:\\files\\.htaccess"
with open(files01, 'rb') as f:
ftp.storlines('STOR %s' % '.htaccess', f)
print("Successfully deleted .htaccess file in " + myDirectory)
files = list(ftp.nlst(myDirectory)) # delete files in dir
for f in files:
print("Successfully deleted visible files in " + myDirectory)
ftp.rmd(myDirectory) # remote directory deletion
print("Successfully deleted the following directory: " + myDirectory)
I am working on a code to copy images from a folder in a local directory to a remote directory. I am trying to use scp.
So in my directory, there is a folder that contains subfolders with images in it. There are also images that are in the main folder that are not in subfolders. I am trying to iterate through the subfolders and individual images and sort them by company, then make corresponding company folders for those images to be organized and copied onto the remote directory.
I am having problems creating the new company folder in the remote directory.
This is what I have:
def imageSync():
path = os.path.normpath("Z:\Complete")
folders = os.listdir(path)
subfolder = []
#separates subfolders from just images in complete folder
for folder in folders:
if folder[len(folder)-3:] == "jpg":
p = dict()
for x in range(len(subfolder)):
p[x] = os.path.join(path, subfolder[x])
sub = []
for location in p.items():
noFold= []
for s in sub:
path1 = os.path.normpath(s)
images = os.listdir(path1)
for image in images:
name = image.split("-")
comp = name[0]
pathway = os.path.join(path1, image)
path2 = "scp " + pathway + " blah# /var/files/ImageSync/" + comp
pathhh = os.system(path2)
if not os.path.exists(pathhh):
There's more to the code, but I figured the top part would help explain what I am trying to do.
I have created a ssh key in hopes of making os.system work, but Path2 is returning 1 when I would like it to be the path to the remote server. (I tried this: How to store the return value of os.system that it has printed to stdout in python?)
Also how do I properly check to see if the company folder in the remote directory already exists?
I have looked at Secure Copy File from remote server via scp and os module in Python and How to copy a file to a remote server in Python using SCP or SSH? but I guess I am doing something wrong.
I'm new to Python so thanks for any help!
try this to copy dirs and nested subdirs from local to remote:
cmd = "sshpass -p {} scp -r {}/* root#{}://{}".format(
don't forget to import os,
You may check the exitcode returned (0 for success)
Also you might need to "yum install sshpass"
And change /etc/ssh/ssh_config
StrictHostKeyChecking ask
StrictHostKeyChecking no