I have made a website with django. I want to deploy this application to production.
Now I am confused about several things: at the time of the development I can run my application using the command: python manage.py runserver IP_OF_SERVER:PORT.
Now by this approach I can do everything. My tool (website) will only be used locally.
Is it fine that I deploy my website with this command only? Is is necessary to do django production processes and if it is necessary how to do that? I am new to django. Please help me to understand.
Usually, these kinds of things are deployed in a three tier fashion.
Here, the general approach is like so
[Database] <-(db calls)-> [Django app] <- wsgi -> [gunicorn] <- http -> [nginx] <- http -> public
your application is the "Django app" block over here. You could run it with something like manage.py runserver but that's a very lightweight toy server which can't really handle high levels of traffic. If you have a request that takes 1ms to handle and 100 users try to make the same request, the last client will have to wait 100ms before she can get the response. It's easy to solve this by just running more instances of your application but the dev server can't do that.
A so called "app server" like gunicorn will allow you to run a more powerful web server for your application that can spawn off multiple workers and handle some kinds of mischievous traffic patterns.
Now, even gunicorn can be bested by a high performance server especially for serving static assets like images, css, js etc. This is something like nginx. So, we set up our thing to have nginx facing the world and serving all static assets directly. And request to the actual application will be proxied to gunicorn and that will be served by your actual app.
This is not as complex as it sounds and you should be able to get something running within a day or so. All the technologies I've mentioned have substitutes with different characteristics. This is a good tutorial on how to get things going and what to look out for during deployment.
If you want to setup your Django production server through IIS in Windows server (If users are less, you can even use normal Windows 7 or 10 professional machines as well). This video can help you do it step by step
I have brought up couple of production websites this way.
Although the one you are trying to do also works, but the only problem with your approach is that you should take care that console is never closed by anyone or you accidentally. But there are lot more hidden problems, usually for production, this is not recommended.
To avoid accidental closures, you can do below in Windows (running it as a service):
For this approach, you need pywin32 needs to be installed, install it from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build%20217/
import win32service
import win32serviceutil
import win32event
import subprocess
import os
class PySvc(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
# you can NET START/STOP the service by the following name
_svc_name_ = "Name your Service here"
# this text shows up as the service name in the Service
# Control Manager (SCM)
_svc_display_name_ = "External Display Name of your service"
# this text shows up as the description in the SCM
_svc_description_ = "Description what this service does"
def __init__(self, args):
import platform
win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
# create an event to listen for stop requests on
self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
# core logic of the service
def SvcDoRun(self):
os.chdir('your site root directory')
subprocess.Popen('python manage.py runserver IP:PORT')
# if you need stdout and stderr, open file handlers and keep redirecting to those files with subprocess `stdout` and `stderr`
# called when we're being shut down
def SvcStop(self):
# tell the SCM we're shutting down
# fire the stop event
if __name__ == '__main__':
In short:
I have a Django application being served up by Apache on a Google Compute Engine VM.
I want to access a secret from Google Secret Manager in my Python code (when the Django app is initialising).
When I do 'python manage.py runserver', the secret is successfully retrieved. However, when I get Apache to run my application, it hangs when it sends a request to the secret manager.
Too much detail:
I followed the answer to this question GCP VM Instance is not able to access secrets from Secret Manager despite of appropriate Roles. I have created a service account (not the default), and have given it the 'cloud-platform' scope. I also gave it the 'Secret Manager Admin' role in the web console.
After initially running into trouble, I downloaded the a json key for the service account from the web console, and set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env-var to point to it.
When I run the django server directly on the VM, everything works fine. When I let Apache run the application, I can see from the logs that the service account credential json is loaded successfully.
However, when I make my first API call, via google.cloud.secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient.list_secret_versions , the application hangs. I don't even get a 500 error in my browser, just an eternal loading icon. I traced the execution as far as:
grpc._channel._UnaryUnaryMultiCallable._blocking, line 926 : 'call = self._channel.segregated_call(...'
It never gets past that line. I couldn't figure out where that call goes so I couldnt inspect it any further than that.
I don't understand GCP service accounts / API access very well. I can't understand why this difference is occurring between the django dev server and apache, given that they're both using the same service account credentials from json. I'm also surprised that the application just hangs in the google library rather than throwing an exception. There's even a timeout option when sending a request, but changing this doesn't make any difference.
I wonder if it's somehow related to the fact that I'm running the django server under my own account, but apache is using whatever user account it uses?
I tried changing the user/group that apache runs as to match my own. No change.
I enabled logging for gRPC itself. There is a clear difference between when I run with apache vs the django dev server.
On Django:
secure_channel_create.cc:178] grpc_secure_channel_create(creds=0x17cfda0, target=secretmanager.googleapis.com:443, args=0x7fe254620f20, reserved=(nil))
init.cc:167] grpc_init(void)
client_channel.cc:1099] chand=0x2299b88: creating client_channel for channel stack 0x2299b18
timer_manager.cc:188] sleep for a 1001 milliseconds
client_channel.cc:1879] chand=0x2299b88 calld=0x229e440: created call
call.cc:1980] grpc_call_start_batch(call=0x229daa0, ops=0x20cfe70, nops=6, tag=0x7fe25463c680, reserved=(nil))
call.cc:1573] ops[0]: SEND_INITIAL_METADATA...
call.cc:1573] ops[1]: SEND_MESSAGE ptr=0x21f7a20
So, a channel is created, then a call is created, and then we see gRPC start to execute the operations for that call (as far as I read it).
On Apache:
secure_channel_create.cc:178] grpc_secure_channel_create(creds=0x7fd5bc850f70, target=secretmanager.googleapis.com:443, args=0x7fd583065c50, reserved=(nil))
init.cc:167] grpc_init(void)
client_channel.cc:1099] chand=0x7fd5bca91bb8: creating client_channel for channel stack 0x7fd5bca91b48
timer_manager.cc:188] sleep for a 1001 milliseconds
timer_manager.cc:188] sleep for a 1001 milliseconds
So, we a channel is created... and then nothing. No call, no operations. So the python code is sitting there waiting for gRPC to make this call, which it never does.
The problem appears to be that the forking behaviour of Apache breaks gRPC somehow. I couldn't nail down the precise cause, but after I began to suspect that forking was the issue, I found this old gRPC issue that indicates that forking is a bit of a tricky area.
I tried to reconfigure Apache to use a different 'Multi-processing Module', but as my experience in this is limited, I couldn't get gRPC to work under any of them.
In the end, I switched to using nginx/uwsgi instead of Apache/mod_wsgi, and I did not have the same issue. If you're trying to solve a problem like this and you have to use Apache, I'd advice further investigating Apache forking, how gRPC handles forking, and the different MPMs available for Apache.
I'm facing a similar issue. When running my Flask Application with eventlet==0.33.0 and gunicorn https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/archive/ff58e0c6da83d5520916bc4cc109a529258d76e1.zip#egg=gunicorn==20.1.0. When calling secret_client.access_secret_version it hangs forever.
It used to work fine with an older eventlet version, but we needed to upgrade to the latest version of eventlet due to security reasons.
I experienced a similar issue and I was able to solve with the following:
import grpc.experimental.gevent as grpc_gevent
from gevent import monkey
from google.cloud import secretmanager
client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()
I'm using flask + uwsgi + nginx to deploy website on server.
In the flask, my code is below, here is what I want to design: every time when I click run model, it would run a model in another process, but the interface would link to the waiting interface immediately.
train_dataset.status = status
text = 'Start training your models, please wait for a while or check results several hours later'
# would run a model in another process
task = Process(target=start_train, args=(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], current_user.id, p.id, p.task), name="training.exe")
print(task.pid, task.name)
session[f"{project_name}_train"] = task.pid
# in the meanwhile, link to waiting interface
return render_template('p_computeview.html', project_name=project_name, text=text,
status=status, p=p, email=email, not_identify=not_identify)
And when I test in local development environment
it's ok, when I click run model, the interface just link to wait interface and I can see the model running logs.
But when I deploy to server, I chose uwsgi + nginx + flask.
In uwsgi.ini, I already specify the processes
But when I click run model, the interface was still, didn't link to waiting interface, however I can see the model running logs, and when finished modeling, the interface would link to waiting interface (which prove that the Process function was not working ??)
my server have 2 cpus, so I think it can support multi process
Can someone help me ? I guess there are some problems in uwsgi or nginx ?
The desire to run separate threads or processes within a request context is a common one. For various reasons, except in very narrow circumstances, it is a desire that leads to frustration. In this case, as soon as task goes out of scope, the Process machinery gets torn down.
If you want to start a long-running task from a request handler, use a framework like celery or Rq, which arrange to run jobs entirely out of process from the http server.
I have a python script.
Main thread (if name=='main', etc): when the main thread initiates, it runs several threads to listen to data streams, events, and to process them. The main thread then starts running the Flask application (app.run()). Processing and data is sent to the front-end Flask app (no issues here)
The Apache Server and mod_wsgi requires me to directly import the app, meaning that my other threads won't run.
My dilemma. In the examples I've seen, the .wsgi script from someapp imports app as application. This would only run the flask application. If I managed to somehow run the python script instead as main, the flask application would be ran on localhost:5000 by default and is not recommended in production to change or use .run().
First of all, is it possible to get this application on a server in this current structure? How would I get the whole application to work on a server? Would I need to completely restructure it? Is it not possible to specify host: port:80 then run the python script instead of just importing the app? Any help is appreciated, any forwarding to other documentations.
Edit: for the sake of testing, I will be using AWS Ubuntu (any other linux distro can be used/switched to if needed).
Sort and misleading answer is yes, it is possible (make sure there is any other program that uses port 80 such as apache etc):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host='', port=80)
However, you should not do that. Not recommended as it states in the documentation:
You can use the builtin server during development, but you should use
a full deployment option for production applications. (Do not use the
builtin development server in production.)
Proxy HTTP traffic through apache2 to Flask is much better.
This way, apache2 can handle all your static files and act as a reverse proxy for your dynamic content, passing those requests to Flask.
To have threads check the documentation of WSGIDaemonProcess.
Example of Apache/mod_wsgi configuration should looks like this:
WSGIDaemonProcess mysite processes=3 threads=2 display-name=mod_wsgi
WSGIProcessGroup mysite
WSGIScriptAlias / /some/path/wsgi.py
I managed to find an answer to this without diverging too far from guides on how to get a Flask application working with Python3 and Apache2.
In short, when you initialise Flask, you most likely do something like this:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)`
The proposed solution:
import atexit #for detecting flask exit
import threading
from flask import Flask
shareddata = 0
running = False
def init_app():
global shareddata
global running
running = True
app = Flask(__name__)
# some threading goes here
# e.g.
def jointhread():
def MyThread1():
#do something
t1 = threading.Thread(target=MyThread1, args=[])
return app
app = init_app()
Threading might not work, whichever's applicable.
I had a similar issue where there was a thread I wanted to constantly monitor data using an API. I ended up importing the function(s) I wanted threaded to my WSGI file and kicked them off there.
import threading
from main import <threaded_function>
my_thread = threading.Thread(target=<threaded_function>)
I have a website (which running in Amazon EC2 Instance) running Python Bottle application with CherryPy as its front end web server.
Now I need to add another website with a different domain name already registered. To reduce the cost, I want to utilize the existing website host to do that.
Obviously, virtual host is the solution.
I know Apache mod_wsgi could play the trick. But I don't want to replace CherryPy.
I've googled a a lot, there are some articles showing how to make virtual hosts on CherryPy, but they all assume Cherrypy as Web Sever + Web application, Not CherrPy as Web server and Bottle as Application.
How to use CherrPy as Web server and Bottle as Application to support multiple virtual hosts?
As you mentioned, use VirtualHost. In the example cherrypy.Application instances are used, but any WSGI callable (e. g. Bottle app) will do.
perhaps you can simply put nginx as reverse proxy and configure it to send the traffic to the two domains to the right upstream (the cherryPy webserver).
Another idea would be to use Nginx (http://wiki.nginx.org/Main) with uWsgi(http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/) & (uWsgi-python) plug-in
uWsgi has a module named emperor that you can link vhosts(vassals) in, sort of.
i'm a newbie at this myself, so not necessarily an answer but rather a suggestion to check it out.
just a heads up, uWsgi and Nginx can be a hassle to get it to work, depending on your linux distro. Does work nicely with bottle, tested it myself.
hope it helps
jwalker's answer is pretty clear. In case any CherryPy newbie need whole script for reference, I post one below.
import cherrypy
from bottle import Bottle
import os
app1 = Bottle()
app2 = Bottle()
def homePage():
return "========= home1 ==============="
def homePage_2():
return "========= home2 ==============="
vhost = cherrypy._cpwsgi.VirtualHost(None,
'www.domain1.com': app1,
'www.domain2.com': app2,
'server.socket_host': '',
'server.socket_port': 80,
you could make www.domain1.com and www.domain1.com point to one IP adress of you server, so it servers for 2 domain in one Web Server.
I have a Django web application. I also have a spell server written using twisted running on the same machine having django (running on localhost:8090). The idea being when user does some action, request comes to Django which in turn connects to this twisted server & server sends data back to Django. Finally Django puts this data in some html template & serves it back to the user.
Here's where I am having a problem. In my Django app, when the request comes in I create a simple twisted client to connect to the locally run twisted server.
factory = Spell_Factory(query)
reactor.connectTCP(AS_SERVER_HOST, AS_SERVER_PORT, factory)
print factory.results
The reactor.run() is causing a problem. Since it's an event loop. The next time this same code is executed by Django, I am unable to connect to the server. How does one handle this?
The above two answers are correct. However, considering that you've already implemented a spelling server then run it as one. You can start by running it on the same machine as a separate process - at localhost:PORT. Right now it seems you have a very simple binary protocol interface already - you can implement an equally simple Python client using the standard lib's socket interface in blocking mode.
However, I suggest playing around with twisted.web and expose a simple web interface. You can use JSON to serialize and deserialize data - which is well supported by Django. Here's a very quick example:
import json
from twisted.web import server, resource
from twisted.python import log
class Root(resource.Resource):
def getChild(self, path, request):
# represents / on your web interface
return self
class WebInterface(resource.Resource):
isLeaf = True
def render_GET(self, request):
log.msg('GOT a GET request.')
# read request.args if you need to process query args
# ... call some internal service and get output ...
return json.dumps(output)
class SpellingSite(server.Site):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.root = Root()
server.Site.__init__(self, self.root, **kwargs)
self.root.putChild('spell', WebInterface())
And to run it you can use the following skeleton .tac file:
from twisted.application import service, internet
site = SpellingSite()
application = service.Application('WebSpell')
# attach the service to its parent application
service_collection = service.IServiceCollection(application)
internet.TCPServer(PORT, site).setServiceParent(service_collection)
Running your service as another first class service allows you to run it on another machine one day if you find the need - exposing a web interface makes it easy to horizontally scale it behind a reverse proxying load balancer too.
reactor.run() should be called only once in your whole program. Don't think of it as "start this one request I have", think of it as "start all of Twisted".
Running the reactor in a background thread is one way to get around this; then your django application can use blockingCallFromThread in your Django application and use a Twisted API as you would any blocking API. You will need a little bit of cooperation from your WSGI container, though, because you will need to make sure that this background Twisted thread is started and stopped at appropriate times (when your interpreter is initialized and torn down, respectively).
You could also use Twisted as your WSGI container, and then you don't need to start or stop anything special; blockingCallFromThread will just work immediately. See the command-line help for twistd web --wsgi.
You should stop reactor after you got results from Twisted server or some error/timeout happening. So on each Django request that requires query your Twisted server you should run reactor and then stop it. But, it's not supported by Twisted library — reactor is not restartable. Possible solutions:
Use separate thread for Twisted reactor, but you will need to deploy your django app with server, which has support for long running threads (I don't now any of these, but you can write your own easily :-)).
Don't use Twisted for implementing client protocol, just use plain stdlib's socket module.