I'm using a python script to take in a file containing a bunch of website URLs and open all of them in new tabs. However, I'm getting an error message when opening the first website: this is what I get:
0:41: execution error: "https://www.pandora.com/
" doesn’t understand the “open location” message. (-1708)
My script thus far looks like this:
import os
import webbrowser
websites = []
with open("websites.txt", "r+") as my_file:
for x in websites:
print (x + " does not work.")
My file consists of a bunch of URLs on their own lines.
I tried running your code and it works on my machine with python 2.7.9
It may be a character encoding issue when you are trying to open the file
This is my suggestion with the following edits:
import webbrowser
with open("websites.txt", "r+") as sites:
sites = sites.readlines() # readlines returns a list of all the lines in your file, this makes code more concise
# In addition we can use the variable 'sites' to hold the list returned to us by the file object 'sites.readlines()'
print sites # here we send the output of the list to the shell to make sure it contains the right information
for url in sites:
webbrowser.open_new_tab( url.encode('utf-8') ) # this is here just in-case, to encode characters that the webbrowser module can interpret
# sometimes special characters like '\' or '/' can cause issues for us unless we encode/decode them or make them raw strings
Hope this helps!
I am trying to solve a problem:
I receive auto-generated email from government with no tags in HTML. It's one table nested upon another. An abomination of a template. I get it every few days and I want to extract some fields from it. My idea was this
Use HTML in the email as template. Remove all fields that change with every mail like Name of my client, their Unique ID and issue explained in the mail.
Use this html template with missing fields and diff it with new emails. That will give me all the new info in one shot without having to parse this email.
Problem is, I can't find any way of loading only these additions. I am trying to use difflib in python and it returns byte streams of additions and subtractions in each line that I am not able to process properly. I want to find a way to only return the additions and nothing else. I am open to using other libraries or methods. I do not want to write a huge regex with tons of html.
When I got the stdout from using Popen calling diff it also returned bytes.
You can convert the bytes to chars, then continue with your processing.
You could do something similar to what I do below to convert your bytes to a string
The below calls diff on two files and prints only the lines beginning with the '>' symbol (new in the rhs file):
#! /usr/env python
import os
import sys, subprocess
file1 = 'test1'
file2 = 'test2'
if len(sys.argv)==3:
if not os.access(file1,os.R_OK):
print(f'Unable to read: \'{file1}\'')
if not os.access(file2,os.R_OK):
print(f'Unable to read: \'{file2}\'')
argv = ['diff',file1,file2]
runproc = subprocess.Popen(args=argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = runproc.communicate()
for c in out:
for line in outstr.split('\n'):
if len(line)==0:
if line[0]=='>':
I just started learning python yesterday and have VERY minimal coding skill. I am trying to write a python script that will process a folder of PDFs. Each PDF contains at least 1, and maybe as many as 15 or more, web links to supplemental documents. I think I'm off to a good start, but I'm having consistent "HTTP Error 403: Forbidden" errors when trying to use the wget function. I believe I'm just not parsing the web links correctly. I think the main issue is coming in because the web links are mostly "s3.amazonaws.com" links that are SUPER long.
For reference:
Link copied directly from PDF (works to download): https://s3.amazonaws.com/os_uploads/2169504_DFA%20train%20pass.PNG?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIPCTK7BDMEW7SP4Q&Expires=1909634500&Signature=aQlQXVR8UuYLtkzjvcKJ5tiVrZQ=&response-content-disposition=attachment;%20filename*=utf-8''DFA%2520train%2520pass.PNG
Link as it appears after trying to parse it in my code (doesn't work, gives "unknown url type" when trying to download): https%3A//s3.amazonaws.com/os_uploads/2169504_DFA%2520train%2520pass.PNG%3FAWSAccessKeyId%3DAKIAIPCTK7BDMEW7SP4Q%26Expires%3D1909634500%26Signature%3DaQlQXVR8UuYLtkzjvcKJ5tiVrZQ%253D%26response-content-disposition%3Dattachment%253B%2520filename%252A%253Dutf-8%2527%2527DFA%252520train%252520pass.PNG
Additionally if people want to weigh in on how I'm doing this in a stupid way. Each PDF starts with a string of 6 digits, and once I download supplemental documents I want to auto save and name them as XXXXXX_attachY.* Where X is the identifying string of digits and Y just increases for each attachment. I haven't gotten my code to work enough to test that, but I'm fairly certain I don't have it correct either.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import glob
import pdfx
import wget
import urllib.parse
## Accessing and Creating Six Digit File Code
pdf_dir = "/users/USERNAME/desktop/worky"
pdf_files = glob.glob("%s/*.pdf" % pdf_dir)
for file in pdf_files:
## Identify File Name and Limit to Digits
filename = os.path.basename(file)
newname = filename[0:6]
## Run PDFX to identify and download links
pdf = pdfx.PDFx(filename)
url_list = pdf.get_references_as_dict()
attachment_counter = (1)
for x in url_list["url"]:
if x[0:4] == "http":
parsed_url = urllib.parse.quote(x, safe='://')
print (parsed_url)
wget.download(parsed_url, '/users/USERNAME/desktop/worky/(newname)_attach(attachment_counter).*')
attachment_counter += 1
for x in url_list["pdf"]:
print (parsed_url + "\n")```
I prefer to use requests (https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/master/) when trying to grab text or files online. I tried it quickly with wget and I got the same error (might be linked to user-agent HTTP headers used by wget).
wget and HTTP headers issues : download image from url using python urllib but receiving HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
HTTP headers : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent
The good thing with requests is that it lets you modify HTTP headers the way you want (https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/master/user/quickstart/#custom-headers).
import requests
r = requests.get("https://s3.amazonaws.com/os_uploads/2169504_DFA%20train%20pass.PNG?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIPCTK7BDMEW7SP4Q&Expires=1909634500&Signature=aQlQXVR8UuYLtkzjvcKJ5tiVrZQ=&response-content-disposition=attachment;%20filename*=utf-8''DFA%2520train%2520pass.PNG")
with open("myfile.png", "wb") as file:
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do, but maybe you want to use formatted strings to build your URLs (https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=format#str.format) ?
Maybe checking string indexes is fine in your case (if x[0:4] == "http":), but I think you should check python re package to use regular expressions to catch the elements you want in a document (https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html).
import re
regex = re.compile(r"^http://")
if re.match(regex, mydocument):
<do something>
The reason for this behavior is inside wget library. Inside it encodes the URL with urllib.parse.quote() (https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.parse.html#urllib.parse.quote).
Basically it replaces characters with their appropriate %xx escape character. Your URL is already escaped but the library does not know that. When it parses the %20 it sees % as a character that needs to be replaced so the result is %2520 and different URL - therefore 403 error.
You could decode that URL first and then pass it, but then you would have another problem with this library because your URL has parameter filename*= but the library expects filename=.
I would recommend doing something like this:
# get the file
req = requests.get(parsed_url)
# parse your URL to get GET parameters
get_parameters = [x for x in parsed_url.split('?')[1].split('&')]
filename = ''
# find the get parameter with the name
for get_parameter in get_parameters:
if "filename*=" in get_parameter:
# split it to get the name
filename = get_parameter.split('filename*=')[1]
# save the file
with open(<path> + filename, 'wb') as file:
I would also recommend removing the utf-8'' in that filename because I don't think it is actually part of the filename. You could also use regular expressions for getting the filename, but this was easier for me.
I have a couple of graphs I need to display in my browser offline, MPLD3 outputs the html as a string and I need to be able to make an html file containing that string. What I'm doing right now is:
tohtml = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig, mpld3_url='/home/pi/webpage/mpld3.js',
Html_file = open("graph.html","w")
tohtml is the variable where the HTML string is stored. I've printed this string to the terminal and then pasted it into an empty HTML file and I get my desired result. However, when I run my code, I get an empty file named graph.html
It seems like you may be reinventing the wheel here. Have you tried something like,
with open('graph.html', 'w') as fileobj:
mpld3.save_html(fig, fileobj, d3_url=d3_url, mpld3_url=mpld3_url)
Note, this is untested just going off of mpld3.save_html documentation and using prior knowledge about Python IO Streams
Sorry if this is redundant but I've tried very hard to look for the answer to this but I've been unable to find one. I'm very new to this so please bear with me:
My objective is for a piece of code to read through a csv full of urls, and return a http status code. I have Python 2.7.5. The outcome of each row would give me the url and the status code, something like this: www.stackoverflow.com: 200.
My csv is a single column csv full of hundreds of urls, one per row. The code I am using is below and when I run this code, it gives me a /r separating two urls similar to this:
{http://www.stackoverflow.com/test\rhttp://www.stackoverflow.com/questions/': 404}
What I would like to see is the two urls separated, and each with their own http status code:
{'http://www.stackoverflow.com': 200, 'http://www.stackoverflow.com/questions/': 404}
But there seems to be an extra \r when Python reads the csv, so it doesn't read the urls correctly. I know folks have said that strip() isn't an all inclusive wiper-outer so any advice on what to do to make this work, would be very much appreciated.
import requests
def get_url_status(url):
r = requests.head(url)
return url, r.status_code
except requests.ConnectionError:
print "failed to connect"
return url, 'error'
results = {}
with open('url2.csv', 'rb') as infile:
for url in infile:
url = url.strip() # "http://datafox.co"
url_status = get_url_status(url)
results[url_status[0]] = url_status[1]
print results
You probably need to figure out how your csv file is formatted, before feeding it to Python.
First, make sure it has consistent line endings. If it has newlines sometimes, and crlf others, that's probably a problem that needs to be corrected.
If you're on a *ix system, tr might be useful.
Here's my first simple test program in Python. Without importing the os library the program runs fine... Leading me to believe there's something wrong with my import statement, however this is the only way i ever see them written. Why am I still getting a syntax error?
import os # <-- why does this line give me a syntax error?!?!?! <unicode error> -->
CalibrationData = r'C:/Users/user/Desktop/blah Redesign/Data/attempts at data gathering/CalibrationData.txt'
File = open(CalibrationData, 'w')
My end goal is to write a simple program that will look through a directory and tabularize data from relevant .ini files within it.
Well, as MDurant pointed out... I pasted in some unprintable character - probably when i entered the URL.