Interact with Windows modal dialog box using Python - python

I am using selenium to open a web browser (specifically Chrome) in order to login to an account. When I run my script, there is a modal dialog box that lets the user know there is an error with administrative permissions. Once the user clicks "Okay", the rest of the script runs without issue.
The problem is I need this script to run automatically. Is there a way to use Python to click the "Okay" button? The alert is not within Chrome, so .switch_to_alert() is not helpful. I've found this question asked previously but the response makes it clear it can't be done with selenium, but can it be done another way?
I've also found this source on using ctypes to handle, but I'm unable to install ctypes.
Any tips/help would be appreciated!

I did further research and it appears that a system modal dialog box cannot be accessed with Python.
I was able to prevent the pop up from occurring at all by getting an older version of the chromedriver. Instead of the most updated (ChromeDriver 2.30), I reverted back to ChromeDriver 2.27 and my program worked without issue.


Python application using eel "unable to connect" to localhost on startup

I am trying to create a python application while using eel to create a user interface in html. My operating system is Ubuntu Linux and I'm using Firefox to display the web interface.
The problem I'm having is every time I run the python code, Firefox opens a blank page saying "Unable to connect" followed by "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:8000". However, if I click the "Try Again" button once, twice, or three times, my interface is displayed.
Once open, I can navigate to different pages but I also noticed that once I navigate to a different page, some of my javascript stops working (specifically a window.close() function). I don't know if this is related but I thought I would mention it just in case.
Any advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I changed my browser from firefox to chromium and now my interface loads on startup the first time. I know some documentation says it can be used with firefox, and it can, but it seems to be kind of buggy and works better with other browsers.
However, I'm still having trouble with my javascript not running but that will be another question.

How to error check pyppeteer page.goBack()

How would I error check if there is a previous page for the chromium browser to go to? I have a button which freezes out if the chromium instance has just been launched and there is not a previous page to go to using the command page.goback()
This is a bug and is not intended behavior. You should consider reporting it as an issue on the GitHub repo.

How can you fill in an open dialog box in headless chrome in Python and Selenium?

I'm working with Python and Selenium to do some automation in the office, and I need to fill in an "upload file" dialog box (a windows "open" dialog box), which was invoked from a site using a headless chrome browser. Does anyone have any idea on how this could be done?
If I wasn't using a headless browser, Pywinauto could be used with a line similar to the following, for example, but this doesn't appear to be an option in headless chrome: + "{ENTER}")
Thank you in advance!
This turned out to not be possible. I ended up running the code on a VM and setting a registry key to allow automation to be run while the VM was minimized, disconnected, or otherwise not being interacted with by users.

In Pycharm, Slow mouse interface(e.q. click button) when connecting server with terminal

I have a difficulty with developing with pycharm (absolutely just installing pycharm)
I download "pycharm 2016.1" and initiate "".
but I cannot do anything, because click interface is not working in the program window. It is very slowwwwwwwww.
Maybe, I think that it is setting problem. Does anyone know this problem?

Getting Around Webdriver's Lack of Interactions API in Safari

I am needing to use the ENTER key in Safari. Turns out Webdriver does not have the Interactions API in the Safari driver. I saw some code from a question about this with a java solution using Robot, and was wondering if there is a purely Python way to do a similar thing.
Mac osascript has libraries for Python. Be sure to 'import os' to gain access to the Mac osascript functionality.
Here is the command that I am using:
cmd = """
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke return'
This does a brute force return. If you're trying to interact with system resources such as a Finder dialog, or something like that, make sure you give it time to appear and go away once you interact with it. You can find out what windows are active (as well as setting Safari or other browsers 'active', if it hasn't come back to front) using Webdriver / Python.
Another thing that I have to do is to use a return call after clicking on buttons within Safari. Clicks are a little busted, so I will click on something to select it (Webdriver gets that far), then do an osascript 'return' to commit the click.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes,
If this answer appears on ANY other site than, it is without my authorization and should be reported
