I'm have a csv file which contains hundred thousands of rows and below are some sample lines..,
1,Ni,23,28-02-2015 12:22:33.2212-02
2,Fi,21,28-02-2015 12:22:34.3212-02
3,Us,33,30-03-2015 12:23:35-01
4,Uk,34,31-03-2015 12:24:36.332211-02
I need to get the last column of csv data which is in wrong datetime format. So I need to get default datetimeformat("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.nnn]") from last column of the data.
I have tried the following script to get lines from it and write into flow file.
import json
import java.io
from org.apache.commons.io import IOUtils
from java.nio.charset import StandardCharsets
from org.apache.nifi.processor.io import StreamCallback
class PyStreamCallback(StreamCallback):
def __init__(self):
def process(self, inputStream, outputStream):
text = IOUtils.readLines(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
for line in text[1:]:
outputStream.write(line + "\n")
flowFile = session.get()
if (flowFile != None):
flowFile = session.write(flowFile,PyStreamCallback())
flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, "filename", flowFile.getAttribute('filename'))
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
but I am not able to find a way to convert it like below output.
1,Ni,23,28-02-2015 12:22:33.221
2,Fi,21,29-02-2015 12:22:34.321
3,Us,33,30-03-2015 12:23:35
4,Uk,34,31-03-2015 12:24:36.332
I have checked solutions with my friend(google) and was still not able to find solution.
Can anyone guide me to convert those input data into my required output?
In this transformation the unnecessary data located at the end of each line, so it's really easy to manage transform task with regular expression.
Check the regular expression and explanation here:
As soon as you have a large file - better not to load it into the memory. The following code loads whole the file into the memory:
IOUtils.readLines(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
Better to iterate line by line.
So this code is for ExecuteScript nifi processor with python (Jython) language:
import sys
import re
import traceback
from org.apache.commons.io import IOUtils
from org.apache.nifi.processor.io import StreamCallback
from org.python.core.util import StringUtil
from java.lang import Class
from java.io import BufferedReader
from java.io import InputStreamReader
from java.io import OutputStreamWriter
class TransformCallback(StreamCallback):
def __init__(self):
def process(self, inputStream, outputStream):
writer = OutputStreamWriter(outputStream,"UTF-8")
reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(inputStream,"UTF-8"))
line = reader.readLine()
p = re.compile('^(.*:\d\d)((\.\d{1,3})(\d*))?(-\d\d)?')
while line!= None:
# print line
match = p.search(line)
writer.write( match.group(1) + (match.group(3) if match.group(3)!=None else '') )
line = reader.readLine()
flowFile = session.get()
if flowFile != None:
flowFile = session.write(flowFile, TransformCallback())
# Finish by transferring the FlowFile to an output relationship
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
And as soon as question is about nifi, here are alternatives that seems to be easier
the same code as above but in groovy for nifi ExecuteScript processor:
def ff = session.get()
ff = session.write(ff, {rawIn, rawOut->
// ## transform streams into reader and writer
reader.eachLine{line, lineNum->
if(lineNum>1) { // # skip the first line
// ## let use regular expression to transform each line
writer << line.replaceAll( /^(.*:\d\d)((\.\d{1,3})(\d*))?(-\d\d)?/ , '$1$3' ) << '\n'
} as StreamCallback)
session.transfer(ff, REL_SUCCESS)
ReplaceText processor
And if regular expression is ok - the easiest way in nifi is a ReplaceText processor that could do regular expression replace line-by-line.
In this case you don't need to write any code, just build the regular expression and configure your processor correctly.
Just using pure jython. It is an example that can be adapted to OP's needs.
Define a datetime parser for this csv file
from datetime import datetime
def parse_datetime(dtstr):
return datetime.strptime(mydatestr,'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f').strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]
except ValueError:
return datetime.strptime(mydatestr,'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
my test.csv includes data like this: ( 2015 didnt have 29 Feb had to change OP's example ).
1,Ni,23,27-02-2015 12:22:33.2212-02
2,Fi,21,28-02-2015 12:22:34.3212-02
3,Us,33,30-03-2015 12:23:35-01
4,Uk,34,31-03-2015 12:24:36.332211-02
now the solution
with open('test.csv') as fi:
for line in fi:
out_line = ', '.join(word if i<3 else parse_datetime(word) for i,word in enumerate(line_split))
#you can write this out_line to a file here.
printing out_line looks like this
1, Ni, 23, 27-02-2015 12:22:33.221
2, Fi, 21, 28-02-2015 12:22:34.321
3, Us, 33, 30-03-2015 12:23:35
4, Uk, 34, 31-03-2015 12:24:36.332
You can get them with regex :
(\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d\ \d\d:\d\d:)(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(-\d\d)$
Then just replace #2 with a rounded version of #2
See regex example at regexr.com
You could even do it "nicer" by getting every single value with a capturing group and then put them into a datetime.datetime object and print it from there, but imho that would be an overkill in maintainability and loose you too much performance.
Code had no possibility to test
import re
pattern = '^(.{25})(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(-\d\d)$' //used offset for simplicity
for line in text[1:]:
match = re.search(pattern, line)
line = match.group(1) + round(match.group(2),3) + match.group(3)
outputStream.write(line + "\n")
I have created a simple API with FastAPI and I want to export the output in a text file (txt).
This is a simplified code
import sys
from clases.sequence import Sequence
from clases.read_file import Read_file
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
def sum(input: str): # pass the sequence in, this time as a query param
DNA = Sequence(input) # get the result (i.e., 4)
return {"Length": DNA.length(), # return the response
"Reverse": DNA.reverse(),
"Reverse and complement": DNA.reverse_and_complement(),
"gc_percentage": DNA.gc_percentage()
And this is the output
The file I would like to get
Length 36
There is a simple way to do this. This is my first time working with APIs and I don't even know how possible is this
with open("output.txt","w") as data:
for k,v in dict1.items():
append_data=k+" "+str(v)
Length 36
gc_percentage 5.142857142857143
You can use open method to create a new file, and write your output. And as #Blackgaurd told you, this isn't a code-writing service.
Also I wrote this code really quickly so some syntax error may occur
import sys
import datetime
from clases.sequence import Sequence
from clases.read_file import Read_file
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
def sum(input: str): # pass the sequence in, this time as a query param
DNA = Sequence(input) # get the result (i.e., 4)
res = {"Length": DNA.length(), # return the response
"Reverse": DNA.reverse(),
"Reverse and complement": DNA.reverse_and_complement(),
"gc_percentage": DNA.gc_percentage()
#with open('result.txt', 'w+') as resFile:
#for i in res:
#resFile.write(i+" "+res[i]+"\n")
# Undo the above comment if you don't want to save result into
#file with unique id, else go with the method I wrote below...
filename = str(datetime.datetime.now().date()) + '_' + str(datetime.datetime.now().time()).replace(':', '.')
with open(filename+'.txt', 'w+') as resFile:
for i in res:
resFile.write(i+" "+res[i]+"\n")
return {"Length": DNA.length(), # return the response
"Reverse": DNA.reverse(),
"Reverse and complement": DNA.reverse_and_complement(),
"gc_percentage": DNA.gc_percentage()
I gonna assume that you have already got your data somehow calling your API.
# data = request.get(...).json()
# save to file:
with open("DNA_insights.txt", 'w') as f:
for k, v in data.items():
f.write(f"{k}: {v}\n")
The following code is designed to write a tuple, each containing a large paragraph of text, and 2 identifiers behind them, to a single line per each entry.
import urllib2
import json
import csv
base_url = "https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/search/?page={}
writer = csv.writer(open("./data/events.csv", "a"))
writer.writerow(["description", "category_id", "subcategory_id"])
def format_event(event):
return event["description"]["text"].encode("utf-8").rstrip("\n\r"), event["category_id"], event["subcategory_id"]
for x in range(1, 2):
print "fetching page - {}".format(x)
formatted_url = base_url.format(str(x))
resp = urllib2.urlopen(formatted_url)
data = resp.read()
j_data = json.loads(data)
events = map(format_event, j_data["events"])
for event in events:
#print event
print "wrote out events for page - {}".format(x)
The ideal format would be to have each line contain a single paragraph, followed by the other fields listed above, yet here is a screenshot of how the data comes out.
If instead I this line to the following:
Here is how the file now looks:
It certainly looks much closer to what I want, but its got parenthesis around each entry which are undesirable.
here is a snippet that contains a sample of the data Im working with.
Can you try writing to the CSV file directly without using using the csv module? You can write/append comma-delimited strings to the CSV file just like writing to typical text files. Also, the way you deal with removing \r and \n characters might not be working. You can use regex to find those characters and replace them with an empty string "":
import urllib2
import json
import re
base_url = "https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/search/?page={}"
def format_event(event):
ws_to_strip = re.compile(r"(\r|\n)")
description = re.sub(ws_to_strip, "", event["description"]["text"].encode("utf-8"))
return [description, event["category_id"], event["subcategory_id"]]
with open("./data/events.csv", "a") as events_file:
events_file.write(",".join(["description", "category_id", "subcategory_id"]))
for x in range(1, 2):
print "fetching page - {}".format(x)
formatted_url = base_url.format(str(x))
resp = urllib2.urlopen(formatted_url)
data = resp.read()
j_data = json.loads(data)
events = map(format_event, j_data["events"])
for event in events:
print "wrote out events for page - {}".format(x)
Change your csv writer to be DictWriter.
Make a few tweaks:
def format_event(event):
return {"description": event["description"]["text"].encode("utf-8").rstrip("\n\r"),
"category_id": event["category_id"],
"subcategory_id": event["subcategory_id"]}
May be a few other small things you need to do, but using DictWriter and formatting your data appropriately has been the easiest way to work with csv files that I've found.
My specs:
Python 3.4.3
Windows 7
IDE is Jupyter Notebooks
What I have referenced:
Here is the data and script, respectively, below (I have tried variations on serializing Column 'E' using both Sax and ElementTree):
"3","8","1","<Request TransactionID="3" RequestType="FOO"><InstitutionISO /><CallID>23</CallID><MemberID>12</MemberID><MemberPassword /><RequestData><AccountNumber>2</AccountNumber><AccountSuffix>85</AccountSuffix><AccountType>S</AccountType><MPIAcctType>Checking</MPIAcctType><TransactionCount>10</TransactionCount></RequestData></Request>","<Response TransactionID="2" RequestType="HoldInquiry"><ShareList>0000',0001,0070,</ShareList></Response>","1967-12-25 22:18:13.471000","2005-12-25 22:18:13.768000","2","70","0"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os.path
import sys
import csv
from io import StringIO
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import XMLParser
import xml
import xml.sax
from xml.sax import ContentHandler
class MyHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self):
self._charBuffer = []
self._result = []
def _getCharacterData(self):
data = ''.join(self._charBuffer).strip()
self._charBuffer = []
return data.strip() #remove strip() if whitespace is important
def parse(self, f):
xml.sax.parse(f, self)
return self._result
def characters(self, data):
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'Response':
def endElement(self, name):
if not name == 'Response': self._result[-1][name] = self._getCharacterData()
def read_data(path):
with open(path, 'rU', encoding='utf-8') as data:
reader = csv.DictReader(data, delimiter =',', quotechar="'", skipinitialspace=True)
for row in reader:
yield row
if __name__ == "__main__":
empty = ''
Response = 'sample.csv'
for idx, row in enumerate(read_data(Response)):
if idx > 10: break
data = row['E']
print(data) # The before
data = data[1:-1]
data = ""'{}'"".format(data)
print(data) # Sanity check
# data = '<Response TransactionID="2" RequestType="HoldInquiry"><ShareList>0000',0001,0070,</ShareList></Response>'
root = ElementTree.XML(data)
# print(root)
except StopIteration:
# xmlstring = StringIO(data)
# print(xmlstring)
# Handler = MyHandler().parse(xmlstring)
Specifically, due to the quoting in the CSV file (which is beyond my control), I have had to resort to slicing the string (line 51) and then formatting it (line 52).
However the print out from the above attempt is as follows:
"<Response TransactionID="2" RequestType="HoldInquiry"><ShareList>0000'
<Response TransactionID="2" RequestType="HoldInquiry"><ShareList>0000
File "<string>", line unknown
ParseError: no element found: line 1, column 69
Interestingly - if I assign the variable "data" (as in line 54) I receive this:
File "<ipython-input-80-7357c9272b92>", line 56
data = '<Response TransactionID="2" RequestType="HoldInquiry"><ShareList>0000',0001,0070,</ShareList></Response>'
SyntaxError: invalid token
I seek feedback and information on how to address utilizing the most Pythonic means to do so. Ideally, is there a method that can leverage ElementTree. Thank you, in advance, for your feedback and guidance.
It seems that You have badly formatted (well, badly quoted) csv data.
If csv file is beyond Your control I suggest not using csv reader to read them,
instead - if You can rely on each field being properly quoted - split them yourself.
with open(Response, 'rU', encoding='utf-8') as data:
separated = data.read().split('","')
x = ElementTree.XML(separated[3])
y = ElementTree.XML(separated[4])
except Exception as e:
<Element 'Request' at 0xb6d973b0>
<Request RequestType="FOO" TransactionID="3"><InstitutionISO /><CallID>23</CallID><MemberID>12</MemberID><MemberPassword /><RequestData><AccountNumber>2</AccountNumber><AccountSuffix>85</AccountSuffix><AccountType>S</AccountType><MPIAcctType>Checking</MPIAcctType><TransactionCount>10</TransactionCount></RequestData></Request>
<Response RequestType="HoldInquiry" TransactionID="2"><ShareList>0000',0001,0070,</ShareList></Response>
Is it possible to make a method, which prints a next line of a code?
def print_next_line():
import fxx
print 'XXX'
>>> 'XXX'
>>> 'file.split('/')'
I was thinking that It could be somewhere in the stack, but I'm not sure because it is next, not previous line.
Straight approach. I use inspect module to determine file and line where print_next_line was called. Later I read the file to find next string. You might want to add some error handling here (what if there is no next line in a file? and so on)
def print_next_line():
def get_line(f, lineno):
with open(f) as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
return lines[lineno-1]
import inspect
callerframerecord = inspect.stack()[1]
frame = callerframerecord[0]
info = inspect.getframeinfo(frame)
line_ = info.lineno
file_ = info.filename
print get_line(file_, line_ + 1)
print 'XXX'
a = 1
b = a*2
All you need is a profiling tool or just a debugger.
Use Python's inspect module:
import inspect
def print_next_line():
lineno = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
with open(__file__) as f:
Well you could open() your .py file and iterate to find specific line, then print it.
I am working on pulling logs through an web API and so far when pulling the logs they return in the following format (3 events below starting with and ending with . My question is what would be the best way to loop through each line and concatenate them so that the result event looks like below.
Current output
<attack_headlines version="1.0.1">
<attack_headlines version="1.0.1">
<attack_headlines version="1.0.1">
Expected output
<attack_headlines version="1.0.1"><attack_headline><site_id>1</site_id<category>V2luZG93cyBEaXJlY3RvcmllcyBhbmQgRmlsZXM=</category<subcategory>SUlTIEhlbHA=</subcategory><client_ip></client_ip<date>1363735975</date><gmt_diff>0</gmt_diff<reference_id>6D13-DE3D-9539-8982</reference_id></attack_headline</attack_headlines>
Thanks in advance!
import json
import os
from suds.transport.https import WindowsHttpAuthenticated
class Helpers:
def set_connection(self,conf):
auth_type = conf['authType']
from suds.xsd.doctor import ImportDoctor, Import
from suds.client import Client
url = '{0}://{1}:{2}/{3}/{4}?wsdl'.format(protocol,
hostname,port, path, file)
imp = Import('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/')
d = ImportDoctor(imp)
if(auth_type == 'ntlm'):
ntlm = WindowsHttpAuthenticated(username=u_name, password=passwrd)
client = Client(url, transport=ntlm, doctor=d)
client = Client(url, username=u_name, password=passwrd, doctor=d)
return client
def read_from_file(self, filename):
fo = open(filename, "r")
result = fo.read()
return result
except IOError:
print "##Error opening/reading file {0}".format(filename)
def read_json(self,filename):
return json.loads(string)
def get_recent_attacks(self, client):
import time
import base64
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
epoch_time_now = int(time.time())
epochtimeread = open('epoch_last', 'r')
epoch_time_last_read = epochtimeread.read()
epoch_time_last = int(float(epoch_time_last_read))
print client.service.get_recent_attacks("",epoch_time_last,epoch_time_now,1,"",15)
If this is just a single, large string object with line-breaks, you can simply delete them:
import re
text = re.sub('\s*\n\s*', '', text)
To leave the line breaks in that follow the </attack_headline> delimiter, try:
re.sub('(?<!<\/attack_headline>)\s*\n\s*', '', x)
You could use:
oneline = "".join(multiline.split())
Edit 1 (I've just seen your edit) - I will change your code like this:
with open(filename, "r") as fo:
result = []
for line in fo.readlines():
return result
Edit 2 (I've read your comment on the other answer) - You could do like this:
with open(filename, "r") as fo:
partial = []
for line in fo.readlines():
if line.startswith("<"):
yield "".join(partial)
partial = []
clean = line.strip()
if clean:
import re
# remove all newline whitespace stuff as in answer given before:
text = re.sub(r'\s*\n\s*', '', text)
# break again at desired points:
text = re.sub(r'</attack_headlines>', '</attack_headlines>\n', text)