I'm doing a genetic algorithm where each inidividual generates 3 new offsprings. The new individuals are evaluated using the fitness function, which may return negative and positive values. What is the correct approach to choose between the offsprings using the roulette wheel selection if I want to minimize?
Some possible values of the fitness function are: fitness_offspring_1 = -98.74; fitness_offspring_2 = -10.1; fitness_offspring_3 = 100.31
I'm working on Python but I only need the idea so I can implement it by myself.
Roulette wheel selection is simply assigning probability values proportional to an individuals fitness. And then randomly selecting from that distribution. Fit individuals get a better chance at being selected, while less-fit individuals get lower chances.
You can easily adapt this to your code by using the offspring list instead of the individuals.
Lets start with as simple pseudo-codeish implementation in python, you can modify it to your needs:
fitness_sum = sum([ind.fitness for ind in individuals])
probability_offset = 0
for ind in individuals:
ind.probability = probability_offset + (ind.fitness / fitness_sum)
probability_offset += ind.probability
r = get_random_float()
selected_ind = individuals[0] # initialize
for ind in individuals:
if ind.probability > r:
selected_ind = ind
Now, the code above (by the nature of roulette wheel) assumes all fitness values are positive. So in your case we need to normalize it. You can simply sum all values by the absolute value of smallest offspring. But that would make its probability 0 so you could simply add a bias to all to give it a slight chance as well.
Lets see how it works with simple values, say [1, 5, 14]
fitness_sum = 20
previous_probability = 0
# iterating first for loop:
individual[0].fitness => 0 + 1 / 20 = 0.05
individual[1].fitness => 0.05 + 5 / 20 = 0.3
individual[2].fitness => 0.3 + 14 / 20 = 1
# We created the wheel of probability distributions,
# 0 - 0.05 means we select individual 0
# 0.05 - 0.3 means we select individual 1 etc...
# say our random number r = 0.4
r = 0.4
selected_ind = individual_0
# iterating second for loop:
# 0.05 > 0.4 = false
selected_ind = individual_0
# 0.3 > 0.4 = false
selected_ind = individual_1
# 1.0 > 0.4 = true
I'm sure there are much better pseudo-codes or implementations in python you can search for. Just wanted to give you an idea.
This is how I implemented it in JavaScript, to give you a general idea:
var totalFitness = 0;
var minimalFitness = 0;
for(var genome in this.population){
var score = this.population[genome].score;
minimalFitness = score < minimalFitness ? score : minimalFitness;
totalFitness += score
minimalFitness = Math.abs(minimalFitness);
totalFitness += minimalFitness * this.popsize;
var random = Math.random() * totalFitness
var value = 0;
for(var genome in this.population){
genome = this.population[genome];
value += genome.score + minimalFitness;
if(random < value) return genome;
// if all scores equal, return random genome
return this.population[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.population.length)];
However, just as #umutto has mentioned, this gives the genome with the lowest score no chance of being selected. So you could artificially add a little bit of fitness to each genome, so that even the lowest invidivudla has a chance. Note: I didn't implement that small bias in the above code #umutto mentioned.
For using Roulette wheel selection for minimization, you have to do two pre-processing steps:
You have to get rid of the negative fitness values, because the fitness value will represent the selection probability, which can't be negative. The easiest way for doing this, is to subtract the lowest (negative) value from all fitness values. The lowest fitness value is now zero.
For minimizing, you have to revert the fitness values. This is done by setting the fitness values to max fitness - fitness. The individual with the best fitness has now the highest fitness value.
The transformed fitness values are now feed into the normal Roulette wheel selector, which selects the individual with the highest fitness. But essentially you are doing a minimization.
The Java GA, Jenetics, is doing minimization in this way.
I am trying to simulate the following problem:
Given a 2D random walk (in a lattice grid) starting from the origin what is the average waiting time to hit the line y=1-x
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
for _ in tqdm(range(N)):
current = [0,0]
while (current[1]+current[0] != 1):
step += 1
a = np.random.randint(0,4)
if (a==0):
current[0] += 1
elif (a==1):
current[0] -= 1
elif (a==2):
current[1] += 1
elif (a==3):
current[1] -= 1
This code is slow even for N<10**4 I am not sure how to optimize it or change it to properly simulate the problem.
Instead of simulating a bunch of random walks sequentially, lets try simulating multiple paths at the same time and tracking the probabilities of those happening, for instance we start at position 0 with probability 1:
states = {0+0j: 1}
and the possible moves along with their associated probabilities would be something like this:
moves = {1+0j: 0.25, 0+1j: 0.25, -1+0j: 0.25, 0-1j: 0.25}
# moves = {1: 0.5, -1:0.5} # this would basically be equivelent
With this construct we can update to new states by going over the combination of each state and each move and update probabilities accordingly
def simulate_one_step(current_states):
newStates = {}
for cur_pos, prob_of_being_here in current_states.items():
for movement_dist,prob_of_moving_this_way in moves.items():
newStates.setdefault(cur_pos+movement_dist, 0)
newStates[cur_pos+movement_dist] += prob_of_being_here*prob_of_moving_this_way
return newStates
Then we just iterate this popping out all winning states at each step:
for stepIdx in range(1, 100):
states = simulate_one_step(states)
winning_chances = 0
# use set(keys) to make copy so we can delete cases out of states as we go.
for pos, prob in set(states.items()):
# if y = 1-x
if pos.imag == 1 - pos.real:
winning_chances += prob
# we no longer consider this a state that propogated because the path stops here.
del states[pos]
print(f"probability of winning after {stepIdx} moves is: {winning_chances}")
you would also be able to look at states for an idea of the distribution of possible positions, although totalling it in terms of distance from the line simplifies the data. Anyway, the final step would be to average the steps taken by the probability of taking that many steps and see if it converges:
total_average_num_moves += stepIdx * winning_chances
But we might be able to gather more insight by using symbolic variables! (note I'm simplifying this to a 1D problem which I describe how at the bottom)
import sympy
x = sympy.Symbol("x") # will sub in 1/2 later
moves = {
1: x, # assume x is the chances for us to move towards the target
-1: 1-x # and therefore 1-x is the chance of moving away
This with the exact code as written above gives us this sequence:
probability of winning after 1 moves is: x
probability of winning after 2 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 3 moves is: x**2*(1 - x)
probability of winning after 4 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 5 moves is: 2*x**3*(1 - x)**2
probability of winning after 6 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 7 moves is: 5*x**4*(1 - x)**3
probability of winning after 8 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 9 moves is: 14*x**5*(1 - x)**4
probability of winning after 10 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 11 moves is: 42*x**6*(1 - x)**5
probability of winning after 12 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 13 moves is: 132*x**7*(1 - x)**6
And if we ask the OEIS what the sequence 1,2,5,14,42,132... means it tells us those are Catalan numbers with the formula of (2n)!/(n!(n+1)!) so we can write a function for the non-zero terms in that series as:
f(n,x) = (2n)! / (n! * (n+1)!) * x^(n+1) * (1-x)^n
or in actual code:
import math
def probability_of_winning_after_2n_plus_1_steps(n, prob_of_moving_forward = 0.5):
return (math.factorial(2*n)/math.factorial(n)/math.factorial(n+1)
* prob_of_moving_forward**(n+1) * (1-prob_of_moving_forward)**n)
which now gives us a relatively instant way of calculating relevant parameters for any length, or more usefully ask wolfram alpha what the average would be (it diverges)
Note that we can simplify this to a 1D problem by considering y-x as one variable: "we start at y-x = 0 and move such that y-x either increases or decreases by 1 each move with equal chance and we are interested when y-x = 1. This means we can consider the 1D case by subbing in z=y-x.
Vectorisation would result in much faster code, approximately ~90K times faster. Here is the function that would return step to hit y=1-x line starting from (0,0) and trajectory generation on the 2D grid with unit steps .
import numpy as np
def _random_walk_2D(sim_steps):
""" Walk on 2D unit steps
return x_sim, y_sim, trajectory, number_of_steps_first_hit to y=1-x """
random_moves_x = np.insert(np.random.choice([1,0,-1], sim_steps), 0, 0)
random_moves_y = np.insert(np.random.choice([1,0,-1], sim_steps), 0, 0)
x_sim = np.cumsum(random_moves_x)
y_sim = np.cumsum(random_moves_y)
trajectory = np.array((x_sim,y_sim)).T
y_hat = 1-x_sim # checking if hit y=1-x
y_hit = y_hat-y_sim
hit_steps = np.where(y_hit == 0)
number_of_steps_first_hit = -1
if hit_steps[0].shape[0] > 0:
number_of_steps_first_hit = hit_steps[0][0]
return x_sim, y_sim, trajectory, number_of_steps_first_hit
if number_of_steps_first_hit is -1 it means trajectory does not hit the line.
A longer simulation and repeating might give the average behaviour, but the following one tells if it does not escape to Infiniti it hits line on average ~84 steps.
sim_steps= 5*10**3 # 5K steps
nrepeat = 40000
hit_step = [_random_walk_2D(sim_steps)[3] for _ in range(nrepeat)]
hit_step = [h for h in hit_step if h > -1]
np.mean(hit_step) # ~84 step
Much longer sim_steps will change the result though.
Good exercise, hope that this wasn't a homework, if it was homework, please cite this answer if it is used.
As discussed in the comments current _random_walk_2D works for 8-directions. To restrict it to cardinal direction we could do the following filtering:
cardinal_x_y = [(t[0], t[1]) for t in zip(random_moves_x, random_moves_y)
if np.abs(t[0]) != np.abs(t[1])]
random_moves_x = [t[0] for t in cardinal_x_y]
random_moves_y = [t[1] for t in cardinal_x_y]
though this would slow it down the function a bit but still will be super fast compare to for loop solutions.
I would like to choose a range, for example, 60 to 80, and generate a random number from it. However, between 65-72 I'd like a higher probability, while the other ranges aside from this (60-64 and 73 to 80) to have lower.
An example:
From 60-64 there's 35% chance of being choosen as well for 73-80. From 65-72 65% chance.
The elements in the subranges are equally likely. I'm generating integers.
Also, it would be interesting a scalable solution, so that one could expand its usage for higher ranges, for example, 1000-2000, but biased toward 1400-1600.
Does anyone could help with some ideas?
Thanks beforehand for anyone willing to contribute!
For equally likely outcomes in the subranges, the following will do the trick:
import random
THRESHOLD = [0.65, 0.65 + 0.35 * 5 / 13]
def my_distribution():
u = random.random()
if u <= THRESHOLD[0]:
return random.randint(65, 72)
elif u <= THRESHOLD[1]:
return random.randint(60, 64)
return random.randint(73, 80)
This uses a uniform random number to decide which subrange you're in, then generates values equally likely within that subrange.
The THRESHOLD values are similar to a cumulative distribution function, but arranged so the most likely outcome is checked first. 65% of the time (u <= THRESHOLD[0]) you'll generate from the range [65, 72]. Failing that, 5 of the 13 remaining possibilities (5/13 of 35%) are in the range [60, 64], and the rest are in the range [73, 80]. A Uniform(0,1) value u will fall below the first threshold 65% of the time, and failing that, below the second threshold 5/13 of the time and above that threshold the remaining 8/13 of the time.
The results look like this:
Here's a numpy based solution:
import numpy as np
# Some params
left_start = 60 # Start of left interval====== [60,64]
middle_start = 65 # Start of middle interval === [65,72]
right_start = 73 # Start of right interval ===- [73,80]
right_end = 80 # End of the right interval == [73,80]
count = 1000 # Number of values to generate.
middle_wt = 0.65 # Middle range to be selected with wt/prob=0.65
middle = np.arange(middle_start, right_start)
rest = np.r_[left_start:middle_start, right_start:(right_end+1)]
rng1 = np.random.default_rng(None) # Generator for randomly choosing range.
rng2 = np.random.default_rng(None) # Generator for generating values in the ranges.
# Now generate a random list of 0s and 1s to indicate choice between
# 'middle' and 'rest'. For this number generation we will set middle_wt as
# the weight/probability for 0 and (1-middle_wt) as the weight/probability for 1.
# (0 indicates middle range and 1 indicates the rest.)
range_choices = rng1.choice([0,1], replace=True, size=count, p=[middle_wt, (1-middle_wt)])
# Now generate 'count' values for the middle range
middle_choices = rng2.choice(middle, replace=True, size=count)
# Now generate 'count' values for the 'rest' of the range (non-middle)
rest_choices = rng2.choice(rest, replace=True, size=count)
result = np.choose(range_choices, (middle_choices,rest_choices))
print (np.sum((65 <= result) & (result<=72)))
In the above code, p=[middle_wt, (1-middle_wt)] is a list of weights. The middle_wt is the weight for the middle range [65,72], and the (1-middle_wt) is the weight for the rest.
649 # Indicates that 649 out of the 1000 values of result are in the middle range [65,72]
I have this dataset that has 7 columns (see image). First, I want to group by the Name column, afterwards I want to assign weights as follows:
Compute 10% of 1/n (if Provider for a Name is more than 1) for all n number of IDs in a Name. n = count of unique ID for one name. So for Sammy for example, n = 2.
Add 5% of 1/n if the column Accel_5 is 1, add an extra 10% of 1/n if the Accel_10 is 1 and add an extra 15% of 1/n if the Accel_15 is 1.
Add 10% for each additional tech
Altogether, groupby Name(Sammy, Josh, Sarah), then compute; 10% of 1/n(if provider is greater than 1) + 5% of 1/n(if Accel_5 is equal to 1) + 10% of 1/n (if Accel_10 is equal to 1) + 15% of 1/n (if Accel_15 is equal to 1) + 10% of 1/n (for each additional tech).
I have been able to groupby name only and I have gotten the unique number of IDs by name but I am stuck. See sample code below:
sample = pd.read_csv("Records.csv")
test = sample.groupby("Name")
Link to data: Link to image depicted above
I appreciate your help.
You could try to create a custom function, and then use .apply() as:
def assign_weights(x):
n = len(x['ID'].unique())
x["Weight"] = 0
# 1.
n_providers = len(x['Provider'].unique())
if n_providers > 1:
x["Weight"] += 0.1 * 1/n
# 2.
if 1 in x['Accel_5']:
x["Weight"] += 0.05 * 1/n
if 1 in x['Accel_10']:
x["Weight"] += 0.1 * 1/n
if 1 in x['Accel_15']:
x["Weight"] += 0.15 * 1/n
# 3.
n_tech = len(x['Tech'].unique())
x["Weight"] += 0.1 * n_tech
return x
sample.groupby("Name").apply(lambda x: assign_weights(x))
This creates a new column Weight, based on the conditions 1, 2 and 3 you supplied. Because you did not specify the input data in an appropriate manner (not using an image), I have not tested the code, but I believe it should work as intended.
Say I want to build a maze with a certain probability of an obstacle at each position. This probability is determined by a density value ranging from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning "no chance", and 10 meaning "certain".
Does this Python code do what I want?
import random
obstacle_density = 10
if random.randint(0, 9) < obstacle_density:
print("There is an obstacle")
I've tried various combinations of upper and lower bounds and inequalities, and this seems to do the job, but I'm suspicious. For one thing, 11 possible values for obstacle_density and only 10 in random.randint(0, 9).
Not super sure about your solution. It seems like it would work, though.
Here's how I would approach it, even if it is a bit redundant - I'd start with a table just for my own reference:
density | probability of obstacle
0 | 0%
1 | 10%
2 | 20%
3 | 30%
4 | 40%
5 | 50%
6 | 60%
7 | 70%
8 | 80%
9 | 90%
10 | 100%
This seems to add up. I present two versions of a function which returns True or False depending on the density. In the first version, I use the density to create the associated weights to be used with random.choices (the total weight in this case would be 100). For example, if density = 3, then weights = [30, 70] - 30% to be True, 70% to be False.
def get_obstacle_state_version_1(density):
from random import choices
assert isinstance(density, int)
assert density in range(0, 11) # 0 - 10 inclusive
true_weight = density * 10
false_weight = 100 - true_weight
weights = [true_weight, false_weight]
return choices([True, False], weights=weights, k=1)[0]
Here's the second version, in which I use random.choice rather than random.choices. The latter always returns a list of samples, even if the sample size k is 1.
Here, the idea is the same, but basically the density influences the number of Trues and Falses that appear in the population to be sampled. For example, if density = 3, then random.choice would pick one element from a list of 30 Trues, and 70 Falses with a uniform distribution.
def get_obstacle_state_version_2(density):
from random import choice
assert isinstance(density, int)
assert density in range(0, 11) # 0 - 10 inclusive
true_count = density * 10
false_count = 100 - true_count
return choice([True] * true_count + [False] * false_count)
You should loop over the maze and at each site assign a probability.
You should do something like this:
probability = random.randint(0, 10) / 10
I have no idea what you mean by obstacle_density, so I am not gonna go there.
I need to distribute a value based on some weights. For example, if my weights are 1 and 2, then I would expect the column weighted as 2 to have twice the value as the column weighted 1.
I have some Python code to demonstrate what I'm trying to do, and the problem:
def distribute(total, distribution):
distributed_total = []
for weight in distribution:
weight = float(weight)
p = weight/sum(distribution)
weighted_value = round(p*total)
return distributed_total
for x in xrange(100):
d = distribute(x, (1,2,3))
if x != sum(d):
print x, sum(d), d
There are many cases shown by the code above where distributing a value results in the sum of the distribution being different than the original value. For example, distributing 3 with weights of (1,2,3) results in (1,1,2), which totals 4.
What is the simplest way to fix this distribution algorithm?
I expect the distributed values to be integer values. It doesn't matter exactly how the integers are distributed as long as they total to the correct value, and they are "as close as possible" to the correct distribution.
(By correct distribution I mean the non-integer distribution, and I haven't fully defined what I mean by "as close as possible." There are perhaps several valid outputs, so long as they total the original value.)
Distribute the first share as expected. Now you have a simpler problem, with one fewer participants, and a reduced amount available for distribution. Repeat until there are no more participants.
>>> def distribute2(available, weights):
... distributed_amounts = []
... total_weights = sum(weights)
... for weight in weights:
... weight = float(weight)
... p = weight / total_weights
... distributed_amount = round(p * available)
... distributed_amounts.append(distributed_amount)
... total_weights -= weight
... available -= distributed_amount
... return distributed_amounts
>>> for x in xrange(100):
... d = distribute2(x, (1,2,3))
... if x != sum(d):
... print x, sum(d), d
You have to distribute the rounding errors somehow:
| | | |
Pixel grid:
| | | |
The simplest would be to round each true value to the nearest pixel, for both the start and end position. So, when you round up block A 0.5 to 1, you also change the start position of the block B from 0.5 to 1. This decreases the size of B by 0.5 (in essence, "stealing" the size from it). Of course, this leads you to having B steal size from C, ultimately resulting in having:
| | | |
but how else did you expect to divide 3 into 3 integral parts?
The easiest approach is to calculate the normalization scale, which is the factor by which the sum of the weights exceeds the total you are aiming for, then divide each item in your weights by that scale.
def distribute(total, weights):
scale = float(sum(weights))/total
return [x/scale for x in weights]
If you expect distributing 3 with weights of (1,2,3) to be equal to (0.5, 1, 1.5), then the rounding is your problem:
weighted_value = round(p*total)
You want:
weighted_value = p*total
EDIT: Solution to return integer distribution
def distribute(total, distribution):
leftover = 0.0
distributed_total = []
distribution_sum = sum(distribution)
for weight in distribution:
weight = float(weight)
leftover, weighted_value = modf(weight*total/distribution_sum + leftover)
distributed_total[-1] = round(distributed_total[-1]+leftover) #mitigate round off errors
return distributed_total