How can I add a GUI to my program? [closed] - python

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Closed 5 years ago.
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After reading and learning from online tutorials. I now know the fundamentals of python. However I am tired of just making interactive text-based program. I want an interface for my program, to be specific I want a graphical user interface for my program. How can I make this possible?

What you are looking for is a GUI (Graphical User Interface). You can check the list of GUI's available for Python here, along with their commentary. You can pick whichever you feel is the closest to what you want, and start learning by reading their documentaries and practicing.

You can use Tkinter or pygtk using glade which I recommend. Check this


How do I make a Gui in python? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Alright so I am not big brain. Can someone give me a tutorial or recommend one? I've heard tkinter is good, so maybe use that? I don't know please help me.
See GuiProgramming in the official wiki which shows a HUGE amount of frameworks in categories such as:
and other from which most of the known ones I'd say are PyJamas, PyGame, PyQt, Kivy, Tkinter and wxPython
This might help you out:
It is a simple tutorial that explains how to make a GUI. It uses Tkinter.
You can use Tkinter or Guizero to create GUIs using Python

Audio feedback while coding in python? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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does anyone know if there is an addon (in my case for pycharm), that gives you an audio feedback during scripting? (like for blind programmers?)
e.g I type len(s) and it shouts "len" into my headphones?
Or at least during debugging?
Since I am a newbie I'd like to learn programming with all senses possible. I started with games like code CodeCombat and I realized that it helps a lot when I hear what I have coded.
An improvement could be if you could save your own audios to each command, so you can 'hear' good/bad coding, music-like..
Another possibility I'd considered is a 2d graphic with different colors, where you could at least analyze similar codes with one view like a painting.
Does anything like this exist?

Runtime Statistics in Python [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for a library for gathering "runtime statistics" in python, by which I mean an interface for outputting structured log files. A good example of what I would like is Twitter's ostrich project in Scala, wherein one simply executes a statement notifying the logger of an event. Ideally, this would then be automatically aggregated into a suitable visualization for application monitoring.
Does anyone know if such a library exists? Alternatively, does anyone know a more generic way of combining traditional message logging with some simply graphing for runtime analytics?
Graphite is one such system, written in Python.
I'm not familiar with ostrich, but a quick look at the readme suggests that the python project mmstats might be close to what you're looking for.

Pygame Game with Notes [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to learn pygame and I was wondering if anyone knew of a game that included notes within the script which explains what each line of code does. Preferably a very simple game that just outlines the basics.
You should look at PyPong or Doodle-Jump
have you looked at the
There are lots of projects in the right menu, you just select the category and download the source

"htop" style gui with python, how? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am intersted in building some text based GUIs, things that look like the terminal, but has functions like selecting rows and performing actions.
You know, things like htop and atop, ex:
Any resource on that?
You need Uwrid - a console user interface library for Python.
Documentation available on the website.
There is also Curses, which is in the Python standard library.
don't miss also
Also, the library panwid offers a data table widget for Urwid, which does a lot of the heavy-lifting for an htop-like interface.
