first to mention, my code works, I just feel, I could do it more efficient. But how?
I have a routine with (optional and standard given) arguments:
def read(fpath = 'C:', fname = 'text.txt')
Later I call this function and case by case different arguments for the shown function:
def get(index, path=None, name=None):
if path == None:
if name == None:
elements = read()
elements = read(fname=name)
if name == None:
elements = read(fpath=path)
elements = read(fpath=path,fname=name)
How can I write it shorter without losing clarity of code?
Thank you.
PS: Is my first question, if I missed a rule, please correct me. I'm learning.
You can modify the definition of read to use the same arguments' names, then you can call it directly.
def read(path=None, name=None):
return 'something usefull'
def get(index, **kwargs):
elements = read(**kwargs)
get(0, path='a path', name='a name')
# a path
# a name
Instead of path=None, name=None you can of course provide actual default values in read's definition (unless they are mutable).
You could work with a dictionary and use keyword parameters:
def get(index, path = None, name = None):
kwargs = {}
if path is not None:
kwargs['path'] = path
if name is not None:
kwargs['name'] = name
elements = read(**kwargs)
Or if you simply want to filter out Nones for all parameters:
def get(index, path = None, name = None):
kwargs = dict(path = path, name = name)
elements = read(**{k:v for k,v in kwargs.items() if v is not None})
Nevertheless I wonder whether it wouldn't be better, if you communicate the default values to the user by using the same default values. Since a user will notice weird behavior. So my advice would be to use:
def read(index, fpath = 'C:', fname = 'text.txt'):
elements = read(fpath=fpath,fname=fname)
Since now a user can see from the type signature what will happen if he/she does not provide a certain parameter. You can also pass the **kwargs in which case the arguments provided to get are (with except of index here), passed to read(..):
def get(index, **kwargs):
elements = read(**kwargs)
I think you can use **kwargs over here.
**kwargs allows you to pass keyworded variable length of arguments to a function. You should use **kwargs if you want to handle named arguments in a function. Here is an example:
def greet_me(**kwargs):
if kwargs is not None:
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
print "%s == %s" %(key,value)
name == yasoob
This question already has answers here:
Getting the name of a variable as a string
(32 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
Is it possible to get the original variable name of a variable passed to a function? E.g.
foobar = "foo"
def func(var):
print var.origname
So that:
All I was trying to do was make a function like:
def log(soup):
f = open(varname+'.html', 'w')
print >>f, soup.prettify()
.. and have the function generate the filename from the name of the variable passed to it.
I suppose if it's not possible I'll just have to pass the variable and the variable's name as a string each time.
EDIT: To make it clear, I don't recommend using this AT ALL, it will break, it's a mess, it won't help you in any way, but it's doable for entertainment/education purposes.
You can hack around with the inspect module, I don't recommend that, but you can do it...
import inspect
def foo(a, f, b):
frame = inspect.currentframe()
frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame)[1]
string = inspect.getframeinfo(frame[0]).code_context[0].strip()
args = string[string.find('(') + 1:-1].split(',')
names = []
for i in args:
if i.find('=') != -1:
print names
def main():
e = 1
c = 2
foo(e, 1000, b = c)
['e', '1000', 'c']
To add to Michael Mrozek's answer, you can extract the exact parameters versus the full code by:
import re
import traceback
def func(var):
stack = traceback.extract_stack()
filename, lineno, function_name, code = stack[-2]
vars_name = re.compile(r'\((.*?)\).*$').search(code).groups()[0]
print vars_name
foobar = "foo"
# PRINTS: foobar
Looks like Ivo beat me to inspect, but here's another implementation:
import inspect
def varName(var):
lcls = inspect.stack()[2][0].f_locals
for name in lcls:
if id(var) == id(lcls[name]):
return name
return None
def foo(x=None):
lcl='not me'
return varName(x)
def bar():
lcl = 'hi'
return foo(lcl)
# 'lcl'
Of course, it can be fooled:
def baz():
lcl = 'hi'
return foo(lcl)
# 'x'
Moral: don't do it.
Another way you can try if you know what the calling code will look like is to use traceback:
def func(var):
stack = traceback.extract_stack()
filename, lineno, function_name, code = stack[-2]
code will contain the line of code that was used to call func (in your example, it would be the string func(foobar)). You can parse that to pull out the argument
You can't. It's evaluated before being passed to the function. All you can do is pass it as a string.
#Ivo Wetzel's answer works in the case of function call are made in one line, like
e = 1 + 7
c = 3
foo(e, 100, b=c)
In case that function call is not in one line, like:
e = 1 + 7
c = 3
b = c)
below code works:
import inspect, ast
def foo(a, f, b):
frame = inspect.currentframe()
frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame)[1]
string = inspect.findsource(frame[0])[0]
nodes = ast.parse(''.join(string))
i_expr = -1
for (i, node) in enumerate(nodes.body):
if hasattr(node, 'value') and isinstance(node.value, ast.Call)
and hasattr(node.value.func, 'id') and == 'foo' # Here goes name of the function:
i_expr = i
i_expr_next = min(i_expr + 1, len(nodes.body)-1)
lineno_start = nodes.body[i_expr].lineno
lineno_end = nodes.body[i_expr_next].lineno if i_expr_next != i_expr else len(string)
str_func_call = ''.join([i.strip() for i in string[lineno_start - 1: lineno_end]])
params = str_func_call[str_func_call.find('(') + 1:-1].split(',')
You will get:
[u'e', u'1000', u'b = c']
But still, this might break.
You can use python-varname package
from varname import nameof
s = 'Hey!'
print (nameof(s))
Package below:
For posterity, here's some code I wrote for this task, in general I think there is a missing module in Python to give everyone nice and robust inspection of the caller environment. Similar to what rlang eval framework provides for R.
import re, inspect, ast
#Convoluted frame stack walk and source scrape to get what the calling statement to a function looked like.
#Specifically return the name of the variable passed as parameter found at position pos in the parameter list.
def _caller_param_name(pos):
#The parameter name to return
param = None
#Get the frame object for this function call
thisframe = inspect.currentframe()
#Get the parent calling frames details
frames = inspect.getouterframes(thisframe)
#Function this function was just called from that we wish to find the calling parameter name for
function = frames[1][3]
#Get all the details of where the calling statement was
frame,filename,line_number,function_name,source,source_index = frames[2]
#Read in the source file in the parent calling frame upto where the call was made
with open(filename) as source_file:
head=[ for x in xrange(line_number)]
#Build all lines of the calling statement, this deals with when a function is called with parameters listed on each line
lines = []
#Compile a regex for matching the start of the function being called
regex = re.compile(r'\.?\s*%s\s*\(' % (function))
#Work backwards from the parent calling frame line number until we see the start of the calling statement (usually the same line!!!)
for line in reversed(head):
if, line):
#Put the lines we have groked back into sourcefile order rather than reverse order
#Join all the lines that were part of the calling statement
call = "".join(lines)
#Grab the parameter list from the calling statement for the function we were called from
match ='\.?\s*%s\s*\((.*)\)' % (function), call)
paramlist =
#If the function was called with no parameters raise an exception
if paramlist == "":
raise LookupError("Function called with no parameters.")
#Use the Python abstract syntax tree parser to create a parsed form of the function parameter list 'Name' nodes are variable names
parameter = ast.parse(paramlist).body[0].value
#If there were multiple parameters get the positional requested
if type(parameter).__name__ == 'Tuple':
#If we asked for a parameter outside of what was passed complain
if pos >= len(parameter.elts):
raise LookupError("The function call did not have a parameter at postion %s" % pos)
parameter = parameter.elts[pos]
#If there was only a single parameter and another was requested raise an exception
elif pos != 0:
raise LookupError("There was only a single calling parameter found. Parameter indices start at 0.")
#If the parameter was the name of a variable we can use it otherwise pass back None
if type(parameter).__name__ == 'Name':
param =
#Remove the frame reference to prevent cyclic references screwing the garbage collector
del thisframe
#Return the parameter name we found
return param
If you want a Key Value Pair relationship, maybe using a Dictionary would be better?
...or if you're trying to create some auto-documentation from your code, perhaps something like Doxygen ( could do the job for you?
I wondered how IceCream solves this problem. So I looked into the source code and came up with the following (slightly simplified) solution. It might not be 100% bullet-proof (e.g. I dropped get_text_with_indentation and I assume exactly one function argument), but it works well for different test cases. It does not need to parse source code itself, so it should be more robust and simpler than previous solutions.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import inspect
from executing import Source
def func(var):
callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
callNode = Source.executing(callFrame).node
source = Source.for_frame(callFrame)
expression = source.asttokens().get_text(callNode.args[0])
print(expression, '=', var)
i = 1
f = 2.0
dct = {'key': 'value'}
obj = type('', (), {'value': 42})
i = 1
f = 2.0
s = string
dct['key'] = value
obj.value = 42
Update: If you want to move the "magic" into a separate function, you simply have to go one frame further back with an additional f_back.
def get_name_of_argument():
callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
callNode = Source.executing(callFrame).node
source = Source.for_frame(callFrame)
return source.asttokens().get_text(callNode.args[0])
def func(var):
print(get_name_of_argument(), '=', var)
If you want to get the caller params as in #Matt Oates answer answer without using the source file (ie from Jupyter Notebook), this code (combined from #Aeon answer) will do the trick (at least in some simple cases):
def get_caller_params():
# get the frame object for this function call
thisframe = inspect.currentframe()
# get the parent calling frames details
frames = inspect.getouterframes(thisframe)
# frame 0 is the frame of this function
# frame 1 is the frame of the caller function (the one we want to inspect)
# frame 2 is the frame of the code that calls the caller
caller_function_name = frames[1][3]
code_that_calls_caller = inspect.findsource(frames[2][0])[0]
# parse code to get nodes of abstract syntact tree of the call
nodes = ast.parse(''.join(code_that_calls_caller))
# find the node that calls the function
i_expr = -1
for (i, node) in enumerate(nodes.body):
if _node_is_our_function_call(node, caller_function_name):
i_expr = i
# line with the call start
idx_start = nodes.body[i_expr].lineno - 1
# line with the end of the call
if i_expr < len(nodes.body) - 1:
# next expression marks the end of the call
idx_end = nodes.body[i_expr + 1].lineno - 1
# end of the source marks the end of the call
idx_end = len(code_that_calls_caller)
call_lines = code_that_calls_caller[idx_start:idx_end]
str_func_call = ''.join([line.strip() for line in call_lines])
str_call_params = str_func_call[str_func_call.find('(') + 1:-1]
params = [p.strip() for p in str_call_params.split(',')]
return params
def _node_is_our_function_call(node, our_function_name):
node_is_call = hasattr(node, 'value') and isinstance(node.value, ast.Call)
if not node_is_call:
return False
function_name_correct = hasattr(node.value.func, 'id') and == our_function_name
return function_name_correct
You can then run it as this:
def test(*par_values):
par_names = get_caller_params()
for name, val in zip(par_names, par_values):
print(name, val)
a = 1
b = 2
string = 'text'
test(a, b,
to get the desired output:
a 1
b 2
string text
Since you can have multiple variables with the same content, instead of passing the variable (content), it might be safer (and will be simpler) to pass it's name in a string and get the variable content from the locals dictionary in the callers stack frame. :
def displayvar(name):
import sys
return name+" = "+repr(sys._getframe(1).f_locals[name])
If it just so happens that the variable is a callable (function), it will have a __name__ property.
E.g. a wrapper to log the execution time of a function:
def time_it(func, *args, **kwargs):
start = perf_counter()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
duration = perf_counter() - start
print(f'{func.__name__} ran in {duration * 1000}ms')
return result
I am subclassing Template from string to give it some extra defaulting capabilities. The idea is for its look-up to extend beyond the passed dict to the locals() first, then to the globals() and finally default (e.g., to '-'). So this is what I wrote:
class MyTemplate(Template):
def substitute_default(*args, **kws):
if not args:
raise TypeError("descriptor 'substitute' of 'Template' object needs an argument")
self, *args = args # allow the "self" keyword be passed
if len(args) > 1:
raise TypeError('Too many positional arguments')
if not args:
mapping = kws
elif kws:
mapping = ChainMap(kws, args[0])
mapping = args[0]
def convert(mo):
named ='named') or'braced')
if named is not None:
val = mapping.get(named, locals().get(named, globals().get(named, '-')))
return '%s' % (val,)
if'escaped') is not None:
return self.delimiter
if'invalid') is not None:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized named group in pattern', self.pattern)
return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template)
The line with the juice is this:
val = mapping.get(named, locals().get(named, globals().get(named, '-')))
I am testing it like so:
a = 'global_foo'
def f():
b = 'local_foo'
t = MyTemplate('''a=$a, b=$b, c=$c, d=$d''')
text = t.substitute_default({'c': 'foo', 'd': 'bar'})
f() # -> a=global_foo, b=-, c=foo, d=bar
As you can see, the globals() look-up works but the locals() one does not..
Does anyone have an idea as to why this might be the case?
Is there a better way to do it?
The problem is that locals() is local to your convert function when you'd want it to refer to f locals.
You have to pass the locals() dictionary somehow, either in constructor or somewhere else for it to work.
I have a recursive script that's scraping a JSON file for cars. At each recursive level, it gets a new variable added, and passes that (along with the other values) on to the recursive call, each time getting more and more detailed in the information. I tried to use locals() to dynamically assign a variable, but it remains None even after the call (I recall seeing that sometimes locals() is read only).
I tried using eval() as well, and it gives me the same issue (I know eval is not ideal). I'd ideally like to avoid using a dictionary, because that would require me to load it with values first, which seems like it has some unnecessary steps, but I'm open to anything at this point.
scraper(manufacturer='Honda') would scrape a JSON file of models, set model='Accord' and then recursively call
scraper(manufacturer='Honda, model='Accord') which scrapes a file of years, set's year=2014 and recursively calls
scraper(manufacturer='Honda', model='Accord', year='2014') which is the base case
def scraper(self, manufacturers, model=None, year=None):
if year:
scrapeurl = '%s&manufacturer=%s&model=%s&year=%s' % (url, manufacturer, model, year)
return someFinalFunction()
elif model:
scrapeurl = '%s&manufacturer=%s&model=%s' % (url, manufacturer, model)
elif manufacturer:
scrapeurl = '%s&manufacturer=%s' % (url, manufacturer)
j = getJSONFromUrl(scrapeurl)
key, values = j.popitems()
for value in values:
locals()[key] = value
return self.scraper(manufacturer, model, year, color)
I'd appreciate any input on how to handle this, I know Python always seems to have some clever ways of doing things, and I'm always learning more about it, so thank you in advance! I'm using Python3 in this example too, if that changes anything
locals()['key'] = value should be locals()[key] = value
Better yet, use **kwargs:
def scraper(self, manufacturer, model=None, year=None):
kwargs = dict(manufacturer=manufacturer, model=model, year=year)
if year:
scrapeurl = '%s&manufacturer=%s&model=%s&year=%s' % (url, manufacturer, model, year)
return someFinalFunction()
elif model:
scrapeurl = '%s&manufacturer=%s&model=%s' % (url, manufacturer, model)
elif manufacturer:
scrapeurl = '%s&manufacturer=%s' % (url, manufacturer)
j = getJSONFromUrl(scrapeurl)
key, values = j.popitems()
for value in values:
kwargs[key] = value
return self.scraper(**kwargs)
It's not entirely clear what you're trying to do, but perhaps this will help:
def scraper(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('year') is not None:
scrapeurl = '{0}&manufacturer={manufacturer}&model={model}&year={year}'
return someFinalFunction() # not sure why this takes no arguments
elif kwargs.get('model') is not None:
scrapeurl = '{0}&manufacturer={manufacturer}&model={model}'
elif kwargs.get('manufacturer') is not None:
scrapeurl = '{0}&manufacturer={manufacturer}'
raise KeyError
j = getJSONFromUrl(scrapeurl.format(url, **kwargs))
key, values = j.popitems()
for value in values:
kwargs[key] = value
return self.scraper(**kwargs)
This uses Python's built-in functionality to treat arbitrary keyword arguments as a dictionary, along with more modern str.format string formatting, to dynamically handle the arguments you're looking for. The only difference is that you now need to call it:
rather than just
An example of the string formatting, mixing positional and keyword arguments:
>>> '{0}&manufacturer={manufacturer}'.format('foo', **{'manufacturer': 'bar'})
i'm trying define a function that return a list when i specify an object, and it returns a list of all the objects in the scene with *_control when i don't specify anything..
that's my function but it doesn't work....
i'm working with maya then..
from maya import cmds
def correct_value(selection):
if not isinstance(selection, list):
selection = [selection]
objs = selection
return objs
if not selection :
objs = ('*_control')
return objs
when i don't specify anything it returns an error :
Error: line 1: TypeError: file line 1: correct_value()
takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
what's wrong ??
def correct_value(selection=None):
if selection is None: # note that You should check this before
# You wil check whether it is list or not
objs = ('*_control')
return objs
if not isinstance(selection, list):
selection = [selection]
objs = selection
return objs
Well, you wrote your function with a required argument. Therefore, you have to pass the argument. You can write it so the argument is optional by specifying the value that will be used when nothing is passed:
def correct_value(selection=None):
If you want a parameter to be optional, you need to provide a default value:
def correct_value(selection=None):
# do something
if selection is None:
#do something else
To handle a default parameter even if it might be None
def correct_value(*args):
if not args:
objs = ('*_control')
return objs
elif len(args) == 1:
selection = args
objs = selection
return objs
raise TypeError # ...
Here's a really useful pair of patterns for this kind of stuff:
# always return a list from scene queries (maya will often return 'none'
def get_items_named_foo():
return"foo") or [] # this makes sure that you've always got a list, even if it's empty
# always use the variable *args method to pass in lists
def do_something(*args):
for item in args:
do_something(item) # args will always be a tuple, so you can iterate over it
# this lets you do stuff like this without lots of boring argument checks:
do_something (*get_items_named_foo())
If you use both of these tricks consistently, you can transparently handle cases where your maya queries have returned None instead of a list
As an aside, you can mimic the default maya behaviour (where passing no arguments uses the current selection) like this:
def work_on_list_or_selected(*args):
args = args or or []
for item in args:
do_something (item)
Sometimes in my code I have a function which can take an argument in one of two ways. Something like:
def func(objname=None, objtype=None):
if objname is not None and objtype is not None:
raise ValueError("only 1 of the ways at a time")
if objname is not None:
obj = getObjByName(objname)
elif objtype is not None:
obj = getObjByType(objtype)
raise ValueError("not given any of the ways")
Is there any more elegant way to do this? What if the arg could come in one of three ways? If the types are distinct I could do:
def func(objnameOrType):
if type(objnameOrType) is str:
elif type(objnameOrType) is type:
raise ValueError("unk arg type: %s" % type(objnameOrType))
But what if they are not? This alternative seems silly:
def func(objnameOrType, isName=True):
if isName:
cause then you have to call it like func(mytype, isName=False) which is weird.
How about using something like a command dispatch pattern:
def funct(objnameOrType):
dispatcher = {str: getObjByName,
type1: getObjByType1,
type2: getObjByType2}
t = type(objnameOrType)
obj = dispatcher[t](objnameOrType)
where type1,type2, etc are actual python types (e.g. int, float, etc).
Sounds like it should go to
Anyway, keeping the same interface, I may try
arg_parsers = {
'objname': getObjByName,
'objtype': getObjByType,
def func(**kwargs):
assert len(kwargs) == 1 # replace this with your favorite exception
(argtypename, argval) = next(kwargs.items())
obj = arg_parsers[argtypename](argval)
or simply create 2 functions?
def funcByName(name): ...
def funcByType(type_): ...
One way to make it slightly shorter is
def func(objname=None, objtype=None):
if [objname, objtype].count(None) != 1:
raise TypeError("Exactly 1 of the ways must be used.")
if objname is not None:
obj = getObjByName(objname)
obj = getObjByType(objtype)
I have not yet decided if I would call this "elegant".
Note that you should raise a TypeError if the wrong number of arguments was given, not a ValueError.
For whatever it's worth, similar kinds of things happen in the Standard Libraries; see, for example, the beginning of GzipFile in (shown here with docstrings removed):
class GzipFile:
myfileobj = None
max_read_chunk = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10Mb
def __init__(self, filename=None, mode=None,
compresslevel=9, fileobj=None):
if mode and 'b' not in mode:
mode += 'b'
if fileobj is None:
fileobj = self.myfileobj =, mode or 'rb')
if filename is None:
if hasattr(fileobj, 'name'): filename =
else: filename = ''
if mode is None:
if hasattr(fileobj, 'mode'): mode = fileobj.mode
else: mode = 'rb'
Of course this accepts both filename and fileobj keywords and defines a particular behavior in the case that it receives both; but the general approach seems pretty much identical.
I use a decorator:
from functools import wraps
def one_of(kwarg_names):
# assert that one and only one of the given kwarg names are passed to the decorated function
def inner(f):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
count = 0
for kw in kwargs:
if kw in kwarg_names and kwargs[kw] is not None:
count += 1
assert count == 1, f'exactly one of {kwarg_names} required, got {kwargs}'
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return inner
Used as:
#one_of(['kwarg1', 'kwarg2'])
def my_func(kwarg1='default', kwarg2='default'):
Note that this only accounts for non- None values that are passed as keyword arguments. E.g. multiple of the kwarg_names may still be passed if all but one of them have a value of None.
To allow for passing none of the kwargs simply assert that the count is <= 1.
It sounds like you're looking for function overloading, which isn't implemented in Python 2. In Python 2, your solution is nearly as good as you can expect to get.
You could probably bypass the extra argument problem by allowing your function to process multiple objects and return a generator:
import types
all_types = set([getattr(types, t) for t in dir(types) if t.endswith('Type')])
def func(*args):
for arg in args:
if arg in all_types:
yield getObjByType(arg)
yield getObjByName(arg)
>>> getObjByName = lambda a: {'Name': a}
>>> getObjByType = lambda a: {'Type': a}
>>> list(func('IntType'))
[{'Name': 'IntType'}]
>>> list(func(types.IntType))
[{'Type': <type 'int'>}]
The built-in sum() can be used to on a list of boolean expressions. In Python, bool is a subclass of int, and in arithmetic operations, True behaves as 1, and False behaves as 0.
This means that this rather short code will test mutual exclusivity for any number of arguments:
def do_something(a=None, b=None, c=None):
if sum([a is not None, b is not None, c is not None]) != 1:
raise TypeError("specify exactly one of 'a', 'b', or 'c'")
Variations are also possible:
def do_something(a=None, b=None, c=None):
if sum([a is not None, b is not None, c is not None]) > 1:
raise TypeError("specify at most one of 'a', 'b', or 'c'")
I occasionally run into this problem as well, and it is hard to find an easily generalisable solution. Say I have more complex combinations of arguments that are delineated by a set of mutually exclusive arguments and want to support additional arguments for each (some of which may be required and some optional), as in the following signatures:
def func(mutex1: str, arg1: bool): ...
def func(mutex2: str): ...
def func(mutex3: int, arg1: Optional[bool] = None): ...
I would use object orientation to wrap the arguments in a set of descriptors (with names depending on the business meaning of the arguments), which can then be validated by something like pydantic:
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra
# Extra.forbid ensures validation error if superfluous arguments are provided
class BaseDescription(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid):
pass # Arguments common to all descriptions go here
class Description1(BaseDescription):
mutex1: str
arg1: bool
class Description2(BaseDescription):
mutex2: str
class Description3(BaseDescription):
mutex3: int
arg1: Optional[bool]
You could instantiate these descriptions with a factory:
class DescriptionFactory:
_class_map = {
'mutex1': Description1,
'mutex2': Description2,
'mutex3': Description3
def from_kwargs(cls, **kwargs) -> BaseDescription:
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
set_fields = kwargs.keys() & cls._class_map.keys()
[set_field] = set_fields
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"exactly one of {list(cls._class_map.keys())} must be provided")
return cls._class_map[set_field](**kwargs)
def validate_kwargs(cls, func):
def wrapped(**kwargs):
return func(cls.from_kwargs(**kwargs))
return wrapped
Then you can wrap your actual function implementation like this and use type checking to see which arguments were provided:
def func(desc: BaseDescription):
if isinstance(desc, Description1):
... # use desc.mutex1 and desc.arg1
elif isinstance(desc, Description2):
... # use desc.mutex2
... # etc.
and call as func(mutex1='', arg1=True), func(mutex2=''), func(mutex3=123) and so on.
This is not overall shorter code, but it performs argument validation in a very descriptive way according to your specification, raises useful pydantic errors when validation fails, and results in accurate static types in each branch of the function implementation.
Note that if you're using Python 3.10+, structural pattern matching could simplify some parts of this.