Tweets streaming to .txt file with Python - python

I have the below code and want to write the stream of tweets to a text file. Is there a way to include the output to text file within the same code and save it in the working directory? I am an IDE lover and really don't like using the console. I am new to python (2 weeks), I am an R / R Studio user.
I know I could use: > output.txt
I am currently using Rodeo, Python 3.6.1.
import oauth2 as oauth
import urllib.request as urllib
api_key = "##"
api_secret = "##"
access_token_key = "##-##"
access_token_secret = "##"
_debug = 0
oauth_token = oauth.Token(key=access_token_key, secret=access_token_secret)
oauth_consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=api_key, secret=api_secret)
signature_method_hmac_sha1 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
http_method = "GET"
http_handler = urllib.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=_debug)
https_handler = urllib.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=_debug)
Construct, sign, and open a twitter request
using the hard-coded credentials above.
def twitterreq(url, method, parameters):
req = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(oauth_consumer,
req.sign_request(signature_method_hmac_sha1, oauth_consumer, oauth_token)
headers = req.to_header()
if http_method == "POST":
encoded_post_data = req.to_postdata()
encoded_post_data = None
url = req.to_url()
opener = urllib.OpenerDirector()
response =, encoded_post_data)
f = open("output.txt", "wb")
def fetchsamples():
url = ""
parameters = []
response = twitterreq(url, "GET", parameters)
for line in response:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# f.close()

Besides the comment I made previously, I would suggesting checking out this stack overflow question: how to direct output into a txt file in python in windows
To quote:
If you want to do it in Python then you would write:
with open('out.txt', 'w') as f:
Obviously this is just a trivial example. You'd clearly do more inside the with block.


Python api for copy trading on bitget

I’ve quite recently found this feature on Bitget which enables users to essentially copy other ranked traders. This feature comes with a corresponding api documentation. But after going through it im more confused than ever. Firstly, im trying to obtain the historical data trading data of specific traders which are available data on their “orders tab” from the website (shown in excerpt above). I reckon this is possible from the following get request from the documentation: “GET /api/mix/v1/trace/waitProfitDateList”.
Based on the above http request from i have produced the following python code below. The request response is 403. Help a fellow novice
import requests
import hmac
import base64
import hashlib
import json
import time
def sign(message, secret_key):
mac =, encoding='utf8'), bytes(message, encoding='utf-8'), digestmod='sha256')
d = mac.digest()
return base64.b64encode(d).decode('utf-8')
def pre_hash(timestamp, method, request_path, query_string, body):
return str(timestamp) + str.upper(method) + request_path + query_string + body
if __name__ == '__main__':
params = {
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNo": 1
rest_url = ""
secret_key = ""
api_key = ""
passphrase = ""
timestamp = int(time.time_ns() / 1000000);
query_string = '&'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in params.items()])
message = pre_hash(timestamp, 'GET', '/api/mix/v1/trace/waitProfitDateList', "?"+query_string,"")
sign = sign(message, secret_key)
headers = {
response = requests.get(rest_url, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
result = response.json()

How to convert 'io.BufferedWriter' to 'Dataframe' - Python

I am downloading files from One Drive with the following piece of code:
if response.status_code == 200:
print('\n> Response Success')
with open('Book2.xlsx', 'wb') as File:
print('\n> File Downloaded')
print('\n> Failed:', response.status_code)
The code is from:This post here
The "File" is coming from One Drive with the use of the following code:
import sys, os, time, requests
import pandas as pd
import urllib.parse
OneDrive_FilePath = 'Book2.xlsx'
OneDrive_FileURL = '' + OneDrive_FilePath + ':/content'
OneDrive_FileURL = urllib.parse.quote(OneDrive_FileURL, safe=':/')
Client_Id = 'XXXX'
Tenant_Id = 'YYYYY'
Refresh_Token_First = 'ZZZZZ'
PostStr = {'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'client_id': Client_Id, 'refresh_token': Refresh_Token_First}
Token_Response ='' + Tenant_Id + '/oauth2/v2.0/token', data=PostStr)
Access_Token = Token_Response.json()['access_token']
New_Refresh_Token = Token_Response.json()['refresh_token']
if Access_Token is None or New_Refresh_Token is None:
print('\n> Failed: Access_Token NOT Retrieved')
Response = requests.get(OneDrive_FileURL, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Access_Token})
The "File" which is getting downloaded is in the form of "io.BufferedWriter". I want to actually load the "File" as a data frame so that I can do certain operations on that and upload it to AWS.
How can I do that, please help.
As explained in the comments, the type of File is mostly irrelevant. All you need to do is read the excel directly from the response, as in :
url = ""
res = requests.get(url)
The last statement produces a regular pandas dataframe. You can use that however you want.

Python Invalid Syntax for Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Here is my is at line 58 and reads:
"File "", line 58
print line.strip()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
How might I go about running this program? It is all available at
import oauth2 as oauth
import urllib2 as urllib
# See assignment1.html instructions or README for how to get these credentials
api_key = "WzIbZ8ixUncBVyhLasVL42FKy"
api_secret = "BNSpY4OCEO4yN8COBpu32sQFByzLutFkzITiDe0kkx4bN5JDY2"
access_token_key = "2353880150-v4gBEPofeLjJWzoGSLMF80bPWuDMSeuetGSGFE8"
access_token_secret = "ydvDqQf3LkQ4EnP9pTIJKtrMMAn4ks5PNt3JKKr7nBpIZ"
_debug = 0
oauth_token = oauth.Token(key=access_token_key, secret=access_token_secret)
oauth_consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=api_key, secret=api_secret)
signature_method_hmac_sha1 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
http_method = "GET"
http_handler = urllib.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=_debug)
https_handler = urllib.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=_debug)
Construct, sign, and open a twitter request
using the hard-coded credentials above.
def twitterreq(url, method, parameters):
req = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(oauth_consumer,
req.sign_request(signature_method_hmac_sha1, oauth_consumer, oauth_token)
headers = req.to_header()
if http_method == "POST":
encoded_post_data = req.to_postdata()
encoded_post_data = None
url = req.to_url()
opener = urllib.OpenerDirector()
response =, encoded_post_data)
return response
def fetchsamples():
url = ""
parameters = []
response = twitterreq(url, "GET", parameters)
for line in response:
print line.strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Ensure that the version of python you are using matches the version the developer used. If you are using python 3, you need to use print as a function

Use of files on hard drives instead of url with python

I would like to modify this script to use offline files, if I download the files from url works, but if the same file as I withdraw from hard drives, does not open, someone helps me to understand why and how to do, thank you.
def INDEX():
def TVLIST(url):
m3u = getHtml(url)
addDir('Nothing found', '', '', '', Folder=False)
urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
Request = urllib2.Request
def getHtml(url, referer=None, hdr=None, data=None):
if not hdr:
req = Request(url, data, headers)
req = Request(url, data, hdr)
if referer:
req.add_header('Referer', referer)
if data:
req.add_header('Content-Length', len(data))
response = urlopen(req)
if'Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
buf = StringIO(
f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
data =
data =
return data
def parsem3u(html, sitechk=True):
match = re.compile('#.+,(.+?)\n(.+?)\n').findall(html)
txtfilter = txtfilter = GETFILTER()
txtfilter = txtfilter.split(',') if txtfilter else []
txtfilter = [f.lower().strip() for f in txtfilter]
i = 0
count = 0
for name, url in match:
status = ""
url = url.replace('\r','')
if not txtfilter or any(f in name.lower() for f in txtfilter):
if sitechk:
if i < 5:
siteup = urllib.urlopen(url).getcode()
status = " [COLOR red]offline[/COLOR]" if siteup != 200 else " [COLOR green]online[/COLOR]"
except: status = " [COLOR red]offline[/COLOR]"
i += 1
addPlayLink(name+status, url, 3, uiptvicon)
count += 1
return count
I thought, was enough to put the local path
def INDEX():
who explains why it does not work and how can I do? Thank you
As suggested by #languitar in the comments you would have file:// which of course it should work for windows, but moving to a platform like android, you have different file system there, you don't have C drive. So make sure you got an alternative location on the android.

Reddit to Twitter bot having issues with key-dictionary calls

So I'm following the tutorial of a certain reddit to twitter bot thats coded in python using PRAW and I am stuck hitting errors.
Running this code in the command console gives me the error on line 74
import praw
import json
import requests
import tweepy
import time
access_token = 'secret'
access_token_secret = ' secret'
consumer_key = 'secret'
consumer_secret = 'secret'
def strip_title(title):
if len(title) < 94:
return title
return title[:93] + "..."
def tweet_creator(subreddit_info):
post_dict = {}
post_ids = []
print "[bot] Getting posts from Reddit"
for submission in subreddit_info.get_hot(limit=20):
post_dict[strip_title(submission.title)] = submission.url
print "[bot] Generating short link using"
mini_post_dict = {}
for post in post_dict:
post_title = post
post_link = post_dict[post]
short_link = shorten(post_link)
mini_post_dict[post_title] = short_link
return mini_post_dict, post_ids
def setup_connection_reddit(subreddit):
print "[bot] setting up connection with Reddit"
r = praw.Reddit('yasoob_python reddit twitter bot '
'monitoring %s' %(subreddit))
subreddit = r.get_subreddit(subreddit)
return subreddit
def shorten(url):
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
payload = {"longUrl": url}
url = ""
r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
link = json.loads(r.text)
return link
def duplicate_check(id):
found = 0
with open('posted_posts.txt', 'r') as file:
for line in file:
if id in line:
found = 1
return found
def add_id_to_file(id):
with open('posted_posts.txt', 'a') as file:
file.write(str(id) + "\n")
def main():
subreddit = setup_connection_reddit('showerthoughts')
post_dict, post_ids = tweet_creator(subreddit)
tweeter(post_dict, post_ids)
def tweeter(post_dict, post_ids):
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
for post, post_id in zip(post_dict, post_ids):
found = duplicate_check(post_id)
if found == 0:
print "[bot] Posting this link on twitter"
print post+" "+post_dict[post]+" #Python #reddit #bot"
api.update_status(post+" "+post_dict[post]+" #Python #reddit #bot")
print "[bot] Already posted"
if __name__ == '__main__':
Error :
print post+" "+post_dict[post]+"#python #reddit #bot"
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, dict found
My understanding of the code and error is that it needs a string to be send but is somehow getting the entire key-dictionary set. I thought by sending the [post] parameter into post_dict that it will be able to get the certain post for the bot to utalize, but instead, its fetching the dictionary!
There are two lines, 74 and 75 that both call post_dict[post] and is not utalizing the dictionary's value when calling post key.
Try printing post and post_dict before you call that concatenation in the the tweeter function's For loop. That should show you what those structs look like and make the solution evident.
