I am working with a pyowm, and I have the following output for requesting the weather of a specific place:
<pyowm.webapi25.weather.Weather - reference time=2017-05-22 19:53:00+00, status=Clear>
I am trying to get it so that I have a string with only the text that follows the status ("Clear", in this case). I haven't really found a way to do this as simply using the replace command wouldn't work since the reference time would change, meaning I can't just say:
weather = str(weather).replace("pyowm.webapi25.weather.Weather - reference time=2017-05-22 19:53:00+00, status=", "")
I'm assuming that this is a print of Weather class object which is printed on the shell. You can try doing weather_obj.get_status() to get the status string from that object. Here weather_obj is the above weather object that you have mentioned on the question.
Source Implementation Reference.
Doc Reference.
I am new to use bioservices Python package. Now I am going to use that to retrieve PMIDs for two citations, given the specified information and this is the code I have tried:
from bioservices import EUtils
s = EUtils()
print(s.ECitMatch("pubmed",retmode="xml", bdata="proc+natl+acad+sci+u+s+a|1991|88|3248|mann+bj|Art1|%0Dscience|1987|235|182|palmenberg+ac|Art2|"))
But it occurs an error:
"TypeError: ECitMatch() got multiple values for argument 'bdata'".
Could anyone help me to solve that problem?
I think the issue is that you have an unnamed argument (pubmed); if you look at the source code, you can see that the first argument should be bdata; if you provide the arguments like you do, it is, however, unclear whether bdata is "pubmed" or the named argument bdata, therefore the error you obtain.
You can reproduce it with this minimal example:
def dummy(a, b):
return a, b
dummy(10, a=3)
will return
TypeError: dummy() got multiple values for argument 'a'
If you remove "pubmed", the error disappears, however, the output is still incomplete:
from bioservices import EUtils
s = EUtils()
so only the first publication is taken into account. You can get the results for both by using the correct carriage return character \r:
will return
I think you neither have to specify retmod nor the database (pubmed); if you look at the source code I linked above you can see:
query = "ecitmatch.cgi?db=pubmed&retmode=xml"
so seems it always uses pubmed and xml.
Two issues here: syntaxic and a bug.
The correct syntax is:
from bioservices import EUtils
s = EUtils()
query = "proc+natl+acad+sci+u+s+a|1991|88|3248|mann+bj|Art1|%0Dscience|1987|235|182|palmenberg+ac|Art2|"
Indeed, the underlying service related to ICitMatch has only one database (pubmed) and one format (xml) hence, those 2 parameters are not available : there are hard-coded. Therefore, only one argument is required: your query.
As for the second issue, as pointed above and reported on the bioservices issues page, your query would return only one publication. This was an issue with the special character %0D (in place of a return carriage) not being interpreted corectly by the URL request. This carriage character (either \n, \r or %0d) is now taken into account in the latest version on github or from pypi website if you use version 1.7.5
Thanks to willigot for filling the issue on bioservices page and bringing it to my attention.
disclaimer: i'm the main author of bioservices
I am completely new to this module and Python in general, yet wanted to start some sort of a fun project in my spare time.
I have a specific question concerning the GooglePlaces module for Python - how do I retrieve the reviews of a place by only knowing its Place ID.
So far I have done...
from googleplaces import GooglePlaces, types, lang
google_places = GooglePlaces('API KEY')
query_result = google_places.get_place(place_id="ChIJB8wSOI11nkcRI3C2IODoBU0")
print(query_result) #<Place name="Starbucks", lat=48.14308250000001, lng=11.5782337>
print(query_result.get_details()) # Prints None
print(query_result.rating) # Prints the rating of 4.3
I am completely lost here, because I cannot get access to the object's details. Maybe I am missing something, yet would be very thankful for any guidance through my issue.
If you are completly lost just read the docs :)
Example from https://github.com/slimkrazy/python-google-places:
for place in query_result.places:
# Returned places from a query are place summaries.
# The following method has to make a further API call.
# Referencing any of the attributes below, prior to making a call to
# get_details() will raise a googleplaces.GooglePlacesAttributeError.
print place.details # A dict matching the JSON response from Google.
See the Problem with your code now?
print(query_result.get_details()) # Prints None
should be
query_result.get_details() # Fetch details
print(query_result.details) # Prints details dict
Regarding the results, the Google Docs states:
reviews[] a JSON array of up to five reviews. If a language parameter
was specified in the Place Details request, the Places Service will
bias the results to prefer reviews written in that language. Each
review consists of several components:
I'm trying to use JIRA python api to receive the list of tickets that have been raised in the last 30 days but whenever i run
Issue = main.jira.issue("PLAT-38592")
i = main.jira.issue(issue, "Summary")
All that gets returned is
Then i try to poke at the issue
Issue = main.jira.issue("PLAT-38592")
print (Issue)
And all that gets returned is
I need to be able receive information from this ticket but it only returns a string
Issues are objects. You can access their content by accessing fields.
If you for example want to access the summary, you can use (according to the docs):
issue = jira.issue('PLAT-38592', fields='summary')
summary = issue.fields.summary
I ran this example code with 2 polyCubes in scene.
import pymel.core as pymel
pymel.select('pCube1', 'blinn1')
print pymel.ls(sl = True)
print pymel.ls(sl = True)[0]
and this is my output
[nt.Transform(u'pCube1'), nt.Blinn(u'blinn1')]
I know the elements inside this list are PyNodes, but printing them gives out a string type name of the node. Is there anyway to access the PyNode directly from this list?
Found the answer myself.
So apparently the Script Editor returns a representation of PyNode when we print it. Like it's an overloaded str. It is still a PyNode but looks like a string only in Maya's Script Editor. To make it actually appear like a PyNode, we have to use repr() or enclose in back-ticks (`)
Here is the link where I found the answer.
: http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2011help/pymel/tutorial.html
Formatting: Read Me First to Avoid Confusion section
I'm working through a book called "Head First Programming," and there's a particular part where I'm confused as to why they're doing this.
There doesn't appear to be any reasoning for it, nor any explanation anywhere in the text.
The issue in question is in using multiple-assignment to assign split data from a string into a hash (which doesn't make sense as to why they're using a hash, if you ask me, but that's a separate issue). Here's the example code:
line = "101;Johnny 'wave-boy' Jones;USA;8.32;Fish;21"
s = {}
(s['id'], s['name'], s['country'], s['average'], s['board'], s['age']) = line.split(";")
I understand that this will take the string line and split it up into each named part, but I don't understand why what I think are keys are being named by using a string, when just a few pages prior, they were named like any other variable, without single quotes.
The purpose of the individual parts is to be searched based on an individual element and then printed on screen. For example, being able to search by ID number and then return the entire thing.
The language in question is Python, if that makes any difference. This is rather confusing for me, since I'm trying to learn this stuff on my own.
My personal best guess is that it doesn't make any difference and that it was personal preference on part of the authors, but it bewilders me that they would suddenly change form like that without it having any meaning, and further bothers me that they don't explain it.
EDIT: So I tried printing the id key both with and without single quotes around the name, and it worked perfectly fine, either way. Therefore, I'd have to assume it's a matter of personal preference, but I still would like some info from someone who actually knows what they're doing as to whether it actually makes a difference, in the long run.
EDIT 2: Apparently, it doesn't make any sense as to how my Python interpreter is actually working with what I've given it, so I made a screen capture of it working https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52GQJEeSwUA
I don't understand why what I think are keys are being named by using a string, when just a few pages prior, they were named like any other variable, without single quotes
The answer is right there. If there's no quote, mydict[s], then s is a variable, and you look up the key in the dict based on what the value of s is.
If it's a string, then you look up literally that key.
So, in your example s[name] won't work as that would try to access the variable name, which is probably not set.
EDIT: So I tried printing the id key both with and without single
quotes around the name, and it worked perfectly fine, either way.
That's just pure luck... There's a built-in function called id:
>>> id
<built-in function id>
Try another name, and you'll see that it won't work.
Actually, as it turns out, for dictionaries (Python's term for hashes) there is a semantic difference between having the quotes there and not.
For example:
s = {}
s['test'] = 1
s['othertest'] = 2
defines a dictionary called s with two keys, 'test' and 'othertest.' However, if I tried to do this instead:
s = {}
s[test] = 1
I'd get a NameError exception, because this would be looking for an undefined variable called test whose value would be used as the key.
If, then, I were to type this into the Python interpreter:
>>> s = {}
>>> s['test'] = 1
>>> s['othertest'] = 2
>>> test = 'othertest'
>>> print s[test]
>>> print s['test']
you'll see that using test as a key with no quotes uses the value of that variable to look up the associated entry in the dictionary s.
Edit: Now, the REALLY interesting question is why using s[id] gave you what you expected. The keyword "id" is actually a built-in function in Python that gives you a unique id for an object passed as its argument. What in the world the Python interpreter is doing with the expression s[id] is a total mystery to me.
Edit 2: Watching the OP's Youtube video, it's clear that he's staying consistent when assigning and reading the hash about using id or 'id', so there's no issue with the function id as a hash key somehow magically lining up with 'id' as a hash key. That had me kind of worried for a while.