Edit: I fixed y so that x,y have the same length
I don't understand much about programing but I have a giant mass of data to analyze and it has to be done in Python.
Say I have two arrays:
import numpy as np
and say I want to choose the values in y which are greater than 17, and keep only the values in x which has the same index as the left values in y. for example I want to erase the first value of y (25) and accordingly the matching value in x (1).
I tried this:
filter=np.where(y>17, 0, y)
but I don't know how to filter the x values accordingly (the actual data are much longer arrays so doing it "by hand" is basically imposible)
Solution: using #mozway tip, now that x,y have the same length the needed code is:
import numpy as np
As your question is not fully clear and you did not provide the expected output, here are two possibilities:
Nunique arrays can be sliced by an array (iterable) of booleans.
If the two arrays were the same length you could do:
Here, xis longer than y so we first need to make it the same length:
import numpy as np
Output: array([1, 2, 4, 5, 8])
To select between x and y based on a condition, use where:
np.where(y>17, x[:len(y)], y)
array([ 1, 2, 16, 4, 5, 5, 9, 8])
As someone with little experience in Numpy specifically, I wrote this answer before seeing #mozway's excellent answer for filtering. My answer works on more generic containers than Numpy's arrays, though it uses more concepts as a result. I'll attempt to explain each concept in enough detail for the answer to make sense.
Please, definitely read the rest of the answer, it'll help you understand what's going on.
import numpy as np
x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
y = np.array([25,18,16,19,30,5,9,20])
filtered_x_list = []
filtered_y_list = []
for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))):
if y[i] > 17:
filtered_x = np.array(filtered_x_list)
filtered_y = np.array(filtered_y_list)
# These lines are just for us to see what happened
print(filtered_x) # prints [1 2 4 5 8]
print(filtered_y) # prints [25 18 19 30 20]
Pre-requisite Knowledge
Python containers (lists, arrays, and a bunch of other stuff I won't get into)
Lets take a look at the line:
x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
What's Python doing?
The first thing it's doing is creating a list:
[1, 2, 3] # and so on
Lists in Python have a few features that are useful for us in this solution:
Accessing elements:
x_list = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
print(x_list[0]) # prints 1
print(x_list[1]) # prints 2, and so on
Adding elements to the end:
x_list = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
print(x_list) # prints [1, 2, 3, 4]
x_list = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
for x in x_list:
# prints:
# 1
# 2
# 3
Numpy arrays are slightly different: we can still access and iterate elements in them, but once they're created, we can't modify them - they have no .append, and there are other modifications one can do with lists (like changing one value, or deleting a value) we can't do with numpy arrays.
So the filtered_x_list and the filtered_y_list are empty lists we're creating, but we're going to modify them by adding the values we care about to the end.
The second thing Python is doing is creating a numpy array, using the list to define its contents. The array constructor can take a list expressed as [...], or a list defined by x_list = [...], which we're going to take advantage of later.
A little more on iteration
In your question, for every x element, there is a corresponding y element. We want to test something for each y element, then act on the corresponding x element, too.
Since we can access the same element in both arrays using an index - x[0], for instance - instead of iterating over one list or the other, we can iterate over all indices needed to access the lists.
First, we need to figure out how many indices we're going to need, which is just the length of the lists. len(x) lets us do that - in this case, it returns 10.
What if x and y are different lengths? In this case, I chose the smallest of the two - first, do len(x) and len(y), then pass those to the min() function, which is what min(len(x), len(y)) in the code above means.
Finally, we want to actually iterate through the indices, starting at 0 and ending at len(x) - 1 or len(y) - 1, whichever is smallest. The range sequence lets us do exactly that:
for i in range(10):
# prints:
# 0
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7
# 8
# 9
So range(min(len(x), len(y))), finally, gets us the indices to iterate over, and finally, this line makes sense:
for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))):
Inside this for loop, i now gives us an index we can use for both x and y.
Now, we can do the comparison in our for loop:
for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))):
if y[i] > 17:
Then, including xs for the corresponding ys is a simple case of just appending the same x value to the x list:
for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))):
if y[i] > 17:
The filtered lists now contain the numbers you're after. The last two lines, outside the for loop, just create numpy arrays from the results:
filtered_x = np.array(filtered_x_list)
filtered_y = np.array(filtered_y_list)
Which you might want to do, if certain numpy functions expect arrays.
While there are, in my opinion, better ways to do this (I would probably write custom iterators that produce the intended results without creating new lists), they require a somewhat more advanced understanding of programming, so I opted for something simpler.
I have some physical simulation code, written in python and using numpy/scipy. Profiling the code shows that 38% of the CPU time is spent in a single doubly nested for loop - this seems excessive, so I've been trying to cut it down.
The goal of the loop is to create an array of indices, showing which elements of a 1D array the elements of a 2D array are equal to.
indices[i,j] = where(1D_array == 2D_array[i,j])
As an example, if 1D_array = [7.2, 2.5, 3.9] and
2D_array = [[7.2, 2.5]
[3.9, 7.2]]
We should have
indices = [[0, 1]
[2, 0]]
I currently have this implemented as
for i in range(ni):
for j in range(nj):
out[i, j] = (1D_array - 2D_array[i, j]).argmin()
The argmin is needed as I'm dealing with floating point numbers, and so the equality is not necessarily exact. I know that every number in the 1D array is unique, and that every element in the 2D array has a match, so this approach gives the correct result.
Is there any way of eliminating the double for loop?
I need the index array to perform the following operation:
f = complex_function(1D_array)
output = f[indices]
This is faster than the alternative, as the 2D array has a size of NxN compared with 1xN for the 1D array, and the 2D array has many repeated values. If anyone can suggest a different way of arriving at the same output without going through an index array, that could also be a solution
In pure Python you can do this using a dictionary in O(N) time, the only time penalty is going to be the Python loop involved:
>>> arr1 = np.array([7.2, 2.5, 3.9])
>>> arr2 = np.array([[7.2, 2.5], [3.9, 7.2]])
>>> indices = dict(np.hstack((arr1[:, None], np.arange(3)[:, None])))
>>> np.fromiter((indices[item] for item in arr2.ravel()), dtype=arr2.dtype).reshape(arr2.shape)
array([[ 0., 1.],
[ 2., 0.]])
The dictionary method that some others have suggest might work, but it requires that you know ahead of time that every element in your target array (the 2d array) has an exact match in your search array (your 1d array). Even when this should be true in principle, you still have to deal with floating point precision issues, for example try this .1 * 3 == .3.
Another approach is to use numpy's searchsorted function. searchsorted takes a sorted 1d search array and any traget array then finds the closest elements in the search array for every item in the target array. I've adapted this answer for your situation, take a look at it for a description of how the find_closest function works.
import numpy as np
def find_closest(A, target):
order = A.argsort()
A = A[order]
idx = A.searchsorted(target)
idx = np.clip(idx, 1, len(A)-1)
left = A[idx-1]
right = A[idx]
idx -= target - left < right - target
return order[idx]
array1d = np.array([7.2, 2.5, 3.9])
array2d = np.array([[7.2, 2.5],
[3.9, 7.2]])
indices = find_closest(array1d, array2d)
# [[0 1]
# [2 0]]
To get rid of the two Python for loops, you can do all of the equality comparisons "in one go" by adding new axes to the arrays (making them broadcastable with each other).
Bear in mind that this produces a new array containing len(arr1)*len(arr2) values. If this is a very big number, this approach could be infeasible depending on the limitations of your memory. Otherwise, it should be reasonably quick:
>>> (arr1[:,np.newaxis] == arr2[:,np.newaxis]).argmax(axis=1)
array([[0, 1],
[2, 0]], dtype=int32)
If you need to get the index of the closest matching value in arr1 instead, use:
np.abs(arr1[:,np.newaxis] - arr2[:,np.newaxis]).argmin(axis=1)
Is it possible to modify the numpy.random.choice function in order to make it return the index of the chosen element?
Basically, I want to create a list and select elements randomly without replacement
import numpy as np
>>> a = [1,4,1,3,3,2,1,4]
>>> np.random.choice(a)
>>> 4
>>> a
>>> [1,4,1,3,3,2,1,4]
a.remove(np.random.choice(a)) will remove the first element of the list with that value it encounters (a[1] in the example above), which may not be the chosen element (eg, a[7]).
Regarding your first question, you can work the other way around, randomly choose from the index of the array a and then fetch the value.
>>> a = [1,4,1,3,3,2,1,4]
>>> a = np.array(a)
>>> random.choice(arange(a.size))
>>> a[6]
But if you just need random sample without replacement, replace=False will do. Can't remember when it was firstly added to random.choice, might be 1.7.0. So if you are running very old numpy it may not work. Keep in mind the default is replace=True
Here's one way to find out the index of a randomly selected element:
import random # plain random module, not numpy's
=> 4 # just an example, index is 4
Or you could retrieve the element and the index in a single step:
=> (1, 4) # just an example, index is 1 and element is 4
numpy.random.choice(a, size=however_many, replace=False)
If you want a sample without replacement, just ask numpy to make you one. Don't loop and draw items repeatedly. That'll produce bloated code and horrible performance.
>>> a = numpy.arange(10)
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> numpy.random.choice(a, size=5, replace=False)
array([7, 5, 8, 6, 2])
On a sufficiently recent NumPy (at least 1.17), you should use the new randomness API, which fixes a longstanding performance issue where the old API's replace=False code path unnecessarily generated a complete permutation of the input under the hood:
rng = numpy.random.default_rng()
result = rng.choice(a, size=however_many, replace=False)
This is a bit in left field compared with the other answers, but I thought it might help what it sounds like you're trying to do in a slightly larger sense. You can generate a random sample without replacement by shuffling the indices of the elements in the source array :
source = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=100) # generate a set to sample from
idx = np.arange(len(source))
subsample = source[idx[:10]]
This will create a sample (here, of size 10) by drawing elements from the source set (here, of size 100) without replacement.
You can interact with the non-selected elements by using the remaining index values, i.e.:
notsampled = source[idx[10:]]
Maybe late but it worth to mention this solution because I think the simplest way to do so is:
a = [1, 4, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4]
n = len(a)
idx = np.random.choice(list(range(n)), p=np.ones(n)/n)
It means you are choosing from the indices uniformly. In a more general case, you can do a weighted sampling (and return the index) in this way:
probs = [.3, .4, .2, 0, .1]
n = len(a)
idx = np.random.choice(list(range(n)), p=probs)
If you try to do so for so many times (e.g. 1e5), the histogram of the chosen indices would be like [0.30126 0.39817 0.19986 0. 0.10071] in this case which is correct.
Anyway, you should choose from the indices and use the values (if you need) as their probabilities.
Instead of using choice, you can also simply random.shuffle your array, i.e.
random.shuffle(a) # will shuffle a in-place
Based on your comment:
The sample is already a. I want to work directly with a so that I can control how many elements are still left and perform other operations with a. – HappyPy
it sounds to me like you're interested in working with a after n randomly selected elements are removed. Instead, why not work with N = len(a) - n randomly selected elements from a? Since you want them to still be in the original order, you can select from indices like in #CTZhu's answer, but then sort them and grab from the original list:
import numpy as np
n = 3 #number to 'remove'
a = np.array([1,4,1,3,3,2,1,4])
i = np.random.choice(np.arange(a.size), a.size-n, replace=False)
#array([1, 4, 1, 3, 1])
So now you can save that as a again:
a = a[i]
and work with a with n elements removed.
Here is a simple solution, just choose from the range function.
import numpy as np
a = [100,400,100,300,300,200,100,400]
print('index is '+str(I)+' number is '+str(a[I]))
The question title versus its description are a bit different. I just wanted the answer to the title question which was getting only an (integer) index from numpy.random.choice(). Rather than any of the above, I settled on index = numpy.random.choice(len(array_or_whatever)) (tested in numpy 1.21.6).
import numpy
a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
i = numpy.random.choice(len(a))
The problem I had in the other solutions were the unnecessary conversions to list which would recreate the entire collection in a new object (slow!).
Key point from the docs about the first parameter a:
a: 1-D array-like or int
If an ndarray, a random sample is generated from its elements. If an int, the random sample is generated as if it were np.arange(a)
Since the question is very old then it's possible I'm coming at this from the convenience of newer versions supporting exactly what myself and the OP wanted.
Say that I have 4 numpy arrays
In this case, I've determined [1,2,3] is the "minimum array" for my purposes, as it is one of two arrays with lowest value at index 0, and of those two arrays it has the the lowest index 1. If there were more arrays with similar values, I would need to compare the next index values, and so on.
How can I extract the array [1,2,3] in that same order from the pile?
How can I extend that to x arrays of size n?
Using the python non-numpy .sort() or sorted() on a list of lists (not numpy arrays) automatically does this e.g.
a = [[1,2,3],[2,3,1],[3,2,1],[1,3,2]]
The numpy sort seems to only sort the subarrays recursively so it seems the best way would be to convert it to a python list first. Assuming you have an array of arrays you want to pick the minimum of you could get the minimum as
As someone pointed out you could also do min(a.tolist()) which uses the same type of comparisons as sort, and would be faster for large arrays (linear vs n log n asymptotic run time).
Here's an idea using numpy:
import numpy
a = numpy.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,1],[3,2,1],[1,3,2]])
col = 0
while a.shape[0] > 1:
b = numpy.argmin(a[:,col:], axis=1)
a = a[b == numpy.min(b)]
col += 1
print a
This checks column by column until only one row is left.
numpy's lexsort is close to what you want. It sorts on the last key first, but that's easy to get around:
>>> a = np.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,1],[3,2,1],[1,3,2]])
>>> order = np.lexsort(a[:, ::-1].T)
>>> order
array([0, 3, 1, 2])
>>> a[order]
array([[1, 2, 3],
[1, 3, 2],
[2, 3, 1],
[3, 2, 1]])
i have two 1D numpy arrays. The lengths are unequal. I want to make pairs (array1_elemnt,array2_element) of the elements which are close to each other. Lets consider following example
a = [1,2,3,8,20,23]
b = [1,2,3,5,7,21,35]
The expected result is
It is important to note that 5 is left alone. It could easily be done by loops but I have very large arrays. I considered using nearest neighbor. But felt like killing a sparrow with a canon.
Can anybody please suggest any elegant solution.
Thanks a lot.
How about using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm? :)
The scoring matrix would be trivial, as the "distance" between two numbers is just their difference.
But that will probably feel like killing a sparrow with a tank ...
You could use the built in map function to vectorize a function that does this. For example:
ar1 = np.array([1,2,3,8,20,23])
ar2 = np.array([1,2,3,5,7,21,35])
def closest(ar1, ar2, iter):
x = np.abs(ar1[iter] - ar2)
index = np.where(x==x.min())
value = ar2[index]
return value
def find(x):
return closest(ar1, ar2, x)
c = np.array(map(find, range(ar1.shape[0])))
In the example above, it looked like you wanted to exclude values once they had been paired. In that case, you could include a removal process in the first function like this, but be very careful about how array 1 is sorted:
def closest(ar1, ar2, iter):
x = np.abs(ar1[iter] - ar2)
index = np.where(x==x.min())
value = ar2[index]
ar2[ar2==value] = -10000000
return value
The best method I can think of is use a loop. If loop in python is slow, you can use Cython to speedup you code.
I think one can do it like this:
create two new structured arrays, such that there is a second index which is 0 or 1 indicating to which array the value belongs, i.e. the key
concatenate both arrays
sort the united array along the first field (the values)
use 2 stacks: go through the array putting elements with key 1 on the left stack, and when you cross an element with key 0, put them in the right stack. When you reach the second element with key 0, for the first with key 0 check the top and bottom of the left and right stacks and take the closest value (maybe with a maximum distance), switch stacks and continue.
sort should be slowest step and max total space for the stacks is n or m.
You can do the following:
a = np.array([1,2,3,8,20,23])
b = np.array([1,2,3,5,7,21,25])
def find_closest(a, sorted_b):
j = np.searchsorted(.5*(sorted_b[1:] + sorted_b[:-1]), a, side='right')
return b[j]
b.sort() # or, b = np.sort(b), if you don't want to modify b in-place
print np.c_[a, find_closest(a, b)]
# ->
# array([[ 1, 1],
# [ 2, 2],
# [ 3, 3],
# [ 8, 7],
# [20, 21],
# [23, 25]])
This should be pretty fast. How it works is that searchsorted will find for each number a the index into the b past the midpoint between two numbers, i.e., the closest number.