Visual Studio Code venv support - python

I'm using Python's venv and am unsure how to get VS Code to recognise the folder layout.
The interpreter is the system-level Python, so it doesn't see the project's Lib/, Scripts/, Include/, etc. and thus fails to find (import) the modules I've already added.
Is there a way to configure VS Code to work with venv projects and non-venv ones, or do I have to set python.pythonPath per-project?

Open a folder in the level above your venv directory. Then VS Code will discover the python.exe that lives inside /Scripts.
For example, if you created your venv in C:\MyProjects
C:\MyProjects> python -m venv MyEnv
Then in VS Code,
Open Folder... (Ctrl-K Ctrl-O)
Select C:\MyProjects
Command Palette... (Ctrl-Shift-P)
Python: Select Interpreter<Enter>
You should now see a dropdown list that includes .\MyEnv\Scripts\python.exe.


No module recognised after creating new virtualenv

So, i have python 3.11 installed, i wanted to run a code with flask module, and it was running using original python, but not in vscode, so i followed a suggestion from stack exchange and used command python -m venv env.
This created a new folder called env, and after that i got a prompt that new virtual environment has been created, do you want to use it for the workspace folder, i said yes, and still nothing worked. And now even other modules are not being recognized either by vscode or the original python.exe.
I am a novice in programming and have no idea what to do, please help.
Once a venv is created, you must activate it like so: C:\User\venv_folder\Scripts\ activate
If this doesn't work try using C:\User\venv_folder\Scripts\ activate.ps1 or activate.bat
You'll know if it works once you have the (venv_name) before your command line in the terminal
python -m venv env
According to the docs. Running this command creates the target directory (creating any parent directories that don’t exist already) and places a pyvenv.cfg file in it with a home key pointing to the Python installation from which the command was run (a common name for the target directory is .venv). It also creates a bin (or Scripts on Windows) subdirectory containing a copy/symlink of the Python binary/binaries (as appropriate for the platform or arguments used at environment creation time). It also creates an (initially empty) lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages subdirectory (on Windows, this is Lib\site-packages). If an existing directory is specified, it will be re-used.
I think what you need more is to create a conda environment. Use the following command to create it (take python 3.10.4 as an example), and then you can manually select it in python interpreter.
conda create -n env-01 python=3.10.4
You can also read vscode docs for more details.

python curses module for windows can't install

i try to install curses module on windows and it ends with this error
You can't install windows curses with 3.10 yet. It is supported on 3.9. I don't know when it will be supported for 3.10, so your best option for now is just to install 3.9.
You can make a virtual environment with python 3.9 for any projects that need to use curses. A virtual environment makes a copy of your python interpreter and installs it into a directory of your choice. You use this by "activating" the virtual environment, and as long as you're inside that environment, anything you install will be contained by this copied installation.
This allows you to run different versions of python, and it also allows you to install packages that you don't want cluttering up your main installation. It's a good idea to use this for all projects that are going to need packages outside of the standard library (anything that you pip install).
To make a virtual environment with your default interpreter, type:
python -m venv <envname> where <envname> is whatever you want the environments directory to be called. This is usually env.
So python -m venv env would install a fresh copy of your python 3.10 to a folder called env inside your current directory.
You activate this by typing .\<envname>\scripts\activate
You'll then get a prompt that has (<envname>) in front of it, which will let you know you're in that environment.
You can leave that environment by typing deactivate.
In order to use a different version, you have to run venv with the interpreter you want to use on the project. So if you wanted to use python 3.9, it would be something like
"C:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe" -m venv env depending on where you installed python 3.9. The directory I used is usually the default directory when installing for all users.
To more easily work with other versions on windows, I make batch files for each one and put them in a utils folder that's on my system path. (I'll explain how to add a folder to the system path at the bottom if you don't know.)
So make a file called python39.bat, and into that, put "C:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe" %*. (Or wherever the installation is. %* just expands other arguments so you can use it exactly like you would the other executable.
That way you can create a new python 3.9 virtual environment with python39 -m venv env (along with any other arguments you want) instead of typing out the full path.
You can also use --prompt to change the name displayed by your virtual environment instead of changing the name of the folder. This is useful for making it shorter or just keeping things straight when you're using a bunch of environments for different projects. (Using the same folder name allows you have something that doesn't change into your standard ignore files.)
So anyway, here's an example of the full process after you install python 3.9.
Go to your project directory or wherever you'd like to install the environment.
type "C:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe" -m venv env (optional) --prompt somealternatenametodisplay (or python39 -m venv env if you made a .bat file).
type .\env\scripts\activate
You should now have (env) or the alternate name at the beginning of your prompt
type pip install windows-curses
And everything should work now. Just remember to activate your environment whenever you want to use this.
(To put a folder on the path)
Let's make a new folder called myutils as an example at C:\myutils
and put python39.bat in that folder.
Right click My Computer
Select properties
On the right side under Related settings click on Advanced system settings.
At the bottom of the Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables
(You can also get to Environment Variables much faster by opening the start menu and starting to type environment, which should give you Edit the system environment variables).
Under System variables, select Path, and then click Edit...
Type C:\myutils, hit Enter, and press OK.
Now, open a new terminal, and you'll be able to access any programs you put in that folder.
In your path variable in Environment Variables, you can also change the default python interpreter. The default will be whichever one is at the top (which will probably be 3.9 now that you've just installed it).
To change it back to 3.10, select C:\Program Files\Python310\Scripts\ and click Move Up until it's above the Python39 entries, then do the same with C:\Program Files\Python310\.
GO to this URL and find your python version and download wheel file from it
As from my image it is python 3.7 with 64 bit so i will download this file
windows_curses-2.2.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl and give whole path where it is downloaded
and give full path for installation like
pip install filepath\windows_curses-2.2.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl in cmd or powershell

VSCode does not recognize venv

When I create a new project and the virtual environment using the venv python package, VSCode doesn't recognize the new virtual environment. I follow the bellow instruction:
The command that I use in the VSCode integrated terminal is:
python -m venv .venv
The terminal that I use is PowerShell 7, But I tried the CMD terminal too.
After running this command, the .venv folder is created very well on the workspace and I checked its behavior on the terminal.
I tried conda package manager to create a venv and VSCode recognizes it. The problem is only with the venv Python package.
I also tried another Python version to create venv, But the problem still exists.
I read this question:
How can I set up a virtual environment for Python in Visual Studio Code?
I know how to add an environment manually, but I expect VSCode to recognize my environments automatically.
I added these lines to settings.json (Preferences):
"python.venvPath": "~/.venv",
"python.venvFolders": [
I activated the venv manually using VSCode integrated terminal.
The problem still isn't solved.
This is a screenshot of my problem:
I know how to add an environment manually, but I want it to be automatic.
I tried VSCode on another PC, and it worked; It doesn't need anything to do except the presence of venv.
VSCode Version: 1.58.0
Python Extension Version: v2021.6.944021595
The "python.venvPath" should be set to the parent folder of the .venv folder.
Virtual environments located in the folder identified by the
python.venvPath setting (see General settings), which can contain
multiple virtual environments. The extension looks for virtual
environments in the first-level subfolders of venvPath.
But, you need not set that. The Python extension should find the venv environment, as it is just located under your workspace folder.
Virtual environments located directly under the workspace (project)
I tried it locally, it does not work too. It will only show the cached environment path, and the "python.venvPath" does not work either.
And there are some changes of the interpreter storage:
A VSCode internal storage is introduced which will now store the
interpreter settings in the workspace & workspace folder scope.
You can refer to here for more details.
So, it's recommended to select the environment path manually for now.
After writing this command in VS CodeTerminal
python -m venv env
You can simply use
In the same directory path where you have created the virtual enviroment.
For some reason VSCode had uninstalled all my Python extensions including the main Python extension. After reinstalling them it was able to detect my virtualenvs again.
So I was having this same issue and I resolved it by,
1. Open Settings in VSCode.
2. Search for "python.terminal.activateEnvironment"
3. If unchecked/unticked, then check/tick for both "User" and "Workspace".
The problem is not with VSCode but the workspace settings in which I was working on.
Just changed that and Voila works like a charm.

Python not showing existing venv in interpreter select

I have a shared flask web project I am working on with 2 other developers, one of the developers initialized the venv on his pc, uploaded his project structure to github from where I cloned his repo.
Now I when I start vscode and open the project folder, python does not auto detect the venv and asks if it should set is as the interpreter, the only option I have is the default system wide python install, and not the venv python interpreter.
I tried adding it to the list by using the command python:select interpreter and then finding the python.exe inside the venv/scripts folder, but this does not work and vscode still asks for a interpreter.
I also tried manually adding it inside of my workspace settings.json file like so
"python.pythonPath": "C:\\laragon\\www\\Proftaak\\venv\\Scripts\\python.exe"/
But vscode also gives an error on this saying the interpreter is not valid.
How would I fix this?
This is not expected to work as virtual environments are not designed or meant to be movable. They are meant to be created on each machine you need a virtual environment on. As such, I suspect that the virtual environment does not work outside of VS Code which could prevent it from selecting it as a possible working environment.

VS Code note recognizing python interpreter from venv

I keep all my projects in a folder called 'Projects' and have a venv in each project. I have the venv path setting in VS Code set to my Projects folder path, and when I use the Select Python Interpreter it recognizes the venv in my folder and says it is selected, however the venv is not being recognized because it won't recognize the packages I have imported.
enter image description here
So how I solved it was deleting the venv I created inside the project folder and creating a folder inside the project folder called venv where I installed the virtual environment. From there, the default paths in vscode were able to detect my venv and it was able to run. I'm not sure why it made a difference but it's working now!
