How TensorArray and while_loop work together in tensorflow? - python

I am trying to produce a very easy example for combination of TensorArray and while_loop:
# 1000 sequence in the length of 100
matrix = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(100, 1000), name="input_matrix")
matrix_rows = tf.shape(matrix)[0]
ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=matrix_rows)
ta = ta.unstack(matrix)
init_state = (0, ta)
condition = lambda i, _: i < n
body = lambda i, ta: (i + 1, ta.write(i,*2))
# run the graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
(n, ta_final) =, body, init_state),feed_dict={matrix: tf.ones(tf.float32, shape=(100,1000))})
print (ta_final.stack())
But I am getting the following error:
ValueError: Tensor("while/LoopCond:0", shape=(), dtype=bool) must be from the same graph as Tensor("Merge:0", shape=(), dtype=float32).
Anyone has on idea what is the problem?

There are several things in your code to point out. First, you don't need to unstack the matrix into the TensorArray to use it inside the loop, you can safely reference the matrix Tensor inside the body and index it using matrix[i] notation. Another issue is the different data type between your matrix (tf.int32) and the TensorArray (tf.float32), based on your code you're multiplying the matrix ints by 2 and writing the result into the array so it should be int32 as well. Finally, when you wish to read the final result of the loop, the correct operation is TensorArray.stack() which is what you need to run in your call.
Here's a working example:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# 1000 sequence in the length of 100
matrix = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(100, 1000), name="input_matrix")
matrix_rows = tf.shape(matrix)[0]
ta = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.int32, size=matrix_rows)
init_state = (0, ta)
condition = lambda i, _: i < matrix_rows
body = lambda i, ta: (i + 1, ta.write(i, matrix[i] * 2))
n, ta_final = tf.while_loop(condition, body, init_state)
# get the final result
ta_final_result = ta_final.stack()
# run the graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
# print the output of ta_final_result
print, feed_dict={matrix: np.ones(shape=(100,1000), dtype=np.int32)})


Implement ConvND in Tensorflow

So I need a ND convolutional layer that also supports complex numbers. So I decided to code it myself.
I tested this code on numpy alone and it worked. Tested with several channels, 2D and 1D and complex. However, I have problems when I do it on TF.
This is my code so far:
def call(self, inputs):
with tf.name_scope("ComplexConvolution_" + str(self.layer_number)) as scope:
inputs = self._verify_inputs(inputs) # Check inputs are of expected shape and format
inputs = self.apply_padding(inputs) # Add zeros if needed
output_np = np.zeros( # I use np because tf does not support the assigment
(inputs.shape[0],) + # Per each image
self.output_size, # Image out size
dtype=self.input_dtype # To support complex numbers
img_index = 0
for image in inputs:
for filter_index in range(self.filters):
for i in range(int([:-1]))): # for each element in the output
index = np.unravel_index(i, self.output_size[:-1])
start_index = tuple([a * b for a, b in zip(index, self.stride_shape)])
end_index = tuple([a+b for a, b in zip(start_index, self.kernel_shape)])
# set_trace()
sector_slice = tuple(
[slice(start_index[ind], end_index[ind]) for ind in range(len(start_index))]
sector = image[sector_slice]
new_value = tf.reduce_sum(sector * self.kernels[filter_index]) + self.bias[filter_index]
# I use Tied Bias
output_np[img_index][index][filter_index] = new_value # The complicated line
img_index += 1
output = apply_activation(self.activation, output_np)
return output
input_size is a tuple of shape (dim1, dim2, ..., dim3, channels). An 2D rgb conv for example will be (32, 32, 3) and inputs will have shape (None, 32, 32, 3).
The output size is calculated from an equation I found in this paper: A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning
out_list = []
for i in range(len(self.input_size) - 1): # -1 because the number of input channels is irrelevant
out_list.append(int(np.floor((self.input_size[i] + 2 * self.padding_shape[i] - self.kernel_shape[i]) / self.stride_shape[i]) + 1))
Basically, I use np.zeros because if I use tf.zeros I cannot assign the new_value and I get:
TypeError: 'Tensor' object does not support item assignment
However, in this current state I am getting:
NotImplementedError: Cannot convert a symbolic Tensor (placeholder_1:0) to a numpy array.
On that same assignment. I don't see an easy fix, I think I should change the strategy of the code completely.
In the end, I did it in a very inefficient way based in this comment, also commented here but at least it works:
new_value = tf.reduce_sum(sector * self.kernels[filter_index]) + self.bias[filter_index]
indices = (img_index,) + index + (filter_index,)
mask = tf.Variable(tf.fill(output_np.shape, 1))
mask = mask[indices].assign(0)
mask = tf.cast(mask, dtype=self.input_dtype)
output_np = array * mask + (1 - mask) * new_value
I say inefficient because I create a whole new array for each assignment. My code is taking ages to compute for the moment so I will keep looking for improvements and post here if I get something better.

How can I store temporary variables in Tensorflow

I am wondering if TF has the capacity to temporarily store data during the training phase? Below is an example:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def loss_function(values, a, b):
N = values.shape[0]
i = tf.constant(0)
values_array = tf.get_variable(
"values", values.shape, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(values), dtype=tf.float32) # The temporary data solution in this example
result = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
def body1(i):
op2 = tf.assign(values_array[i, 0],
234.0) # Here is where it should be updated. The value being assigned is actually calculated from variable a and b.
with tf.control_dependencies([op2]):
return i + 1
def condition1(i): return tf.less(i, N)
i = tf.while_loop(condition1, body1, [i])
op1 = tf.assign(values_array[0, 0],
9999.0) # Here is where it should be updated
result = result + tf.reduce_mean(values_array) # The final cost is calculated based on the entire values_array
with tf.control_dependencies([op1]):
return result
# The parameters we want to calculate in the end
a = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([1], 0, 700), name='a')
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([1], -700, 700), name='b')
values = np.ones([2, 4], dtype=np.float32)
# cost function
cost_function = loss_function(values, a, b)
# training algorithm
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(
0.1, momentum=0.9).minimize(cost_function)
# initializing the variables
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# starting the session session
sess = tf.Session()
_, training_cost =[optimizer, cost_function])
print tf.get_collection(
tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope="values")[0].eval(session=sess)
Currently, what I get from the console is:
[[ 0.98750001 0.98750001 0.98750001 0.98750001]
[ 0.98750001 0.98750001 0.98750001 0.98750001]]
What expected to get from this example is (if the temporary data can be printed out):
[[ 9999.0 1.0 1.0 1.0]
[ 234.0 1.0 1.0 1.0]]
Overall, what I want is that the cost function calculates a temporary 2D array based on the input numpy 2D array and parameters a and b. Then, the final cost is calculated from the temporary 2D array. But I think using a TF variable as the temporary storage is probably not correct...
Any help?
Your while loop never runs because i is never used again. use tf.control_dependencies to make it run.
Also, you are adding the mean of values_array, when you seem to just want to add the array as-is. Get rid of reduce_mean to get your desired output.
op1 = tf.assign(values_array[0, 0], 9999.0) wasn't being done because there was no op in the following control_dependencies context. Move the op to the context to ensure that the assignment op is included in the graph.
def loss_function(values, a, b):
N = values.shape[0]
i = tf.constant(0)
values_array = tf.get_variable(
"values", values.shape, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(values), dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False)
temp_values_array = tf.get_variable(
"temp_values", values.shape, dtype=tf.float32)
# copy previous values for calculations & gradients
temp_values_array = tf.assign(temp_values_array, values_array)
result = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
def body1(i):
op2 = tf.assign(temp_values_array[i, 0],
234.0) # Here is where it should be updated. The value being assigned is actually calculated from variable a and b.
with tf.control_dependencies([op2]):
return [i+1]
def condition1(i): return tf.less(i, N)
i = tf.while_loop(condition1, body1, [i])
with tf.control_dependencies([i]):
op1 = tf.assign(temp_values_array[0, 0],
9999.0) # Here is where it should be updated
with tf.control_dependencies([op1]):
result = result + temp_values_array # The final cost is calculated based on the entire values_array
# save the calculations for later
op3 = tf.assign(values_array, temp_values_array)
with tf.control_dependencies([op3]):
return tf.identity(result)
Also, you are fetching optimizer so the non-assigned elements of your output are going to be smaller than you expect. Your results would be closer if you did:
training_cost =[cost_function])
_ =[optimizer])
This will ensure that you don't optimize before getting the results of cost_function

Produce a dataset of stridded slices from a tfrecords dataset

Continuing from this question and the discussion here - I am trying to use the Dataset API to take a dataset of variable length tensors and cut them into slices (segments) of equal length. Something like:
Dataset =
segment_len = 6
batch_size = 16
with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
# get the tfrecords dataset
dataset =
partial(record_type.parse_single_example, graph=g)).batch(batch_size)
# zip it with the number of segments we need to slice each tensor
dataset2 =, Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
tf.constant(num_segments, dtype=tf.int64))))
it2 = dataset2.make_initializable_iterator()
def _dataset_generator():
with g.as_default():
while True:
(im, length), count =
dataset3 =
# repeat each tensor then use map to take a stridded slice
Dataset.from_tensors((im, length)).repeat(count),
Dataset.range(count))).map(lambda x, c: (
x[0][:, c: c + segment_len],
x[0][:, c + 1: (c + 1) + segment_len],
it = dataset3.make_initializable_iterator()
it_init = it.initializer
yield it_init
while True:
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
# Dataset.from_generator need tensorflow > 1.3 !
das_dataset = Dataset.from_generator(
(tf.float32, tf.float32),
# (tf.TensorShape([]), tf.TensorShape([]))
das_dataset_it = das_dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess:
while True:
Of course I do not want to pass the session in the generator but this should be workarounded by the trick given in the link (create a dummy dataset and map the iterator of the other). The code above fails with the biblical:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: TypeError: If shallow structure is a sequence, input must also be a sequence. Input has type: <class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Operation'>.
[[Node: PyFunc = PyFunc[Tin=[DT_INT64], Tout=[DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT], token="pyfunc_1"](arg0)]]
[[Node: IteratorGetNext = IteratorGetNext[output_shapes=[<unknown>, <unknown>], output_types=[DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](OneShotIterator)]]
which is I guess because I try to yield the initializer of the iterator but my question is basically if I can achieve at all what I am trying using the dataset API.
The easiest way to build a Dataset from a nested Dataset is to use the Dataset.flat_map() transformation. This transformation applies a function to each element of the input dataset (dataset2 in your example), that function returns a nested Dataset (most likely dataset3 in your example), and then the transformation flattens all the nested datasets into a single Dataset.
dataset2 = ... # As above.
def get_slices(im_and_length, count):
im, length = im_and_length
# Repeat each tensor then use map to take a strided slice.
Dataset.from_tensors((im, length)).repeat(count),
Dataset.range(count))).map(lambda x, c: (
x[0][:, c + segment_len: (c + 1) + segment_len],
x[0][:, c + 1 + segment_len: (c + 2) + segment_len],
das_dataset = dataset2.flat_map(get_slices)

What is the output of tf.split?

So assuming I have this:
TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(32)])
And I use tf.split on this tensor _X with the dimension above:
_X = tf.split(_X, 128, 0)
What is the shape of this new tensor? The output is a list so its hard to know the shape of this new tensor.
tf.split() returns the list of tensor objects. You could know shape of each tensor object as follows
import tensorflow as tf
X = tf.random_uniform([256, 32]);
Y = tf.split(X,128,0)
Y_shape = tf.shape(Y[1])
sess = tf.Session()
X_v,Y_v,Y_shape_v =[X,Y,Y_shape])
# numpy style
print X_v.shape
print len(Y_v)
print Y_v[100].shape
# TF style
print len(Y)
print Y_shape_v
Output :
(256, 32)
(2, 32)
[ 2 32]
I hope this helps !
tf.split(X, row = n, column = m) is used to split the data set of the variable into n number of pieces row wise and m numbers of pieces column wise.
For example, we have data_set x of size (10,10),
then tf.split(x, 2, 0) will break the data_set of x in 2 set of size (5, 10)
but if we take tf.split(x, 2, 2),
then we will get 4 sets of data of size (5, 5).
The new version of tensorflow defines split function as follows:
however, when I try to run it in R:
X = tf$random_uniform(minval=0,
maxval=10,shape(256, 32),name = "X");
Y = tf$split(X,num_or_size_splits = 2,axis = 0)
it reports error message:
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :
ValueError: Rank-0 tensors are not supported as the num_or_size_splits argument to split. Argument provided: 2.0

Tensorflow runtime determine the shape of Tensor

Does Tensorflow support runtime determine the shape of Tensor?
The problem is to build a Constant tensor in runtime based on the input vector length_q. The number of columns of the target tensor is the sum of length_q. The code snippet is shown as follows, the length of length_q is fixed to 64.
T = tf.reduce_sum(length_q, 0)[0]
N = np.shape(length_q)[0]
wm = np.zeros((N, T), dtype=np.float32)
# Something inreletive.
count = 0
for i in xrange(N):
ones = np.ones(length_q[i])
wm[i][count:count+length_q[i]] = ones
count += length_q[i]
return tf.Constant(wm)
I want to create a dynamic Tensor according to the input length_q. length_q is some input vector (64*1). The new tensor's shape I want to create depends on the sum of length_q because in each batch the data in length_q changes. The current code snippet is as follows:
def some_matrix(length_q):
T = tf.reduce_sum(length_q, 0)[0]
N = np.shape(length_q)[0]
wm = np.zeros((N, T), dtype=np.float32)
count = 0
return wm
def network_inference(length_q):
wm = tf.constant(some_matrix(length_q));
And the problem occurs probably because length_q is the placeholder and doesn't have summation operation. Are there some ways to solve this problem?
It sounds like the tf.fill() op is what you need. This op allows you to specify a shape as a tf.Tensor (i.e. a runtime value) along with a value:
def some_matrix(length_q):
T = tf.reduce_sum(length_q, 0)[0]
N = tf.shape(length_q)[0]
wm = tf.fill([T, N], 0.0)
return wm
Not clear about what you are calculating. If you need to calculate N shape, you can generate ones like this
T = tf.constant(20.0,tf.float32) # tf variable which is reduced sum , 20.0 is example float value
T = tf.cast(T,tf.int32) # columns will be integer only
N = 10 # if numpy integer- assuming np.shape giving 10
# N = length_q.getshape()[0] # if its a tensor, 'lenght_q' replace by your tensor name
wm = tf.ones([N,T],dtype=tf.float32) # N rows and T columns
sess = tf.Session()
