I'm extending Django's (v1.9) built-in User model with Player class, to add some extra properties.
class Player(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
... (player-specific properties here)
time_zone = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=PRETTY_TIMEZONE_CHOICES, blank=True, null=True,)
When creating users from Django admin panel, I don't always need to create players, so sometimes only User gets created. As a result, Player and User IDs don't exactly match. Turns out that this leads to a problem when populating ModelForms of models that are linked to Player, like this one:
class City(models.Model):
player = models.ForeignKey(Player, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
name = models.CharField(max_length = 100)
x_coord = models.SmallIntegerField()
y_coord = models.SmallIntegerField()
region = models.CharField(max_length = 100)
def __unicode__(self):
return str(self.player) + "-" + str(self.name)
class Meta:
db_table = 'cities'
class CityForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = City
fields = (
This modelForm is used when creating a new city. When User ID and Player ID match, there is no problem, player ID gets populated in the form and city is successfully created. When User ID and Player ID are different, player ID is not populated in the form, the form fails to validate, and city creation fails.
I have no problem getting Player ID from request.user, and I could fix up the player ID before validating after getting POST data. I've also added a post-save hook so that Player always gets created, so the IDs will always match. But it seems that form should be populated with player ID in the first place, since user data is accessible and it's a one to one relationship.
What am I missing here?
What you are missing is that when you instantiate a ModelForm to create a new row that's related to some existing object, Django has no way of knowing the id of the related object. You need to tell it somehow.
One way to do that is, when you are displaying the form in response to a GET, use the initial argument to the form constructor:
myform = MyModelFormClass(None, initial={ 'myfkfield': myrelatedobject.pk })
Now the form class knows what value to pre-fill in when it renders the form, and when the form is posted, that field will be posted with it.
The other way to do it would be to omit the relation field from your form altogether, then fill it in later before you save, by using the commit argument to the form save method:
myform = MyModelFormClass(request.POST)
# this causes form values to be filled into the instance without actually
# writing to the database yet.
myinstance = myform.save(commit=False)
myinstance.myfkfield = myrelatedobject
# now really write to database
Note that this would be for an insert. For updates, you need to supply the existing object to your modelform constructor, like this:
myinstance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.pk)
myform = MyModelFormClass(request.POST, instance=myinstance)
Without the instance, ModelForm doesn't know what row it's updating in the database. You would think that this is all present in the HTML so it shouldn't be necessary.. but that's not how Django works. You need to fetch the object existing from the database, and pass it to the ModelForm constructor along with the request.POST data. Then when you call myform.save() it will validate the form, merge its data with the existing object, and save the object. Using commit=False results in the last of those three steps being deferred, so that you can make any adjustments or checks to the updated instance before it is actually saved.
I followed this: https://www.yergler.net/2009/09/27/nested-formsets-with-django/ and this: django inline formsets with a complex model for the nested form and overall my code works great.
class Account(models.Model):
user_username = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
account_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
class Classification(models.Model):
user_username=models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
data_id=models.ForeignKey(ImportData, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class ImportData(models.Model):
user_username = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
data_id = models.UUIDField(
primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False)
ClassificationFormset = inlineformset_factory(ImportData, Classification, exclude=('user_username',), extra=1)
# below is just what came from the nested formset links above: pasted here for easy reference.
class BaseNestedTransactionFormset(BaseInlineFormSet):
def add_fields(self, form, index):
# allow the super class to create the fields as usual
super(BaseNestedTransactionFormset, self).add_fields(form, index)
instance = self.get_queryset()[index]
pk_value = instance.pk
except IndexError:
pk_value = hash(form.prefix)
transaction_data = None
if (self.data):
transaction_data = self.data;
# store the formset in the .nested property
form.nested = [
instance = instance,
prefix = 'CAT_%s' % pk_value)]
def is_valid(self):
result = super(BaseNestedTransactionFormset, self).is_valid()
for form in self.forms:
if hasattr(form, 'nested'):
for n in form.nested:
# make sure each nested formset is valid as well
result = result and n.is_valid()
return result
def save_new(self, form, commit=True):
"""Saves and returns a new model instance for the given form."""
instance = super(BaseNestedTransactionFormset, self).save_new(form, commit=commit)
# update the form’s instance reference
form.instance = instance
# update the instance reference on nested forms
for nested in form.nested:
nested.instance = instance
# iterate over the cleaned_data of the nested formset and update the foreignkey reference
for cd in nested.cleaned_data:
cd[nested.fk.name] = instance
return instance
def save_all(self, commit=True):
"""Save all formsets and along with their nested formsets."""
# Save without committing (so self.saved_forms is populated)
# — We need self.saved_forms so we can go back and access
# the nested formsets
objects = self.save(commit=False)
# Save each instance if commit=True
if commit:
for o in objects:
# save many to many fields if needed
if not commit:
# save the nested formsets
for form in set(self.initial_forms + self.saved_forms):
# if self.should_delete(form): continue
for nested in form.nested:
ImportTransactionFormset = inlineformset_factory(Account, ImportData, exclude=('user_username',), formset=BaseNestedTransactionFormset, extra=0)
My template has a table that displays the import data formset... user selects the account and the table shows all the imported data from that account. For each of these row forms, there is a hidden row underneath... user clicks a button to show that hidden row. The hidden row displays the nested classification formset.
If include the user_username field in the template and allow for it to be part of the nested formset in the template, i can set is accordingly in the html form and the formsets save no problem.
However: I want to be able to exclude the user_username field from the template and have my view or some other method under the BaseNestedTransactionFormset class set the value of the user_username field to request.user value for whoever is logged in at that time.
I tried to override the clean method, but cleaned_data kicks back an error because the form doesnt validate; the field is required. I can't seem to figure out a good way to do this.
If this was a normal formset, not too hard to do. I would just set the field by modifying what comes back from POST. I have never worked with nested inline formsets, and the prefixes and indeces in the field names have got me. I've been at this for a couple of days and can't seem to be getting anywhere.
I am also contemplating just getting rid of that field from the classification model, since it is already tied to the ImportData model which is linked to the logged in user regardless. I'm just thinking i may run into this at some point again, so maybe good to solve.
Thanks in advance.
I'm making one of my first django apps with sqlite database. I have some models like for example:
class Connection(models.Model):
routeID = models.ForeignKey(Route, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
activityStatus = models.BooleanField()
car = models.ForeignKey(Car, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Route(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
and forms
class RouteForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Route
fields = ['name']
class ConnectionForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Connection
fields = ['routeID', 'activityStatus', 'car']
And in my website, in the url for adding new Connection, I have cascade list containing RouteIDs. And I'd like it to contain RouteName, not ID, so it would be easier to choose. How should I change my ConnectionForm, so I could still use foreign key to Route table, but see RouteName instead of RouteID?
For now it's looking like this, but I'd love to have list of RouteNames, while still adding to Connection table good foreign key, RouteID
Update the Route Model's __str__ method:
class Route(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
Because the __str__() method is called whenever you call str() on an object. Django uses str(obj) in a number of places like in Modelform. By default it returns id or pk that is why you were seeing ids in model form. So by overriding it with name, you will see the names appear in choice field. Please see the documentation for more details on this.
I have a formset as follows:
TableAddFormSet = modelformset_factory(Table, form=TableAddForm)
The model looks like this:
class Table(models.Model):
restaurant = models.ForeignKey(Restaurant, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
amount_of_people = models.IntegerField()
category = models.CharField(max_length=10)
reserved = models.BooleanField(default=False)
Now the model required the attribute 'restaurant', which I will set on form-submission. Until now I've done the following:
for form in formset:
form.instance.restaurant = request.user.restaurant
which means that even forms that already existed get looped through and updated. Is there a more efficient way to add this attribute to the newly added forms, something like:
for form in formset.new_forms():
or is my implementation the most suitable way for solving this problem?
You should be able to use inlineformset_factory like this:
TableAddFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Restaurant, Table, form=TableAddForm)
table_formset = TableAddFormSet(request.POST or None, instance=request.user.restaurant)
As the name implies, it's more intended for when you create a form that has a formset within it (so, a "restaurant" form that has multiple "table" entries within it), but it should work fine for what you're doing too.
Question / Problem:
I am building a Django app, with 2 models: User and Secret. Secrets can be made by Users, and other Users can "like" them. I've setup my likes field as a ManyToManyField, so that Users whom like a Secret can be stored there and later retrieved, etc. However, when I try to query for a User and a Secret and use my_secret.likes.add(my_User) nothing happens. I don't receive an error and when I print my Secret's many-to-many likes field, after the add, I see: secrets.User.None.
Why is my add() method running but I am not receiving any errors, and why is my User not properly being added to my Secret's likes?
Note: I've saved both the User and Secret objects upon initial creation. Outside this application I've been able to use the add() method just fine, but in those scenarios I was creating objects in the moment, and not retreiving already existing objects.
Is there a different way to handle add() when using data retreived from a Query? That's my only other line of reasoning right now, and I've followed the documentation here exactly: Django Many-to-Many Docs
I also apologize if this was answered elsewhere on the site. I did find one other post here, but there was no solution provided, granted they were experiencing the exact same issue.
My Models:
class User(models.Model):
Creates instances of a `User`.
-`models.Model` - Django's `models.Model` method allows us to create new models.
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=50) # CharField is field type for characters
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
email = models.CharField(max_length=50)
password = models.CharField(max_length=22)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) # DateTimeField is field type for date and time
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) # note the `auto_now=True` parameter
objects = UserManager() # Attaches `UserManager` methods to our `User.objects` object.
class Secret(models.Model):
Creates instances of a `Secret`.
-`models.Model` - Django's `models.Model` method allows us to create new models.
description = models.CharField(max_length=100) # CharField is field type for characters
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="secrets") # One-to-Many Relationship
likes = models.ManyToManyField(User) # Many to Many Relationship
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) # DateTimeField is field type for date and time
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) # note the `auto_now=True` parameter
objects = SecretManager() # Attaches `SecretManager` methods to our `Secret.objects` object.
Problem Example:
The model migrates fine, everything seems to be in proper syntax. However, when I try and retrieve a User and a Secret, and add the User to the Secret.likes, the add() method gives no errors, runs, but no objects are saved.
Here's an example:
tim = User.objects.get(email="tim#tim.com") # Gets a user object
my_secret = Secret.objects.get(id=2) # Gets a secret object
# This is where nothing seems to happen / take:
my_secret.likes.add(tim) # add() method per Django many-to-many docs
print my_secret.likes # returns: `secrets.User.None` -- why?
Why when printing my_secret.likes above, is nothing printed?
Especially when:
tim.secret_set.all() shows the secret containing an id=2 as in the above example....so the User is recording the relationship with the Secret, but the Secret is not recording any relationship with the User. What am I doing wrong?
You need to call the all method of the many-to-many field to view all related objects:
print my_secret.likes.all()
# ^^^^^
I am using Django Rest Framework to provide API to a mobile app. I have two models, Order and User. Order has a foreign key relation to User.
For about 1% or so of all my order objects, the User field is null. I've been testing this behavior using cURL.
If I do a cURL without a user object, it tells me "This field is required".
If done with a wrong user object, it tells me that the object does not exist. Both of these are the intended and expected behaviors.
I'm trying to figure out how it is possible for some of the Order objects to be saved without a user field. Is there something I'm not taking into account?
My views:
class OrderList (generics.ListCreateAPIView):
model = Order
serializer_class = OrderSerializer
And serializer:
class OrderSerializer (serializers.ModelSerializer):
user = serializers.SlugRelatedField(slug_field = 'user')
partial = True
class Meta:
model = Order
class User (models.Model):
uid = models.CharField(max_length =200, unique=True)
class Order (models.Model):
uid = models.ForeignKey (User, related_name = "orders", verbose_name = "User",blank=True, null=True)
You could use two different ModelSerializer classes, one for creation, that makes sure, that an Order object can't be created without a related User and one for updating orders, that passes required=False to the related field's constructor, so that you still can save existing orders that haven't a related User.
Try adding default=None to your models.ForeignKey declaration. You could also just create an anonymous user in the users table and when the user isn't specified it could set the anonymous user instead.