I've written the following query to be executed through Python.
query="""SELECT DISTINCT count(*) FROM PG_TABLE_DEF WHERE schemaname='master' AND tablename LIKE '%%tmp%%'; """
print(res) # Prints (0,)
It works fine in the database but is giving me 0 results when I execute it through Python and SqlAlchemy with psycopg2.
Idon't understand what the problem could be. Thanks for reading
PG_TABLE_DEF in Redshift only returns information about tables that are visible to the user, in other words, it will only show you the tables which are in the schema(s) which are defined in variable search_path. If PG_TABLE_DEF does not return the expected results, verify that the search_path parameter is set correctly to include the relevant schema(s).
Try this -
mydb=# set search_path="$user",master;
Then run your query -
mydb=# select tablename from pg_table_def where schemaname = 'master';
If I’ve made a bad assumption please comment and I’ll refocus my answer.
This question already has answers here:
How to use variables in SQL statement in Python?
(5 answers)
Closed 2 months ago.
def update_inv_quant():
new_quant = int(input("Enter the updated quantity in stock: "))
Hello! I'm wondering how to insert a user variable into an sql statement so that a record is updated to said variable. Also, it'd be really helpful if you could also help me figure out how to print records of the database into the actual python console. Thank you!
I tried doing soemthing like ("INSERT INTO Inv(ItemName) Value {user_iname)") but i'm not surprised it didnt work
It would have been more helpful if you specified an actual database.
First method (Bad)
The usual way (which is highly discouraged as Graybeard said in the comments) is using python's f-string. You can google what it is and how to use it more in-depth.
but basically, say you have two variables user_id = 1 and user_name = 'fish', f-string turns something like f"INSERT INTO mytable(id, name) values({user_id},'{user_name}')" into the string INSERT INTO mytable(id,name) values(1,'fish').
As we mentioned before, this causes something called SQL injection. There are many good youtube videos that demonstrate what that is and why it's dangerous.
Second method
The second method is dependent on what database you are using. For example, in Psycopg2 (Driver for PostgreSQL database), the cursor.execute method uses the following syntax to pass variables cur.execute('SELECT id FROM users WHERE cookie_id = %s',(cookieid,)), notice that the variables are passed in a tuple as a second argument.
All databases use similar methods, with minor differences. For example, I believe SQLite3 uses ? instead of psycopg2's %s. That's why I said that specifying the actual database would have been more helpful.
Fetching records
I am most familiar with PostgreSQL and psycopg2, so you will have to read the docs of your database of choice.
To fetch records, you send the query with cursor.execute() like we said before, and then call cursor.fetchone() which returns a single row, or cursor.fetchall() which returns all rows in an iterable that you can directly print.
Execute didn't update the database?
Statements executing from drivers are transactional, which is a whole topic by itself that I am sure will find people on the internet who can explain it better than I can. To keep things short, for the statement to physically change the database, you call connection.commit() after cursor.execute()
So finally to answer both of your questions, read the documentation of the database's driver and look for the execute method.
This is what I do (which is for sqlite3 and would be similar for other SQL type databases):
Assuming that you have connected to the database and the table exists (otherwise you need to create the table). For the purpose of the example, i have used a table called trades.
new_quant = 1000
# insert one record (row)
command = f"""INSERT INTO trades VALUES (
'some_ticker', {new_quant}, other_values, ...
) """
print('trade inserted !!')
You can then wrap the above into your function accordingly.
I had no problem with SELECTing data in python from postgres database using cursor/execute. Just changed the sql to INSERT a row but nothing is inserted to DB. Can anyone let me know what should be modified? A little confused because everything is the same except for the sql statement.
<!-- language: python -->
def addcontact():
# this connection/cursor setting showed no problem so far
conn = pg.connect(conn_str)
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
sql = f"INSERT INTO jna (sid, phone, email) VALUES ('123','123','123')"
return redirect("/contacts")
first look at your table setup and make sure your variables are named right in the right order, format and all that, if your not logging into the specific database on the sql server it won't know where the table is, you might need to send something like 'USE databasename' before you do your insert statement so your computer is in the right place in the server.
I might not be up to date with the language but is that 'f' supposed to be right before the quotes? if thats in ur code that'd probably throw an error unless it has a use im not aware of or its not relevant to the problem.
You have to commit your transaction by adding the line below after execute(sql)
Ref: Using INSERT with a PostgreSQL Database using Python
I am trying to run some querys that needs to create some temporary tables and then returns a result set, but i am unable to do that with MySQLdb api.
I already dig something about this issue like here but without success.
My query is like this:
create temporary table tmp1
select * from table1;
alter tmp1 add index(somefield);
create temporary table tmp2
select * from table2;
select * from tmp1 inner join tmp2 using(somefield);
This returns immediatly an empty result set. If i go to the mysql client and do a show full processlist i can see my queries executing. They take some minutes to complete.
Why cursor returns immediatly and don't wait to query to run.
If i try to run another query i have a "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now"
I already tried to put my connection with autocommit to True
db = MySQLdb.connect(host='ip',
Or put every statement in is own cursor.execute() and between them db.commit() but without success too.
Can you help me to figure what is the problem? I know mysql don't support transactions for some operations like alter table, but why the api don't wait until everything is finished like it does with a select?
By the way i'm trying to do this on a ipython notebook.
I suspect that you're passing your multi-statement SQL string directly to the cursor.execute function. The thing is, each of the statements is a query in its own right so it's unclear what the result set should contain.
Here's an example to show what I mean. The first case is passing a semicolon set of statements to execute which is what I presume you have currently.
def query_single_sql(cursor):
print 'query_single_sql'
sql = []
sql.append("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp1 (id int)""")
sql.append("""INSERT INTO tmp1 VALUES (1)""")
sql.append("""SELECT * from tmp1""")
print list(cursor.fetchall())
You can see that nothing is returned, even though there is clearly data in the table and a SELECT is used.
The second case is where each statement is executed as an independent query, and the results printed for each query.
def query_separate_sql(cursor):
print 'query_separate_sql'
sql = []
sql.append("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp3 (id int)""")
sql.append("""INSERT INTO tmp3 VALUES (1)""")
sql.append("""SELECT * from tmp3""")
for query in sql:
print list(cursor.fetchall())
As you can see, we consumed the results of the cursor for each query and the final query has the results we expect.
I suspect that even though you've issued multiple queries, the API only has a handle to the first query executed and so immediately returns when the CREATE TABLE is done. I'd suggest serializing your queries as described in the second example above.
This isn't a question, so much as a pre-emptive answer. (I have gotten lots of help from this website & wanted to give back.)
I was struggling with a large bit of SQL query that was failing when I tried to run it via python using pymssql, but would run fine when directly through MS SQL. (E.g., in my case, I was using MS SQL Server Management Studio to run it outside of python.)
Then I finally discovered the problem: pymssql cannot handle temporary tables. At least not my version, which is still 1.0.1.
As proof, here is a snippet of my code, slightly altered to protect any IP issues:
conn = pymssql.connect(host=sqlServer, user=sqlID, password=sqlPwd, \
cur = conn.cursor()
The above code FAILS (returns no data, to be specific, and spits the error "pymssql.OperationalError: No data available." if you call cur.fetchone() ) if I call it with testQuery defined as below:
testQuery = """
[sample_id] varchar (256)
,[blah] varchar (256) )
FROM [myTableOI]
WHERE [Shipment Type] in ('test')
However, it works fine if testQuery is defined as below.
testQuery = """
FROM [myTableOI]
WHERE [Shipment Type] in ('test')
I did a Google search as well as a search within Stack Overflow, and couldn't find any information regarding the particular issue. I also looked under the pymssql documentation and FAQ, found at http://code.google.com/p/pymssql/wiki/FAQ, and did not see anything mentioning that temporary tables are not allowed. So I thought I'd add this "question".
Update: July 2016
The previously-accepted answer is no longer valid. The second "will NOT work" example does indeed work with pymssql 2.1.1 under Python 2.7.11 (once conn.autocommit(1) is replaced with conn.autocommit(True) to avoid "TypeError: Cannot convert int to bool").
For those who run across this question and might have similar problems, I thought I'd pass on what I'd learned since the original post. It turns out that you CAN use temporary tables in pymssql, but you have to be very careful in how you handle commits.
I'll first explain by example. The following code WILL work:
testQuery = """
[name] varchar(256)
,[age] int )
values ('Mike', 12)
,('someone else', 904)
conn = pymssql.connect(host=sqlServer, user=sqlID, password=sqlPwd, \
database=sqlDB) ## obviously setting up proper variables here...
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM #TEST")
tmp = cur.fetchone()
This will then return the first item (a subsequent fetch will return the other):
('Mike', 12)
But the following will NOT work
testQuery = """
[name] varchar(256)
,[age] int )
values ('Mike', 12)
,('someone else', 904)
conn = pymssql.connect(host=sqlServer, user=sqlID, password=sqlPwd, \
database=sqlDB) ## obviously setting up proper variables here...
cur = conn.cursor()
tmp = cur.fetchone()
This will fail saying "pymssql.OperationalError: No data available." The reason, as best I can tell, is that whether you have autocommit on or not, and whether you specifically make a commit yourself or not, all tables must explicitly be created AND COMMITTED before trying to read from them.
In the first case, you'll notice that there are two "cur.execute(...)" calls. The first one creates the temporary table. Upon finishing the "cur.execute()", since autocommit is turned on, the SQL script is committed, the temporary table is made. Then another cur.execute() is called to read from that table. In the second case, I attempt to create & read from the table "simultaneously" (at least in the mind of pymssql... it works fine in MS SQL Server Management Studio). Since the table has not previously been made & committed, I cannot query into it.
Wow... that was a hassle to discover, and it will be a hassle to adjust my code (developed on MS SQL Server Management Studio at first) so that it will work within a script. Oh well...
The following query causes python to crash ('python.exe has encountered a problem ...'
Process terminated with an exit code of -1073741819
The query is:
create temp table if not exists MM_lookup2 as
select lower(Album) || lower(SongTitle) as concat, ID
from MM.songs
where artist like '%;%' collate nocase
If I change from "like" to = it runs as expected, eg
create temp table if not exists MM_lookup2 as
select lower(Album) || lower(SongTitle) as concat, ID
from MM.songs
where artist = '%;%' collate nocase
I am running python v2.7.2, with whatever version of sqlite that ships in there.
The problem query runs without problem outside python.
You didn't write the database system/driver you are using. I suspect that your SQL is the problem. The % characters needs to be escaped. Possibly the db driver module tries to interpret %, and %) as format chars, and it cannot convert non-existing parameter value into a format that is acceptable by the database backend.
Can you please give us concrete Python code? Can you please try to run the same query but putting the value of '%,%' into a parameter, and pass it to the cursor as a parameter?