How to change the recognition language - python

Using Google vision from here I was successfully able to create a client and an image using vision.Client() and client.image(content=data) respectively. And then send my image using image.detect_text(), attempting to read the digits within the image. however Google-vision has been inaccurate and I heard, from this question, that by setting the language to another (non-latin) language would help with this.
But that is where I am stuck, I'm not sure where to set the languageHints, and yes I have seen this link to the documentation of the AnnotateImageRequest, but I am still confused as to where this comes in.

I am not an expert in this but the following seems to work for me:
First you create an image_context object, as follows:
image_context = types.ImageContext(language_hints =["en"])
Then you call text_detection with the image_context you created as parameter, as follows:
response = client.text_detection(image=image, image_context=image_context)

image_context = vision.ImageContext(language_hints =["en"])
response = client.text_detection(image=image, image_context=image_context)


Use "Relink to File" button in Photoshop using Python

I would like to relink a Photoshop Smart Object to a new file using Python.
Here's a screenshot of the button that's used in Photoshop to perform this action - "Relink to File":
I've found some solutions in other programming languages but couldn't make them work in Python, here's one for example: Photoshop Scripting: Relink Smart Object
Editing Contents of a Smart Object would also be a good option, but I can't seem to figure that one out either.
Here's a screenshot of the button to Edit Contents of a Smart Object:
So far I have this:
import win32com.client
psApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Photoshop.Application')
psDoc = psApp.Application.ActiveDocument
for layer in psDoc.layers:
if layer.kind == 17: # layer kind 17 is Smart Object
# here it should either "Relink to File" or "Edit Contents" of a Smart Object
I have figured out a workaround! I simply ran JavaScript in Python.
This is the code to Relink to File.... You could do a similar thing for Edit Contents but I haven't tried it yet, as relinking works better for me.
Keep in mind the new_img_path must be a raw string as far as I'm aware, for example:
new_img_path = r"C:\\Users\\miha\\someEpicPic.jpg"
import photoshop.api as ps
def js_relink(new_img_path):
jscode = r"""
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putPath(stringIDToTypeID('null'), new File("{}"));
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID('placedLayerRelinkToFile'), desc, DialogModes.NO);
def JavaScript(js_code):
app = ps.Application()

Convert PNG to ZPL and print

I'm trying to convert an image to ZPl and then print the label to a 6.5*4cm label on a TLP 2844 zebra printer on Python.
My main problems are:
1.Converting the image
2.Printing from python to the zebra queue (I've honestly tried all the obvious printing packages like zebra0.5/ win32 print/ ZPL...)
Any help would be appreciated.
I had the same issue some weeks ago. I made a python script specifically for this printer, with some fields available. I commented (#) what does not involve your need, but left it in as you may find it helpful.
I also recommend that you set your printer to the EPL2 driver, and 5cm/s print speed. With this script you'll get the PNG previews with an EAN13 formatted barcode. (If you need other formats, you might need to hit the ZPL module docs.)
Please bear in mind that if you print with ZLP 2844, you will either need to use their paid software, or you will need to manually configure the whole printer.
import os
import zpl
#import pandas
#df= pandas.read_excel("Datos.xlsx")
for elem in a:
l = zpl.Label(15,25.5)
height = 0
l.write_text("CUIT: 30-11111111-7", char_height=2, char_width=2, line_width=40)
l.write_text("Art:", char_height=2, char_width=2, line_width=40)
l.write_text(elem, char_height=3, char_width=2.5, line_width=40)
l.origin(2, 7)
l.write_barcode(height=40, barcode_type='2', check_digit='N')
height += 8
l.origin(8.5, 13)
l.write_text('WILL S.A.', char_height=2, char_width=2, line_width=40)
To print the previews without having to watch and confirm each preview, I ended up modifying the ZPL preview method, to return an IO variable so I can save it to a file.
fake_file = io.BytesIO(l.preview())
img =
img ='tags/'+'name'+'.png')
On the from ZPL module (preview method): <---- comment out the show, but add the return of the BytesIO
return res
I had similar issues and created a .net core application which takes an image and converts it to ZPL, either to a file or to the console so it's pipeable in bash scripts. You could package it with your python app call it as a subprocess like so:
output = subprocess.Popen(["zplify", "path/to/file.png"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
Or feel free to use my code as a reference point and implement it in python.
Once you have a zpl file or stream you can send it directly to a printer using lpr if you're on linux. If on windows you can connect to a printer using it's IP address as shown in this stack overflow question
For what is worth and for anyone else reference, was facing a similar situation and came up with a solution. To whom it may help:
Converting the image?
After trying many libraries i came across ZPLGRF although it seems the demo is focused on PDF only, i found in the source that there is a from_image() class property that could convert from image to zpl combining it part of the demo/exaples. Full code description below
Printing from python to the zebra queue?
Many libraries again but i settled with ZEBRA seem to be the most straight forward one to send raw zpl to a zebra printer
from zplgrf import GRF
from zebra import Zebra
#Open the image file and generate ZPL from it
with open(path_to_your_image, 'rb') as img:
grf = GRF.from_image(, 'LABEL')
zpl_code = grf.to_zpl
#Setup and print to Zebra Printer
z = Zebra()
#This will return a list of all the printers on a given machine as a list
#['printer1', 'printer2', ...]
#If or once u know the printer queue name then u can set it up with
#And now is ready to send the raw ZPL text
z.output(zpl_code )
The above i have tested successfully with a Zebra GX430t printer connected via USB in a Windows 11 machine.
Hope it helps

Search and replace placeholder text in PDF with Python

I need to generate a customized PDF copy of a template document.
The easiest way - I thought - was to create a source PDF that has some placeholder text where customization needs to happen , ie <first_name> and <last_name>, and then replace these with the correct values.
I've searched high and low, but is there really no way of basically taking the source template PDF, replace the placeholders with actual values and write to a new PDF?
I looked at PyPDF2 and ReportLab but neither seem to be able to do so.
Any suggestions? Most of my searches lead to using a Perl app, CAM::PDF, but I'd prefer to keep it all in Python.
There is no direct way to do this that will work reliably. PDFs are not like HTML: they specify the positioning of text character-by-character. They may not even include the whole font used to render the text, just the characters needed to render the specific text in the document. No library I've found will do nice things like re-wrap paragraphs after updating the text. PDFs are for the most part a display-only format, so you'll be much better off using a tool that turns markup into a PDF than updating the PDF in-place.
If that's not an option, you can create a PDF form in something like Acrobat, then use a PDF manipulation library like iText (AGPL) or pdfbox, which has a nice clojure wrapper called pdfboxing that can handle some of that.
From my experience, Python's support for writing to PDFs is pretty limited. Java has, by far, the best language support. Also, you get what you pay for, so it would probably be worth paying for a iText license if you're using this for commercial purposes. I've had pretty good results writing python wrappers around PDF-manipulation CLI tools like pdfboxing and ghostscript. That will probably be much easier for your use case than trying to shoehorn this into Python's PDF ecosystem.
There is no definite solution but I found 2 solutions that works most of the time.
In python gives good results. Here is the example code:
# Redact things that look like social security numbers, replacing the
# text with X's.
options.content_filters = [
# First convert all dash-like characters to dashes.
re.compile(u"Tom Xavier"),
lambda m : "XXXXXXX"
# Then do an actual SSL regex.
# See for why this regex is complicated.
lambda m : "XXX-XX-XXXX"
# Perform the redaction using PDF on standard input and writing to standard output.
Full Example can be found here
In ruby works for black out text.
Example code:
require 'hexapdf'
class ShowTextProcessor < HexaPDF::Content::Processor
def initialize(page, to_hide_arr)
#canvas = page.canvas(type: :overlay)
#to_hide_arr = to_hide_arr
def show_text(str)
boxes = decode_text_with_positioning(str)
return if boxes.string.empty?
if #to_hide_arr.include? boxes.string
#canvas.stroke_color(0, 0 , 0)
boxes.each do |box|
x, y = *box.lower_left
tx, ty = *box.upper_right
#canvas.rectangle(x, y, tx - x, ty - y).fill
alias :show_text_with_positioning :show_text
file_name = ARGV[0]
strings_to_black = ARGV[1].split("|")
doc =
puts "Blacken strings [#{strings_to_black}], inside [#{file_name}]."
doc.pages.each.with_index do |page, index|
processor =, strings_to_black)
new_file_name = "#{file_name.split('.').first}_updated.pdf"
doc.write(new_file_name, optimize: true)
puts "Writing updated file [#{new_file_name}]."
In this you can black out text on select text will be visible.
As another solution you may try Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for Python, it provides the feature to replace text in a PDF document.
First thing first, install the Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for Python
pip install asposepdfcloud
Sample Code upload PDF file to your cloud storage and replace multiple strings in a PDF document
import os
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.apis.pdf_api import PdfApi
# Get App key and App SID from
pdf_api_client = asposepdfcloud.api_client.ApiClient(
pdf_api = PdfApi(pdf_api_client)
filename = '02_pages.pdf'
remote_name = '02_pages.pdf'
#upload PDF file to storage
#Replace Text
text_replace1 = asposepdfcloud.models.TextReplace(old_value='origami',new_value='aspose',regex='true')
text_replace2 = asposepdfcloud.models.TextReplace(old_value='candy',new_value='biscuit',regex='true')
text_replace_list = asposepdfcloud.models.TextReplaceListRequest(text_replaces=[text_replace1,text_replace2])
response = pdf_api.post_document_text_replace(remote_name, text_replace_list)
I'm developer evangelist at aspose.

Handling image from Google Maps APIs (staticmap)

I am trying to get an image from GoogleMaps APIs, more precisely from the staticmap API.
The problem is that in other APIs from GoogleMaps you can choose wether you want your info from the API in JSON or XML, but with staticmap (which returns an image) it seems you can't.
So I don't know how to handle the image provided by the URL since I don't know how it is coded.
This is what I´m trying to do:
import requests
url = ("")
response = requests.get(url)
Given that the info is probably not in Json it raises the following error:
ValueError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Hope you've got any advice about how to turn the response into something usable.
ummmm... ok, you are thinking too much.
staticmap (which returns an image)
Yes, since you are right, so this is what you have put it <img src="here"/>:
Following is a demo of it. I used the example from the documentation.
<img src="}%7Ca#pytA_~b#hhCyhS~hResU%7C%7Cx#oig#rwg#amUfbjA}f[roaAynd#%7CvXxiAt{ZwdUfbjAewYrqGchH~vXkqnAria#c_o#inc#k{g#i`]o%7CF}vXaj\h`]ovs#?yi_#rcAgtO%7Cj_AyaJren#nzQrst#zuYh`]v%7CGbldEuzd#%7C%7Cx#spD%7CtrAzwP%7Cd_#yiB~vXmlWhdPez\_{Km_`#~re#ew^rcAeu_#zhyByjPrst#ttGren#aeNhoFemKrvdAuvVidPwbVr~j#or#f_z#ftHr{ZlwBrvdAmtHrmT{rOt{Zz}E%7Cc%7C#o%7CLpn~AgfRpxqBfoVz_iAocAhrVjr#rh~#jzKhjp#``NrfQpcHrb^k%7CDh_z#nwB%7Ckb#a{R%7Cyh#uyZ%7CllByuZpzw#wbd#rh~#%7C%7CFhqs#teTztrAupHhyY}t]huf#e%7CFria#o}GfezAkdW%7C}[ocMt_Neq#ren#e~Ika#pgE%7Ci%7CAfiQ%7C`l#uoJrvdAgq#fppAsjGhg`#%7ChQpg{Ai_V%7C%7Cx#mkHhyYsdP%7CxeA~gF%7C}[mv`#t_NitSfjp#c}Mhg`#sbChyYq}e#rwg#atFff}#ghN~zKybk#fl}A}cPftcAite#tmT__Lha#u~DrfQi}MhkSqyWivIumCria#ciO_tHifm#fl}A{rc#fbjAqvg#rrqAcjCf%7Ci#mqJtb^s%7C#fbjA{wDfs`BmvEfqs#umWt_Nwn^pen#qiBr`xAcvMr{Zidg#dtjDkbM%7Cd_#"/>
I was able to solve the problem, this is the code:
import requests
url = ("")
r = requests.get(url)
image = r._content
with open("map.png","wb") as file: #with this you create a usable file .png

Cassandra 2 - CQLEngine : Store Images error

I'm trying to store images in database.This is my code for get an Image :
image = resource on web...)
imageData = StringIO.StringIO(), image.format)
myImage = imageData.getvalue()
But when trying to store in database by this:
myTable.create(...some fields , image=myImage)
I catch an exception with this message:
Bad Request: Invalid STRING constant(ffd8ffe0.. and so on...adss4das) for image of type blob
I previously store images by these codes using Cassandra1.2.9!
But when I installed Cassandra2.0 , this problem happened!
I check my code line by line,and I'm sure that error in the way of storing images in C2.0 or getting image.
I think you're having problems with this: I'm sure that cqlengine isn't updated yet to take advantage of that fix (I just merged the pull request today), but that at least explains what the problem is.
As a workaround, you might be able to do something like:
from binascii import hexlify
hex_image = '0x' + hexlify(myImage)
myTable.create(..., image=hex_image)
