How to draw a circle through two points (at diameter end)? - python

There are two points on the stereographic projection as shown in the figure:
These points are supposed to be on the end points of a dimeter of a circle. How to draw a circle passing through these two points?
Code for the above plot:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import splev, splrep
# create instance of basemap, note we want a south polar projection to 90 = E
myMap = Basemap(projection='spstere',boundinglat=0,lon_0=180,resolution='l',round=True,suppress_ticks=True)
# set the grid up
gridX, gridY = 10.0, 15.0
parallelGrid = np.arange(-90.0,90.0,gridX)
meridianGrid = np.arange(-180.0,180.0,gridY)
# draw parallel and meridian grid, not labels are off. We have to manually create these.
# plot azimuth labels, with a North label.
ax = plt.gca()
for para in np.arange(gridY,360,gridY):
x= (1.1*0.5*np.sin(np.deg2rad(para)))+0.5
y= (1.1*0.5*np.cos(np.deg2rad(para)))+0.5
ax.text(x,y,u'%i\N{DEGREE SIGN}'%para,transform=ax.transAxes,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center')
summerAzi = np.array([0, 360])
summerAlt = np.array([40, 4])
summerX, summerY = myMap(summerAzi, -summerAlt)
summerX_new = np.linspace(summerX.min(), summerX.max(),30)
summerY_smooth = splev(summerX_new, splrep(summerX, summerY, k=1))
myMap.plot(summerX_new, summerY_smooth, 'g')
myMap.plot(summerX, summerY, 'go')

Inbuilt tissot() function is good enough to plot circles on a conformal projections (as in this case). On non-conformal projections, it plots ellipses.
Here the mid point of the tissot indicatrix is (0, -22) in degrees.
Its radius = (40-4)/2 = 18 in degrees.
Number of points = 36 is fine.
The relevant code is:
myMap.tissot(0, -22, 18, 36, \
facecolor='none', \
edgecolor='#ff0000', \
linewidth=1, \

The circle in this polar representation will not look like a circle on a rectangular grid (i.e. "round"). Apart from that you can draw a circle just as you would on the cartesian plane, starting in polar coordinates, transforming to cartesian coordinates, offset the center and use the plot function.
summerAzi = np.array([0, 360])
summerAlt = -np.array([40, 4])
summerX, summerY = myMap(summerAzi, summerAlt)
phi = np.linspace(0,2.*np.pi)
r = np.abs(np.diff(summerAlt))/2.
x = r*np.cos(phi)
y = -r*np.sin(phi)+summerAlt.mean()
X,Y= myMap(x,y)
myMap.plot(X,Y, color="crimson")
myMap.plot(summerX, summerY, color="gold", marker="o")


Why is hexbin grid distorted in polar stereo projection

I am trying to understand why a hexbin plot in a north or south polar stereo projection shows squashed hexagons, even though the area of the grid is square and the projection is approximately equal area.
I've tried both north and south polar stereo projections using basemap.
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10)) # width, height in inches
ax =fig.add_axes([-0.02,0.1,0.74,0.74])
m = Basemap(epsg='3413',lon_0=0.,resolution='l',width=6000000,height=6000000)
lats = uniform(60.,80.,size=npts)
lons = uniform(0.,360.,size=npts)
data = uniform(0.,4800.,size=npts)
x,y=m(lons, lats)'viridis')
I don't know why you get squashed hexagons. But you can adjust the hexagon shape by setting appropriate values of gridsize. Here I modify your code and get better plot.
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10)) # width, height in inches
ax =fig.add_axes([-0.02, 0.1, 0.74, 0.74])
# North polar stereographic projection epsg='3413'; ***large areal distortion***
#m = Basemap(epsg='3413', lon_0=0., resolution='c', width=6000000, height=6000000)
# 'laea': Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
# Thematic mapping with ground surface data should be plotted on 'equal-area' projection
m = Basemap(projection='laea', lon_0=0., lat_0=90, resolution='l', width=6000000, height=6000000)
m.drawmapscale(0.,90.,0.,90.,1000) # 1000 km?
npts = 2000
lats = uniform(60.,80.,size=npts) # not cover N pole
lons = uniform(0.,360.,size=npts) # around W to E
data = uniform(0.,4800.,size=npts)
x,y = m(lons, lats)
thiscmap ='viridis')
# To get 'rounded' hexagons, gridsize should be specified appropriately
# need some trial and error to get them right
#p=m.hexbin(x, y, C=data, gridsize=[10,10], cmap=thiscmap) # original code
m.hexbin(x, y, C=data, gridsize=[16,11], cmap=thiscmap) # better
plt.colorbar() # useful on thematic map
The projection you use (epsg:3413) is stereographic projection which has large areal distortion. More appropriate projection for thematic mapping in this case is Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area.
The resulting plot:

How to plot the field of view of an Earth-Observation satellite when close to the poles using basemap?

I am trying to draw the maximum (theoretical) field of view of a satellite along its orbit. I am using Basemap, on which I want to plot different positions along the orbit (with scatter), and I would like to add the whole field of view using the tissot method (or equivalent).
The code below works fine until the latitude reaches about 75 degrees North, on a 300km altitude orbit. Beyond which the code outputs a ValueError:
"ValueError: undefined inverse geodesic (may be an antipodal point)"
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import math
earth_radius = 6371000. # m
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), edgecolor='w')
m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l',
llcrnrlat=-90, urcrnrlat=90,
llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180)
# draw the coastlines on the empty map
# define the position of the satellite
position = [300000., 75., 0.] # altitude, latitude, longitude
# radius needed by the tissot method
radius = math.degrees(math.acos(earth_radius / (earth_radius + position[0])))
m.tissot(position[2], position[1], radius, 100, facecolor='tab:blue', alpha=0.3)
m.scatter(position[2], position[1], marker='*', c='tab:red')
To be noted that the code works fine at the south pole (latitude lower than -75). I know it's a known bug, is there a known workaround for this issue?
Thanks for your help!
What you found is some of Basemap's limitations. Let's switch to Cartopy for now. The working code will be different but not much.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import math
earth_radius = 6371000.
position = [300000., 75., 0.] # altitude (m), lat, long
radius = math.degrees(math.acos(earth_radius / (earth_radius + position[0])))
print(radius) # in subtended degrees??
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
img_extent = [-180, 180, -90, 90]
# here, cartopy's' `PlateCarree` is equivalent with Basemap's `cyl` you use
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection = ccrs.PlateCarree(), extent = img_extent)
# for demo purposes, ...
# let's take 1 subtended degree = 112 km on earth surface (*** you set the value as needed ***)
ax.tissot(rad_km=radius*112, lons=position[2], lats=position[1], n_samples=64, \
facecolor='red', edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.15, alpha = 0.3)
ax.gridlines(draw_labels=False, linewidth=1, color='blue', alpha=0.3, linestyle='--')
With the code above, the resulting plot is:
Now, if we use Orthographic projection, (replace relevant line of code with this)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=0.0, central_latitude=60.0))
you get this plot:

Drawing Circles with cartopy in orthographic projection

I am trying to draw circles at a given geographical coordinate with a certain radius using cartopy. I want to draw using an orthographic projection, which is centred at the centre of the circle.
I use the following python code for testing:
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
# example: draw circle with 45 degree radius around the North pole
lon = 0
lat = 90
r = 45
# find map ranges (with 5 degree margin)
minLon = lon - r - 5
maxLon = lon + r + 5
minLat = lat - r - 5
maxLat = lat + r + 5
# define image properties
width = 800
height = 800
dpi = 96
resolution = '50m'
# create figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width / dpi, height / dpi), dpi=dpi)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=lon, central_latitude=lat))
ax.set_extent([minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat])
ax.imshow(np.tile(np.array([[cfeature.COLORS['water'] * 255]], dtype=np.uint8), [2, 2, 1]), origin='upper', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), extent=[-180, 180, -180, 180])
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'land', resolution, edgecolor='black', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['land']))
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('cultural', 'admin_0_countries', resolution, edgecolor='black', facecolor='none'))
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'lakes', resolution, edgecolor='none', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['water']), alpha=0.5)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'rivers_lake_centerlines', resolution, edgecolor=cfeature.COLORS['water'], facecolor='none'))
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('cultural', 'admin_1_states_provinces_lines', resolution, edgecolor='gray', facecolor='none'))
ax.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(xy=[lon, lat], radius=r, color='red', alpha=0.3, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=30))
plt.savefig('CircleTest.png', dpi=dpi)
I get a correct result at the equator (set lat to 0 in example above):
But when I move towards a pole the shape is distorted (lat = 45):
At the pole I only see one quarter of the circle:
I would expect to always see a perfect circle in orthographic projection, if the view is centred correctly. I also tried to use a different transform in the add_patch method, but then the circle completely vanishes!
You approach of defining the circle in PlateCarree coordinates is not going to work, because this is a cartesian projection and a circle drawn on it is not necessarily circular in spherical geometry (unless the circle is at (0, 0) as you saw).
Since you want the result to be circular in the Orthographic projection, you could draw the circle in native coordinates. This requires first defining your Orthographic projection centred on the centre of your circle, then computing what the radius of the circle (which you specify in degrees) would be in projection coordinates (distance from the centre of the projection). Doing it this way is convenient because it also gives you a neat way of determining the correct map extents. The example below computes the radius in orthographic coordinates by transforming a point 45 degrees north (or south if more convenient) away from the centre of the projection and gives the following:
The full code is below:
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
# example: draw circle with 45 degree radius around the North pole
lat = 51.4198101
lon = -0.950854653584
r = 45
# Define the projection used to display the circle:
proj = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=lon, central_latitude=lat)
def compute_radius(ortho, radius_degrees):
phi1 = lat + radius_degrees if lat <= 0 else lat - radius_degrees
_, y1 = ortho.transform_point(lon, phi1, ccrs.PlateCarree())
return abs(y1)
# Compute the required radius in projection native coordinates:
r_ortho = compute_radius(proj, r)
# We can now compute the correct plot extents to have padding in degrees:
pad_radius = compute_radius(proj, r + 5)
# define image properties
width = 800
height = 800
dpi = 96
resolution = '50m'
# create figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width / dpi, height / dpi), dpi=dpi)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=proj)
# Deliberately avoiding set_extent because it has some odd behaviour that causes
# errors for this case. However, since we already know our extents in native
# coordinates we can just use the lower-level set_xlim/set_ylim safely.
ax.set_xlim([-pad_radius, pad_radius])
ax.set_ylim([-pad_radius, pad_radius])
ax.imshow(np.tile(np.array([[cfeature.COLORS['water'] * 255]], dtype=np.uint8), [2, 2, 1]), origin='upper', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), extent=[-180, 180, -180, 180])
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'land', resolution, edgecolor='black', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['land']))
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('cultural', 'admin_0_countries', resolution, edgecolor='black', facecolor='none'))
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'lakes', resolution, edgecolor='none', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['water']), alpha=0.5)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'rivers_lake_centerlines', resolution, edgecolor=cfeature.COLORS['water'], facecolor='none'))
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('cultural', 'admin_1_states_provinces_lines', resolution, edgecolor='gray', facecolor='none'))
ax.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(xy=[lon, lat], radius=r_ortho, color='red', alpha=0.3, transform=proj, zorder=30))
plt.savefig('CircleTest.png', dpi=dpi)
This might be a little late, but there is a convient function in Cartopy for this.
We can use Cartopy's .circle function (documentation) to generate a ring of points with a specified radius from a particular (longitude & latitude) in the Geodesic coordinate frame and then plot a polygon with those points using Shapely.
This would look something like the following
circle_points = cartopy.geodesic.Geodesic().circle(lon=lon, lat=lat, radius=radius_in_meters, n_samples=n_points, endpoint=False)
geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon(circle_points)
ax.add_geometries((geom,),, facecolor='red', edgecolor='none', linewidth=0)
Specifying the crs as PlateCarree does not matter and merely avoids a warning with Shapely. You will keep your desired projection. However, if you are plotting directly with the circle center on the pole, you might still have an issue and may need to do some fancy transformations (Haven't tested it recently, but recall from a few months ago it being a little wonky).
You could also manually compute these points using the pyproj library Cartopy makes use of, specifically the Geod class. Pick a point with a radius and loop through the azmoths for however fine you want your circle to be with the .inv or .fwd function similar to the suggestion in I don't recommend this method, but used it a long while back to accomplish the same thing.

How to set the markersize in kilometers?

I want to encircle a certain point. The radius of the circle needs to be 5 km, but how do I set my markersize so that the circle is 5 km on the map?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
width, height = 400000, 320000
lonA =[2.631547,2.861595,2.931014]
latA =[51.120983,51.209122,51.238868]
m= Basemap(width=width,height=height,projection='lcc',
scatter2=m.scatter([], [], s=100, c='white', marker='o', label = 'Aurelia aurita', zorder=3, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='steelblue')
z,a = m(lonA[0:3], latA[0:3])
To plot circles with a specified radius in map units (meters), firstly, I create a function (genCircle2) that accepts input parameters of a circle and returns an array of points along the perimeter of that circle. In my code below, command m(lon,lat) is used to compute (mx,my) in meters of map projection coordinates.
Command genCircle2(cx=mx, cy=my, rad=5000.) computes the points for circle plotting. Here is the working code.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
def genCircle2(cx=0, cy=0, rad=1):
"""Generate points along perimeters of a circle"""
points = []
segs = 20
for ea in range(segs+1):
xi = cx + rad*np.cos(ea*2.*np.pi/segs)
yi = cy + rad*np.sin(ea*2.*np.pi/segs)
return np.array(points)
width, height = 400000, 320000
ax = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10))
# long, lat
lonA = [2.631547, 2.861595, 2.931014]
latA = [51.120983, 51.209122, 51.238868]
# accompanying attributes, colors and ...
clrs = ['r', 'g', 'b']
m = Basemap(width=width, height=height, projection='lcc', \
resolution='i', lat_0=52.35, lon_0=4.5)
m.fillcontinents(color='white', lake_color='aqua')
# plot circles at points defined by (lonA,latA)
for lon,lat,clr in zip(lonA, latA, clrs):
mx,my = m(lon,lat) # get map coordinates from (lon,lat)
cclpnts = genCircle2(cx=mx, cy=my, rad=5000.) # get points along circle's perimeter
m.plot(cclpnts[:,0], cclpnts[:,1], \
label='Aurelia aurita', color=clr, \
linewidth=0.75) # plot circle
The resulting plot:

Strange behavior with contours in Cartopy polar stereographic plot

I'm trying to create a contour plot on a North Polar Stereographic map projection using Cartopy. I used add_cyclic_point() to try and get around the problem of having a gap between longitude 0 and longitude 35X and followed an example from the documentation (always_circular_stereographic) to set up the map axes.
When I call plt.contour, I get the following plot. It looks like the contour plotter is getting confused at the transition from 355 to 0 longitude, and sends contour lines around the globe.
Here is my code:
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
from cartopy.util import add_cyclic_point
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def define_map():
from matplotlib.path import Path
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo())
# From example:
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
center, radius = [0.5, 0.5], 0.5
verts = np.vstack([np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T
circle = Path(verts * radius + center)
ax.set_boundary(circle, transform=ax.transAxes)
return(fig, ax)
lats = np.arange(65,91,5)
lons = add_cyclic_point(np.arange(0,359,5))
data = add_cyclic_point(np.random.random((len(lats),len(lons)-1)))
fig, ax = define_map()
plt.colorbar(fraction=0.05, shrink=0.9)
How do I do a Cartopy contour plot properly?
Also, why do the contours only show up with transform=ccrs.PlateCarree() and not with transform=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo()?
Apparently the add_cyclic_point function is just for the data; the contour routine treats 0 different than 360. So the simple fix is to set
lons = np.arange(0,360,5)
