using wildcards inside mapping functions python - python

Is their a way to use a wildcard in your mapping function. I have something like this:
dictionary = {'James':'James Mcree'}
basically stating that anywhere it finds a James in my data frame it changes the names to James Mcree but I would somehow like to throw a wildcard into my mapping function like such:
dictionary = {'Jam*':'James Mcree'}
So it would look in my data frame and anywhere it had the starting letters Jam* it would change it to James Mcree. So it wouldnt matter what comes after Jam. It could be Jammed, Jamis..etc I just want to use the wildcard to say if it has these letters change it to the name specified.
If I am understandign correctly the asterik represents anything from this point on change to designated name which is James Mcree.
Furthermore if you are able to do this is their also a way to specify something like this:
dictionary = {'J*s':'James Mcree'}
so it would look for anything that starts with J and ends with s.
I havent found a way to do this any help would be great, thanks ahead of time.

you can do it using RegEx's:
In [29]: df
a b c
0 Ivan Jayesh James
1 Jan Jaaaaas Bob
In [30]: df = df.replace(['^J.*s$','Bo.*'],['James Mcree','Bobby'], regex=True)
In [31]: df
a b c
0 Ivan Jayesh James Mcree
1 Jan James Mcree Bobby
'^J.*s$' - is a RegEx which means find a string beginning with J then any number of any characters following by s
Special RegEx symbols:
^ - beginning of the string
$ - end of the string
Here is an online service which explains RegEx's:


Find similarties using nlp/spacy

I have a large dataframe to compare with another dataframe and correct the id. I'm gonna illustrate my problem into this simple exp.
import spacy
import pandas as pd
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm', disable=['ner'])
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", config={"phrase_matcher_attr": "LOWER"})
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':['nan','nan','nan'],
'description':['JOHN HAS 25 YEAR OLD LIVES IN At/12','STEVE has 50 OLD LIVES IN At.14','ALICIE HAS 10 YEAR OLD LIVES IN AT13']})
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1203,1205,1045],
'description':['JOHN HAS 25year OLD LIVES IN At 2','STEVE has 50year OLD LIVES IN At 14','ALICIE HAS 10year OLD LIVES IN At 13']})
age = ["50year", "25year", "10year"]
for a in age:
ruler.add_patterns([{"label": "age", "pattern": a}])
names = ["JOHN", "STEVE", "ALICIA"]
for n in names:
ruler.add_patterns([{"label": "name", "pattern": n}])
ref = ["AT 2", "At 13", "At 14"]
for r in ref:
ruler.add_patterns([{"label": "ref", "pattern": r}])
#exp to check text difference
doc = nlp("JOHN has 25 YEAR OLD LIVES IN At.12 ")
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent, ent.label_)
Actually there is a difference in the text of the two dataframe df and df1 which is the reference, as shown in the picture bellow
I dont know how to get similarties 100% in this case.
I tried to use spacy but i dont how to fix difference and correct the id in df.
This is my dataframe1:
id description
0 nan STEVE has 50 OLD LIVES IN At.14
This my reference dataframe:
id description
0 1203 STEVEN HAS 25year OLD lives in At 6
1 1205 JOHN HAS 25year OLD LIVES IN At 2
2 1045 ALICIE HAS 50year OLD LIVES IN At 13
3 3045 STEVE HAS 50year OLD LIVES IN At 14
4 3465 ALICIE HAS 10year OLD LIVES IN At 13
My expected output:
id description
0 3045 STEVE has 50 OLD LIVES IN At.14
2 3465 ALICIE HAS 10year OLD LIVES IN AT15
NB:The sentences are not in the same order / The dataframes don't have equal length
If the batch size is very large (and because using fuzzywuzzy is slow), we might be able to construct a KNN index using NMSLIB on some substring ngram embeddings (idea lifted from this article and this follow-up):
import re
import pandas as pd
import nmslib
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
def ngrams(description, n=3):
description = description.lower()
description = re.sub(r'[,-./]|\sBD',r'', description)
ngrams = zip(*[description[i:] for i in range(n)])
return [''.join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams]
def build_index(descriptions, vectorizer):
ref_vectors = vectorizer.fit_transform(descriptions)
index = nmslib.init(method='hnsw',
return index
def search_index(queries, vectorizer, index):
query_vectors = vectorizer.transform(query_df['description'])
results = index.knnQueryBatch(query_vectors, k=1)
return [res[0][0] for res in results]
# ref_df = df1, query_df = df
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, analyzer=ngrams)
index = build_index(ref_df['description'], vectorizer)
results = search_index(query_df['description'], vectorizer, index)
query_ids = [ref_df['id'].iloc[ref_idx] for ref_idx in results]
query_df['id'] = query_ids
This gives:
id description
0 3045 STEVE has 50 OLD LIVES IN At.14
We can do more pre-processing in ngrams, EG: stop words, handling symbols, etc.
As your strings are "almost" identical, here is a more simple suggestion using the string matching module fuzzywuzzy which, as the name suggests, performs fuzzy string matching.
It offers a number of functions to compute string similarity, you can try out different ones and pick one that seems to work best. Given your example dataframes...
id description
0 nan STEVE has 50 OLD LIVES IN At.14
id description
0 1203 STEVEN HAS 25year OLD lives in At 6
1 1205 JOHN HAS 25year OLD LIVES IN At 2
2 1045 ALICIE HAS 50year OLD LIVES IN At 13
3 3045 STEVE HAS 50year OLD LIVES IN At 14
4 3465 ALICIE HAS 10year OLD LIVES IN At 13
...even the most basic ratio function seems to give us the correct result.
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
fuzzy_ratio = np.vectorize(fuzz.ratio)
dist_matrix = fuzzy_ratio(df.description.values[:, None], df1.description.values)
dist_df = pd.DataFrame(dist_matrix, df.index, df1.index)
0 1 2 3 4
0 52 59 66 82 63
1 49 82 65 66 62
2 39 58 78 65 81
The row-wise maximum values suggest the following mappings:
'STEVE has 50 OLD LIVES IN At.14', 'STEVE HAS 50year OLD LIVES IN At 14'
Note, however, that it's a very close call in the last case, so this is not guaranteed to be always correct. Depending on what your data looks like, you might need more sophisticated heuristics. If all fails, you might even give vector-based similarity metrics like word movers distance a try but it seems overkill if the strings aren't really all that different.
Since you're looking for almost-identical strings, spaCy is not really the right tool for this. Word vectors are about meaning, but you're looking for string similarity.
Maybe this is just possible because of your simplified example, but you can normalize your strings by removing stuff that doesn't make a difference. For example,
text = "Alice lives at..."
text = text.replace(" ", "") # remove spaces
text = text.replace("/", "") # remove slashes
text = text.replace("year", "") # remove "year"
text = text.lower()
It seems like in most (all?) of your examples that would make your strings identical. You can then match strings by using their normalized forms as keys for a dictionary, for example.
This approach has an important advantage over the fuzzy matching described in the prior answer. While once you have two candidates using a string distance measure to see if they're close enough is important, you really don't want to compute string distance for every entry in both tables. If you normalize strings like I've suggested here, you can find matches without comparing each string with every string in the other table.
If the normalization strategy here doesn't work, look at simhash or other locality sensitive hashing techniques. A simplified version would be to use rare words, like the names in your example data, to create "buckets" of entries. Computing the string similarity of everything in a bucket is somewhat slow, but better than using the whole table.
I think using spacy here is not the correct way. What you need to use is (1) regex (2) jaccard match. As it seems most of your tokens are supposed to exactly match, therefore Jaccard match, which calculates how many words are similar between two sentences; will be good. For the regex part, I would follow the following formatting:
import re
def text_clean(text):
#remove everything except alphabets
text = re.sub('[^A-Za-z.]', ' ', text)
text = text.lower()
return text
Now the above function, applied on all the strings, will remove the digits and all the '.', '/' etc characters. After that, if you apply Jaccard similarity, then you should get good matches.
I have suggested removing the digits, as in one of your examples, /12 turned into 2 and you still matched. So that meant that you are mainly concerned with the words and not the digits to be exact.
You may not get 100% accuracy using just the Jaccard match. Important thing is that you will not be able to get 100% Jaccard match in all matches, so you will have to put a cut-off on the value of the Jaccard match, above which you would want to consider a match.
You may want to come up with a more complex approach using both spacy and Jaccard match on the cleaned strings, and then putting custom cut off on both match scores and picking your matches.
Also, I noted that in some cases, you are getting two words occurring together. Is that only occurring with digits such as At13? or is it occurring with two words also? to use the Jaccard match efficiently, you will need to resolve that as well. But that's a whole other process and a bit out of scope for this answer.

Apply function is not working on a data-frame column

I am trying to remove special characters like ",",".","-"(except comma) from the "Actors" column of my pandas data-frame. For this I use the apply method on the "Actors" column
df['Actors']= df['Actors'].apply(lambda x : x.lower().replace("[^a-zA-Z,]","",)
The output of the above snippet is shown below and we can see no special characters have been replaced:
1 tim robbins, morgan freeman, bob gunton, willi...
2 marlon brando, al pacino, james caan, richard ...
3 al pacino, robert duvall, diane keaton, robert...
4 christian bale, heath ledger, aaron eckhart, m...
5 martin balsam, john fiedler, lee j. cobb, e.g....
Name: Actors, dtype: object
But when I try resolving the above issue using the snippet below, the code works:
df['Actors'] = df['Actors'].str.lower().str.replace("[^a-zA-Z,]","")
1 timrobbins,morganfreeman,bobgunton,williamsadler
2 marlonbrando,alpacino,jamescaan,richardscastel...
3 alpacino,robertduvall,dianekeaton,robertdeniro
4 christianbale,heathledger,aaroneckhart,michael...
5 martinbalsam,johnfiedler,leejcobb,egmarshall
Name: Actors, dtype: object
I want to know what is it with the apply function that it doesn't work properly while replacing characters ?
You call apply on series, so x in the lambda is a single string of each row of the series. So, x.lower().replace is python replace. Python replace doesn't support regex. so it considers "[^a-zA-Z,]" as a whole string and it looks for that substring in each x. It couldn't find it so nothing got replaced.
On the other hand, Pandas str.replace default option is regex=True, so it considers "[^a-zA-Z,]" as a regex pattern and replaces everything properly
It does not work because you do a replace on a string, formally you do str.replace("[^a-zA-Z,]","",). Your sting do not contain those characters [^a-zA-Z,] so nothing is removed. If you prefer, python do interpret those characters as regex, but simply as string elements.
To work you should do it like this, it's just to answer your question because the preferred way to do it is with your second exemple.
remove = re.compile(r"[^a-zA-Z,]")
df['Actors']= df['Actors'].apply(lambda x : re.sub(remove, "", x.lower()))
Herw are some documentation :
python str replace
pandas str replace

Find a string within a string using pattern matching in python

I'd like to use part of a string ('project') that is returned from an API. The string looks like this:
{'Project Title': 'LS003942_EP - 5 Random Road, Sunny Place, SA 5000'}
I'd like to store the 'LS003942_EP... ' part in a new variable called foldername. I'm thought a good way would be to use a regex to find the text after Title. Here's my code:
orders = api.get_all(view='Folder', fields='Project Title', maxRecords=1)
for new in orders:
print ("Found 1 new project")
print (new['fields'])
project = (new['fields'])
s ='Title(.+?)', result)
if s:
foldername =
This gives me an error -
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object.
I'm hoping for foldername = 'LS003942_EP - 5 Random Road, Sunny Place, SA 5000'
You can use ast.literal_eval to safely evaluate a string containing a Python literal:
import ast
s = "{'Project Title': 'LS003942_EP - 5 Random Road, Sunny Place, SA 5000'}"
print(ast.literal_eval(s)['Project Title'])
# LS003942_EP - 5 Random Road, Sunny Place, SA 5000
It seems (to me) that you have a dictionary and not string. Considering this case, you may try:
s = {'Project Title': 'LS003942_EP - 5 Random Road, Sunny Place, SA 5000'}
print(s['Project Title'])
If you have time, take a look at dictionaries.
I don't think you need a regex here:
string = "{'Project Title': 'LS003942_EP - 5 Random Road, Sunny Place, SA 5000'}"
foldername = string[string.index(":") + 2: len(string)-1]
Essentially, I'm finding the position of the first colon, then adding 2 to get the starting index of your foldername (which would be the apostrophe), and then I use index slicing and slice everything from the index to the second-last character (the last apostrophe).
However, if your string is always going to be in the form of a valid python dict, you could simply do foldername = (eval(string).values)[0]. Here, I'm treating your string as a dict and am getting the first value from it, which is your desired foldername. But, as #AKX notes in the comments, eval() isn't safe as somebody could pass malicious code as a string. Unless you're sure that your input strings won't contain code (which is unlikely), it's best to use ast.literal_eval() as it only evaluates literals.
But, as #MaximilianPeters notes in the comments, your response looks like a valid JSON, so you could easily parse it using json.parse().
You could try this pattern: (?<='Project Title': )[^}]+.
Explanation: it uses positive lookbehind to assure, that match will occure after 'Project Title':. Then it matches until } is encountered: [^}]+.

Extracting #mentions from tweets using findall python (Giving incorrect results)

I have a csv file something like this
RT #CritCareMed: New Article: Male-Predominant Plasma Transfusion Strategy for Preventing Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury... htp://…
#CRISPR Inversion of CTCF Sites Alters Genome Topology & Enhancer/Promoter Function in #CellCellPress htp://.co/HrjDwbm7NN
RT #gvwilson: Where's the theory for software engineering? Behind a paywall, that's where. htp://.co/1t3TymiF3M #semat #fail
RT #sciencemagazine: What’s killing off the sea stars? htp://.co/J19FnigwM9 #ecology
RT #MHendr1cks: Eve Marder describes a horror that is familiar to worm connectome gazers. htp://.co/AEqc7NOWoR via #nucAmbiguous htp://…
I want to extract all the mentions (starting with '#') from the tweet text. So far I have done this
import pandas as pd
import re
mydata = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/file.csv")
X = mydata.ix[:,:]
X=X.iloc[:,:1] #I have multiple columns so I'm selecting the first column only that is 'text'
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
result = re.findall("(^|[^#\w])#(\w{1,25})", str(X.iloc[:i,:]))
There are two problems here:
First: at str(X.iloc[:1,:]) it gives me ['CritCareMed'] which is not ok as it should give me ['CellCellPress'], and at str(X.iloc[:2,:]) it again gives me ['CritCareMed'] which is of course not fine again. The final result I'm getting is
[(' ', 'CritCareMed'), (' ', 'gvwilson'), (' ', 'sciencemagazine')]
It doesn't include the mentions in 2nd row and both two mentions in last row.
What I want should look something like this:
How can I achieve these results? this is just a sample data my original data has lots of tweets so is the approach ok?
You can use str.findall method to avoid the for loop, use negative look behind to replace (^|[^#\w]) which forms another capture group you don't need in your regex:
df['mention'] = df.text.str.findall(r'(?<![#\w])#(\w{1,25})').apply(','.join)
# text mention
#0 RT #CritCareMed: New Article: Male-Predominant... CritCareMed
#1 #CRISPR Inversion of CTCF Sites Alters Genome ... CellCellPress
#2 RT #gvwilson: Where's the theory for software ... gvwilson
#3 RT #sciencemagazine: What’s killing off the se... sciencemagazine
#4 RT #MHendr1cks: Eve Marder describes a horror ... MHendr1cks,nucAmbiguous
Also X.iloc[:i,:] gives back a data frame, so str(X.iloc[:i,:]) gives you the string representation of a data frame, which is very different from the element in the cell, to extract the actual string from the text column, you can use X.text.iloc[0], or a better way to iterate through a column, use iteritems:
import re
for index, s in df.text.iteritems():
result = re.findall("(?<![#\w])#(\w{1,25})", s)
While you already have your answer, you could even try to optimize the whole import process like so:
import re, pandas as pd
rx = re.compile(r'#([^:\s]+)')
with open("test.txt") as fp:
dft = ([line, ",".join(rx.findall(line))] for line in fp.readlines())
df = pd.DataFrame(dft, columns = ['text', 'mention'])
Which yields:
text mention
0 RT #CritCareMed: New Article: Male-Predominant... CritCareMed
1 #CRISPR Inversion of CTCF Sites Alters Genome ... CellCellPress
2 RT #gvwilson: Where's the theory for software ... gvwilson
3 RT #sciencemagazine: What’s killing off the se... sciencemagazine
4 RT #MHendr1cks: Eve Marder describes a horror ... MHendr1cks,nucAmbiguous
This might be a bit faster as you don't need to change the df once it's already constructed.
Same as this: Extract hashtags from columns of a pandas dataframe, but for mentions.
#.*? carries out a non-greedy match for a word starting
with a hashtag
(?=\s|$) look-ahead for the end of the word or end of the sentence
(?:(?<=\s)|(?<=^)) look-behind to ensure there are no false positives if a # is used in the middle of a word
The regex lookbehind asserts that either a space or the start of the sentence must precede a # character.

Simple python re lookahead help

I have three sample twiki names:
names = [ "JohnDoe", "JaneMcAdams", "BillyBobThorton" ]
I want to get the following back:
* John Doe
* Jane McAdams
* BillyBob Thorton
Now I have this which busts them apart on the cap (That's a good thing).
re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', name)
How do I ignore "Mc" as a split?
I would recommend against using a regex here. I doubt Mc is the only name particle you need to match. Did you think about Mac, O, Van, Von, De?
I suggest to break them as you say you currently do and build the first name and last name manually.
Bonus. Regex:
re.findall('(?:Mc|Mac|O|Van|Von|De)?[A-Z][^A-Z]*', name)
But Van, Von, De should be separated with a space.
Note: If you say you only want to match McSomething use the a short version (?:Mc)?[A-Z][^A-Z]*.
