I 'am trying to parse a XML file using the Python library minidom (even tried xml.etree.ElementTree API).
My XML (resource.xml)
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<quota_result xmlns="https://some_url">
<quota_rule name='max_mem_per_user/5'>
<limit resource='mem' limit='1550' value='921'/>
<quota_rule name='max_mem_per_user/6'>
<users>user2 /users>
<limit resource='mem' limit='2150' value='3'/>
I would like to parse this file and store inside a dictionnary the information in the following form and be able to access it:
So far I have only been able to do things like:
docXML = minidom.parse("resource.xml")
for node in docXML.getElementsByTagName('limit'):
print node.getAttribute('value')
You can use getElementsByTagName and getAttribute to trace the result:
dict_users = dict()
docXML = parse('mydata.xml')
users= docXML.getElementsByTagName("quota_rule")
for node in users:
user = 'None'
tag_user = node.getElementsByTagName("users") #check the length of the tag_user to see if tag <users> is exist or not
if len(tag_user) ==0:
print "tag <users> is not exist"
user = tag_user[0]
resource = node.getElementsByTagName("limit")[0].getAttribute("resource")
limit = node.getElementsByTagName("limit")[0].getAttribute("limit")
value = node.getElementsByTagName("limit")[0].getAttribute("value")
dict_users[user.firstChild.data]=[resource, limit, value]
if user == 'None':
dict_users['None']=[resource, limit, value]
dict_users[user.firstChild.data]=[resource, limit, value]
print(dict_users) # remove the <users>user1</users> in xml
tag <users> is not exist
{'None': [u'mem', u'1550', u'921'], u'user2': [u'mem', u'2150', u'3']}
I am using dicttoxml for generating an XML file in Python.
**xml = dicttoxml(obj, item_func = my_item_func, attr_type=False, custom_root='Benefits')**
and it generates a byte XML which I am again converting to string for my XSD validation.
**strxml = bytes.decode(xml, 'utf-8')**
Issue : When the XML is generated it skips many nodes and are replaced by ..., the reason I think it is doing so because the XML file is very big. I don't want it to skip nodes I want the XML file in its entirety.
However when this "xml" byte object is rendered on the browser or when I print in debug mode there is no issue and I get the XML in it's entirety.
How can I overcome this problem?
Here is the complete code.
from datetime import date
from dicttoxml import dicttoxml
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
import json
import xmlschema
def response_handler(self,node, mktsegtype):
isvalidxml = False
if node is not None:
obj = json.loads(json.dumps(node,default=lambda o: dict((key, value) for key, value in o.__dict__.items() if value is not None),indent=4,allow_nan=False))
my_item_func = lambda x: 'cvrg' if x == "Covered" else('Insure' if x == "Insurance" else x[:-1])
xml = dicttoxml(obj, item_func = my_item_func, attr_type=False, custom_root='Benefits')
isvalidxml = self.validatexmlwithxsd(xml, mktsegtype)
return xml
return None
def validatexmlwithxsd(self, xml, mktsegtype):
valid = False
xsd = None
strxml = bytes.decode(xml, 'utf-8')
if(mktsegtype == "XXX"):
xsd = xmlschema.XMLSchema('tests/test_cases/examples/vehicles/vehicles.xsd')
elif(mktsegtype == "YYY"):
xsd = xmlschema.XMLSchema('tests/test_cases/examples/vehicles/boat.xsd')
valid = xsd.is_valid(strxml)
return valid
E.g.of node generated
Update 1: -
I tried to capture the print output to a variable, based on below url
Python: Assign print output to a variable.
s = StringIO()
print(xml, file=s,flush=True)
result = s.getvalue()
In this case also I getting a truncated XML nodes(with...) but as I mentioned in my original post when I print the byte object in the debug window or render it into the browser I am getting the entire XML. Any suggestion or help!!!
I am trying to parse NPORT-P XML SEC submission. My code (Python 3.6.8) with a sample XML record:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
content_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><edgarSubmission xmlns="http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport" xmlns:com="http://www.sec.gov/edgar/common" xmlns:ncom="http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nportcommon" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><headerData></headerData><formData><genInfo></genInfo><fundInfo></fundInfo><invstOrSecs><invstOrSec><name>N/A</name><lei>N/A</lei><title>US 10YR NOTE (CBT)Sep20</title><cusip>N/A</cusip> <identifiers> <ticker value="TYU0"/> </identifiers> <derivativeInfo> <futrDeriv derivCat="FUT"> <counterparties> <counterpartyName>Chicago Board of Trade</counterpartyName> <counterpartyLei>549300EX04Q2QBFQTQ27</counterpartyLei> </counterparties><payOffProf>Short</payOffProf> <descRefInstrmnt> <otherRefInst> <issuerName>U.S. Treasury 10 Year Notes</issuerName> <issueTitle>U.S. Treasury 10 Year Notes</issueTitle> <identifiers> <cusip value="N/A"/><other otherDesc="USER DEFINED" value="TY_Comdty"/> </identifiers> </otherRefInst> </descRefInstrmnt> <expDate>2020-09-21</expDate> <notionalAmt>-2770555</notionalAmt> <curCd>USD</curCd> <unrealizedAppr>-12882.5</unrealizedAppr></futrDeriv> </derivativeInfo> </invstOrSec> </invstOrSecs> <signature> </signature> </formData></edgarSubmission>'
content_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(bytes(content_xml, encoding='utf-8')))
content_root = content_tree.getroot()
for edgar_submission in content_root.iter('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}edgarSubmission'):
for form_data in edgar_submission.iter('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}formData'):
for genInfo in form_data.iter('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}genInfo'):
for fundInfo in form_data.iter('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}fundInfo'):
for invstOrSecs in form_data.iter('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}invstOrSecs'):
for invstOrSec in invstOrSecs.iter('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}invstOrSec'):
myrow = []
myrow.append(getattr(invstOrSec.find('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}name'), 'text', ''))
myrow.append(getattr(invstOrSec.find('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}lei'), 'text', ''))
security_title = getattr(invstOrSec.find('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}title'), 'text', '')
myrow.append(getattr(invstOrSec.find('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}cusip'), 'text', ''))
for identifiers in invstOrSec.iter('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}identifiers'):
if identifiers.find('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}isin') is not None:
if security_title == "US 10YR NOTE (CBT)Sep20":
print("No ISIN")
if identifiers.find('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}ticker') is not None:
if security_title == "US 10YR NOTE (CBT)Sep20":
print("No Ticker")
if identifiers.find('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}other') is not None:
if security_title == "US 10YR NOTE (CBT)Sep20":
print("No Other")
The output from this code is:
No Other
No Ticker
This working fine aside from the fact that the identifiers iter invstOrSec.iter('{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}identifiers') finds identifiers under formData>invstOrSecs>invstOrSec but also other identifiers under a nested tag under formData>invstOrSecs>invstOrSec>derivativeInfo>futrDeriv>descRefInstrmnt>otherRefInst. How can I restrict my iter or the find to the right level? I have unsuccessfully tried to get the parent but I am not finding how to do this using the {namespace}tag notation. Any ideas?
So I switched from ElementTree to lxml using an import like this to avoid code changes:
from lxml import etree as ET
Make sure you check https://lxml.de/1.3/compatibility.html to avoid compatibility issues. In my case lxml worked without issues.
And I then I was able to use the getparent() method to be able to only read the identifiers from the right part of the XML file:
if identifiers.getparent().tag == '{http://www.sec.gov/edgar/nport}invstOrSec':
I'm coding a script to extract information from several XML files with the same structure but with missing sections when there is no information related to a tag. The easiest way to achieve this was using try/except so instead of getting a "AtributeError: 'NoneType' object has no atrribute 'find'" I assign an empty string('') to the object in the exeption. Something like this:
The issue is that I want to shrink my code by using a function:
def extract(string):
tempstr=string.replace("\n", "")
if tempstr is None:
return string
And then I try to called it like this:
and value2 or value3 does not exist for the xml that is being processed, I get and AttributeError even if I don't use the variable in the function making the function useless.
Is there a way to make a function work, maybe there is a way to make it run without checking if the value entered is invalid?
I'm using a mix of both answers:
def extract(root, xpath):
tempstr=root.findall(xpath)[0].text.replace("\n", "")
tempstr=''#To avoid getting a Nonetype object
return tempstr
You can try something like that:
def extract(root, children_keys: list):
target_object = root
result_text = ''
for child_key in children_keys:
target_object = target_object.find(child_key)
result_text = target_object.text
return result_text
You will go deeper at XML structure with for loop (children_keys - is predefined by you list of nested keys of XML - xml-path to your object).
And if error will throw inside that code - you will get '' as result.
Example XML (source):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<y>Don't forget me this weekend!</y>
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('note.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
children_keys = ['body', 'y']
result_string = extract(root, children_keys)
"Don't forget me this weekend!"
Use XPATH expression
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
xml1 = '''<r><v1><v2><v3>a string</v3></v2></v1></r>'''
root = ET.fromstring(xml1)
v3 = root.findall('./v1/v2/v3')
if v3:
print('v3 not found')
xml2 = '''<r><v1><v3>a string</v3></v1></r>'''
root = ET.fromstring(xml2)
v3 = root.findall('./v1/v2/v3')
if v3:
print('v3 not found')
a string
v3 not found
Please read entire question before marking duplicate.
I have a nested XML file which i Want to convert to a csv file.
I have to write a python script for same.
The XML file is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ListOrdersResponse xmlns="https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/2013-09-01">
<ShipServiceLevel>IN Std Domestic</ShipServiceLevel>
<ShipServiceLevel>IN Exp Dom 2</ShipServiceLevel>
<BuyerName>Ajit Nair</BuyerName>
<Name>Ajit Nair</Name>
<AddressLine1>C-25 / con-7 / Chandralok CHS</AddressLine1>
<AddressLine2>Sector-10 ,Koper khairne</AddressLine2>
I tried to get values for my code in form of a list. But it doesn't print anything.
My Code:
from xml.etree import ElementTree
with open('orders.xml', 'rb') as f:
tree = ElementTree.parse(f)
for node in tree.findall('.//Order'):
oid = node.attrib.get('SellerOrderId')
if oid:
print oid
What is wrong with my code?
EDIT: Temporary link to complete File Orders.xml
Your XML has default namespace defined here :
<ListOrdersResponse xmlns="https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/2013-09-01">
Note that descendant elements inherits ancestor default namespace implicitly, unless otherwise specified. You need to combine namespace + local name to form a fully qualified element name, for example :
ns = {'d': 'https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/2013-09-01'}
for node in tree.findall('.//d:Order', ns):
oid = node.attrib.get('SellerOrderId')
if oid:
print oid
According to the full XML file you linked to, SellerOrderId is child element of Order instead of attribute. In this case, you can simply use .//d:Order/d:SellerOrderId to get them and then print it's value, like so :
ns = {'d': 'https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/2013-09-01'}
for node in tree.findall('.//d:Order/d:SellerOrderId', ns):
print node.text
output :
With lots of help from stack overflow, I managed to get some python code working to process xml files (using lxml). I've been able to adapt it for lots of different purposes, but there is one thing I can't work out.
Example XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<TVAMain xml:lang="PL" publisher="Someone" publicationTime="2014-01-03T06:24:24+00:00" version="217" xmlns="urn:tva:metadata:2010" xmlns:mpeg7="urn:tva:mpeg7:2008" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:tva:metadata:2010 http://Something.xsd">
<ProgramInformation programId="crid://bds.tv/88032"><BasicDescription>
<Title xml:lang="PL" type="episodeTitle">Some Title</Title>
<Synopsis xml:lang="PL" length="short">Some Synopsis</Synopsis>
<Genre href="urn:tva:metadata:cs:EventGenreCS:2009:96">
<Name xml:lang="EN">Some Genre</Name>
<HowRelated href="urn:eventis:metadata:cs:HowRelatedCS:2010:boxCover">
<Name>Box cover</Name>
The python code will return the Title, Genre and Synopsis, but it will not return the image reference (3rd line from the bottom). I presume this is because of the name format 'mpeg7:MediaUri' (which I cannot change). The code will return the 'No Image' string instead.
This is the relavent python code
file_name = input('Enter the file name, including .xml extension: ')
print('Parsing ' + file_name)
from lxml import etree
parser = etree.XMLParser()
tree = etree.parse(file_name, parser)
root = tree.getroot()
nsmap = {'xmlns': 'urn:tva:metadata:2010'}
with open(file_name+'.log', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for info in root.xpath('//xmlns:ProgramInformation', namespaces=nsmap):
crid = (info.get('programId'))
titlex = (info.find('.//xmlns:Title', namespaces=nsmap))
title = (titlex.text if titlex != None else 'No title')
genrex = (info.find('.//xmlns:Genre/xmlns:Name', namespaces=nsmap))
genre = (genrex.text if genrex != None else 'No Genre')
imagex = (info.find('.//xmlns:RelatedMaterial/xmlns:MediaLocator/xmlns:"mpeg7:MediaUri"', namespaces=nsmap))
image = (image.text if imagex != None else 'No Image')
f.write('{}|{}|{}|{}\n'.format(crid, title, genre, image))
Can someone explain how I can adapt the 'imagex' line, so that it returns 'file://Images/98528834.p.jpg' from the example? I had a look at using square brackets, but it caused an error.
That node you are interested in, has mpeg7 namespace instead of default namespace. You can try with this syntax *[local-name() = "elementName"] to match element by it's local name (ignoring the namespace) :
imagex = info.xpath(
'.//xmlns:RelatedMaterial/xmlns:MediaLocator/*[local-name() = "MediaUri"]',
Or add the mpeg7 in namespaces declaration :
nsmap = {'xmlns': 'urn:tva:metadata:2010', 'mpeg7':'urn:tva:mpeg7:2008'}
then you can use mpeg7 prefix in xpath query :
imagex = (info.find('.//xmlns:RelatedMaterial/xmlns:MediaLocator/mpeg7:MediaUri', namespaces=nsmap))