IMAP with python to download attachments - python

I have a instrument at work that emails me a file containing raw data, I can go into my email and download them easily enough but when I have multiple files (which it sends as multiple emails) it gets a bit tedious.
I'm looking at using python and imaplib to login to my email account, search for emails from a known email address within the past day or so and then download any attachments to a directory. So I thought a script might help here.
I've setup a gmail account and altered the settings so that I can connect using imap from a shell, however I'm lost as to where to go from here.
Could someone point me in the right direction as to what I need to do to make this happen.

Here is a repository that is forked off imaplib (made compatible with Python3.6, did not test other versions)
The following snippet checks all unseen messages, then returns their attachments:
server = IMAPClient(imap, use_uid=True, ssl=993)
server.login(username, password)
message_ids =[b'NOT', b'SEEN']) # UNSEEN
messages = server.fetch(message_ids, data=['ENVELOPE', 'BODYSTRUCTURE', 'RFC822.SIZE'])
for mid, content in messages.items():
bodystructure = content[b'BODYSTRUCTURE']
text, attachments = walk_parts(bodystructure, msgid=mid, server=server)


Save email as .eml file with python

I am trying to export an Email message obtained with aiosmtpd to an *.eml file that I can later open with any *.eml viewer or email client like Thunderbird or Mail.
async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope) -> str:
msg: EmailMessage = message_from_bytes(envelope.content, policy=policy.SMTPUTF8)
with open("test.eml", 'wb') as outfile:
I've also tried to save the file with Generator with both unixfrom=False and unixfrom=False and same thing.
with open("test.eml", 'w') as file:
emlGenerator = generator.Generator(file)
emlGenerator.flatten(msg, unixfrom=False)
The file gets created correctly but not all the eml files can be read correctly by Mail or Thunderbird.
Emails received from are created correctly but emails received from are not. Eml files created from Protonmail emails can be opened but only from and to parameters of the email can be seen. I can't see the content neither the attachments in it.
I guess it does not have the format that eml parsers are expecting to see.
I've tried with different policies (like policy.SMTP, policy.default, ...).
What is the proper way to create eml files with python?
NOTE: The content of the EML file for Protonmail contains the following This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156). Could this be related with the lack of correct parsing for Protonmail emails?
I had the same issue with the Email API. Although it can not always be opened directly as an .eml file, it is correctly opened if the message is sent to an SMTP server. I understand the Email API generates a string that represents the data sent to the SMTP server. That data is to be interpreted by an SMTP server, not a client. The SMTP server will interpret this data and store it as if finds more convenient (i.e. storing it in a db).
A client like Thunderbird will retrieve the message using POP3 or IMAP, but that doesn't mean that it is retrieving the same message that was sent to the SMTP server, since the server might store it in a different format.

How to store a password in my python script but have it obscured from any users when deployed to Github?

I've been trying to work this one out for a while now but keep finding imperfect solutions - I think what I want to do is possible but maybe I'm not phrasing my Google search correctly.
I have a Python script that sends a user an email notification - in order to send said email I need to provide a password in the script to send the email. The code works perfectly but it requires that I pass the password into the script:
def send_email():
import smtplib
import ssl
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
sender_email = ""
receiver_email = ""
password = "my_password_here"
message = MIMEMultipart("alternative")
message["Subject"] = "subject_here"
message["From"] = sender_email
message["To"] = receiver_email
# Create the plain-text and HTML version of your message
text = f"""\
Plain text body here
# Create secure connection with server and send email
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465, context=context) as server:
server.login(sender_email, password)
sender_email, receiver_email, message.as_string()
I don't want to store the password as plain text for obvious reasons. I've thought of environment variables but this wouldn't work as this is going to be deployed on GitHub for other people to use (or install as an EXE) so this would break the email functionality.
I've tried looking at PyCryptodome but anything I've found so far suggests encrypting the password with a key but then storing the key in the script to decrypt the password when you use it. This seems like a bad idea to me as surely any novice (like me!) would be able to easily decrypt this because the key is stored in the script.
Is anyone able to help push me in the right direction? I'm completely out of ideas as frankly I know hardly anything about password storing/security so not even sure what I should be Googling!
If others have to use your password to be able to use your script, it's impossible. If the computer can read it, then the user will also find a way to read it.
I recommend using a E-Mail service where the user can enter their own API key or just let them enter their own GMail credentials.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there's no way to use your password in this case unless you write an API and send the E-Mail from your server. But don't forget that in this case, the user might be able to use your API as a way to send spam.
TL;DR: Let the users use their own passwords.

Add image from static files to Multipart Email in Django

I am trying to send a logo with the email and have it appear in the HTML part of the email. I am building my email like this:
mail_subject = _("Subject of email %s" %
from_email = ""
message = EmailMultiAlternatives(mail_subject, mail_txt, from_email,
message.attach_alternative(mail_html, 'text/html')
message.attach('logo.png', static('myapp/images/logo.png'))
And in my mail template I have:
<img src="cid:logo.png">
I receive the email but the image doesn't appear in the email. In fact, the email does not appear to have the image as an attachment.
Working on Python 3.4, Django 1.8.4 and sending the mails through Postfix installed on the same machine Django is running.
The EmailMessage.attach method expects to be passed the content of the file not its path, what you are actually doing is attaching the string returned by static('myapp/images/logo.png') to the message.
Use EmailMessage.attach_file instead (EmailMessage reference).
The whole purpose of yagmail (I'm the developer) is to make it really easy to send emails, especially with HTML or attachment needs.
Please try the following code:
import yagmail
yag = yagmail.SMTP(from_add, password) # add host="" and port=
contents = ['See my attachment below', '/home/static/images/logo.png']
yag.send(contents = contents)
Notice the magic here: contents is a list, where an item equal to a file path will automatically be loaded, mimetype guessed, and attached.
There's a lot more magic involved, such as easy to embed images, passwordless scripts, usernameless scripts, easy aliases, smart defaults (notice I omitted the to and subject arguments?) and much more. I advise/encourage you to read its github page :-). Feel free to raise issues or add feature requests!
You can get yagmail by using pip to install it:
pip install yagmail # Python 2
pip3 install yagmail # Python 3

Outlook / Python : Open specific message at screen

I want to do a "simple" task in Outlook, with a Python script, but I'm usually in PHP and it's a little bit difficult for me.
Here is the task:
Open Outlook (it's ok for that)
Check a specific account, example:
Open the last mail
I want to open the "real" message windows at screen, not just to access to the content.
Is it possible?
For your second requirement, could the account be a shared inbox?
Here is the code for the rest:
import win32com.client
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
inbox = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6)
messages = inbox.Items
message = messages.GetLast()
Here is another example with exchangelib in python:
Here is the snippet to get the last email. I did it using a combination of order by and picking the first one or the last one depending on how you order by:
from exchangelib import Credentials, Account, FileAttachment
credentials = Credentials('', 'Your_Password_Here')
account = Account('', credentials=credentials, autodiscover=True)
filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(subject__contains='Your Search String Here')
print("Getting latest email for given search string...")
for item in account.inbox.filter(subject__contains='Your Search String Here').order_by('-datetime_received')[:1]: #here is the order by clause:: you may use order_by('datetime_received')[:-1]
print(item.subject, item.text_body.encode('UTF-8'), item.sender, item.datetime_received) #item.text_body.encode('UTF-8') gives you the content of email
while trying to open the real message might be a bit of a challenge but I will update this section once I have a solution. If I may ask:: are you looking at a python only solution ?

Accessing Chat Folder in Python Using Imaplib

I am trying to access the Chat Folder using imaplib but am not able to do so. The code"Chats") doesn't work since "chats" is not actually a label.
How do I access the emails in the Chats folder?
any folder you want to access by imap. it should be allowed by mail server.
e.g : for gmail, check below image for, how to set access of imap.
here, "Show in IMAP" should be checked for "Chats" folder.
then after, try below code snippets:
sock = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("", 993)
sock.login("your Email Id", "Password")
lb_list = sock.list() # print
#search for "Chats" folder and its signature
#here, it is "[Gmail]/Chats""[Gmail]/Chats", True), '(ALL)')
resp, data = sock.fetch('1:*', '(RFC822)')
Hope, it will be helpful.
