I have a .obj file specifying 3D vertex locations and corresponding faces, along with a projection matrix. I'm looking for a fast way of determining which vertices/faces are visible and which are occluded. I've looked into openGL, but most tutorials I'm looking at focus on full-blown rendering, and I'm not sure which direction I should be searching in.
Would love a solution using python, but happy to take a native openGL solution and wrap it/port from a different language :).
I have a video of a road/building and I want to create a 3D model out of it. The scene I am looking at is rigid and the drone is moving. I assume not having any extra info like camera pose, accelerations or GPS position. I would love to find a python implementation that I can adapt to my liking.
So far, I have decided to use the OpenCV calcOpticalFlowFarneback() for optical flow, which seems reasonably fast and accurate. With it, I can get the Fundamental Matrix F with findFundamentalMat(). So far so good.
Now, according to the tutorial I am following here, I am supposed to magically have the Calibration Matrix of the camera, which I obviously don't have nor plan to have available in the future app I am developing.
After some long research, I have found a paper (Self-calibration of a moving camera from point correspondences and
fundamental matrices) from 1997 that defines what I am looking for (with a nice summary here). I am looking for the simplest/easiest implementation possible, and I am stuck with these problems:
If the camera I am going to use changes exposure and focus automatically (no zoom), are the intrinsic parameters of the camera going to change?
I am not familiar with the Homotopy Continuation Method for solving equations numerically, plus they seem to be slow.
I intend to use the Extended Kalman Filter, but do not know where to start, knowing that a bad initialization leads to non-convergence.
Digging some more I found a Multi Camera Self Calibration toolbox open-source written for Octave with a Python wrapper. My last resort will be to break down the code and write it in Python directly. Any other options?
Note: I do not want to use the a chess board nor the planarity constraint.
Is there any other way to very accurately self-calibrate my camera? After 20 years of research since 1997, has anyone come up with a more straightforward method??
Is this a one-shot thing, or are you developing an app to process lots videos like these automatically?
If the former, I'd rather use an integrated tool like Blender. Look up one of the motion tracking (or "matchmoving") tutorials on youtube to get an idea of it, for example this one.
I've been trying to read through the Stackoverflow questions for generating point clouds (x,y,z) coordinates from a left and right stereo image pair.
I haven't come to any definite solution, and I'm asking the community here for some help.
Problem statement: Given two stereo images, generate 3D (x,y,z) cartesian coordinate point clouds from those and do so in a way that lends itself to completing this point-cloud generation in a way that could work over a large set (thousands) of pairs of stereo images
My programming language experience lends itself to MATLAB, but I've dabbled in Python, and C++ is limited, but I may be able to work in that as well.
Speed is a factor here, so the the idea is to find a quick method of successively going through these pairs and generating the point cloud.
NOTE: I am not asking for the BEST as to avoid comparative solutions, I'm just asking for solutions.
Thank you very much!
Edit: After being recommended to utilize the Stereo Block Matching implementation in OpenCV, I may steer away from this method, as there is a wide variation in regards to texture of the topographical pictures that I'm dealing with.
What you probably want is called "Stereo Block Matching". If you don't feel like writing it yourself, OpenCV has an implementation ready to go (even a CUDA accelerated version).
I want to develop a 3D file viewer in kivy and python that reads and displays .asc mesh files of the format:
What I have thought so far is to use a method similar to beginShape() of Processing so as to begin drawing a 3D shape then use a for-loop to append each point respectively.
I have also found that kivy example which parses .obj files and then displays them. Do you have any ideas on how can I make a similar ascparser and try to display my files?
Any help is greatly appreciated
I have also found that kivy example which parses .obj files and then displays them. Do you have any ideas on how can I make a similar ascparser and try to display my files?
Your best strategy at the moment is probably to read the objparser and try to understand what it is doing. The important thing is building a list of points and normals, which are passed to opengl via a Mesh with a custom vertex_format and custom shaders. In principle it wouldn't be very hard to do the same thing for your own filetype just by comparison with the .obj code, though you will need some understanding of what's going on (you can read about opengl and read the kivy source, if you haven't already) to make significant changes.
This is really an advanced topic right now, Kivy has very few pre-built wrappers to 3d opengl rendering. The backend is fully capable (so the 3d rendering example isn't that complex, for instance), but you probably do need some understanding of what's going on to accomplish things like your own task.
There are also a few other examples of 3d rendering in Kivy, which you might find helpful. nskrypnik has several repositories doing just this (see kivy-trackball, kivy-3dpicking, kivy-rotation3d), and seems to have begun implementing a proper 3d api in the kivy3 repo, though this is not complete and I suggest it as something you can learn about by reading, not something that can necessarily do what you want right now. The other nice example I've seen is a 3d inspector POC by tito, though it's just a proof of concept and not a polished product.
I want to write a tool in Python that will help me create isometric tiles from 3D-models. You see, I'm not a very proficient artist and free 3D-models are plentisome, and creating something like a table or chair is much easer in 3D than in painting.
This script will load a 3D model in orthographic projection and take pictures from four directions so it can be used in a game. I've tried this in Blender, but the results are inconsistent, very difficult to control and take very long time to create simple sprites.
Rolling my own script will probably let me do neat things too, especially batch-genetration, maybe on texture changes, shading, etc. The game itself will probably be made in Python tpp, so maybe I could generate on the fly. (Edit: and automatically creat cut out see-through walls for when they face camera)
Now my question, what Python libraries can do something like this? I've checked both Pyglet and Panda3D, but I haven't even been able to load a model, let alone set it to orthographic projection.
I found this code:
It let me load and display an .obj file of a cube from Blender with ease. It runs PyOpenGL so it should let me do everything OpenGL can. Never knew OpenGL was so low-level, didn't realize I'd have to write my own loaders and everything.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I can modify this to project isometrically, rotate the object and grab shots and combine them into sprites. Thanks you guys!
Since you looked at Panda3D - if you can convert your model to the 'egg' format (which blender/maya may do), then you could be able to import it.
Note: sources of this was 'python 3d mesh loader' in a popular search engine - this looks viable to me. I now need to try installing it and some code...
I'm interested in using python to make diagrams representing the size of values based on the size of squares (and optionally their colour). Basically I'm looking for a way to make overviews of a bunch of values like the good old program windirstat does with hard-drive usage (it basically makes a big square representing your harddrive and then smaller squares making up the area inside of it representing different programs, the bigger the square the larger the file, colour indicates the type of file). I'm fairly familiar with matplotlib, and I don't think it's possible to do something like this with it. Is there any other python package that would help? Any suggestions for something more low level if it's not? I guess I could do it manually if I could find a way to draw the boxes programatically (I don't really care about the format, but the option to export SVG as well as PNG would be nice).
Ultimately, it would be nice to have it be interactive like windirstat is, where if you were to hover over a particular square you get more information on it, and if you clicked on it maybe you'd go in and see the makeup of that particular square. I'm only familiar with wxpython for GUI stuff, not sure if it could be used for something like this. For now I'd be happy with just outputting them though.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks guys, both your answers helped a lot.
You're looking for Treemapping algorithms. Once implemented, you can transform the output (which should be rectangles) into plotting commands to anything that can draw layered rectangles.
More links and information:
If you don't mind reading papers, the browser-based d3 library provides for 'squarified' treemaps (js implementation). They reference this paper by Bruls, Huizing, and van Wijk. (This is also citation 3 on the wikipedia article)
I'd search on the algorithms listed on the linked Wikipedia article. For instance, they also link to this article, which describes an algorithm for "mixed treemaps". The paper also includes some interesting portions at the end describing transformations into other-than-rectangular shapes.
Squarified certainly appears to be the most common variety around. The above links should give you enough to work towards a solution or, even, directly port the d3 implementation. However, the cost of grokking d3's model (which is something like a declarative form of jQuery) may be somewhat high. At first glance, though, the implementation appears relatively straightforward.
Squaremap does this. I haven't used it (I only know it from RunSnakeRun) and its documentation is severely lacking, but it seems to work.