Python: Scipy's curve_fit for NxM arrays? - python

Usually I use Scipy.optimize.curve_fit to fit custom functions to data.
Data in this case was always a 1 dimensional array.
Is there a similiar function for a two dimensional array?
So, for example, I have a 10x10 numpy array. Then I have a function that does some stuff and creates a 10x10 numpy array, and I want to fit the function, so that the resulting 10x10 array has the best fit to the input array.
Maybe an example is better :)
data = pyfits.getdata('data.fits') #fits is an image format, this gives me a NxM numpy array
mod1 = pyfits.getdata('mod1.fits')
mod2 = pyfits.getdata('mod2.fits')
mod3 = pyfits.getdata('mod3.fits')
mod1_1D = numpy.ravel(mod1)
mod2_1D = numpy.ravel(mod2)
mod3_1D = numpy.ravel(mod3)
def dostuff(a,b): #originaly this is a function for 2D arrays
newdata = (mod1_1D*12)+(mod2_1D)**a - mod3_1D/b
return newdata
Now a and b should be fitted, so that newdata is as close as possible to data.
What I got so far:
data1D = numpy.ravel(data)
data_X = numpy.arange(data1D.size)
fit = curve_fit(dostuff,data_X,data1D)
But print fit only gives me
(array([ 1.]), inf)
I do have some nans in the arrays, maybe thats a problem?

The goal is to express the 2D function as a 1D function: g(x, y, ...) --> f(xy, ...)
Converting the coordinate pair (x, y) into a single number xy may seem tricky at first. But it's actually quite simple. Just enumerate all data points and you have a single number that uniquely defines each coordinate pair. The fitted function simply has to reconstruct the original coordinates, do it's calculations and return the result.
Example that fits a 2D linear gradient in a 20x10 image:
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n, m = 10, 20
# noisy example data
x = np.arange(m).reshape(1, m)
y = np.arange(n).reshape(n, 1)
z = x + y * 2 + np.random.randn(n, m) * 3
def f(xy, a, b):
i = xy // m # reconstruct y coordinates
j = xy % m # reconstruct x coordinates
out = i * a + j * b
return out
xy = np.arange(z.size) # 0 is the top left pixel and 199 is the top right pixel
res = sp.optimize.curve_fit(f, xy, np.ravel(z))
z_est = f(xy, *res[0])
z_est2d = z_est.reshape(n, m)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(np.ravel(z), label='original')
plt.plot(z_est, label='fitted')
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)

I would recommend using symfit for this, I wrote that to take care of all of the magic for you automatically.
In symfit you would just write the equation pretty much as you would on paper, and then you can run the fit.
I would do something like this:
from symfit import parameters, variables, Fit
# Assuming all this data is in the form of NxM arrays
data = pyfits.getdata('data.fits')
mod1 = pyfits.getdata('mod1.fits')
mod2 = pyfits.getdata('mod2.fits')
mod3 = pyfits.getdata('mod3.fits')
a, b = parameters('a, b')
x, y, z, u = variables('x, y, z, u')
model = {u: (x * 12) + y**a - z / b}
fit = Fit(model, x=mod1, y=mod2, z=mod3, u=data)
fit_result = fit.execute()
Unfortunatelly I have not yet included examples of the kind you need in the docs yet, but if you just look at the docs I think you can figure it out in case this doesn't work out of the box.


Generating 3D Gaussian distribution in Python

I want to generate a Gaussian distribution in Python with the x and y dimensions denoting position and the z dimension denoting the magnitude of a certain quantity.
The distribution has a maximum value of 2e6 and a standard deviation sigma=0.025.
In MATLAB I can do this with:
x1 = linspace(-1,1,30);
x2 = linspace(-1,1,30);
mu = [0,0];
Sigma = [.025,.025];
[X1,X2] = meshgrid(x1,x2);
F = mvnpdf([X1(:) X2(:)],mu,Sigma);
F = 314159.153*reshape(F,length(x2),length(x1));
In Python, what I have so far is:
x = np.linspace(-1,1,30)
y = np.linspace(-1,1,30)
mu = (np.median(x),np.median(y))
sigma = (.025,.025)
There is a Numpy function numpy.random.multivariate_normal what can supposedly do the same as MATLAB's mvnpdf, but I am struggling to undestand the documentation. Especially in obtaining the covariance matrix needed by numpy.random.multivariate_normal.
As of scipy 0.14, you can use scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.pdf()
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
x, y = np.mgrid[-1.0:1.0:30j, -1.0:1.0:30j]
# Need an (N, 2) array of (x, y) pairs.
xy = np.column_stack([x.flat, y.flat])
mu = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
sigma = np.array([.025, .025])
covariance = np.diag(sigma**2)
z = multivariate_normal.pdf(xy, mean=mu, cov=covariance)
# Reshape back to a (30, 30) grid.
z = z.reshape(x.shape)
I am working on a scikit called scikit-guess that contains some fast estimation routines for non-linear fits. It has a function skg.ngauss.model (also accessible as skg.ngauss_fit.model or skg.ngauss.ngauss_fit.model) which does exactly what you want. The nice thing is that it's not a PDF, so you set the amplitude out of the box:
import numpy as np
import skg.ngauss
a = 2e6
mu = 0, 0
sigma = 0.025, 0.025
x = y = np.linspace(-1, 1, 31)
cov = np.diag(sigma)**2
X = np.meshgrid(x, y)
data = skg.ngauss.model(X, a, mu, cov, axis=0)
You need to tell it axis=0 because it automatically stacks your arrays for you. To avoid passing in that argument, you could write
X = np.stack(np.meshgrid(x, y), axis=-1)
You can plot the result:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
This is not a very exciting distribution because the spread is so small that you end up with a value of ~2e-5 just one pixel away. You may want to up your sampling space to get any sort of meaningful resolution.
Note: At time of writing, the fitting function (ngauss_fit) is still buggy, but the model has been tested successfully, just not in the scikit.
Disclaimer: In case it wasn't obvious from the above, I am the author of scikit-guess.

numpy.polyfit with adapted parameters

Regarding to this: polynomial equation parameters
where I get 3 parameters for a squared function y = a*x² + b*x + c now I want only to get the first parameter for a squared function which describes my function y = a*x². With other words: I want to set b=c=0 and get the adapted parameter for a. In case I understand it right, polyfit isn't able to do this.
This can be done by numpy.linalg.lstsq. To explain how to use it, it is maybe easiest to show how you would do a standard 2nd order polyfit 'by hand'. Assuming you have your measurement vectors x and y, you first construct a so-called design matrix M like so:
M = np.column_stack((x**2, x, np.ones_like(x)))
after which you can obtain the usual coefficients as the least-square solution to the equation M * k = y using lstsq like this:
k, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(M, y)
where k is the column vector [a, b, c] with the usual coefficients. Note that lstsq returns some other parameters, which you can ignore. This is a very powerful trick, which allows you to fit y to any linear combination of the columns you put into your design matrix. It can be used e.g. for 2D fits of the type z = a * x + b * y (see e.g. this example, where I used the same trick in Matlab), or polyfits with missing coefficients like in your problem.
In your case, the design matrix is simply a single column containing x**2. Quick example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# generate some noisy data
x = np.arange(1000)
y = 0.0001234 * x**2 + 3*np.random.randn(len(x))
# do fit
M = np.column_stack((x**2,)) # construct design matrix
k, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(M, y) # least-square fit of M * k = y
# quick plot
plt.plot(x, y, '.', x, k*x**2, 'r', linewidth=3)
plt.legend(('measurement', 'fit'), loc=2)
plt.title('best fit: y = {:.8f} * x**2'.format(k[0]))
The coefficients are get to minimize the squared error, you don't assign them. However, you can set some of the coefficients to zero if they are too much insignificant. E.g., I have a list of points on curve y = 33*x²:
In [51]: x=np.arange(20)
In [52]: y=33*x**2 #y = 33*x²
In [53]: coeffs=np.polyfit(x, y, 2)
In [54]: coeffs
Out[54]: array([ 3.30000000e+01, 8.99625199e-14, -7.62430619e-13])
In [55]: epsilon=np.finfo(np.float32).eps
In [56]: coeffs[np.abs(coeffs)<epsilon]=0
In [57]: coeffs
Out[57]: array([ 33., 0., 0.])

Why is my 2D interpolant generating a matrix with swapped axes in SciPy?

I solve a differential equation with vector inputs
y' = f(t,y), y(t_0) = y_0
where y0 = y(x)
using the explicit Euler method, which says that
y_(i+1) = y_i + h*f(t_i, y_i)
where t is a time vector, h is the step size, and f is the right-hand side of the differential equation.
The python code for the method looks like this:
for i in np.arange(0,n-1):
y[i+1,...] = y[i,...] + dt*myode(t[i],y[i,...])
The result is a k,m matrix y, where k is the size of the t dimension, and m is the size of y.
The vectors y and t are returned.
t, x, and y are passed to scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(t, x, y, kx=1, ky=1):
g = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(t, x, y, kx=1, ky=1)
The resulting object g takes new vectors ti,xi ( g(p,q) ) to give y_int, which is y interpolated at the points defined by ti and xi.
Here is my problem:
The documentation for RectBivariateSpline describes the __call__ method in terms of x and y:
__call__(x, y[, mth]) Evaluate spline at the grid points defined by the coordinate arrays
The matplotlib documentation for plot_surface uses similar notation:
Axes3D.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs)
with the important difference that X and Y are 2D arrays which are generated by numpy.meshgrid().
When I compute simple examples, the input order is the same in both and the result is exactly what I would expect. In my explicit Euler example, however, the initial order is ti,xi, yet the surface plot of the interpolant output only makes sense if I reverse the order of the inputs, like so:
ax2.plot_surface(xi, ti, u, cmap=cm.coolwarm)
While I am glad that it works, I'm not satisfied because I cannot explain why, nor why (apart from the array geometry) it is necessary to swap the inputs. Ideally, I would like to restructure the code so that the input order is consistent.
Here is a working code example to illustrate what I mean:
# Heat equation example with explicit Euler method
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mplot
import as cm
import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.interpolate as interp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pdb
# explicit Euler method
def eev(myode,tspan,y0,dt):
# Preprocessing
# Time steps
tspan[1] = tspan[1] + dt
t = np.arange(tspan[0],tspan[1],dt,dtype=float)
n = t.size
m = y0.shape[0]
y = np.zeros((n,m),dtype=float)
y[0,:] = y0
# explicit Euler recurrence relation
for i in np.arange(0,n-1):
y[i+1,...] = y[i,...] + dt*myode(t[i],y[i,...])
return y,t
# generate matrix A
# u'(t) = A*u(t) + g*u(t)
def a_matrix(n):
aa = sp.diags([1, -2, 1],[-1,0,1],(n,n))
return aa
# System of ODEs with finite differences
def f(t,u):
dydt = np.divide(1,h**2)*
return dydt
# homogenous Dirichlet boundary conditions
def rbd(t):
ul = np.zeros((t,1))
return ul
# Initial value problem -----------
def main():
# Metal rod
# spatial discretization
# number of inner nodes
m = 20
x0 = 0
xn = 1
x = np.linspace(x0,xn,m+2)
# Step size
global h
h = x[1]-x[0]
# Initial values
u0 = np.sin(np.pi*x)
# A matrix
global A
A = a_matrix(m)
# Time
t0 = 0
tend = 0.2
# Time step width
dt = 0.0001
tspan = [t0,tend]
# Test r for stability
r = np.divide(dt,h**2)
if r <= 0.5:
u,t = eev(f,tspan,u0[1:-1],dt)
print('r = ',r)
print('r > 0.5. Explicit Euler method will not be stable.')
# Add boundary values back
rb = rbd(t.size)
u = np.hstack((rb,u,rb))
# Interpolate heat values
# Create interpolant. Note the parameter order
fi = interp.RectBivariateSpline(t, x, u, kx=1, ky=1)
# Create vectors for interpolant
xi = np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],100)
ti = np.linspace(t0,tend,100)
# Compute function values from interpolant
u_int = fi(ti,xi)
# Change xi, ti in to 2D arrays
xi,ti = np.meshgrid(xi,ti)
# Create figure and axes objects
fig3 = mplot.figure(1)
ax3 = fig3.gca(projection='3d')
print('xi.shape =',xi.shape,'ti.shape =',ti.shape,'u_int.shape =',u_int.shape)
# Plot surface. Note the parameter order, compare with interpolant!
ax3.plot_surface(xi, ti, u_int, cmap=cm.coolwarm)
As I can see you define :
# Change xi, ti in to 2D arrays
xi,ti = np.meshgrid(xi,ti)
Change this to :
ti,xi = np.meshgrid(ti,xi)
ax3.plot_surface(xi, ti, u_int, cmap=cm.coolwarm)
ax3.plot_surface(ti, xi, u_int, cmap=cm.coolwarm)
and it works fine (if I understood well ).

Specify absolute colour for 3D points in MayaVi

I am using the MayaVi Python library to plot 3d points, using the points3d class. The documentation specifies that the colour of each point is specified through a fourth argument, s:
In addition, you can pass a fourth array s of the same shape as x, y,
and z giving an associated scalar value for each point, or a function
f(x, y, z) returning the scalar value. This scalar value can be used
to modulate the color and the size of the points.
This specifies a scalar value for each point, which maps the point to a colourmap, such as copper, jet or hsv. E.g. from their documentation:
import numpy
from mayavi.mlab import *
def test_points3d():
t = numpy.linspace(0, 4*numpy.pi, 20)
cos = numpy.cos
sin = numpy.sin
x = sin(2*t)
y = cos(t)
z = cos(2*t)
s = 2+sin(t)
return points3d(x, y, z, s, colormap="copper", scale_factor=.25)
Instead, I would like to specify the actual value for each point as an (r, g, b) tuple. Is this possible in MayaVi? I have tried replacing the s with an array of tuples, but an error is thrown.
After struggling with this for most of today, I found a relatively simple way to do exactly what the question asks -- specify an RGB tuple for each point. The trick is just to define a color map with exactly the same number of entries as there are points to plot, and then set the argument to be a list of indices:
# Imports
import numpy as np
from mayavi.mlab import quiver3d, draw
# Primitives
N = 200 # Number of points
ones = np.ones(N)
scalars = np.arange(N) # Key point: set an integer for each point
# Define color table (including alpha), which must be uint8 and [0,255]
colors = (np.random.random((N, 4))*255).astype(np.uint8)
colors[:,-1] = 255 # No transparency
# Define coordinates and points
x, y, z = colors[:,0], colors[:,1], colors[:,2] # Assign x, y, z values to match color
pts = quiver3d(x, y, z, ones, ones, ones, scalars=scalars, mode='sphere') # Create points
pts.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar' # Color by scalar
# Set look-up table and redraw
pts.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = colors
I've found a better way to set the colors directly.
You can create your own direct LUT pretty easily. Let's say we want 256**3 granularity:
#create direct grid as 256**3 x 4 array
def create_8bit_rgb_lut():
xl = numpy.mgrid[0:256, 0:256, 0:256]
lut = numpy.vstack((xl[0].reshape(1, 256**3),
xl[1].reshape(1, 256**3),
xl[2].reshape(1, 256**3),
255 * numpy.ones((1, 256**3)))).T
return lut.astype('int32')
# indexing function to above grid
def rgb_2_scalar_idx(r, g, b):
return 256**2 *r + 256 * g + b
#N x 3 colors. <This is where you are storing your custom colors in RGB>
colors = numpy.array([_.color for _ in points])
#N scalars
scalars = numpy.zeros((colors.shape[0],))
for (kp_idx, kp_c) in enumerate(colors):
scalars[kp_idx] = rgb_2_scalar_idx(kp_c[0], kp_c[1], kp_c[2])
rgb_lut = create_8bit_rgb_lut()
points_mlab = mayavi.mlab.points3d(x, y, z, scalars, mode='point')
#magic to modify lookup table
points_mlab.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut._vtk_obj.SetTableRange(0, rgb_lut.shape[0])
points_mlab.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.number_of_colors = rgb_lut.shape[0]
points_mlab.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = rgb_lut
You can use a rgb look up table and map your rgb values to it using whatever logic you want. Here's a simple example:
import numpy, random
from mayavi.mlab import *
def cMap(x,y,z):
#whatever logic you want for colors
return [random.random() for i in x]
def test_points3d():
t = numpy.linspace(0, 4*numpy.pi, 20)
cos = numpy.cos
sin = numpy.sin
x = sin(2*t)
y = cos(t)
z = cos(2*t)
s = cMap(x,y,z)
return points3d(x, y, z, s, colormap="spectral", scale_factor=0.25)
I have no idea what color scheme you want, but you can evaluate the positions of x,y,z and return whatever scalar corresponds to the rgb value you are seeking.
This can now simply be done with the color argument
from mayavi import mlab
import numpy as np
c = np.random.rand(200, 3)
r = np.random.rand(200) / 10.
mlab.points3d(c[:, 0], c[:, 1], c[:, 2], r, color=(0.2, 0.4, 0.5))

Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop

I have two 2D array, x(ni, nj) and y(ni,nj), that I need to interpolate over one axis. I want to interpolate along last axis for every ni.
I wrote
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
z = np.asarray([200,300,400,500,600])
out = []
for i in range(ni):
f = interp1d(x[i,:], y[i,:], kind='linear')
out = np.asarray(out)
However, I think this method is inefficient and slow due to loop if array size is too large. What is the fastest way to interpolate multi-dimensional array like this? Is there any way to perform linear and cubic interpolation without loop? Thanks.
The method you propose does have a python loop, so for large values of ni it is going to get slow. That said, unless you are going to have large ni you shouldn't worry much.
I have created sample input data with the following code:
def sample_data(n_i, n_j, z_shape) :
x = np.random.rand(n_i, n_j) * 1000
x[:,0] = 0
x[:, -1] = 1000
y = np.random.rand(n_i, n_j)
z = np.random.rand(*z_shape) * 1000
return x, y, z
And have tested them with this two versions of linear interpolation:
def interp_1(x, y, z) :
rows, cols = x.shape
out = np.empty((rows,) + z.shape, dtype=y.dtype)
for j in xrange(rows) :
out[j] =interp1d(x[j], y[j], kind='linear', copy=False)(z)
return out
def interp_2(x, y, z) :
rows, cols = x.shape
row_idx = np.arange(rows).reshape((rows,) + (1,) * z.ndim)
col_idx = np.argmax(x.reshape(x.shape + (1,) * z.ndim) > z, axis=1) - 1
ret = y[row_idx, col_idx + 1] - y[row_idx, col_idx]
ret /= x[row_idx, col_idx + 1] - x[row_idx, col_idx]
ret *= z - x[row_idx, col_idx]
ret += y[row_idx, col_idx]
return ret
interp_1 is an optimized version of your code, following Dave's answer. interp_2 is a vectorized implementation of linear interpolation that avoids any python loop whatsoever. Coding something like this requires a sound understanding of broadcasting and indexing in numpy, and some things are going to be less optimized than what interp1d does. A prime example being finding the bin in which to interpolate a value: interp1d will surely break out of loops early once it finds the bin, the above function is comparing the value to all bins.
So the result is going to be very dependent on what n_i and n_j are, and even how long your array z of values to interpolate is. If n_j is small and n_i is large, you should expect an advantage from interp_2, and from interp_1 if it is the other way around. Smaller z should be an advantage to interp_2, longer ones to interp_1.
I have actually timed both approaches with a variety of n_i and n_j, for z of shape (5,) and (50,), here are the graphs:
So it seems that for z of shape (5,) you should go with interp_2 whenever n_j < 1000, and with interp_1 elsewhere. Not surprisingly, the threshold is different for z of shape (50,), now being around n_j < 100. It seems tempting to conclude that you should stick with your code if n_j * len(z) > 5000, but change it to something like interp_2 above if not, but there is a great deal of extrapolating in that statement! If you want to further experiment yourself, here's the code I used to produce the graphs.
n_s = np.logspace(1, 3.3, 25)
int_1 = np.empty((len(n_s),) * 2)
int_2 = np.empty((len(n_s),) * 2)
z_shape = (5,)
for i, n_i in enumerate(n_s) :
print int(n_i)
for j, n_j in enumerate(n_s) :
x, y, z = sample_data(int(n_i), int(n_j), z_shape)
int_1[i, j] = min(timeit.repeat('interp_1(x, y, z)',
'from __main__ import interp_1, x, y, z',
repeat=10, number=1))
int_2[i, j] = min(timeit.repeat('interp_2(x, y, z)',
'from __main__ import interp_2, x, y, z',
repeat=10, number=1))
cs = plt.contour(n_s, n_s, np.transpose(int_1-int_2))
plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fontsize=10)
plt.title('timeit(interp_2) - timeit(interp_1), z.shape=' + str(z_shape))
One optimization is to allocate the result array once like so:
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
z = np.asarray([200,300,400,500,600])
out = np.zeros( [ni, len(z)], dtype=np.float32 )
for i in range(ni):
f = interp1d(x[i,:], y[i,:], kind='linear')
This will save you some memory copying that occurs in your implementation, which occurs in the calls to out.append(...).
