Calling Cython functions from Numba jitted code - python

I know that a Numba-jitted function calling another jitted function will recognize this and automatically use a fast C calling convention rather than going through the Python object layer, and therefore avoid the high Python function call overhead:
import numba
def foo(x):
return x**2
def bar(x):
return 4 * foo(x) # this will be a fast function call
My question is whether the same is true if I call a Cython function from Numba. So let's say I have a Cython module, foo.pyx:
cpdef double foo(double x):
return x**2
As well as a standard Python module
import numba
import foo
def bar(x):
return 4 * # will this be a fast function call?
Will Numba recognize as a C-callable function automatically or do I need to tell it manually by, say, setting up a CFFI wrapper?
EDIT: Upon further reflection, Cython functions are just standard "builtin" functions from the view of the Python interpreter. So the question can be made more general: does Numba optimize calls to builtin functions and methods to bypass the Python calling overhead?

It is possible to use Cython's cpdef/cdef-functions (but not the def-functions) in nopython-numba:
step: cdef/cpdef function must be marked as api in the Cython code.
step: numba.extending.get_cython_function_address can be used to get the address of the cpdef-function.
step: ctypes can be used to create a CFunction from the address of the cpdef-function, which can be used in numba-nopython code.
Read on for a more detailed explanation.
Even if the builtin-functions (PyCFunction, the same as Cython's def-functions) are written in C, they don't have a signature which could be used by nopython-numba-code.
For example the acos function from the math-module, doesn't have the signature
`double acos(double)`
as one could expect, but its signature is
static PyObject * math_acos(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
So basically in order to call this function, numba would need to build a Python-float from the C-float at hand, but this is prohibited by nopython=True.
However, Cythons cpdef-functions are a little bit different: it is a small wrapper around a real cdef-function, whose arguments are raw C-types like double, int and so on. This cdef-function could be used by numba, only if its address were known.
Cython offers a way to find out the addresses of cdef-functions in a portable way: the addresses can be found in the attribute __pyx_capi__ of the cythonized module.
However, not all cdef and cpdef functions are exposed in this way, but only ones which are explicitly marked as C-api declarations or implicitly by being shared through a pxd-file.
Once the function foo of the foomodule is marked as api:
cpdef api double foo(double x):
return x*x
the address of the cpdef-function foo can be found in foomodule.__pyx_capi__-dictionary:
import foomodule
# {'foo': <capsule object "double (double)" at 0x7fe0a46f0360>}
It is surprisingly hard to extract the address from a PyCapsule in Python. One possibility is to use ctypes.pythonapi, another (maybe easier one) is to utilize Cython to access Python's C-API:
from cpython.pycapsule cimport PyCapsule_GetPointer, PyCapsule_GetName
def address_from_capsule(object capsule):
name = PyCapsule_GetName(capsule)
return <unsigned long long int> PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule, name)
which can be used as:
addr = address_from_capsule(foomodule.__pyx_capi__['foo'])
However, numba offers a similar functionality out of the box - get_cython_function_address :
from numba.extending import get_cython_function_address
addr = get_cython_function_address("foomodule", "foo")
Once we got the address of the c-function, we can construct a ctypes-function:
import ctypes
foo_functype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double)
foo_for_numba = foo_functype(addr)
This function can be utilized for example as follows from nopython-numba:
from numba import njit
def use_foo(x):
return foo_for_numba(x)
and now:
# 25.0
yields the expected result.
Arguments of ctype-functions which are understood by numba out of the box can be found here and are:
ctypes.c_bool: types.boolean,
ctypes.c_int8: types.int8,
ctypes.c_int16: types.int16,
ctypes.c_int32: types.int32,
ctypes.c_int64: types.int64,
ctypes.c_uint8: types.uint8,
ctypes.c_uint16: types.uint16,
ctypes.c_uint32: types.uint32,
ctypes.c_uint64: types.uint64,
ctypes.c_float: types.float32,
ctypes.c_double: types.float64,
ctypes.c_void_p: types.voidptr,
ctypes.py_object: types.ffi_forced_object,

There is a limited set of builtin functions (from both the python standard library and numpy) that numba knows how to translate into native code:
Anything else will not be able to be jitted by Numba in nopython mode, thus resorting to objectmode which is much slower.
There is no direct way to pass a cython function to Numba and have it be recognized in nopython mode. Numba does have hooks for cffi:
that can be leveraged to call outside C code, that you might be able to rig up to call cython if you could create a low level wrapper at the C-level; I'm not 100% sure if this is possible though. I wrote about doing this for calling RMath functions from Numba:
It might be helpful in getting you started if you go that route.


Is it possible to pass a numpy array by reference into a cpdef function?

Is it possible to write a Cython function where a numpy array is passed by reference (perhaps a memory view?) and can I use such function in Python?
I tried:
cpdef void my_function(bytes line, int& counter, np.ndarray[np.uint32_t, ndim=2]& sums):
Here counter and sums would be passed by reference. I am interested in the latter (but will happily accept critics and suggestions regarding both).
The compiler throws:
Reference base type cannot be a Python object
I get the same message with cdef either and I don't understand the full etiology of the problem.
Yes - sort of.
A Numpy array is a Python object. All Python objects are passed "by reference" anyway (i.e. if you change the contents of a Numpy array inside the function you change it outside).
Therefore you just do
cpdef void my_function(bytes line, int& counter, np.ndarray[np.uint32_t, ndim=2] sums):
Specifying it as a C++ reference doesn't really make much sense. For a Python object there's quite a bit of detail that Cython hides from you.
However, cpdef functions are designed to be callable from Python and Cython. Python ints (and other numeric types) are immutable. Therefore changing counter will not work as you think when called from Python, and if it did what you hoped it'd potentially break the interpreter.
I'd therefore avoid using references in cpdef functions (and probably mostly avoid cpdef functions completely - it's usually better just to decide on def or cdef)

Calling Fortran routines in scipy.special in a function jitted with numba

Is there a way to directly or indirectly call the Fortran routines that can be found here and that are used by scipy.stats from a function that is supposed to by compiled by numba in nopythonmode?
Concretely, because scipy.stats.norm.cdf() is somehow pretty slow, I am right now directly using scipy.special.ndtr, which is called by the former. However, I'm doing this in a loop, and my intend is to speed it up using numba.
I would take a look at rvlib, which uses Numba and CFFI to call RMath, which is the standalone C library that R uses to calculate statistical distributions. The functions it provides should be callable by Numba in nopython mode. Take a look at the README for an example of the function that is equivalent to scipy.stats.norm.cdf()
If you're still interested in wrapping cdflib yourself, I would recommend using CFFI. You'll have to build a C-interface for the functions you want. You might find this blog post that I wrote helpful in getting started:
If all you need is the normal CDF, then you can implement it using the erfc function in the standard library's math module.
import numba
from math import erfc, sqrt
SQRT2 = sqrt(2.0)
def normcdf(x):
# If X ~ N(0,1), returns P(X < x).
return erfc(-x / SQRT2) / 2.0
You can probably vectorize it using numba.vectorize instead of numba.jit.

Using function factories in pyx/pxd files to generate cython function wrappers for C-library

I am re-evaluating different ways to wrap external C libraries into Python. I had chosen long ago to use the plain Python C API, which was fast, simple, standalone and, as I thought, future-proof. Then I stumbled upon PyPy, which apparently does not plan on supporting the CPython API, but might become an interesting alternative in the future... I am thus looking for a higher-level entry point. ctypes was slow, so now I am back at cython, which appears to make an effort to support PyPy.
My library has lots of functions with the same signature, so I made extensive use of C preprocessor macros to generate the Python module. I thought this would become a lot more comfortable in cython, since I would have access to the whole Python language. However, I am having trouble writing a factory for my function wrappers:
import cython
from numpy cimport ndarray, double_t
cimport my_c_library
cdef D
ctypedef double_t DTYPE_t
cdef parse_args(ndarray[DTYPE_t] P, ndarray[DTYPE_t] x, ndarray[DTYPE_t] y):
D.n = P.size
D.m = x.size
D.P = <double*>
D.x = <double*>
D.y = <double*>
def _fun_factory(name):
cpdef fun(ndarray[DTYPE_t] P, ndarray[DTYPE_t] x, ndarray[DTYPE_t] y):
parse_args(P, x, y)
getattr(my_c_library, name)(&D)
return y
return fun
fun1 = _fun_factory('fun1')
fun2 = _fun_factory('fun2')
# ... many more function definitions ...
The cython compiler complains: "C function definition not allowed here", referring to the cpdef inside _fun_factory. What is the problem here? I thought pyx files were just like regular python files. Is there a way to get this working, other than the obvious to generate the pyx file dynamically from a separate python script, such as
I was also surprised that cython wouldn't let me do:
ctypedef ndarray[double_t, ndim=1] p_t
to clean up the code. Why doesn't this work?
I am aware that there are automatic C -> cython translators out there, but I am reluctant to make myself dependent on such 3rd party tools. But please feel free to suggest one if you think it is ready for production use.
pyx files are not like Python files in the sense that you can match C and Python functions, and there are some constraints on what you can do with a C (cdef or cpdef) function. For one, you can't dynamically generate C code at runtime, which is what your code is trying to do. Since fun is really just executing some Python code after typechecking its arguments, you might just as well make it a regular Python function:
def fun(P, x, y):
parse_args(P, x, y)
getattr(my_c_library, name)(&D)
return y
parse_args will do the same argument checking, so you lose nothing. (I'm not sure whether getattr works on a C library that's cimport'd, though. You might want to import it as well.)
As for the ctypedef, that's probably some limitation/bug in Cython that no-one's got round to fixing yet.
After playing around some more, the following appears to work:
def _fun_factory(fun_wrap):
def fun(P, x, y):
parse_args(P, x, y)
return y
return fun
def _fun1(): my_c_library.fun1(&D)
def _fun2(): my_c_library.fun2(&D)
# ... many more ...
fun1 = _fun_factory(_fun1)
fun2 = _fun_factory(_fun2)
# ... many more...
So there seems to be no possibility to use any Python operations on expressions like my_c_library.fun1(&D), which apparently need to be typed as is. The factory can be used only on a second pass when one already has generated a first set of Python wrappers. This isn't any more elegant than the obvious:
cpdef fun1(ndarray[DTYPE_t] P, ndarray[DTYPE_t] x, ndarray[DTYPE_t] y):
parse_args(P, x, y)
return y
# ... many more ...
Here, cpdef can be used without problems. So I'm going for the copy-paste approach... Anyone also interested in preprocessor macros for Cython in the future?

Can I create a prototype for a variadic Python function using ctypes so that a DLL can call this function as a callback?

Here's the scenario: I am using ctypes to load a C DLL into a Python program. I want to register a callback so that code in the DLL can call a function in Python.
This is all great until I want to have the function be variadic. For example, say I wanted to implement "printf" in Python (for argument's sake, I'll also have it return an integer):
def printf(format, *args):
return 0
I am creating the callback function pointer using the CFUNCTYPE factory in ctypes:
callback_type = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_wchar_p)
Of course, since I only specify one input argument (the format string as a Unicode char array), the callback works but *args is empty.
So, is there any way of making this work with ctypes, or do I need to rewrite my C code to not require a variadic callback function?
No, it's not supported by the underlying libffi. You need indeed to write custom C code.
(Fwiw, CFFI is a ctypes alternative. Also based on libffi, it suffers from the same limitation --- but at least it makes it easy to write custom pieces of C code to do the interfacing.)

Use scipy.integrate.quad from within a cdef statement in Cython?

I am trying to speed up my Python by translating it into Cython. It uses the function scipy.integrate.quad, which requires a python callable as one of its arguments. Is there any way to define and pass a function from within a cdef statement in Cython so I can use this?
Yes, you have just to wrap the function with a python function.
def py_callback(a):
return c_callback(a)
cdef float c_callback(float a):
return a * a
There is a bit of conversion overload of course.
An alternative is to look up how that function is implemented.
If is a wrapper to a C function try to call directly the C function from the pyx file
(creating a pxd that wraps the scipy C-module).
If is pure Python attempt to translate it to cython.
Otherwise you have to use some other pure C integration function and skip the scipy one.
